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In erkenntnistheoretischen Zusammenhängen hat sich für praktisches Wissen seit Ryle die Unterscheidung zwischen propositionalem knowing that und nicht-propositionalem knowing how etabliert. In der Handlungstheorie wird praktisches Wissen... more
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      Practical ReasoningImmanuel KantPractical Reasons and RationalityPractical Philosophy
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      PhilosophyPhenomenology of the Body (Philosophy)
The article discusses the relation between skills (or competences), creditability, and aptness . The positive suggestion is that we might make progress understanding the relation between creditability and aptness by inquiring more... more
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      Philosophy of MindEpistemologyAction Theory
Cet article s'intéresse à la toute première « école d'ingénierie scénique », fondée au xvii e siècle à Florence par Giulio Parigi, et à la diffusion du savoir qui en résulta parmi les artistes de cour européens. Il montre comment, depuis... more
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      MechanicsExperimental philosophyHumanitiesArt
Abstract: Two different processes are found in human evolution: the process of hominization and the process of humanization (Jordana, 1988, p. 97) (Polo, 2016, p.9). The first refers to the morphological changes that culminate in H... more
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      ArchaeologyCognitionPalaeoanthropologyLower Paleolithic
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According to the initial investigations, the word " Tawakkul"(Trust) has no compatibility with the meanings of the verb form (bāb) "tafaʿʿul ". As the rules related to the meanings of the tafaʿʿul verb form in the Arabic literature do not... more
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    • Quran and Hadits
The present study is a combination of sequential (qualitative-quantitative) exploratory type in terms of applied purpose and in terms of data collection method. First, in order to identify the components of employability skills,... more
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The importance of the article is underscored by the fact that the development of a child's personality in the paradigm of today's education requires special study, since the lack of generally accepted methods for forming key competences... more
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      NeuropedagogyPractical knowledgeProblem ApproachPedagogical Theories
This article investigates the transformation of 'Knowledge' and ' Techne' in Qajar era. The hypothesis of the article is that the radical change that occurred in Qajar period in definition of knowledge and its classification was due to... more
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      Qajar PeriodKnowledgeNew TechnologiesTechne
In 1622, Francis Bacon published his Historia naturalis et experimentalis. Many of the features of Bacon's natural and experimental histories were entirely new. This paper studies this literary form as a new epistemic genre. In... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyEmpiricismFrancis BaconHistory of knowledge
This paper aims at answering the following two questions; one is “How can social studies move from contents-focused to contents-skill-balanced?” and the other is “How can social studies’ unique skills and competency that extend beyond the... more
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      Social StudiesNcssinquiry based
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      Practical ReasoningPhilosophy of action and theory of rationalityPractical knowledgeG.E.M. Anscombe
The approach of vocational Bildung didactics has been developed to investigate practical knowledge in matters of education for Bildung and phronesis (practical wisdom). Case narratives of unusual richness or success are at the core of the... more
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In the present article, we are faced with two phenomenological philosophers who, in two different intellectual traditions, namely philosophical hermeneutics and moral phenomenology, have referred to the concept of the Other as the... more
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      EthicsPublic Understanding Of ScienceUnderstandingLevinas
Der weitaus größte Teil des menschlichen Lebens besteht aus Alltäglichem, aus eingespielten Abläufen und praktischen Routinen in wohlvertrauten Kontexten und Umwelten. Umso überraschender ist es, dass die Frage nach den spezifischen... more
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      Capability ApproachTheory of the good life (Philosophy)Everyday LifePractical knowledge
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      LinguisticsIntellectualismPractical knowledgeAnti-Intellectualism
人工知能の大規模言語モデルの中で、今日最も普及しているのはChatGPTであり、バージョン3と4の「幻覚」とは対照的に、そのバージョン4oはすでに信頼できる知識を保証していますが、これは確かに2024年夏までに約束されているバージョン5に調整できます。したがって、ChatGPT... more
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      SociologyPhilosophy of Science
Des auteurs dénoncent le vide scientifique important quant à la réalité des familles d’accueil (FA) (Boyer & Noël, 2008), mais plus spécifiquement sur le plan des pratiques qui leur sont propres (Cébula, 2011; Turbiaux, 2010). Leur... more
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      MediationMediaciónPractical knowledgeProfessionalization
The aim of this research is to understand how teachers take ownership of content given them in formative intervention modules and transform it into suggestions and materials for teaching. To this end a module on optics was designed for a... more
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      PhysicsPractical knowledge
I snart 30 år har norske journalister sendt inn bidrag for å vinne den årlige SKUP-prisen. Sammen med nominasjonen sendes en metoderapport. Hensikten er å belønne arbeidsprosessen, ikke bare de ferdige sakene. En annen viktig hensikt er å... more
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    • Sociology
Dans le cadre de la lutte contre l'échec en premier cycle supérieur, le LabSET et des enseignants de physique de l'université de Liège ont développé un dispositif en ligne d'entraînement à la résolution de problèmes en physique. Deux... more
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      HumanitiesDidacticsPolitical ScienceSciences
La metáfora neoplatónica “regio dissimilitudinis” invoca, negativamente, el concepto de semejanza, y ésta, según el modo en que san Agustín leyó a Plotino, implica a la vez un imperativo del regreso al Creador o “imitatio Christi”. Este... more
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      TheologyPatristicsPatristic ExegesisPatristic Studies
Este artículo presenta la experiencia y los dilemas de enseñanza de un grupo de docentes en la formación inicial de profesorado del Grado en Educación Infantil, en su adaptación a la virtualidad ocasionada por la COVID-19. Un proyecto... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesMentoringEducación a Distancia
