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В статье рассматриваются научные труды известного бирманиста, историка, писателя и коллекционера Игоря Всеволодовича Можейко (1934–2003), известного под псевдонимом Кир Булычев, и исследуется вопрос о его отношении к московской школе... more
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesSoviet HistorySoutheast Asia
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      Modernism (Art History)Russian & Soviet ArtCulture in the Soviet Union20th century Avant-Garde
В.А. Тюрин. Советское востоковедение: идеология, политика и изучение Юго-Восточной Азии в СССР / подготовка текста, вступит. статья и комментарии А.О. Захарова // Восток. Афро-азиатские общества: история и современность. 2017. № 6. С.... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoviet HistoryHistoriographyHistory of Historiography
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of EducationHistoriographyStalin and Stalinism
The article examines the relationships between the famous soviet historian of Middle Ages A.N. Nasonov (1898–1965) and D.M. Petrushevsky (1863–1942), who patronized him, and examines the professional and personal relationships of... more
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      Soviet HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriographyAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
This study is devoted to the process of preparing the volumes on the ancient world in The World History of the Soviet Academy of Sciences before the World War II. Despite the many efforts that were made during the four prewar years, the... more
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      Ancient HistoryWorld HistoryAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet Historiography
Historiography During the Soviet Nation and State Building Process The concepts of nation and state embody in themselves both normality and artificiality. It is firmly established by historical experience that the human, as the subject of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnohistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
The article is devoted to the process of preparing the ancient history volumes of The World History under the aegis of the Soviet Academy before World War II. Despite considerable efforts that were made in 1937–1941, the planned volumes... more
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      Ancient HistoryAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet HistoriographySoviet and Post-Soviet Historiography
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      Soviet Union (History)Ukraine (History)Aspects of the history of Soviet historiography
Основной (со)автор Nikolay Koposov. Общий взгляд на развитие позднесоветской (и несоветской) историографии сквозь призму медиевистики. (Не игнорируйте, пожалуйста, сноски: здесь добавлены некоторые факты, характеризующие контекст,... more
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      Aspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet HistoriographySoviet and Post-Soviet Historiography
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      History of IdeasHistoriographyBiographical MethodsSociology of Intellectuals
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      History of HistoriographyAspects of the history of Soviet historiographyUkrainian Historiography
Венгерский византинист Дюла Моравчик (1892–1972) на протяжении жизни был тесно связан с российской и советской исторической наукой. Статья посвящена реконструкции его взаимоотношений с советскими историками после Второй мировой войны... more
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      Byzantine HistoryRussian HistoryByzantine historiographyHungary
В статье анализируются теоретические и мировоззренческие предпосылки к вос-приятию эллинизма как этапа в развитии рабовладения (А.Б. Ранович) и как конкретно-исторического явления (К.К. Зельин), сильные и слабые стороны этих пози-ций и... more
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      Ancient HistoryHellenistic HistoryAncient Near EastAlexander the Great
It's my new book about Soviet historiography which main topic is the fate of the non-mainstream historians of Antiquity. Book contains three chapters: Periphery as a Catastrophe, Periphery as an Outskirts and Periphery as a Hope. The book... more
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      HistoriographyAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet HistoriographySoviet and Post-Soviet Historiography
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      Russo-Turkish RelationsRusso-Turkish Naval RivalryCrimean WarAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
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      HistorySoviet HistoryHistoriographyHistory of Scholarship
The author outlines the way identity perspectives determine the understanding of World War Two in Moldovan society, and the role of historians in this conception. She discusses how historians have adjusted their writing to fit a certain... more
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      Eastern European StudiesSoviet HistoryRomanian HistoryHistoriography
В первой части очередного выпуска трудов Отделения историкофилологических наук РАН (ОИФН РАН) публикуются материалы научной сессии Общего собрания Отделения «75 лет Атомного проекта: взгляд историка» (7 декабря 2020 г.). В статьях учёных,... more
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      HistoryHistoriographyAspects of the history of Soviet historiographyистория исторической науки
В статье рассмотрены истоки концепции феодализма на древнем Востоке в трудах Г. Масперо и Э. Мейера, а также проведен анализ работ В.В. Струве – одного из приверженцев этой концепции в 1920-е – начале 1930-х гг. В них ученый не стремился... more
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      Ancient HistorySoviet HistoryMarxismHistorical Theory
Paper on November Meeting (ЛІСТАПАДАЎСКІЯ СУСТРЭЧЫ -XIII) in Minsk.
Why Nikolsky did not have his own team of followers, although it should have been.
