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The end of World War II and the Civil War (1946–1949) found a great section of the population of Greece struggling with serious economic and social problems, while the next two decades witnessed important socioeconomic and cultural... more
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      Social WorkModern GreeceSocial History of MedicineHistory of mental health
Συλλογή άρθρων που πρωτοδημοσιεύτηκαν το 1983 για την κατάσταση των ελληνικών πανεπιστημίων και αναδημοσιεύονται το 1991, με μερικές πρακτικές προτάσεις.
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      Modern GreeceModern Greek PoliticsUniversity
The impact of EU (European Union) Structural Funds (from the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, etc.) channelled to Greece and other countries over the last 35 years has been thoroughly... more
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      Modern GreeceEuropean Union PoliticsEU cohesion policyGreek Financial Crisis
In the period immediately following the Second World War, as tensions between the two superpowers began to surface, Greek policy makers concentrated their efforts on two goals of vital importance for their nation’s survival: securing... more
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      NATOCold WarModern GreeceHistory of the Mediterranean
Following the signing of the Prespa Agreement in June 2018, the Macedonian name issue became the most prominent topic on the Greek political agenda, catalysing an exceptional political confrontation and contributing to the realignment of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisNationalismPopulismModern Greece
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      Gender HistoryModern GreeceHistory of Historiography
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      Ottoman HistoryTurkish NationalismOttoman StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
Per informazioni, prenotazioni (entro il 23 gennaio 2022) e per partecipare con un video o un collegamento in diretta degli studenti: [email protected] ⸱ 3476557895 Le giornate sono valide come aggiornamento per i docenti e come... more
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      Modern Greek literatureModern GreeceGreeceAncient Greek Language
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      NationalismNational IdentityHolocaust StudiesModern Greece
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      Economic AnthropologyModern GreeceCooperativesSolidarity Economy
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      HumanitiesHuman RightsMinority StudiesModern Greece
From the mid-1990s and for over a decade Greece developed a very important and dynamic trade and investment relationship with most Western Balkan countries. The economic crisis in 2009 broke this momentum and led to massive declines in... more
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      International RelationsSouth East European StudiesBalkan StudiesInternational Political Economy
Αφού παρουσιαστούν τα κυριότερα γεγονότα από το 1909 έως και το 1922, ο Εθνικός Διχασμός ερμηνεύεται ως οιονεί θρησκευτικό «σχίσμα» χαρισματικής προέλευσης, ως κρίση στη διαδικασία εθνικής ολοκλήρωσης, ως ταξική σύγκρουση, αλλά και ως... more
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      Modern GreeceModern Greek HistoryModern Greek Politics
The economic and financial history of Greece offers interesting in- sights into the current worldwide economic crisis. In the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Greece went through a series of financial disasters due to... more
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      Economic HistoryEuropean StudiesEconomicsBanking
ABSTRACT This article explores the meanings of imagined, secret and hidden wealth that followers of conspiracy theory account for on different sides of the moral compass, as bad and good. Conspiracy theory, a strand of intellectual... more
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      Economic AnthropologyAntisemitism (Prejudice)Conspiracy TheoriesModern Greece
Ceci est la version révisée et augmentée de l'ancien article du même nom La participation de la franc-maçonnerie dans la fondation de la Grèce a été longtemps ignoré. L'ambition de cet article est de la réhabiliter. αυτό το άρθρο είναι... more
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      Modern GreeceFreemasonry
Ἡ βαθύτερη ὑφὴ τοῦ κατὰ τὸν Α' Παγκόσμιο πόλεμο Ἐθνικοῦ Διχασμοῦ τῶν Ἑλλήνων - μαζὶ μὲ τὴ βιογραφία τοῦ Ἐλευθέριου Βενιζέλου.
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      LiberalismModern GreeceModern Greek HistoryFirst World War
Είναι σημαντικό ότι γίνεται μια συστηματική προσπάθεια να ενταχθεί η ελληνική περίπτωση στα επαναστατικά κινήματα της εποχής ανά τον κόσμο.
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      HistoryPoliticsModern GreeceHistory of Revolutions
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
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      Cultural HistoryPrint CultureArt HistoryTravel Writing
A day-by-day account, full of details and information.
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      Balkan HistoryYugoslaviaSecond World WarModern Greece
This essay offers an overview of the history of the relations between science and Eastern Christianity based on Greek-language sources. The civilizations concerned are the Byzantine Empire, the Christian Orthodox communities of the... more
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      History of ScienceModern GreeceEarly Modern ScienceModern Greek Studies
Based on long term archaeological ethnography on the border island of Lesvos situated on Europe's margins, this article explores the regimes of eating and the role of food practices in the refugee camp/processing centre of Moria. Starting... more
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      ArchaeologySociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of FoodLiminality
The Eastern Aegean Islands are demilitarized under Article 13 of the Lausanne Peace Treaty. Pursuant to said Article, Greece cannot have naval base and establish fortifications in the islands. No international document has provided Greece... more
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      United NationsTurkeyModern GreeceTurkey And Europe
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      European HistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
The Greek Civil War officially ended in 1949 with the defeat of the communists; however, the battle over the interpretation of the conflict, its consequences, and the manner of remembering it is ongoing. In this context, we focus on the... more
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      European StudiesRefugee StudiesCold WarModern Greece
The paper may be downloaded from the "Skenè: Texts and Studies" website by clicking on the following link:
Download is free, but you need to register first.
