Economic Diplomacy
Recent papers in Economic Diplomacy
Diplomatic Protocol & Etiquette
1. Western Balkan states should reinforce the regulatory and institutional framework and empower independent authorities so as to mitigate political bargaining and interventions. 2. Western Balkan states should establish appropriate... more
Reseña de los libros publicados por Diego Melo Carrasco: Las alianzas y negociaciones del sultán: Un recorrido por la historia de las "relaciones internacionales" del sultanato nazarí de Granada (siglos XIII-XV), Murcia, Editum, 2015;... more
COMMERCIAL DIPLOMACY AND ITS ROLE IN THE 21ST CENTURY. As a result of stability in the field of international relations and the absence of acute security threats in many countries and regions of the world (this applies to the EU as... more
The transition of power among national states creates a great deal of complexity and challenges for governments - the great powers, the developing countries, as well as those countries that are viewers of the transition. Keywords: USA,... more
This paper introduces the concept of investment promotion, a form of marketing used by national governments to attract foreign investments into their country. While it is not a new concept, it barely makes it to academic literature. The... more
Qatar won the right to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup by placing its bid at the centre of its national and foreign policy strategy. Published by Australian Outlook, the journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs... more
Diplomatic Terminology
Cultural Diplomacy Culture as a factor affecting Diplomatic tactics
Roles of a Diplomat
ABSTRACT As a foreign policy tool, economic diplomacy is a vital instrument for the promotion and the protection of a nation’s economic and national interest objectives. The research studied the quest to bring about economic development... more
Το παρόν πόνημα επιχειρεί να αφουγκραστεί τον γεωπολιτικό απόηχο της διαδικασίας της οικονομικής επανένταξης του Ιράν στο Διεθνές Σύστημα. Δεδομένης της βαρύτητας της προαναφερθείσας μεταβατικής καταστάσεως, επιχειρείται μέσω ποιοτικών,... more
At the present moment, publications on various aspects related to the formation and development of the Japanese foreign policy prevail in academic literature. Indeed, many scholars pay increased attention to the activities of the Japanese... more
Bangladesh-China bilateral relationship has its foothold right through the historical records of two thousand years. Ever since the establishment of the formal diplomatic relationship in October 1975, Bangladesh and China continued to be... more
Κατά την εικοσαετία 1990-2010, η Βαλκανική αποτελεί τη μόνη Ευρωπαϊκή περιοχή, η οποία έζησε ένα είδος « σκωτσέζικου ντους». Από την μία γνώρισε την ευχάριστη μετάβασή της στην ελεύθερη οικονομία, παρά τις ενεχόμενες δυσκολίες, τις οποίες... more
Economic Diplomacy is one of the proper and effective tool for strengthening the national economy for the small and weak state like Nepal. Nepal has already taken some steps in the field of economic diplomacy but they seem insufficient.... more
In ancient times, Middle East countries concluded agreements among themselves in order to ensure security of trade flows. The ancient Greek city-states, Romans and Byzantines made siginificant contributions to the development of diplomacy... more
This article interrogates the undercurrents of small states foreign policy and the determinants of foreign policy making in small states. It question small states are positioned in the web of international relations with other player,... more
Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy
South Korea and Japan are democracies with close economic ties. However, contemporary bilateral relations have been fraught with tensions over history. Why has this been the case? Scholars have flagged history, domestic and economic... more
This essay develops a contemporary analysis of the Global Economic Diplomacy. The intent is to provide a theoretical and methodological basis for further understanding of the economic relations and international negotiations complicated... more
The article analyses the potential role of diplomatic missions as a specific kind of foreign affairs state bodies in the pursuit of economic diplomacy that is considered to be a set of activities aimed at promoting foreign economic... more
In the following paper economic diplomacy and international trade are analysed. The authors examine the basic components of economic diplomacy, its tools, objectives, and strategy. The article also overviews the transformation of the... more
Este trabalho reflecte em torno do gás natural como instrumento de política externa de Moçambique para a África do Sul. O guia-se na perspectiva de identificação de estratégias que Moçambique pode adoptar com vista a dar uma utilidade... more
Cultural diplomacy vs. public diplomacy
"Autorka w swoich badaniach podjęła się ukazania wieloaspektowej historii tej placówki, która oficjalnie rozpoczęła działalność 30 X 1919 r. Do 1921 r. funkcjonowała jako konsulat, potem w latach 1921–1923 Konsulat Honorowy RP, w latach... more
This paper presents the French Africa policy under François Hollande
In this paper, the narrative of the emergence of the People " s Republic of China (PRC) as a global power began with Chairman Mao Zedong " s failed attempt to transform China into a modernised and industrialised State. By 1978, the... more
La Singapore indipendente e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese (RPC) hanno una relazione storica varia e complessa. I due stati godono di legami economici eccellenti, che hanno rappresentato una chiave caratteristica delle interazioni... more
The Purpose of this research is to analyze China's Economic Diplomacy toward U.S Trade War Threats in 2017-2018. This research is using qualitative method. The techniques of data collections are library research from books, journals and... more
თანამედროვე საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების დისციპლინაში დებატების ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე აქტუალური თემაა საერთაშორისო ეკონომიკური სანქციების ეფექტურობა. მიუხედავად ამისა, კვლევები, რომლებიც შედარებით კონტექსტში აანალიზებენ სანქციათა ტიპების... more
Drawing on the literature on strategic hedging and adapting it to China's use of economic diplomacy in the service of comprehensive national security goals within the regionalised foreign policy approach of the Belt and Road Initiative... more
The passage from a plant that was outside capitalism to a highly technical global commodity is far from simple or transparent. However, commercialization analyzes have been reduced mostly at the time of manufacturing. This centrality has... more
Contemporary state diplomacy is engaging an increasingly wide range of actors alongside professional diplomats. Urban or city diplomats is one of most important actors in modern diplomacy. Urban or city diplomats is one of most... more
Leo Suryadinata's The Rise of China and the Chinese Overseas: A Study of Beijing's Changing Policy in Southeast Asia and Beyond is a very welcome addition to the discussion of ties between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and ethnic... more
In a growing number of countries diplomatic systems are being overhauled so that the commercial activities of diplomatic services have been centralised, the commercial activities of diplomats have been extended, and business interests... more
У статті здійснено теоретичне узагальнення, запропоновано типізацію комерційної дипломатії з огляду на низку критеріїв. Визначено, що практика комерційної дипломатії різниться залежно від рівня реалізації, кількості, специфіки сторін,... more
In the last decades the processes of globalization gave rise to economic interdependencies, leading to the increasing importance of economic diplomacy. The European Union is the largest trading block in the world and therefore exerts... more
Коммерческая дипломатия разных стран демонстрирует значительную вариативность в организации и имплементации: каждая страна находится в поиске того комплекса организационных элементов и инструментария коммерческой дипломатии, который будет... more