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An insurance man, a rocker, a partisan, a deportee, a bandoneonist.... What can such different figures have in common? Very little, you might say, apart from the fact that they are among the main protagonists of "contemporary music", a... more
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      MusicMusicologyAestheticsContemporary Art
As John Cage wrote in his book A Year from Monday, the " current use for art [is] giving instances of society suitable for social imitation—suitable because they show ways. .. people can do things without being told or telling others what... more
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      George Herbert MeadJohn Cage
Discussions of “silent cinema” have generally focused on films made during the silent era (1894–1929). Even after the spread of synchronized sound, however, several experimental filmmakers created films without soundtracks, purely visual... more
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      AestheticsAvant-Garde CinemaFilm Music And SoundSilent Film
Analysis of Cage’s Silence is motivated by a question of the possibility to hear silence. Analysis benefits from Cage’s claim of the impossibility to hear silence when it is understood as an absence of sound as well as from further... more
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      SilenceListening (Music)John Cage
in Theatre Journal. Vol.63, No.1. (2011)
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      Game studiesIntermedialityJacques DerridaFluxus
Abstrakt. Prekursorem "demokratycznego" myślenia o sztuce -głoszącego, że sztuka traktująca swoją rolę odpowiedzialnie nie może pozostawać oddzielona od kontekstu, w jakim powstaje -był amerykański filozof pragmatysta John Dewey.... more
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      John Dewey's AestheticsJohn Cage
August 29, 1952, in Maverick Concert Hall, Woodstock: a historic event takes place. The pianist David Tudor closes and opens the piano lid three times, without touching the keyboard itself, during the premiere performance of John Cage’s... more
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      20th century Avant-GardeJohn CageJohn Cage, experimental music
We discuss here the function of the concept of algorithm in the musical production of non-computational works, generalizing the idea proposing it as an adequate tool for the conception of open works. The paper considers also the strategic... more
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      Algorithmic CompositionJohn CageOpen Work
The ‘Irish Bartók’ question has been around for decades, but is there still some value in the concept? Composer Dave Flynn argues that there is, and that now is the time for a new engagement by Irish composers with Irish traditional music... more
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      Irish MusicClassical MusicJohn CageTraditional Irish Music
Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more
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      MusicVisual StudiesArt HistoryNew Media
Although the cellist Charlotte Moorman was most famed for her topless performances of Nam June Paik’s _Opera Sextronique_ and subsequent arrest for indecent exposure, she spent her entire career grappling with John Cage’s _26’ 1.1499’’... more
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      Performance ArtFluxusExperimental MusicJohn Cage
Just as John Cage used chance techniques to relinquish control in his practice as a composer, he used pedagogical techniques that facilitated shared learning and experimentation. The tenets of Critical Pedagogy, as laid out by Paulo... more
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      Music EducationCritical PedagogyPaulo FreireExperimental Music
Iverson's groundbreaking analysis is based on the idea that there is a pressing need to revise several persistent narratives surrounding the WDR studio, the Darmstadt Summer Courses, and the role of Karlheinz Stockhausen. This book... more
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      MusicologyElectroacoustic MusicHistory Of Electroacoustic MusicJohn Cage
Sonatas e Interludios es una obra maestra que finaliza su primer periodo, de gran complejidad; pero también es un paso al uso de las probabilidades y de la indeterminación en sus procesos y objetivos compositivos. Un nuevo concepto de... more
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      Composition (Music)John Cage
Hoppy (John Hopkins) was many-sided. He'd studied physics and mathematics at Cambridge and worked as physicists for the Atomic Energy Commission till he fell in with the CND. Like many people in the Underground, he'd dabbled in almost... more
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      PoetryJohn Cage1960sUFO
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      Performance StudiesAnarchismChoreographySculpture
In 1989, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles (MoCA) invited the American composer and artist John Cage to create a new artwork. The result was a chance-derived four movement composition for museum entitled Rolywholyover A... more
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      Marcel DuchampJohn CageErratum
This essay considers aspects of the pedagogy behind the PBS children's show Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Too easily sentimentalized--and sometimes satirized--for his exploration of feelings and empathy, Fred Rogers in fact carefully... more
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      EpistemologyTelevision StudiesVisual CultureVisual Semiotics
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryMusic
This paper is an attempt to construct a spatial acoustic theory on the manner of operations within John Cage’s 1963 musical composition titled Variations IV. In constructing such a theory I introduce Barry Blesser and Linda-Ruth Salter’s... more
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      ArchitectureSoundscape StudiesJohn Cage
Nederlandstalige studie van het epoche-makende werk
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      MusicologyMusical ModernismJohn Cage
Ruiz-Godoy, Judith. "El silencio como resistencia a través de la poesía y la música" en Revista Opción,
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      MusicologySilenceMichel FoucaultContemporary Poetry
"The music of the future? Surely beyond notes and based on sound. In reality, of course, the music of the future can only be the music of the present, but is, with rare exceptions, the music of the past." (Edgard Varèse)
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryPopular MusicPopular Culture
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      Dance StudiesCollaborationModernismBallets Russes
"Happenings" have pop connotations that conjure up 1960s youth culture and hippies in public, joyful rebellion. Scholars, meanwhile, locate happenings in a genealogy of avant-garde performance that descends from futurism, surrealism, and... more
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      New MediaInstallation ArtPerformance StudiesTransnationalism
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      Filippo Tommaso MarinettiGabriele D'AnnunzioJohn CageLuigi Russolo
Book review for Leonardo Reviews. A timely book that makes us aware of a necessary sensibility to the world as already indicated by Cage and Deleuze.