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyReception Studies
Does the economic recession lead to a democratic recession? In this exploratory paper I examine the relationship between the current economic crisis and the quality of democracy in 18 Western European countries. In the first,... more
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      Modern GreeceDemocracyIcelandicIreland
Taking Documenta 14 as a case study, and especially the demands towards this institution presented in the Artists against Evictions letter of April 2017 (eflux), the chapter focuses on the intricate ideological conflicts defining the... more
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtNationalismMarxist theory
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      Modern GreeceModern Greek HistoryModern Greek PoliticsModern Greek Studies
Castles of North-west Greece: From the Early Byzantine Period to the Eve of the First World War, by Allan Brooks
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      Ottoman HistoryIslamic ArchaeologyOttoman ArchaeologyIslamic' Architecture
«Ο Ηπειρώτης Γεώργιος Σταύρος, Θεμελιωτής της οικονομικής συγκρότησης του νεοελληνικού κράτους». Έκθεση οργανωμένη από το Ιστορικό Αρχείο της Εθνικής Τράπεζας, υπό την αιγίδα του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας κ. Κάρολου Παπούλια, στα Ιωάννινα,... more
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      Modern GreeceModern Greek HistoryBanknotesHistory Banking
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      Mediterranean StudiesModern GreeceBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )History of the Mediterranean
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      Modern GreeceGreece
“My heart, my child, is a garden,” was a word that Elder Iakovos of Evia often gave to his spiritual children. He did not merely love nature and living things for their own sake, but for what they revealed to him about God and His Saints.... more
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      Modern GreeceOrthodox ChristianityContemporary Greek Orthodox Elders
In this paper, the concept of national preference demands is used in order to describe the antagonism expressed by the early unions against the Greek refugees from the Ottoman Empire in the 1910s Athens and Piraeus. In seeking the reasons... more
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      Labour historyNationalismNational IdentityRacism
Based on an ethnographic fieldwork in Greece, this study focuses on the government's attempt to provide education for children living in Athens's refugee camps, as well as the actors involved in this effort, interrogating the problematic... more
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      Refugee StudiesModern GreeceHospitalitySolidarity
Greek-speaking people have occupied the Aegean region continuously since the Bronze Age, while Greek culture has been a feature of the Eastern Mediterranean dating back to the Age of Alexander. But what do Greeks today have in common with... more
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      Greek HistoryModern GreeceByzantine HistoryAncient Greece and Rome
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      Modern GreeceModernismPolitical propaganda and LiteratureAnglo-Greek relations
2019-cu il mayın 6-da Azərbaycan Dillər Universitetində (ADU) “Heydər Əliyev: multikulturalizm və tolerantlıq ideologiyası” mövzusunda II beynəlxalq elmi konfransın açılış mərasimi keçirilib. Ümummilli Liderin anadan olmasının 96-cı... more
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      International RelationsEthicsMulticulturalismSocial Sciences
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      Modern HistoryMigrationModern GreeceHistory of Modern Turkey
πρώτες σκέψεις μετά το "Εργαστήριο εξομοίωσης ζωής και σχεδιασμού μίας οίκο-κοινότητας" του free&real
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEcologyModern Greece
It is well-known that currently new food consumption patterns are characterized by specific consumer requests for quality and safety. Perhaps the most characteristic and relevant case is the demand for organic products. This work... more
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      Modern GreeceCooperatives
Με αφορμή την τρέχουσα οικονομική κρίση και τις πολυποίκιλες επιπτώσεις της, το ένθετο της εφημερίδας επικεντρώθηκε στη Μεγάλη Ύφεση που έπληξε τις ευρωπαϊκές οικονομίες στα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα. Το άρθρο αυτό εξετάζει τις συνέπειες... more
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      Modern GreeceModern Greek HistoryModern Greek PoliticsModern Greek Studies
Κριτική επαναπροσέγγιση μιας κρίσιμης περιόδου της Γερμανίας. Μια πολιτισμική ιστορία που συνθέτει γόνιμα απόψεις και παρεμβαίνει σε καίριες ιστοριογραφικές διαμάχες.
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      Modern GreeceModern Greek HistoryWeimar RepublicModern German History
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      Media StudiesPopulismModern GreeceCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
Sport annually mobilizes millions of people across Europe: as practitioners in a wide variety of competitive, educational, or recreational contexts, and as spectators, who are physically present or following events through the mass media.... more
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      European HistoryCultural StudiesSociology of SportEuropean Studies
The aim of this article is to put Loïc Wacquant’s neoliberal penality thesis to the test within the Greek context. Although we discover ample compelling evidence of intense and growing punitiveness in contemporary Greece, it turns out... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationInternational Political EconomyNeoliberalism
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      Greek HistoryArchival StudiesJewish StudiesGenealogy
Private Patrick O’Connor was captured on Gallipoli and spent more than two years in captivity. He should have served as the historic basis for Russell Crowe’s attempt at epic fantasy. The parallels between Private O’Connor and the film’s... more
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      Film StudiesArmenian StudiesGenocide StudiesModern Greece
Our comparative analysis of two case studies, the rise of the Metaxas regime in the 1930s and the advance of Syriza – alongside the re-emergence of Nazi ideology encapsulated by the Golden Dawn – in the 2010s, is not an attempt to... more
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      FascismModern GreeceSYRIZA4th of August Regime Metaxas