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      Nineteenth-century ArtPrintmakingTheatricalityTechnique
The fundamental notions that we take for granted in drawing practice have been challenged and the acts of drawing may be extended through the interaction with media, new technologies and materials. At the same time the formative... more
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      DrawingTheatricalityVisual and Performing ArtsRaymond Pettibon
In the opening lines of the Beach Boys 1964 hit, “In My Room,” Brian Wilson portrays the bedroom and domestic space in general as a place of retreat and security, a world that one can “tell their secrets to.” Yet, as the narrator... more
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      Suburban StudiesGaston BachelardPostmodernismDomestic Space
The present study addresses one of the most recently debated areas in postmodern literature and art, the revival of interest in theatricality. The researcher aims to introduce a few strategies which are used to turn the intertextual... more
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      IntertextualityTheatricalityPostmodern Drama
This introductory chapter outlines theatricality and performativity by way of their tensions and paradoxes – between seeing and doing, novelty and normativity – and argues for a more perspectival approach with notions of ‘texture,’... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesPerformativityPerformance and performativity
The theatrical design process is rooted in a deep and careful examination of a "text", be it traditional script or a devised process. This paper examines the importance of a dramaturgical analysis of that text, one which allows for an... more
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      Theatre StudiesDramaturgyDramaDesign pedagogy
Among the XX century’s theatrical searches several new previously unreleased versions widely found an extension. First of all, these versions, which came as a result of the culturological approach, treated the human being as a... more
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      Edward Gordon CraigTheatricalityTheartre HistoryNikolai Evreinov
Oshima Nagisa’s film Nihon no Yoru to Kiri (Night and Fog in Japan, 1960, Japan), the last he would make with the Shochiku film studio, documents a pivotal moment in postwar Japanese history without the use of any actuality footage.1 In... more
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      Japanese StudiesFilm StudiesFilm AnalysisJapanese History
The paper examines Hegel’s claim in the Outlines of the Philosophy of Right that philosophy always comes too late to instruct us as to what the world ought to be from a dual perspective. In the first move, Hegel’s intervention in the... more
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismPerformanceG.W.F. Hegel
El Palacio, Spring 2016 This exhibition examines the formal means artists employ to impart a sense of drama and setting in their compositions. In the performing arts, “stage, setting and mood” refer to the evocative and emotional... more
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      Art HistoryTheatricality
Theatricality is omnipresent in Turkey. You could speak of a true ‘theatrocracy’ instead of a ‘democracy’, after Plato’s The Republic (Politeia). However, there was still something called sovereignty of the audience, the people. The fact... more
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      Theatre StudiesPlatoDramaRecent History
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      EmbodimentBaroque art and architectureItalian Baroque artTheatricality
Discusses Samuel Weber's concept of theatricality as a means of accommodating the diversity of global theater and mitigating the cultural bias of traditional critical categories.