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      Gilles DeleuzeJohn Cage
John Cages theories on simultaneity, chance operations and indeterminacy influenced the artists of the Fluxus group. The articles features different concepts of Cages notations and the event cards of Fluxus artists. The relations between... more
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      PerformanceFluxusJohn CageChance
1970: apogeu da arte conceptual -a performance passa a ser reconhecida como meio de expressão artística independente, tornandose na forma de arte mais visível deste período.
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      PerformanceDadaFluxusJohn Cage
« Quelle que soit la direction, le chemin, tout passe par la décision de se dévouer, de faire attention à tout ce qui est extérieur à soi-même, de s'abandonner 1. » John Cage (1978) L'histoire des théories et des pratiques de l'éducation... more
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      PhilosophyPragmatismEducationPhilosophy of Education
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      ArchitectureJohn CageArchitectural Design
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      SilenceSound ArtJohn Cage
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      PercussionDrumming and PercussionJohn CageEdgard Varese
An entry on Media Art in the "Encyclopedia of American Culture" (in Japanese).
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      CyberneticsMedia ArtThomas PynchonMedia Theory
Ceramics had a far-reaching impact in the second half of the twentieth century, as its artists worked through the same ideas regarding abstraction and form as those for other creative mediums. Live Form shines new light on the relation of... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbstract ArtCeramics (Art History)Modern and contemporary crafts (Art)
Musica e Danza sono espressioni sfaccettate fatte di somiglianze e differenze. Il ritmo è una delle dimensioni che le tiene assieme. Musica e Danza interagiscono e si incontrano. Ma la storia dell'evoluzione della musica per la danza è... more
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      John CageJean-Baptiste LullyDiaghilev and the ballets Russes 1909-1929Coreografia
From the mid-twentieth century into the twenty-first, artists and musicians manipulated, cracked, and broke audio media technologies to produce novel sounds and performances. Artists and musicians, including John Cage, Nam June Paik,... more
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      Art HistoryMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
Cet ouvrage explore les démarches d’artistes qui ne recourent jamais au hasard « par hasard ». Ils le pratiquent et le pensent au contraire à travers des méthodes rigoureuses où l’activité artistique croise la philosophie et les sciences.... more
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      AestheticsArt Practice as ResearchSurrealismPhilosophy of Art
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      John CageBauhaus
This essay argues that key aspects of Fluxus have a striking resemblance to the ideas and antics of the computer “hackers” who, in the sixties and seventies, defined the culture of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence lab. The past several... more
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      FluxusAvant-GardeInstitutional CritiqueJohn Cage
El arte de nuestro tiempo aturde ruidosamente con exhortaciones al silencio – señala Susan Sontag en una de las más pertinentes aproximaciones a la estética del silencio publicadas en los últimos años. He aquí un nihilismo coqueto,... more
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      Joseph BeuysSilenceSusan SontagJohn Cage
This article has been published in a revised form in Tempo []. This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative... more
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      John CageBrancusiErik Satie
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      Experimental MusicJohn CageMichael Nyman
Filosofie filosofiE MiMEsis John CagE Una rivolUzionE lUnga CEnt'anni a CuRa dI gIaCoMo FRonzI Con un'InteRvIsta InedIta gIaCoMo FRonzI (a CuRa dI) John CagE la rivoluzione resta la nostra preoccupazione. Ma invece... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
A treatise for the Summer 2015 issue of Chilean sound art journal AURAL on the ways that sound shapes our experience of living. Upon developing an acute awareness of the psycho-social effects of atmosphere, we become what 20th century... more
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      PsychogeographyMicrotonal MusicHenri LefebvrePhenomenology of Space and Place
Part 1, Chapter 2: Composing Sociality: Toward an Aesthetics of Transition Design Composing sociality is a group practice in which artwork functions in tandem with natural social systems. Composing sociality is a feedback loop: group... more
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      MusicMusicologySoundscape StudiesSound studies
激浪派並不是一種藝術 流派,它沒有文本,精確地說, 它更接近於一種表達方式和生存 態度,許多躍入其中的參與人, 各自詮釋激浪派而發展獨特的演 繹形式,於是其面貌始終模糊, 形體變化不定,然而可以綜括的 是:它總是幽默、輕薄、偶發, 卻僅只是想像的共同體。從宣言 迄今,走過半世紀的激浪派,其 肉身已經從1960年代的少年邁入 中老年。過往以無敘事、隨機的 行為拼貼,做為對秩序化、正典 化的藝術史之抵抗,如今卻成為 一場詛咒:拒絕被收編於歷史的 藝術家們,一位接一位地被收藏... more
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      FluxusJohn CageBlack Mountain College
El artículo investiga Los Encuentros de Pamplona, un certamen internacional de prácticas artísticas contemporáneas celebrado en España en 1972 por iniciativa privada, como un laboratorio de la democracia: como un campo de ensayo, debate y... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureContemporary ArtJohn Cage
""When writing about Cage, we encounter many difficulties with terminology. How to describe in a summary manner, without misunderstandings a writer, composer, teacher, music and social critic, poet, painter, anarchist, speaker, cultural... more
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      MultimediaPhilosophy of ArtIntermediaJoseph Beuys
Ich erkläre hiermit, die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig verfasst und alle verwendeten Quellen im Text angegeben zu haben.
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      MusicAestheticsComposition (Music)Avant-Garde