Papers and Chapters by Yu Tao
This article examines the roles played by rural religious groups in China's local contentious pol... more This article examines the roles played by rural religious groups in China's local contentious politics. More specifically, it aims to explore whether religious groups stimulate or reduce collective contention when the ruler is both authoritarian and atheist. Drawing on national survey data and comparative case studies, this article finds that collective contention is less likely to occur in villages with religious groups that simultaneously overlap with secular social organizations and local authorities, and are hence more likely to serve as credible communication channels between local states and discontented citizens. This finding highlights two important issues that are often side-lined, if not outright neglected, in the existing literature. First, the relationship between religious groups and collective contention is diverse rather than uniform. Second, this relationship is shaped not only by religious groups but also by other important players in the local political arena.
Rural China has witnessed both a massive emergence of intermediate associations and a rapid incre... more Rural China has witnessed both a massive emergence of intermediate associations and a rapid increase in collective petitioning during the past few decades. While each of these two significant socio-political phenomena has attracted considerable academic attentions, the relationship between them has yet to be carefully addressed. To narrow this gap, this chapter discusses the relationship between intermediate associations and collective petitioning in contemporary rural China, with special attention paid to the important roles that grassroots elites play in the interactions between rural intermediate associations and the local states. The chapter starts from defining key concepts such as ‘intermediate association’ and ‘collective petitioning’, and then briefly reviews some relevant theories in this field. Next, thanks to the data collected through an original survey which covers information of intermediate associations in 116 randomly selected villages in 6 Chinese provinces, the authors are able to introduce some general patterns regarding intermediate associations and collective petitioning in contemporary rural China. Given that apparently no mainstream theories could be directly applied to explain the survey results, a new framework is developed and examined through comparative case studies based on in-depth interviews toward grassroots elites in four representative villages. The empirical evident suggests that only those intermediate associations which are both embedded (i.e. some association members are grassroots elites) and self-governed (i.e. the members can independently make decisions regarding their association) can decrease the frequency of collective petitioning in Chinese villages, thanks to their capability to develop ‘trust among members’ into the ‘trust in cadres’ and thanks to the ‘bridging effects’ associated with grassroots elites. This chapter also suggests that working with intermediate associations may actually make the work of grassroots elites easier, because such a strategy allows them to make use of social authorities to cease destructive rumours and thus to make collective petitioning less likely to happen.
ECRAN: Europe China Research and Advice Network, Mar 8, 2012
This paper describes the development of religious communities in rural China today. It explains h... more This paper describes the development of religious communities in rural China today. It explains how China’s burgeoning religious communities have acted as a powerful emerging social force in its domestic political arena, especially at the grassroots level. While Beijing now acknowledges that its anti-religious Communist policies of 1957 to 78 were wrong, its laws and regulations for implementing religious freedom have remained “frustratingly insufficient and ambiguous” over the past three decades. Drawing upon this, this paper offers a new framework to explain why religious communities in China have developed better in some places than others.
Works in Chinese by Yu Tao
British think tanks play significant roles in opinion-shaping and policy-making both within and b... more British think tanks play significant roles in opinion-shaping and policy-making both within and beyond Europe by taking advantage of the UK’s educational and cultural resources and the country’s international influence. Through analysing how the leading British think tanks establish themselves and promote their China-related ideas and opinions, this paper argues that these think thanks are able to effectively shape public opinions and policy processes through close and active engagements with politicians, academics, and the media. In addition, these think thanks also significantly benefit from the cultural legacies of the British Empire, the fact that English is widely adopted as a professional working language, and London’s unique position as a global city.
