Marxist Historiography
Recent papers in Marxist Historiography
Panel 1 - Critique of history and history of critique with Christian Garland, Harry Cross & Matt Bolton
British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
A review of Irfan Habib's The National Movement Part II: The Struggle For Freedom 1919-1947
Much of the material culture and written sources of the New Kingdom relate to the rulers and the elite. Despite this, we can deduce what life would have been like for the average Egyptian in New Kingdom Egypt.
The new state was conceived based on an original idea, rooted only in the local tradition. This is an example of spontaneous state making. The ruler reigned over «the entire Wallachian land» and, for the fi rst time in the East, emerged a... more
Livro organizado pelo historiador Chris Wickham que discute as possibilidade de trabalho da historiografia marxista para a contemporaneidade.
Karl Marx is one of the nineteenth century's most influential philosophers of history. He, besides history, was a philosopher of sociology, economics and political economy. He advocated joining and strengthening an intellectual working... more
Se c'è una persona che possa comprendere quanto sia doloroso avere poco tempo per studiare, sono io ma che ci vuoi fare bisogna pur vivere" (Franco Della Peruta) 1
Raphael Samuel Marxism is often discussed, both by its partisans and its critics, as though it was a closed system which, once elaborated, could be said to exist more or less independently of historical time.* Marx and Engels' own texts... more
The notion of 'socialist patriotism' represents one point of departure of this essay. Throughout the majority of the reign of the communist parties in Eastern Europe, the concept served as a ready-made propaganda tool to fi ght and subdue... more
This paper considers the importance of examples from India in the text of Marx’s Capital. In tracking Marx’s preoccupations, it is possible to show the relevance, especially for today, of his critique in a global frame, as political... more
Everything Jack Lindsay wrote was about the past or saturated with historical consciousness. Plebeian experiences, rebellion, revolution, and progressive expectations predominate. It is therefore natural to think of him as a Marxist... more
Includes Lukács' book Literature and Democracy (1947) in full, along with five supplementary essays and lectures published between 1946 and 1948; with introduction, annotations, and biographical and historical glossary. These appear for... more
Автореферат диссертации на соискание учёной степени доктора исторических наук. Краткое изложение содержания работы, основной текст которой помещён на этой же страничке.
The paper traces the development of Soviet studies on ancient slavery from their beginnings after the October Revolution until Perestroika in the 1980s. It shows how these studies, while closely dependent on the political directives of... more
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more
Prominent Marxist historian, revolutionary, poet and a litterateur from Assam - Dr Amalendu Guha - passed away at the age of 91 in the wee hours of 7 May 2015. His passing away is a huge loss for the world of historical scholarship in... more
This article examines the force and limitations of genealogy in order to develop a practice of counter-history that is capable of both overcoming its inherent problems and providing a more trenchant mode of critico-historical engagement.... more
Beginning with a consideration of the abandonment of the social in recent photography, - a collective without content, or individual amidst the mass - this essay examines the representation of the anti-capitalist crowd by three... more
The films of Nagisa Oshima, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Ranier Werner Fassbinder may be productively interrogated as a single body of work of World Cinema and a case study in the praxis of Dialectical Materialism.
Presentation in Dubnow Institute, Leipzig, 10.7.2019
Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960), prominent astronomer and world-renowned socialist theorist, stood at the nexus of the revolutions in politics, science and the arts of the early twentieth century. His astronomy was uniquely visual and highly... more
एम.ए. भाग २ : इतिहास : पेपर ३०१
इतिहास लेखन परंपरा (Traditions of History Writing)
घटक ३ -आधुनिक भारतीय परंपरा (Modern Indian Traditions)
घटक ४ - भारतातील तळाकडून इतिहासाची परंपरा (Traditions of 'History from Below' in India)
इतिहास लेखन परंपरा (Traditions of History Writing)
घटक ३ -आधुनिक भारतीय परंपरा (Modern Indian Traditions)
घटक ४ - भारतातील तळाकडून इतिहासाची परंपरा (Traditions of 'History from Below' in India)
Доклад изнесен на XII Мартенски студентски четения (25-26.03.2022).