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      Comparative LiteratureMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTheater and film
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      African American LiteratureAffect/EmotionAmerican Theatre of the 20th CenturyTheatricality
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      Theatre StudiesMedieval StudiesTheatrical SpaceMedieval Art
The primary aim of this thesis is to explore the use of theatricality in Andersonian cinema. Theatre’s considerable influence on Anderson’s cinema as well as the use of poetic and storybook aesthetics open up interpretations about the... more
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      CinemaTheatre TheoryTheatreWes Anderson
«Theatrum Mundi. Подвижный лексикон» (под ред. Ю. Лидерман, В. Золотухина. М.: Музей современного искусства «Гараж», 2021). Содержание и «От редакторов». Электронная версия книги здесь:... more
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      PsychoanalysisTheatre StudiesDance StudiesPerformance Studies
Hay que creer en el papel que uno representa en el Gran Teatro del Mundo. Por el simple hecho de aparecer en sociedad ya aparecemos caracterizados como tal o cual personaje, o como sujetos que desempeñan tal o cual papel en la sociedad.... more
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      SociologyDramaErving GoffmanTheatricality
This paper examines the feminine perspective of London in Doris Lessing’s The Diaries of Jane Somers (1984). Lessing offers a feminist vision of the city representing London as a stage. Janna, the protagonist, strolls around the city,... more
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      Doris LessingTheatricalityGender, Space and Feminist GeographyPalimpsest
In der Frühen Neuzeit finden sich idealisierte Denkfiguren, welche die Regeln der geometrischen Abstraktion durch praxeologische und inszenatorische Verankerung unterlaufen. Sie werden in diesem Beitrag als Modellszenarien aus der Per... more
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      TheatricalityMetatheatre and theatricalityNicolaus CusanusMental Models
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      Political ParticipationPublic DeliberationAthenian DemocracyTheatricality
Theatricality in sixteenth-century Venetian painting has long been understood as a characteristic of the paintings themselves. This article aims to give the concept a wider meaning by exploring its connection to the theatrical character... more
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      Women's HistoryRitualWomen in ArtPortraiture
Tradução de Lucas Reis. Texto introdutório escrito por Lucas Reis e Iara Schiavinatto. Partindo da análise de uma série de fotografias tiradas em expedições da Marinha britânica no Pacífico no final do século XIX, este texto interroga os... more
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      HistoryVisual StudiesVisual AnthropologyHeuristics
A reading of Robert Morris' early minimalist sculptures with regard to Michael Fried's abhorrescence of theatricality; an interpretation of the temporality implied in Morris' "duration" as opposed to Fried's "presentness". Finally a... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasPhenomenology of the bodyPhenomenology of Space and PlaceJohn Cage
La passione di un Burattino: teste di legno ribattezzate all'ombra della Commedia dell'Arte di Federico Pacchioni Il mondo meraviglioso delle marionette e dei burattini […] incomincia proprio […] al confine estremo dello spettacolo... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryItalian StudiesItalian Literature
The Sydney Opera House is one of the world's most recognisable buildings. It serves as a symbol of Sydney and, often, Australia. Visited by over eight million people a year there is considerable interest in this icon of the built... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatricalityLighting DesignLighting
Meu encontro com ONde Andará Dulce Veiga? de Caio Fernando Abreu e outros coisas dos anos 90 do século passado...Não há mais boa ou má literatura, bons ou maus filmes. Ou se há, não me importa mais. Há experiência e uma beleza impura. Há... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryPerformativityTheories of Gender and Transgender
"This thesis brings together discourses concerning indexicality, touch, theatricality, and language to bear upon the photographic image in an attempt to open the parameters of current photographic discourse and carve a place for... more
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      PhotographyHelene CixousHélène CixousIndexicality
PAR MENEZ CHAPLEAU JANVIER 2006 REMERCIEMENTS Je remercie Josette Féral, ma tutrice, qui s'est montrée à la fois critique, ouverte, patiente, encourageante et chaleureuse. Ensuite, je remercie Frédéric Maurin, Hélène Bacquet, Daniel Mroz,... more
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      SemioticsPsychologyCommunicationIntegral Theory
Alienation [Verfremdung] is a concept that is inextricably linked with the name of Bertolt Brecht; with twentieth-century modernism, the avant-garde and Marxist theory. However, alienation as a sociological and aesthetic notion avant la... more
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      Bertolt BrechtModernismDiderot, DenisAlienation
