Recent papers in Phenomenon
Riset naratif yang dilakukan pada tahun 2013 oleh Mohamad Jagad Marcelleno terhadap pengguna instagram dan komunitas iphonesia. Instagram sebagai jejaring sosial yang dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk identitas, kekerabatan, peluang... more
Entrepreneurship is a typical global phenomenon attracting millions of economists, Politicians and social workers. In developed countries, entrepreneurship has gained attention in the last century. But in developing countries, it has been... more
Syncretism is a concept that has a wide scope. It has been discussed in various aspects by scholars in various fields such as theology, history of religion and anthropology. Since the terminology of syncretism being introduced in the... more
This PhD thesis is an extended critical investigation of Martin Heidegger’s influential account of the problem of phenomenality, i.e., of how things show up as meaningful phenomena in our experience. As such, it is also a study of his... more
This paper, written in the course of a Research Master specializing in English studies, questions a wide-ranging literary phenomenon: the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. This reflection is based on the observation of this character’s... more
The phenomenon in Kant´s therory has no colour, no sound, no weight, no hardness, no substance, no force, no divisibility it is only figure and Kant is not absolutely clear when refers the words «empirical intuition» meaning the content... more
Stress in human being, has become one of the powerful aspects in the contemporary life. This negative pressure creates a sudden thought-attack and brings forth complications to human beings. In the past, life seemed to be simpler. At the... more
Dopo i preliminari filosofici sulla dialettica da usare nella trattazione della relatività, la si analizza considerandone gli aspetti concettuali, formali, linguistici, fisici e matematici, con accenni di speciazione biologica, sino... more
r lrnrrrtl irr pclrnanen[ir cont de aspectele specifice legate de concep-Irrl rlt ttrtt'ttlittrtttlilttlt'care ocnpd un rol central in filosofia lui Husserl gi ,1, ,;nr l)r'st'rrllcs pc dc altir parte era lipsit in sensul unei elabordri... more
"I diversi linguaggi non alterano le ragioni in sé che comunicano, quando sono le stesse, benché ogni diverso linguaggio manifesti fenomeni differenti". Per dimostrare ciò si affrontano alcuni dei principali problemi del linguaggio, tra i... more
Qrup anlayışının tədqiqi və ona yanaşma metodları müasir şəraitdə istər kütlə, istərsə də psixologiyasının öyrənilməsi baxımından çox əhəmiyyətlidir. Təqdim olunan məqalədə «qrup» məfhumu, birgəyaşayış formasını şərtləndirən,... more
Did the ancient Maya know what was in store for the world of the 21st century? Was there something they knew-yello be revealed-about the fale ofhllmankind? An afllrmative answer is al the beart of what has come to be known as the "20ll... more
This article discusses the phenomenon of sleep, with emphasized to its importance, sleeping times, sleeping positions and even the etiquette of sleeping, from the views of Islam and Science. The Quran and Science are inseparable and the... more
Objective: This study aimed to explore the truthfulness of such assumptions and get a real picture of the phenomenon being studied. Methodology: It was qualitatively designed study as the social behaviors and attitudes of people can be... more
Данная работа представляет собой первую публикацию перевода на русский язык классической статьи О. Беккера. В ней продемонстрировано образцовое применение феноменологического метода к сфере эстетических феноменов. В своей работе Беккер... more
This article discusses the phenomenon of sleep, with emphasized to its importance, sleeping times, sleeping positions and even the etiquette of sleeping, from the views of Islam and Science. The Quran and Science are inseparable and the... more
Penelitian ini merancang dan merealisasikan pembuatan alat uji kekentalan minyak goreng dengan metode viskositas stokes dan indeks bias.
Un nuovo paradigma che mette la ragione a ordine in sé del Mondo. Un ordine implicito da distinguersi dalla razionalità umana e di cui ogni cosa si costituisce; razionalità compresa. Così inizia questa opera: mostrando, fin dai primi... more
This article argues that the governance, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the communications and environmental practices done in the name of it should all recognize that the corporation is an aesthetic phenomenon. Through logos,... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the availability and use of teaching materials in schools, especially elementary schools. The teaching materials used are suitable for the students' needs. This study uses a Research and... more
El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en sostener el pasaje de una fenomenología de la visión a una fenomenología del lenguaje en el pensamiento de Jean-Luc Marion. Esto con dos objetivos. En primer lugar, señalar que el fenómeno... more
Purpose: This paper explores the Dave Ramsey financial planning phenomenon (comprising his syndicated Radio Programs; Books on the New York Times Bestseller List; Twitter and Facebook presence; Program of Live events and seminars) and... more
Resumen: En el presente trabajo se trata el problema de la vivencia emocional, se indaga la naturaleza de la conciencia emotiva, es decir, la conciencia de la emoción desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, siguiendo principalmente el... more
A number of human activities exhibit a bursty pattern, namely periods of very high activity that are followed by rest periods. Records of these processes generate time series of events whose inter-event times follow a probability... more
The phenomenon of 'Worried-Well' is a form of tendency of high worry and anxiety as a result of the development of a virus or disease. In more detail, individuals with 'Worried-Well' will tend to have a fear of everything, and assume that... more
Osservazioni materiali-formali sul sistema nichilista: secondo i parametri della logica formale, il nichilismo appare impossibilitato a qualsivoglia descrizione filosofica consistente e coerente.
Recent findings in different areas of psychology and cognitive science have brought the unconscious mind back to centre stage. However, the unconscious mind worry remains: What renders unconscious phenomena mental? I suggest a new... more
This is the text of a public speech given in 2018 at Wayo Women's University, which intends to examine the principle of monism cosmology and depth psychology through the analysis of a photograph exhibition scene in an manga work Singing... more
Riformulazione del concetto di verità sotto l'aspetto assieme realista e costruttivista. Su tale fondo s'indaga l'importanza sia del soggetto esprimente la verità che dell'oggetto a cui viene riferita, da cui il rapporto fra verità... more
Physicists think that they are the ones who will have the last say about time and answer the questions: what is time, how is it manifested, how is it measured, as well as a series of other questions that appear when we think about time.... more
Impulse buying is a classic phenomenon of violation of homo economics. Interesting subject to study to explore the reasons for breaking the rules. Various factors have been studied in this article, quantified with the SPSS tool after... more
Ce mémoire propose d’analyser une série phénomène à travers le concept de série monde développé dans les études télévisuelles et cinématographiques. Notre objet d’analyse est Xena la guerrière (Syndication 1995-2001), une série des années... more
Some critical philosophers of race have argued that whiteness can be understood as a technology of affect and that white supremacy is comprised partly of unconscious habits that result in racialized perception. In an effort to deepen our... more
The starting point of the investigation is the correspondence between the term and concept of Ego (''I'') and the various types of experience. Two main ways of introducing and applying of the term ''I'' (Ego) in Russian philosophy are... more
Jeepney occupies not only the streets of the country but also the culture, identity, and values of the Filipino. Aside from it depicts as the “King of the Road” and the “moving icon of the Philippine culture,” it also reflects Filipino’s... more