Quran and Hadits
Recent papers in Quran and Hadits
by andri sulfauzon. my genius friend. a student of UIN SUSKA RIAU. Suatu proses yang tak kalah penting dari sebuah hadits itu adalah periwayatannya, bagaimana sebuah hadits itu bisa terjaga semenjak masa Nabi hingga pada masa sekarang... more
Ulumul hadits
jenis-jenis hadits
inkar sunnah
sejarah pembukuan hadits
Syarat hadits
jenis-jenis hadits
inkar sunnah
sejarah pembukuan hadits
Syarat hadits
إن الأدب في الإسلام له أهمية عظمى، وفي مجال التعلم والتعليم أشد، فلذا يقال الادب قبل الطلب. وجديرا لأهل العلم طالبا ومعلما أن يهتم بهذه الآدب خاصة المنقي من كلام المعلم الأول المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم. فهذه المقالة تحاول استراد عددا من... more
Al-Qur’an merupakan wahyu Allah yang patut kita pelajari. Metodologi tafsir Al Qur’an adalah salah satu cara untuk mengkaji, memahami dan menguak lebih jauh maksud dan kandungan dari ayat-ayat Al Qur’an. Metode tafsir yang adapun sangat... more
Orientalist is one who is expert in Islamic and eastern culture and also every related to be Islamic teaching, especially in hadith. Orientalist discuss and examine hadith intensively and bring out scientific works. They work with... more
Özet İnsanlığın mazhar olduğu en büyük medeniyetlerinden birini oluşturan İslam medeniyeti Kur’an merkezli bir medeniyettir. Bu yüzden Kur’an’ı Kerim’in doğru bir biçimde anlaşılması hayati bir önem arz etmektedir. Sorunun bilincinde olan... more
Hadits telah ada sejak awal perkembangan Islam adalah sebuah kenyataan yang tak dapat diragukan lagi. Hadist sebagai sumber ajaran
The metaphor of the camel passing through the eye of the needle is found in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25) and the Qur'an (7:40). The Gospels seem to suggest that it is easier for a camel to pass through the... more
Allaah granted his Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, qualities of perfection and noble characteristics which distinguished him from all other human beings. Consequently, he, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, combined all the possible... more
Revisi Makalah Kelompok 4 mata kuliah Al-Quran Hadits pada MA
Oleh : Siti Tridia Utamy (0301183220)
PAI-5 Semester IV
Oleh : Siti Tridia Utamy (0301183220)
PAI-5 Semester IV
This chapter of book reads poems attributed to Umayya b. Abi Salt, a prophet from Taif emerging at the same time as Muhammad in Medina. The poems attributed to Umayya sound similar to many Quranic verses, leading us to revisit the common... more
The discussion regarding the writing of hadith during the life of the Prophet is a contentious topic within the area of Islamic and hadith studies both in the West and in the Islamic world. Orientalists write their work on hadith with a... more
In the modern age, the conflict between science and religion manifests itself in the debate between evolution and creation. If we adopt a creationist's reading of the Qur'an, we discover an interesting anomaly. Reading the Qur'an... more
bin Mas"ud, ia berkata, "Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "seandainya dunia tidak tersisa kecuali tinggal sehari saja, maka allah akan memanjangkan hari itu hingga mengutus seorang laki-laki dari keturunanku atau dari ahli baitku. Namanya seperti... more
Öz: Aile, her bir üyesi için en güvenli ortam olmasına rağmen bazen şiddet ve istismar, kişiye bizzat aile fertlerinden gelebilir. Şiddet, insanlar arasında var olan diğer tüm ilişkilerde olduğu gibi aile ilişkilerinin de bozulmasına... more
Su, ot ve ateş insanlığın hatta bütün canlıların ortak değeri ve mirasıdır. Ancak bu durum onlar üzerinde dilediğimiz gibi tasarruf yapabileceğimiz anlamına gelmemektedir. Çünkü bunların, herhangi bir birey tarafından sınırsız ve... more
Kumpulan Hadits Menjadi Manusia Terbaik
This research is motivated by a number of discrepancies between the reality of educational hadith quotation and the standard of the hadith quotation of the hadith. These divergences include the differences in the reference to educational... more
This research aims to assess the level of understanding of IAIN Kendari students against the meaning of Surah Al-Nahl verse 1 25 in implementing demonstrations delivering tradition. This important research is done because it can reveal... more
Bilindiği üzere Kur’an-ı Kerim, 610-632 yılları arasında Hz. Muhammed’e nazil olan son ilahi kitaptır. Kur’an’ın kendisinden önceki vahiylerden temayüz ettiği bazı özellikleri vardır. Kur’an vahyinin en belirgin özelliklerinden birisi de... more
The discussion regarding the writing of hadith during the life of the Prophet is a contentious topic within the area of Islamic and hadith studies both in the West and in the Islamic world. Orientalists write their work on hadith with a... more
zet Hz. Peygamber'in sünnetinin yazılı belgeleri olan hadislerin gerçekten ona ait olup olmadığını araş-tırma ve belirleme meselesi, güncelliğini kaybetmeyen bir konudur. Muhaddisler, bir hadisin Hz. Peygamber'e aidiyeti... more