Recent papers in Indexicality
Research on the subjunctive in Australian English has typically relied on corpus interrogation to ascertain frequency of occurrence of the target forms across text types (e.g., Collins and Peters 2004, Peters 2009). Such work has been... more
In this talk, Picado addresses the problem of pictorial systems underlying representation of historical eventfulness in photojournalism, in the context of debated claims about “indexicality” as hallmark of photographic general... more
Keywords: Eastern Europe, non-fiction film, photography, Anca Damian, Vladislava Plančíková, Radu Jude. There is a tendency in recent non-fiction film to re-contextualise archival photographs in highly mediated environments. In films like... more
When style seems to have been an unobservable feature in images before the era of art, it became the normative and qualitative property during Early Modern times, and thus copying became the most prominent activity in the teaching and... more
Charles S. Peirce's semeiotic-his theory about signs, reference, interpretation, meaning, and communication-is applicable with illuminating results to innumerable processes of semeiosis or sign-interpretation. Robert C. Neville is the... more
In screen studies and photography studies, the name of the acclaimed film theorist and critic André Bazin is frequently invoked by scholars seeking to defend the import of analogue media on ontological grounds by citing photography's... more
The Knowledge Argument is an argument for dualism that claims that there are both physical and non-physical facts, something we can know by reflecting on ‘Mary’ who is aware of all scientific data about colours but has yet to see any. I... more
The article considers Corneliu Porumboiu's 2008 Police, Adjective (one of the most important films of the New Romanian Cinema) as a dramatization of Peter Wollen's influential 1969 adaptation of Charles Sanders Peirce's trichotomy of... more
This paper focuses on two enduring features of Gareth Evans’s work. The first is his rethinking of standard ways of understanding the Fregean notion of sense and the second his sustained attempt to undercut the standard opposition... more
According to the communication desideratum (CD), a notion of semantic content must be adequately related to communication. In the recent debate on indexical reference, (CD) has been invoked in arguments against the view that intentions... more
Palabras claves: Nonágono Semiótico, indicialidad, audiovisual, ícono-diagramático
This article deals with the symbolic and material formation of an authenticated register of Övdalsk – a Scandinavian local language – unfolding in a situated engagement with grammatical artefacts. Seeking to refine the often... more
The annexed city of Sevastopol as a part of the Crimean peninsula remains de jure a Ukrainian territory for the most of the European countries and beyond. De facto this city is a new subject of the Russian Federation. A case study... more
The ambivalent status of circumstantial evidence has been intensively discussed since the 18th century, in both fiction and forensics. (Forensic) Evidence is both hermeneutic and material -- a phenomenon of ambiguity: the conclusions to... more
Artigo publicado sobre o simpósio online em homenagem ao lançamento do "Indexicalism: Realism and the Metaphysics of Paradox", do professor HIlan Bensusan. O volume completo pode ser encontrado aqui:... more
Работа посвящена анализу спектаклей в непредназначенных для театральной игры местах. В качестве материала были выбраны спектакли «Радио Таганка» Группы юбилейного года в Театре на Таганке (реж. Семен Александровский, 2014) и «Вперед,... more
This essay takes the work of Samuel Fosso as the starting point of my reflections—not in an attempt to reveal the genuine features of African self-portraiture but to examine a work that is exclusively self-photographic with regard to... more
Abstract Through a critical review of existing literature on hipsters, and an analysis of online data, this article provides a description of ‘hipster culture’. To this end, we examine the reoccurring markers of hipster identity and,... more
Theories of reference to person are generally considered to name their target in some way. With few exceptions, a proper name is assumed to refer to the entity that bears the name, and a deictic form to the entity it points to. A problem... more
Photography has often been scrutinized regarding its relationship to reality or historical truth. This includes not only the indexicality of photography, but also the question of how structures and processes that comprise history and... more
"Occurrence and use of phonaesthetic lexemes in Swedish: a diachronic corpus analysis" The present work is specifically dedicated to the realization of lexemes that are formed with the swedish phonesthemes /sm-/, /gl-/, /spj-/, /sn-/,... more
Through its theorization and elaboration in the path-breaking work of Michael Silverstein, indexicality has served as a foundational analytic category for linguistic anthropology, both in its ethnographic analyses as well as in its... more
The main aim of this brief and purposely radical essay is to investigate further possibilities for empirical research in natural classification of semiosis (signs as wholes). Before introducing emon – a missing term in the taxonomy of... more
This master's thesis explores the relationship between voice and identity, by investigating language strategies used by transgender speakers in conveying gender identity. The qualitative analysis reveals that very specific gender... more
"This thesis brings together discourses concerning indexicality, touch, theatricality, and language to bear upon the photographic image in an attempt to open the parameters of current photographic discourse and carve a place for... more
The practice-led art research project 'Gathering Shadows' investigates the ‘tragic’ visual poetics of a speculative ‘ecological gaze’ at a time of ecological crisis. The work replaces the distancing objectification of lens-based capture... more
What distinguishes photography from other visual mediums? This deceptively simple but fundamental question has been at the centre of both past and current debates on the aesthetics of photography for quite some time. In this article, I... more
Aller Kunstfertigkeit des Photographen und aller Planmäßigkeit in der Haltung seines Modells zum Trotz fühlt der Beschauer unwiderstehlich den Zwang, in solchem Bild das winzige Fünkchen Zufall, Hier und Jetzt, zu suchen, mit dem die... more
An in-depth study of identity in modern Egyptian public discourse. Focuses on nationalist discourse before, during and after the Egyptian revolution of 2011. Based on a broad, and representative selection of data. Helps us to... more
The thesis of this essay is that linguistic anthropology is not the study of language. Rather, " language " functions as a permanently problematic, if indispensable, object for linguistic anthropological analysis and thought. This is... more
This chapter takes as its point of departure the singular “Slender Man stabbing” incident in Waukesha, Wisconsin, an incident that defines one extreme of a continuum of “ostension,” an attempt to act out or show the (legend) narrative in... more
This open access book is a methodical treatise on narration in different types of media. A theoretical rather than a historical study, Transmedial Narration is relevant for an understanding of narration in all times, including our own. By... more
This article draws from scalar theory to examine how textual diversification can engage with linguistic and social structures to both pluralize academic writing and facilitate an alternate structuration of publishing policies and... more
This article uses Roland Barthes's text, Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, to critique photography's truth claim to the real by reading the photographic discourse of ''indexicality'' as a ''symptom,'' as defined in the work of... more