History of Historiography
Recent papers in History of Historiography
Negli ultimi anni si è cominciato a studiare la filosofia italiana della seconda metà del XX secolo da nuovi punti di vista, emancipandosi dalle ricostruzioni dei protagonisti nelle quali vibrava, comprensibilmente, una forte nota di... more
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo examinar a produção historiográfica portuguesa sobre Macau em particular e a China em geral, no período coincidente com a derradeira década da monarquia, os anos da Primeira República e a maior parte... more
Any cursory review of the past five years of Italian historiography on fascism obviously would be subject to multiple criticisms and be Condemned for partiality, especially since the time span under investigation is relatively brief and... more
AU rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of... more
Tafuri published L’architettura del manierismo (1966) in a moment of disciplinary uncertainty in which the historian’s responsibilities to knowledge and society were by no means regarded with clarity. At Venice, Bruno Zevi had until 1963... more
Para tratarmos da pensarmos sobre a nossa historicidade atual com base na “experiencia do tempo”, pretendemos refletir neste artigo refletimos sobre uma das principais hipoteses relacionadas sobre as atuais formas atuais de... more
A Study of Augustine's City of God and the Sources of his Doctrine of the Two Cities By j o h a n n e s v a n o o r t isbn 978-90-04-24628-7
in La mémoire et la cité. Modèles antiques et réalisations renaissantes, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, Perugia, 1997, p. 95-115 1. Démunicipalisation et dépolitisation d'un discours historiographique dépassionné ? 1 Une célèbre... more
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual "Brill" typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, IPA, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
In the middle years of the twentieth century, the history of ideas rose like a new sign of the zodiac over large areas of American culture and education.
The paper focuses on the interpretation of Roman Italy and its geographical borders in the Early Modern period, with particular attention to its rebirth in Biondo Flavio’s work - Key words: Italia romana, historical borders, regiones,... more
This article describes the sources for, and the origins and uses of, the creole languages in the Dutch colony of eighteenth-century Suriname -those created and spoken among slaves on the plantations, among the free black Maroons in the... more
Translation of my CUM LAUDE dissertation (2003).
The relations between metaphysics and physics in Cartesianism is a question of crucial importance for 19th century French histories of philosophy. Hence, in its institutionally dominant version, incarnated by Victor Cousin, this... more
Кресін О.В. «Історія Малоросії» Миколи Маркевича: історична праця та політичний трактат // Studia politologica Ucraino-Polona. Т. 7. 2017. С. 271 – 286. М. Маркевич був людиною свого часу. Як історик він з методологічної точки зору навіть... more
umr cnrs 8584 lem) -Alain Dubreucq (Université Jean-Moulin, Lyon III, ciham umr cnrs 5648) -Sylvain Excoffon (Université Jean-Monnet, Saint-Étienne, directeur adjoint du cercor umr cnrs 8584 lem) -Bernard Hours (Université Jean-Moulin,... more
Erschienen in der Klaus Zernack zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmeten, von Robert Traba hg. Festschrift Deutsch-Polnische Beziehungsgeschichte = Historie. Jahrbuch des Zentrums für Historische Forschung Berlin der Polnischen Akademie der... more
Čuhová, P. S. (ed.). Podoby faktuálneho naratívu. Bratislava: Chronos, 2017, 71-83. [Transl. Eugen Zelenak] This paper aims to reflect upon the role that postmodernism has played in the contemporary theory and philosophy of history,... more
If all the world is a stage, then the ancient Indian Buddhists would say that what is being played out in this theatrum mundi is one great tragedy. To the compilers of the One Hundred Parables Sūtra, as well as the Sūtra of the Talented... more
This study focuses on the affective, epistemic, and social effects of the introduction of computers in European professional medieval history between ca. 1970 and 1995. A study of the reaction of a distinct and relatively small group of... more
sided over the "Wolfson in the Harvard Faculty Club, which included many outstanding university professors. Numerous honors were showered upon him, but no more than were his due. Throughout his life, Wolfson found security in his... more
An overview of German historiography during the Third Reich
In this article for the HT theme issue I argue that “Peru” is a “historical theory in a global frame.” The theory or, as I prefer, theoretical event, named Peru was born global in an early colonial “abyss of history” and elaborated in the... more
In the second half of the 19th century, comprehensive Histories of Education started to be written in the United States. Especially in their treatment of history from the Reformation onwards, these books «invented a tradition» presenting... more
O texto busca analisar o caráter performático da oração de Vico, De nostri temporis studiorum ratione (1708), destacando a inserção do texto na trajetória do autor, assim como indicando os projetos de reforma educacional que ensejava.
Resenha da obra: What is History for? Johann Gustav Droysen and the functions of historiography
New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2014. 234p.
New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2014. 234p.