本文评介了温特森(Jeanette Winterson)的自传《寻常便好,何必快乐(Why be happy when you could be normal)?》及其第一步小说《橘子不是唯一的... more 本文评介了温特森(Jeanette Winterson)的自传《寻常便好,何必快乐(Why be happy when you could be normal)?》及其第一步小说《橘子不是唯一的水果(Oranges are not the only fruit)》。文章视图说明,世界是强大而险恶的,个体是渺小而脆弱的。然而,世界上总有像温特森那样的个体,他们明知自身渺小却不向强大的外力妥协,他们明知自己脆弱却依然在险恶的环境中坚持信念,他们不仅改变了自己的命运,也改变了自己生活的这个世界。事实上,正是因为有了他们和他们的自由意志,这个世界才在浑噩、堕落、投机与虚华之间,有了变得更好的可能。
本文评介了沈艾娣(Henrietta Harrison)于2013年出版的著作《传教士之诅与一个中国天主教村庄的其他故事(The Missionary's Curse and Other Tal... more 本文评介了沈艾娣(Henrietta Harrison)于2013年出版的著作《传教士之诅与一个中国天主教村庄的其他故事(The Missionary's Curse and Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village)》。笔者认为,沈艾娣的高明之处,在于她选择了一个大有深度的小切口。她以一个村庄的历史和“故事”作为学术求索的出发点,却没有让这个村庄和这些故事限制住自己的视野和思绪。所以,本书虽然内容异常丰富,线索却十分清晰;叙事虽然跨越了三百年,但又取舍得当、详略分明。可见,微观史要想写得荡气回肠,作者得首先做到胸中有丘壑。
当今中国农村的群众社团与基层冲突关系密切,治理基层冲突应当重视发挥群众社团的作用。通过案例研究及比较发现,兼具自主性和嵌入性的群众社团更能同时获得群众和基层干部认可,从而能够更好地消解制度外冲突... more 当今中国农村的群众社团与基层冲突关系密切,治理基层冲突应当重视发挥群众社团的作用。通过案例研究及比较发现,兼具自主性和嵌入性的群众社团更能同时获得群众和基层干部认可,从而能够更好地消解制度外冲突,保证基层矛盾在制度框架内得以解决。通过统计分析发现,兼具自主性和嵌入性的群众社团不仅能够消解集体上访等制度外的群体冲突,还能消解抗缴税费等制度外的个体冲突。
在总结中国农村社团和群体性抗争活动既有研究的基础上,本文通过随机抽样数据的定量分析,描述了民间社团在中国农村的发育情况,重点讨论了具备两个性质的“农村半独立社团”。第一,社团的实际负责人不是政府... more 在总结中国农村社团和群体性抗争活动既有研究的基础上,本文通过随机抽样数据的定量分析,描述了民间社团在中国农村的发育情况,重点讨论了具备两个性质的“农村半独立社团”。第一,社团的实际负责人不是政府官员或村干部;第二,社团的重大决策不需经由基层政府或村干部批准。实证研究发现,当这些“半独立的社团”具备了社会纠纷调解职能时,就可以有效地削减村庄的大规模群体性上访,而由官方控制的负责治保或民调类的社团却无法达到同样的效果。文章结合实地调查的经验,对该实证发现的现实机理及其政策含义进行了多方面探讨。
Doctoral Thesis by Yu Tao
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Book Reviews by Yu Tao
Tao, Yu. 2015. Book Review of East Asian Societies by W. Lawrence Neuman. Political Studies Revie... more Tao, Yu. 2015. Book Review of East Asian Societies by W. Lawrence Neuman. Political Studies Review 14(2): 309.
Tao, Yu. 2015. Political Sociology in a Global Era: An Introduction to the State and Society by B... more Tao, Yu. 2015. Political Sociology in a Global Era: An Introduction to the State and Society by Berch Berberoglu. Political Studies Review 13(4): 592–593.
Tao, Yu. 2015. Book review of Contestation and Adaptation: The Politics of National Identity in C... more Tao, Yu. 2015. Book review of Contestation and Adaptation: The Politics of National Identity in China, by Enze Han. Political Studies Review 13(3): 459-460.
Tao, Yu. 2015. Book review of China Across the Divide: The Domestic and Global in Politics and So... more Tao, Yu. 2015. Book review of China Across the Divide: The Domestic and Global in Politics and Society, by Rosemary Foot (ed.). Political Studies Review 13(2): 309.
Tao, Yu. 2015. Book review of A Middle Class Without Democracy: Economic Growth and the Prospects... more Tao, Yu. 2015. Book review of A Middle Class Without Democracy: Economic Growth and the Prospects for Democratization in China, by Jie Chen. Political Studies Review 13(1): 155.
Tao, Yu. 2014. Book review of Understanding Chinese Politics: An Introduction to Government in th... more Tao, Yu. 2014. Book review of Understanding Chinese Politics: An Introduction to Government in the People's Republic of China, by Neil Collins and Andrew Cottey. Political Studies Review 12(2):331-332.
Tao, Yu. 2014. Book review of Ruling, Resources and Religion in China: Managing the Multiethinic ... more Tao, Yu. 2014. Book review of Ruling, Resources and Religion in China: Managing the Multiethinic State in the 21st Century, by Elizabeth Van Wie Davis. Asian Affairs 45(1): 182-184.
Tao, Yu. 2014. Book review of Zhu Rongji Meets the Press, by Zhu Rongji. Political Studies Review... more Tao, Yu. 2014. Book review of Zhu Rongji Meets the Press, by Zhu Rongji. Political Studies Review 12(1): 165.
Nation and Religion: Perspectives on Europe and Asia. Edited by Peter van der Veer and Hartmut Le... more Nation and Religion: Perspectives on Europe and Asia. Edited by Peter van der Veer and Hartmut Lehmann. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1999. viii + 231 pp. £20.95 (paper).
Papers and Chapters by Yu Tao
Works in Chinese by Yu Tao
Doctoral Thesis by Yu Tao
Book Reviews by Yu Tao