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesApplied TheatreTheatricality
У статті на прикладі п’єси Л. Піранделло «Шестеро персонажів у пошуках автора» досліджено семантику прийому «театр у театрі», котрий не лише стирає відмінність між театром і життям, а й у процесі авторефлексивного семіозису експлікує... more
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      Luigi PirandelloTheatricality
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural Studies
Yukarıdaki başlık teatralliğin bir çöküş yaşadığını iddia etmektedir. Bu durumda, teatrallik hiç olmazsa post/geç-modernist bir bakış açısıyla yeniden ortaya çıkabilecektir. Makalenin amacı durumun tam da böyle seyrettiğini... more
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      Jean RenoirStudies in intermediality; contemporary theatre; films about ShakespeareTheatricalityPeter Greenaway
Nicht nur für das Theater geschriebene Musik verfügt über eine theatrale Schicht. Diese nicht als etwas der Musik Hinzugefügtes, sondern als etwas genuin Musikalisches zu begreifen, ist das Hauptanliegen dieses Buches. Der zweite... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyMusic TheaterAutobiography
A Trinitarian theology in statu nascendi The coming of a theatrical poetics of body and gesture according to the Gospel of John Our study utilizes an interdisciplinary approach emerging from both the living art of theater - with its... more
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      Dramatic LiteratureGestureAnthropology of the BodyPhenomenology
Ovid is today best known for his grand epic, Metamorphoses, and elegiac works like the Ars Amatoria and Heroides. Yet he also wrote a Medea, now unfortunately lost. This play kindled in him a lifelong interest in the genre of tragedy,... more
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      Greek TragedyAugustan PoetryDramaSeneca
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      Ancient HistoryHistory Of EmotionsAncient Greek ReligionTheatricality
PRIX ZOGRAPHOS 2024 de l'Association des Études Grecques. À partir d’une mise en perspective fondée d’une part sur les questionnements contemporains à propos de la valeur épistémologique de la vue et de l’ouïe, et d’autre part sur les... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyTheatre Studies
"Hellenistic oratory remains an elusive subject as not one Greek speech has survived from the end of the fourth century BC until the beginning of the first century AD. This collection of fourteen interdisciplinary essays offers a... more
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      Greek ComedyHellenistic LiteratureMenanderRoman Drama
Arts are permeable. The current museographical approach seems to go towards a form of interdisciplinarity which leverages the encounter between arts. From the MAXXI in Rome to the Louvre of Paris, to the National Gallery in London, this... more
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      Performing ArtsDance StudiesMuseum StudiesInterdisciplinarity
Applied rigorously, philosophical conceptions of subversion call the very possibility of politically subversive Blockbuster cinema into question. For political theorist Johannes Agnoli, for example, subversion entails a critical... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsVisual StudiesMedia Studies
En este artículo comento los aspectos más prominentes de la teoría de la interaccionalidad presencial desarrollada por Erving Goffman, y apunto algunos correlatos teóricos de la misma para una definición de la realidad y una teoría de la... more
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      Philosophy of ActionPerformance StudiesDramaturgyInteraction
This article reevaluates Michael Fried’s antitheatrical aesthetics—expounded primarily in “Art and Objecthood” (1967) and Absorption and Theatricality (1980)—by constellating Fried’s work alongside Péter Szondi’s writings on modern drama... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMimesisDeconstructionTheater and film
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      Ancient HistoryTheatricality
Subcapitol din Cărțile omului dublu (Limes, 2010)
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      TheatricalityGULAGLiteratură Română
Статья посвящена первому советскому изданию «Парадокса об актере», подготовленному Н.Е. Эфросом и увидевшему свет сначала в Москве и Петрограде, а затем в Ярославле, в 1922-м и 1923 годах соответственно. В обеих брошюрах тексту Дидро было... more
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      Diderot, DenisTheatricalityStanislavsky and Acting Theory, Russian TheatreHistory of the Theater
While historians of spiritualism have been eager to focus on its political and social implications, less attention has been given to the fact that spirit communication was also a matter of visual spectacle. This article aims to analyse... more
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      ReligionCultural HistoryParapsychologyMedia Studies
Books of Abstracts of the 3rd International Scenological Conference Theatricality and Antitheatricality Institute of Modern Languages / University Bielsko-Biala (POLAND) Monash University – (AUSTRALIA) Embassy of Argentina in Poland... more
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsLiteratureInterdisciplinarity