Think Tanks
Recent papers in Think Tanks
This dissertation tackles one central problem: What were the intellectual and social origins of New Order Indonesia (1966-1998)? The analytical lens that this study employs to examine this society is the Indonesian middling classes’... more
This paper discusses Chinese think tank following the attention by the Xi Jinping administration since 2012.
Delinear a trajetória do pensamento político e social brasileiro não pode se furtar a um olhar sobre os think tanks (TTs). Ainda que sua definição seja incipiente e polêmica, é possível identificar situações sobre as quais não recai... more
Think tanks are omnipresent in the British media as sources of expertise for journalists and politicians; they themselves claim that their ideas form the basis of new policies and that they have influenced the thinking of leading... more
Analizo en esta comunicación algunos aspectos fundamentales del tratamiento de las denominadas Primaveras o Revueltas Árabes de 2011 en tres de los más importantes think-tank españoles. Los tres centros de estudios de los que se ocupa de... more
The main objective of this paper is the analysis of the development of Think Tanks and Public Policy Centers in Russia and other post-communist countries. Think Tanks are small practically oriented research teams comprising both academic... more
Depuis plus de vingt ans, l’Institut de Locarn anime une réflexion sur la place de la Bretagne dans un monde globalisé. Entre fascination et rejet, l’association ne laisse pas indifférent. Enquête sur ce “coeur de réseau”.
With the threat of a nuclear North Korea, constant tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and growing posturing over resource-rich territories, how can lasting peace, order, stability, and prosperity be achieved in Northeast Asia?... more
Of which an emergence of deliberative participatory governance and inclusive policy design (IPD) as parts of evolution in public administration’s body of knowledge, this paper will demonstrate that “scenario planning”, although been... more
The book present a thoroughly reflected analysis of future global trends by drawing on insights and expertise from leading researchers, think tanks, and activists. Climate change and sustainability transformation, digitalization, growing... more
This article describes and analyses whether and how the British Labour government under Tony Blair, in its first term in office between 1997 and 2001, made use of policy expertise from non-governmental organisations to shape its social... more
In recent years, science studies scholars have critically examined several methods used by the pharmaceutical industry to exert control over knowledge about drugs. Complementary literatures on "medical neoliberalism" and "neoliberal... more
"Political consulting is as old as civilization itself. Think tanks as organizations of policy research and advice are a relatively new phenomenon. Originated in the United States, it is often said that they are now also present in... more
RESUME Les think tanks sont parmi les acteurs politiques importants en Turquie, ainsi que dans le monde. Surtout au cours des dernières années, on a observé qu'ils commencent à être efficaces dans les processus décisionnels politiques.... more
This thesis analyses the emergence and evolution of the think-tanks in Turkey. It seeks primarily to answer to whether or not it is possible to mention ‘a think-tank culture’ in Turkey. After the definition, characteristics and types of... more
By articulating discourse theory to build on the concepts of 'strategic culture', 'security culture' and 'grand strategy', we argue that the European Union has adopted a 'global power' approach since approximately 1999, having been... more
Modern Quranic Studies: Priorities for Better Future
Over the last decades privatization policies have taken centre stage in many processes of educational reform globally. In Latin America, these policies have played an important role since the 1990s leading to an increasing participation... more
This paper on lobbying in British democracy is intended to raise some discussion points on the legitimacy and effectiveness of lobbying, and, in doing so, to explore the various ways in which different organisations might be said to be... more
Expert advice is gaining importance in advanced-knowledge societies. The demand for scientific knowledge increases as political decision-makers look for answers to cope with the ever more complex challenges of a globalised world. At the... more
El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio de caso centrado en analizar la dinámica de producción, circulación y uso de la investigación en el área de las ciencias sociales en el Paraguay. La metodología utilizada para tal efecto... more
An alternative manifesto process AMPlify was an alternative manifesto process to come up with new ideas and existing good ideas for the first West Yorkshire Mayor, elected in May 2021. More than 350 people took part in some way,... more
Charter 88 was committed to achieving one central aim—shifting the nature of British democracy from a highly majoritarian polity to a more pluralistic or consensual model of democracy. This article argues that New Labour has not... more
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discutir uma interseção de temas muito pouco explorada nas literaturas brasileira e estrangeira: as relações entre partidos políticos e centros de pesquisa, produção e articulação de conhecimentos... more
Сп. Ново време, бр. 3/2015 г./Novo vreme Journal, issue 3/2015
(POR) Esta monografia tem como principal objetivo identificar e analisar a força de influência de um mecanismo como os think tanks1, utilizando como exemplo o Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Sociais (IPES), formado por empresários e... more
في معرض وصفه لركائز المستقبل التي تعتمد عليها إسرائيل، ذكر رئيس الدولة الإسرائيلية شيمون 7012 ( في كتابه " الشرق الأوسط الجديد" أن القوة في العقود القادمة في /2/72 :7002/1/ بيريز ) 11 الجامعات وليس في الثكنات" ) 2(. وقد عبر بيريز بقوله... more
The authors of this edition propose a novel and inspiring research approach to the subject of plants, which – being a form of life that is different, yet akin to us – is a constant source of nourishment and metaphors, decoration and... more
RAND’ın Ocak 2020’de yayımladığı rapor “Türkiye'nin Milliyetçi Rotası” adını taşıyor. Raporun alt başlığı ise, “Türkiye-ABD Stratejik İlişkileri ile Amerikan Ordusu İçin Çıkarımlar”. Bu yazının amacı RAND raporunun değerlendirilmesidir.... more
A possible vehicle for strengthening political parties and fostering organizational development would be political party institutes and party “think tanks”. Most of the major political parties in the Philippines have attempted to... more
Apresentação O passado condena. Foi assim com a extrema-direita na Europa no pós--guerra. Manchada pela exibição mundial dos horrores do nazismo e pela vergonha da colaboração com os invasores, a extrema direita encolheu por toda Europa,... more
In January 2017, the University of Pennsylvania released the 10th anniversary edition of its Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, giving an overview of top think tank performance and sharing predictions for the future. According to the... more
Think tank experts and their opinions have acquired a very influential position in China's public diplomacy. While the presence and roles of think tanks is rarely questioned within developed democracies, their position in emerging powers... more
A Chinese government plan to construct think tanks with “Chinese characteristics” has sparked intense debate among the country’s academics. The plan suggests that the political elites intend to gain greater control of this key sector of... more