Este ensayo analiza las grandes transformaciones de la historiografía contemporánea a partir de la obra de Eric Hobsbawm, fallecido en octubre de 2012 a los 95 años; unos cambios que son escudriñados a la luz del auge y la crisis del... more
You can visit the series web page and order the books here:
This essay of me is a critic to Marxist historiography, dialectical materialism and historical materialism, by using philosophical arguments of Karl Popper and historical background provided by Murray Bookchin on 1789 and 1848 revolutions.
This paper proposes a complementary understanding of the Jewish mysticism and Marxist historiography at work in Benjamin's thought.
В статье исследуются научные и интеллектуальные достоинства центральной части марксизма - исторического материализма. Автор подробно показывает, что в методологии исторического материализма и его подходе к исследованию общества оказались... more
از مارك ویگلی خواسته بودند میراث فكری تافوری را ارزیابی كند. او در مقالهی پیشِ رو این خواسته را به شیوهای تافوریوار اجابت كرده است. ویگلی بر خلاف رسم معمول مدیحهسرایی از استادان متوفی، كه از قضا در ایران رایج است، همان شیوهای را پیش... more
One of the most remarkable qualities of the Universal History of the USSR Academy of Sciences is in the size and organic which outlines the societies and cultures of the peoples that the Greeks and Romans called barbarians. It is not just... more
This course introduces students to recent debates in social theory and historiography. This semester we will particularly focus on i. theories related to the making of historical and contemporary capitalism; ii. world history and everyday... more
Ένας συγκριτικός, ελεύθερος εργοβιογραφικός περίπατος για τρεις κορυφαίους Έλληνες διανοούμενους του ελληνικού σοσιαλισμού, των οποίων η ποικιλότροπα αλληλοδιαπλεκόμενη ζωή και συγγραφική παραγωγή τους υπήρξε αδιαχώριστα συνδεδεμένη με... more
Marx200: Politics – Theory – Socialism, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Congress in Berlin, 4.5.2018
Доклад был представлен в конце года, когда уместно предложить аудитории некоторые спорные положения. The author defines the concept of the absolutization of the research paradigm, which means Marxism. It provides a substantiation of the... more
O prof. David Parker foi membro do Grupo de História do PCGB e é ativo no Socialist History Group ( sucedâneo do Grupo). Sua obra discute a questão do Estado absolutista. Parker organizou "Ideology, Absolutism and the English... more
Fourth classes about Historiography in 2015-2016 Academic course "Prácticas de la Monarquía Hispánica", II year of History career, Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, Spain). I lecture: Origen of Historiography. II lecture: Annales. III... more
Since Georges Duby's seminal study of the Maconnais in the late 1950s, historians have vigorously debated the nature, chronology and pace of the changes that transformed Carolingian Europe into high medieval Europe. Did it all come about... more
This article analyzes Jean-Paul Sartre’s contribution to designing a biographical method in keeping with the demands of Marxism. Sartre criticized Marxists for their pan-objectivism, which reduces subjectivity and man’s specific... more
আমরা বলছি শোনো: চারটি লেখা একত্রে… ২০০৮. "ইতিহাসের উলট কল: কৃষিতে প্রত্যাবর্তন." আমরা বলছি শোনো. ২:১. মার্চ- মে'০৮. (৩৪-৩৫ পাতা) ২০০৮. "নেশন স্টেটের খোয়াব: একটি লাইভ টক শো". আমরা বলছি শোনো. ২:২ . জুলাই- অগস্ট'০৮ (২-৪ পাতা). ২০০৮. "এই... more
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the construction of the socialist historiographical paradigm in the study of the pre-Roman peoples of Western Iberia. It focuses on the three key issues of this tendency: gens system, agrarian collectivism... more
The recent emergence of global anti-capitalist and anti-war movements have created a space within which Marxism can flourish in a way as it has not been able to for a generation. This book shows that by disassociating Marxism from the... more
Shortly after a push to promote China's 1950 Marriage Law in 1953, scholars from the Chinese Music Research Institute on a collection trip to a small locality in northern China encountered a large number of folksongs about extramarital... more
O artigo de Dave Renton faz uma apresentação do trabalho de Dona Torr,histórica militante comunista britânica e mentora intelectual do Grupo de História do Partido Comunista da Grã-Bretanha. Renton apresenta as contribuições de Torr (sua... more
El presente trabajo pretende señalar la importancia de investigar acerca del desarrollo del materialismo histórico en el período de crisis de la modernidad. Así, en primer lugar se expone su importancia y las diversas aportaciones que... more