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      Art CriticismArt writingDiderot, DenisClement Greenberg
Chiara Pasetti, "L'estetica di Diderot. La produzione filosofica nata tra le opere del Louvre. Se il tempo si ferma davanti al dipinto".
Recensione pubblicata il 14 ottobre 2018 sull'inserto culturale de Il Sole 24.
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      Diderot, DenisFrench SalonsFrench EnlightenmentArt Theory and Criticism
„Schwestern“ und „La Religieuse“ (Die Nonne) - Filmkritik
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      Diderot, DenisFilm CriticismDenis Diderot; convent novel; La Religieuse; The Nun; Gayle Rubin, "The Traffic in Women"; Luce IrigarayDenis Diderot
Rédaction des notices : « XIXe siècle », « Romantisme », « Intertextualité » ; « Lumière de Stendhal », « L’Enseigne de Gersaint », « La Mise à mort », « L’Exemple de Courbet », « Celui qui dit les choses sans rien dire » ; « Diderot », «... more
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      NovelStendhalDiderot, DenisTheodore Gericault
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      EnlightenmentEnlightenment Political ThoughtJean Jaques RousseauDiderot, Denis
See Part I.
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      Diderot, DenisDiderot and D'Alembert's EncyclopediaHistory of games, playing cardsPlaying Cards
La struttura delle comunicazioni, che già Marx prese in esame, è ormai ad un livello altissimo di integrazione mondiale: lo sviluppo dei traffici e delle reti informatiche, la conservazione dei dati in memorie sempre più diffuse nella... more
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      Social PsychologyComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceSocial Networks
Denis Diderot's ideas about war and peace crystalize many of the contradictions in the world that he identified. On the one hand, war is a natural product of contradictions between natural law and human developments. On the other hand, it... more
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    • Diderot, Denis
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    • Diderot, Denis
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      Political TheoryFrench RevolutionEnlightenmentIntellectual History of Enlightenment
Tristram Shandy, de Laurence Sterne, et Jacques le Fataliste, de Denis Diderot, m'apparaissent aujourd'hui comme les deux plus grandes oeuvres romanesques du 18 e siècle, deux romans conçus comme un jeu grandiose. Ce sont deux sommets de... more
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      French LiteraturePhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryLiterature
Si le XVIIIe siècle passe pour une oasis colorée, sa littérature reflète peu cette polychromie, contrairement à celle du XIXe siècle. Ce décalage entre imaginaire littéraire et culture matérielle est le point de départ de cet ouvrage qui... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureEnlightenmentEighteenth-Century French Studies
Peter Seyferth: „Reisebericht: Reise zur Selbsterkenntnis einer Gesellschaft – Lahontans und Diderots Supplémente politisch gelesen.“ In: Dirk Lüddecke/Felicia Englmann (Hrsg.): Zur Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Denkweisen von der... more
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      Jean-Jacques RousseauDiderot, DenisUtopiaTravelogue
Im Supplément au voyage de Bougainville setzt sich Diderot am Beispiel Tahitis mit Fragen der Macht, der Sexualität und der Kolonialherrschaft auseinander. Der Text gilt als Paradebeispiel für die exotistische Verklärung eines fremden... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French StudiesFranceDiderot, Denis
Have you ever thought of the difference between the tears produced by a tragic event and the tears produced by a moving story? (PARADOXE SUR LE COMÉDIEN) 1 "If a people have never had anything but one kind of play which is gay and... more
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      Diderot, DenisHistory of senses and sensibilityTheater and Performance Studies
This work addresses bell hooks’s call for the development of an alternative to patriarchal masculinity which she calls feminist masculinity. Patriarchal masculinity has convinced most men and women that the development of different forms... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyEcofeminismDiderot, DenisMontesquieu
Rédigé en 1772 et donné pour la première fois au public en 1796, le "Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville" de Diderot occupe une place marquante dans l’histoire du primitivisme. Notre étude se propose de montrer comment, dans cet ouvrage,... more
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      French LiteratureDiderot, DenisBougainvilleFrench Enlightenment
Shark 4 (Summer 2002): 165–177
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      PoeticsDiderot, DenisDIDEROTDenis Diderot
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      Theatre HistoryLiterature18th CenturyGotthold Ephraim Lessing
Les disciplines médicales et la philosophie de la nature ont exercé une puissante fascination sur Denis Diderot. Peut-être y était-il prédestiné par la profession de son père, coutelier spécialisé dans la fabrication d'instruments... more
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      Medical HumanitiesDiderot, DenisJacques Le Fataliste Et Son Maitre
Francesco Consiglio è studente, laureando in Filosofia, iscritto alla Laurea magistrale in Filosofia presso il dipartimento A.L.E.F. -Area di Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Parma. Si occupa prevalentemente di filosofia teoretica... more
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      PhilosophyArt TheoryHistory of ScienceIllustration
Le "Neveu de Rameau" de Diderot dans la "Phénoménologie de l'Esprit" de Hegel : littérature, droit et philosophie
(article paru dans Europe n° 882, oct. 2002)
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      HegelDiderot, DenisPhilosophie Du DroitLitterature and Philosophy
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      Art HistoryMedia StudiesDiderot, Denis
Notre étude portera sur l’évolution du terme de « génie » au tournant du XVIIIème siècle, et plus spécifiquement sur le rôle spécifique de Diderot dans le basculement conceptuel historique de la notion de génie, de la vision classique de... more
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      Diderot, DenisDIDEROTMythe et littératureRomantisme Français
See Part II.