Gilbert Ryle's The Concept of Mind was published in 1949 both to wide acclaim and to general bemusement. It was anticipated by its critics as a book that would, if not set the agenda for philosophy of mind, then at least preoccupy it for... more
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With the aim of helping to enrich teacher training processes, using an approach based on Practical Knowledge and Practical Thinking (Schon's knowledge-in-action), the present paper strives to explore and understand the relationships... more
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      PsychologyReflective PracticeUnconscious MindPractical knowledge
Abstract: We explore new connections between the epistemologies of mental rehearsal and suppositional reasoning to offer a novel perspective on skilled behavior and its relationship to practical knowledge. We argue that practical... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyEpistemic JustificationImagination
Background The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the regulatory body in the UK, is in the process of opening a new part of the register for Advanced Nurse Practitioners. This presents a potential opportunity for clinical research... more
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      NursingMedicineClinical PracticeNursing Research
Mi propósito en este artículo es resaltar la conexión entre tres capacidades (dynámeis) intelectuales: anchínoia, synesis y euphyía. Pretendo mostrar que son funciones o aspectos del noüs (poder de intelección o intuición , como función... more
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En la tradición analítica, un punto de inflexión en el desarrollo de una teoría de la acción intencional se produjo con la publicación de la obra “Intention”, de Elizabeth Anscombe, en 1957. Lo innovador de la misma radica en haber hecho... more
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      Donald DavidsonFilosofia AnaliticaAnscombeIntención
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    • Psychology
This licence provides permission to copy or redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to remix, transform or build upon the material for any purpose, including commercially. These freedoms are granted under the following... more
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      PhenomenologyEnactivismPractical knowledge
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    • Humanities
In this paper, we present results of cross-linguistic studies of Japanese and English knowing how constructions that show radical differences in knowledge-how attributions with large effect sizes. The results suggest that the relevant... more
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      Knowledge-HowIntellectualismPractical knowledgeAnti-Intellectualism
This article aims to focus on the versatile material of glass and to explore the unique potential of glassblowing techniques for creating organic and transient glass forms for site-specific installations. The objective is to transform... more
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    • Defamiliarization
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      EducationClassroom TeachingAdventureOutdoor Learning
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      EducationClassroom TeachingAdventureOutdoor Learning
The critique of Gilbert Ryle's work raises valid points, and it's important to acknowledge that philosophical perspectives can be interpreted and evaluated in various ways. Moreover, it highlights shifting trends in society that continue... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPlatoContemporary Philosophy
As part of the Course 2024 DLS2 Seminar Question: What does Ryle mean by knowing how to do something and knowing that something is the case? What does knowing how to do anything have to do with knowing that something is the case? What... more
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What is the nature and structure of phronesis or practical wisdom? According to the view widely held by philosophers and psychologists, a person S is wise if and only if S knows how to live well. Given this view of practical wisdom, the... more
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Bookreview in Spanish and Italian of "The Structures of Practical Knowledge"
Matteo Valleriani (ed.), Leiden, Springer, 2017
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of SciencePractical knowledge
We are now planning a Special Workshop in IVR Seoul 2024, i.e., on "Human Rights/Constitutional Rights and Practical Knowledge". This SW is co-organized by Prof. Dr. Martin Borowski (Heidelberg), Lecturer Dr. Wei Feng (Beijing), and Dr.... more
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      Human RightsDiscourse TheoryPractical knowledgeRelation between International Law and National law
The purpose of this chapter is to examine what the notion of a call can bring to our understanding of professional practice and practical knowledge. I begin with a brief consideration of why the notion of a call fell out of favour. I... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasConsciencePractical knowledge
Please see the introduction, uploaded to Academia (paper)
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      Theory of KnowledgePractical knowledge
In this chapter I develop a framework for a comprehensive account of knowledge from the perspective of people engaged in practices in the world. This form of knowledge, with the key notion of knowing one's ways about, can be seen as a... more
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      Theory of KnowledgePractical knowledge
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      Theory of KnowledgePractical knowledge
چکیده در نظام های آموزشی سراسر دنیا، انگاره آموزش تفکر در سطوح عالیتر از یک سو و استفاده از مطالب درسی به عنوان ابزاری برای تفکر از سوی دیگر سبب شده تا تفکر نقادانه به عنوان یک مفهوم بنیادین و یک آرمان آموزشی مطرح شود. انجام پژوهش به... more
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Purpose: This work responds to the need for maintaining an ethic of care in the face of increased demands for cost effectiveness and efficiency. Findings are presented from a qualitative study describing how nurse practitioner (NP)... more
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      NursingNarrativeLeadershipQualitative Research
This study investigated test anxiety as correlate of secondary school students’ attitude towards examination malpractice in Imo State, Nigeria. Three research questions were answered, and one null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of... more
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      PsychologyAnxietyTest anxietyMalpractice
El presente artículo versa sobre el papelque cumple la fotografía en el desarrolloprofesional de docentes en ejercicio. Seexponen los primeros resultados del pro-yecto de investigación llevado a cabo contres maestras y una directora de... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesTeacher TrainingMental Images