Civil Society
Recent papers in Civil Society
Many studies have examined the impact of the arts on educational outcomes, physical and mental health outcomes, local economies, and community well-being. Yet considerably less attention has been given to the impact that participation in... more Le marxisme ouvert d’Antonio Gramsci permet de redéfinir la philosophie de l’histoire en échappant à tout dogmatisme. Gramsci cherche en... more
Although conservative civil society groups existed in Ukraine long before the 2013–2014 Euromaidan demonstrations and the ongoing armed conflict in Donbas, they have grown in number and prominence since 2014. Two different strands of... more
Ce mémoire a pour but d’évaluer le rôle de la société civile dans le processus de consolidation démocratique sud-coréen à travers l’exemple de la mobilisation sociale ayant suivi le naufrage du ferry Sewol en avril 2014. La préoccupation... more
"En las siguientes páginas se analizan principalmente dos aspectos. En primer lugar, la posición de los diferentes actores políticos y sociales marroquíes con respecto a la situación de los derechos civiles y políticos. De entre estos... more
Nach diesen überblickenden Perspektiven nimmt Jenni Winterhagen das ›Entwicklungspolitische Engagement migrantischer Organisationen in Deutschland‹ in den Blick und eruiert, welche migrantischen Organisationen in Deutschland... more
In the aftermath of the July 15, 2016 attempted coup, the decision of the Parliament of July 20, 2016 approving the declaration of the state of emergency, enabled the government to enact emergency decree laws. Civil society in Turkey has... more
Jogszabályok magyarázata nemcsak civil szervezeteknek
The paper describes and analyses the role of civil society in five conflict cases -Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Western Sahara and Israel/ Palestine. It evaluates the relative effectiveness of civil society organisations... more
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of countries worldwide have introduced severe limitations on the freedom of assembly, if not an outright lockdown, in many cases complemented by restrictions on further civil and political... more
The changing shape of civil society is due to international forces, not just domestic repression.
The phenomenon of closing civic space essentially reflects a political struggle over the legitimate role of civil society organizations in public affairs as well as over the legitimate role of the state in regulating such civil society... more
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of countries worldwide have introduced severe limitations on the freedom of assembly, if not an outright lockdown, in many cases complemented by restrictions on further civil and political... more
This paper discusses the nature and purpose of foreign assistance in the Western Balkans through an examination of donor strategies and practices in civil society assistance. It draws on a series of interviews with donor representatives... more
Individual Giving and Philanthropy in Turkey 2021 Report, which presents comprehensive and up-to-date data on individual giving and philanthropy. Co-authored by Prof. Dr. Ali Çarkoğlu and Assoc. Professor Selim Erdem Aytaç from Koç... more
This work asks questions on the relationship between innovative collective actors, such as the 'new social movements' and the political institutions of representative democracy starting from an underlying hypothesis: the idea that civil... more
Restrictions on NGOs and others promoting civil liberties have caused alarm about «shrinking civic space» perpetrated by their domestic regimes. Yet because most camps in the world’s civil societies are left unmolested (indeed many are... more
This report on Cambodia is one of a set of four country case studies designed to study the implications of closing civic space for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The case study was commissioned in response to... more
This study focuses on hegemonic contests in Zimbabwe between Authoritarian Nationalism and Democratic nationalism as competing national visions. It focuses on understanding the tri-factor of: the crisis in Zimbabwe post-2000 in its proper... more
Lietuvos pilietinės visuomenės būklės analizė Stipri pilietinė visuomenė ir joje veikiančios aktyvios, piliečiams atstovaujančios nevyriausybinės organizacijos (NVO) – tai demokratijos ir nacionalinio saugumo garantas, darbo vietų šalyje... more
This paper attempts to take the first steps toward developing a theory of non-governmental organizations (NGO)-state relations under dictatorship. Drawing on evidence from East Asia, the author argues that dictatorships typically employ... more
This handbook provides practical guidance for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to advocate and litigate using EU law to protect their rights and civic space in the EU.It aims to be a user-friendly guide for CSOs who want to know::What... more
The increasing professionalization of civil society is a global trend that stems largely from the growing role of third sector organizations in policy making and service delivery. Such a trend can also be identified in Finland, providing... more
Cet article examine le rôle des groupes d’intérêt du secteur culturel dans l’élaboration de politiques publiques et les relations qu’ils entretiennent avec le gouvernement dans un tel contexte. L’analyse est basée sur une étude de cas,... more
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
En años recientes, miles de iniciativas ciudadanas alrededor del mundo han buscado influir en las políticas públicas de sus países con base en una combinación de conocimiento experto y expectativas de la población. Al hacerlo, quienes... more
Review Essay in American Anthropologist 114(4): 682-683, 2012 The word pukar in Hindi means “to call,” but it is a partic- ular type of calling—it is to call out, or to call for help or attention. PUKAR is also an acronym for Partners... more
Adrienn Reisinger (2012) Social participation and local development – role of civil/nonprofit
organizations. ERSA 52nd Congress, Regions in Motion, Bratislava. 2012. augusztus 21–25. REPEC database
organizations. ERSA 52nd Congress, Regions in Motion, Bratislava. 2012. augusztus 21–25. REPEC database
La India moderna, la mayor democracia del mundo, es una de las grandes desconocidas en el campo de la historia de las ideas en el mundo académico hispanohablante. Esta obra busca ayudar a reparar dicha laguna a través de un estudio del... more
This paper adapts Salamon, Sokolowski and Anheier's (2000) social origins theory to argue that the nonprofit regime in Hong Kong can be characterized as statist-corporatist. This statist-corporatist regime displays the hybrid character of... more
In the literature on international governance it is often claimed that deliberation can enhance the rationality and legitimacy of political rule-making beyond the nation state. It is unclear, however, under what conditions such... more
Article on the comparison of Gramscian and Foucauldian understandings of civil society. Published in the book "A Panacea For all Seasons?" (Freise, Pyykkönen, Vaidelyte, eds., 2010, Nomos):... more
Social capital is known as a key wealth underlying the development of nations, providing an environment of mutual respect, reciprocity and community awareness where strong civil societies can flourish. This paper shows how the development... more
Este artic ulo estudia la evolución de la ley de asociación en Túnez desde la independencia hasta el Decreto 88-20 11, que es la actual noma que regula hoy día la creación y funcionamiento de las asociaciones en este país. Este trabajo... more
The European Union considers conflict resolution as a cardinal objective of its foreign policy. It makes use of a number of policy instruments to promote conflict transformation through ‘constructive engagement’, which cover a range of... more
When I moved to Chile more than a decade ago, I experienced a professional crisis. What would a security expert do in Chile, one of the safest countries in Latin America? For a long time I had lived in Argentina and Peru, where increasing... more
— Corrosion of reinforcement has been established as the predominant factor causing widespread premature deterioration of concrete construction worldwide, especially of the structures located in the coastal marine environment. The most... more
Данное исследование стало возможным благодаря помощи американского народа, оказанной через Агентство США по международному развитию (USAID) при финансовой поддержке Министерства международного развития Великобритании (DFID) через грант... more
This paper discusses the findings of a study undertaken by a team from the University of Birmingham's Institute for Local Government Studies (INLOGOV), funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The research explores the... more