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      Diderot, DenisDiderot and D'Alembert's EncyclopediaHistory of games, playing cards
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    • Diderot, Denis
Alienation [Verfremdung] is a concept that is inextricably linked with the name of Bertolt Brecht; with twentieth-century modernism, the avant-garde and Marxist theory. However, alienation as a sociological and aesthetic notion avant la... more
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      Bertolt BrechtModernismDiderot, DenisAlienation
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    • Diderot, Denis
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      Art HistoryFrench HistorySculptureFrench art
Keywords: Diderot Effect, Zeigarnik Effect, Consumption JEL Codes: M31, M37 As soon as consumption became apart from its functional value and gained different meta values through the discourses of media and culture mediators, sociological... more
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      ConsumptionDiderot, DenisZeigarnik Effect
SEMINARIO IN --> L. Mori (ed.), Filosofia. Seminari (Philosophy. Seminars), volume autonomo (328 pp.) in S. Givone, F. Firrao, Philosophia, manuale di filosofia per le Scuole secondarie di secondo grado, 4 voll. + 1, Bulgarini, Firenze... more
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      History of Blindness/Visual ImpairmentBlindnessLucretiusDiderot, Denis
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      MetaphysicsOntologyMetaphysics of TimeHegel
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      Diderot, DenisEugene DelacroixGeorge SandCharles Baudelaire
How we think of the relationship between the Jesuits and the Enlightenment largely depends on how we conceptualize the latter. This chapter addresses it as a series of debates conducted in the context of a cosmopolitan Republic of Letters... more
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      Intellectual History of EnlightenmentEuropean EnlightenmentJean-Jacques RousseauDiderot, Denis
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      Political PhilosophyIntellectual History of EnlightenmentDiderot, DenisFilosofía Política
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      Diderot, DenisGiovanni BelliniMarquis De SadeAntonello da Messina
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      Baruch SpinozaGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizDiderot, DenisRadical Enlightenment
Étienne La Font de Saint Yenne’s Réflexions emerges in 18th Century France seemingly prior to formal art criticism and at a proto-critical moment before L’Encyclopédie. One of its primary gestures, as Thomas Crow has pointed out, is to... more
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      Consumerism18th Century EnlightenmentBeaux Arts (Architecture history)History Painting
Les échanges entre Fedor Dostoïevski et les écrivains radicaux français ont souvent été étudiés depuis plus d'un siècle. Cependant, les chercheurs se sont rarement penchés sur des questions fâcheuses tel l'antisémitisme, et ont le plus... more
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismDostoevskyDiderot, Denis19th Century Russian Literature
Publicação em E-Pub realizada pelo Teatro do Pequeno Gesto do RJ. Trata-se da versão para livro da tese de doutorado de Fátima Saadi, dramaturgista, tradutora, e teatróloga do Teatro do Pequeno Gesto - RJ.
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      Gotthold Ephraim LessingDiderot, DenisTeatroDIDEROT
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      Diderot, DenisVoltaire
Статья посвящена первому советскому изданию «Парадокса об актере», подготовленному Н.Е. Эфросом и увидевшему свет сначала в Москве и Петрограде, а затем в Ярославле, в 1922-м и 1923 годах соответственно. В обеих брошюрах тексту Дидро было... more
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      Diderot, DenisTheatricalityStanislavsky and Acting Theory, Russian TheatreHistory of the Theater
La difficoltà di collocare "La Religieuse" di Diderot all'interno di un sicuro genere letterario, così come la complessità del processo di composizione del testo, permettono di individuare nel romanzo una poetica della "finzione vera", in... more
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      Aesthetics18th Century French LiteratureDiderot, DenisRoman épistolaire
On cite souvent comme exemplaire ce passage du « Discours préliminaire » de La Promenade du sceptique où Ariste (porte-parole probable de Diderot), représentant d'une nouvelle génération des Lumières, répond à un conseil de prudence que... more
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    • Diderot, Denis
The paper discusses the pre-history of the Romantic concept of a "new mythology" in culture and literature of the European Enlightenment. Authors discussed include Diderot, Lessing, Rousseau, Robespierre, Winckelmann, Herder and Moritz.
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      German StudiesComparative LiteratureGerman LiteratureMythology