Practical Philosophy
Recent papers in Practical Philosophy
Musonius Rufus is often given the title the 'Roman Socrates', however he is more often looked over when talking about Stoicism. This article sees that he regains his rightful place in the Stoic pantheon.
La tesis central del trabajo de Hugo E. Herrera, ganador del Quinto Concurso de Ensayo en Humanidades Contemporáneas convocado por el Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad Diego Portales, el Goethe -Institut Santiago y el suplemento... more
Die Erforschung des historischen und systematischen Kontextes von Kants Philosophie weist bis auf den heutigen Tag signifikante Lücken auf. Dies gilt umso mehr für unser Verständnis der Bedeutung der gegenüber Kants Philosophie erhobenen... more
I hope to indicate how Stoic counsel may serve just as effectively today as it did nearly two thousand years ago in Rome. With respect to fundamentals, the human condition has not changed a great deal during the millennia separating our... more
Autant une forte demande sociale est adressée à la philosophie, en particulier dans sa dimension pratique, autant il faut interroger les conditions sous lesquelles elle peut y répondre. Revient-il au philosophe d'énoncer des normes et des... more
El así llamado «regreso de la filosofía práctica», empezado en 1960 por H. G. Gadamer con su Wahrheit und Methode, ha provocado a menudo confusión entre la auténtica filosofía práctica de Aristóteles y la virtud que él llama phronêsis o... more
The book introduces Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s philosophy of action into the mainstream of contemporary action-theoretical debates. Piotr Makowski shows that Kotarbiński–Alfred Tarski’s teacher and one of the most important philosophers of the... more
Civility in a social context is the virtue of respecting other people's conflicting perspectives and communicating that respect to those people. Civility thus conceived is something applicable to all moral perspectives equally, something... more
This dissertation addresses the issues of the indeterminacy of law and judicial discretion in the decision of the quaestio facti. It is composed of four papers:
In diesem Essay soll die praktische Philosophie von Jürgen Habermas, dessen Diskursethik vor allem in der modernen deutschen Unternehmensethik eine große Rolle spielt, vorgestellt und in Verhältnis zu seinen Überlegungen zur... more
In reply to critics who summarily dismiss Nishida's philosophy as weakened on the historical front by excessive attention to the mind and interiority, in this essay I provide textual proof of a major shift in Nishida's late work based on... more
Die Philosophie viel über Rache geschrieben und dabei wenig über den Begriff der Rache gesagt. In diesem Aufsatz versuche ich, einen Begriff der Rache zu entwickeln, der weniger täterzentriert und mehr rächerzentriert ist, um das Phänomen... more
The concept of rigor plays a key role in mathematics. On the one hand, from a conceptual point of view, our understanding of mathematics relies heavily on the concept of 'rigorous proof', which alone is able to establish a theorem. On the... more
Кожевникова М.Н. Концепция учительской философии образования // Учитель наедине с собой, сб. науч. статей / Ред.-сост. М.Н. Кожевникова. -СПб.: Изд. «Лема», ФГНУ ИПООВ РАО, 2014. -С. 78 -131. _________________ Концепция учительской... more
Foucault’nun düşüncesini bir bütün içinde kavramanın konforlu bir yolu olmadığı, bu düşünce herhangi bir rahatlatıcı birlik imgesinin kendisine dayatılmasını kategorik olarak reddettiği için, dönemselleştirme fikri Foucault okumalarının... more
El presente trabajo ofrece, por primera vez, un estudio completo y unitario de las funciones que la facultad del juicio desempeña en el sistema ético de Kant. Esta perspectiva permite resolver algunas aporías inherentes a la aplicación de... more
Le propos de cet article est de traverser des différentes interprétations sur la même incarnation historique du chef, c’est-à-dire Périclès, en la réinsérant dans la culture politique démocratique du V siècle de la πόλις. En particulier,... more
Moral particularism is often conceived as the view that there are no moral principles. However, its most fêted accounts focus almost exclusively on rules regarding actions and their features. Such action-centred particularism, I argue,... more
Hem Spinoza hem de Nietzsche yalnızca içkin düşüncenin içine gizlenmiş aşkınlık tortularını temizlemekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda aşkınlığın arkasında yatan tipolojiyi de ortaya çıkarırlar. Bu, içkinlik düşüncesinin aslen pratik bir disiplin... more
In this chapter, I criticize some common approaches to conceptualizing property, and I propose instead a more normatively attuned, historically situated framework for thinking about what it means to call something mine. Whereas many legal... more
This paper focuses on one of the major criticisms made to Aristotle's virtue ethics, namely that it lacks explicit moral action guidance. The same criticism has been addressed to later developments of virtue ethics. There have been... more
This chapter aims at fostering a novel conceptual framework to address the issue of experiencing the everyday, with a focus on our aesthetic preferences and choices in daily life and their practical implications. Given the persistent... more
W artykule podjęta jest próba intuicyjnej syntetycznej interpretacji sokratejskiej maieutyki w duchu psychologii homeryckiej. Bazując na tej interpretacji, opracowano ćwiczenie uświadomionego mówienia, które zostało włączone do zajęć... more
To say that interology is a way of life is to say that it is a practical philosophy, an ethics. This way of life is characterized by dialogue, communitas, life-enhancing relationality, productive tension, mode switching at opportune... more
From: Institute of Philosophical Practices
Oscar Brenifier, philosophy practitioner
Oscar Brenifier, philosophy practitioner
OR consultants aspire to provide their clients with good reasoning. OR methods are designed to support the process of developing good reasoning. Logic examines what counts as good reasoning. The aim of the paper is to investigate the... more
This programmatic paper argues that building a bridge between the two traditions of systems thinking and practical philosophy is key to serving the cause of ethically grounded, socially rational decision-making. A three-level framework... more
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
In recent years, a renewed interest in Hegel’s Logic has led to important breakthroughs in our understanding of a number of Hegelian topics. Through a new interpretation of Hegel as a “logical constitutivist,” this essay seeks to... more
The Online Journal of Hegelian Studies (Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Hegelianos) will publish a special issue devoted to the topic of “The Practical Dimension of G.W.F. Hegel’s Logic”. We welcome contributions that explore the link... more
Esta conferencia es a propósito de los atentados terroristas de París del 13 de noviembre de 2015. Se ocupa del temor como sentimiento que transforma el relieve de lo que se denomina "el ámbito de las luces", y lo enfrenta a la realidad... more