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      History of ScholarshipAncient Near Eastern HistoryHistory and Archaeology of the Ancient Near EastAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
Article is founded on comparison three versions of history early Soviet historiography of an Ancient East from three significant historians of Soviet epoch: Vasily Struve, Nikolay Nikolsky and Vsevolod Avdiev. Author thinks that Struve’s... more
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      Ancient Near EastAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet HistoriographyБлижний Восток
The article is devoted to scientific contacts between Soviet and German historians of antiquity in 1939–1941 and S.A. Zhebelyov’s role in these contacts. The authors publish S.A. Zhebelyov’s obituary note about prominent German scholar... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoriographyAspects of the history of Soviet historiographyEduard SchwartzSoviet-German Relations
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      Aspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet HistoriographySoviet and Post-Soviet Historiography
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      HistoriographyHistory of HistoriographyHistory of HistorySlavistics
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      Aspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet HistoriographyHistory of the Russian Academy of Sciences
20. yüzyılın başlarında ulusçu düşüncenin eyleme dönüşmesiyle yeni bir dünya düzeni kurulmuştur. Bu yeni düzende, tarihe şekil veren büyük imparatorluklar yerlerini kendi içlerinden çıkan ulus-devletlere bırakmak zorunda kalmıştır. Yüzyıl... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologyEthnic StudiesRussian Studies
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      History of Science and TechnologyMarxist theoryHistory of Classical ScholarshipHistoriography of science
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      Armenian StudiesHistoriographyArmenian HistoryArmenian Culture
The article concentrated on the problem of the late stage of creative activity N. M. Nikolsky in close relation with history of the genesis the periphery in the Soviet historiography of the Ancient world. Author analyzed the process of... more
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      Ancient HistoryStalinist HistoriographyStalin and StalinismStalinism
In The Slavic Dossier, Iurie Stamati’s objective is to understand the reasons for the emergence of two different discourses on the place of the Slavs on the territory of Moldova and their role in the genesis of Moldovans and their culture... more
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      Soviet HistoryRomanian HistoryRomanian StudiesNationalism and Archaeology
The article represents the story of the discussion between two Soviet academicians: Vasilii Struve (1879–1965) and Nikolai Nikolskii (1877–1959) on the problem of social system in Ancient Near Eastern societies. Nikolskii argued for... more
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      MarxismAncient Near EastAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet Historiography
Рассмотрена эволюция образов Алексиса де Токвиля в советской историографии.  Показаны стратегии, применявшиеся советскими историками для того, чтобы обойти дискурсивные ограничения на репрезентацию "дворянского" историка Токвиля.
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      Alexis de TocquevilleAspects of the history of Soviet historiographyTocqueville reception
Российского государственного ар хива новейшей истории описывается оставшийся вне поля зрения историографов эпизод обсуждения монографии А.А. Зимина «Слово о полку Игореве». Несмотря на резкую критику в адрес построений А.А. Зимина,... more
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      HistoriographyHistory of HistoriographySlavisticsAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
This review provides an assessment of the first generalizing monograph on the institutional history of Soviet historical scholarship which appeared in the post-Soviet period. The novelty of the methods, careful work with rare documents... more
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      History of ScholarshipAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet Historiographyистория исторической науки
School education in many ways creates the basis of images of a particular historical period, which is fixed in the public consciousness. Soviet ideology assumed the creation of unified image of the past, correlated with Marxism.... more
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      Mesopotamia HistoryAncient economyAncient Near Eastern EconomyMesopotamia
History of culture, ancient world, middle ages, prepared in Moscow but not published in 1941
Статья посвящена памяти прекрасного издания, не вышедшего из-за войны и опубликованного авторами статьи на сайте история.рф
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      Ancient HistoryMedieval HistoryAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
The author discusses the main problems of using methods of the narrative analysis to study the history of Soviet historical scholarship. In the first part he gives an overview of basic trends in Russian history of science in last decades... more
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      History of ScholarshipNarrative TheoryHistory of Human SciencesHistorical Narration
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      Soviet HistoryStalinist HistoriographyStalin and StalinismAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
La imagen del mundo helenístico en la guerra fría aparece asociada con la URSS en su oposición a la República romana, que simboliza en la historiografía occidental a Roma.
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      HistoriographyRoman RepublicHellenistic HistoriographyAlexander the Great
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      MarxismAncient Near EastMultidisciplinaryAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
While cases which get wide media coverage usually are getting described without serious attempt to analyze legal arguments of rival participants, this article contains detailed description of provocative actions of the lawyer Ivan Pavlov,... more
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      International RelationsSoviet HistoryPost-Soviet RegimesArchives
The article deals with the problem of periphery in historical science in Soviet period. Firstly, author gives definitions to the main terms: mainstream (core) and periphery in science and discuss the uniqueness of the Soviet historical... more
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      Core-PeripheryCentre-Periphery RelationsAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet Historiography
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      Russian Intellectual HistoryHistory of HistoryAspects of the history of Soviet historiographyHistoryography
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      ArchitectureSoviet HistorySoviet UrbanismPost-Soviet Studies
In the article, the researcher investigated the problems of interpretation of the “canon of Soviet art history” in the scientific works of Mikhail Alpatov. The author paid special attention to the elements of populist strategies in his... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryRussian & Soviet ArtAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
The article discusses the features of the genesis and functioning of a special type of historical narrative in Soviet scholarship, which gained particular strength in the 1930s and gradually exhausted by the late 1940s. For conven-ience... more
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      Ancient HistoryStalinist HistoriographyStalinismAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
We wrote a book as the “guidebook on science”, with the aim of giving the reader a very general overview of various spheres of Soviet historiography of antiquity, including general characteristics of Soviet historical science. The book... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Near EastAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet Historiography
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      Soviet HistoryHistoriographyAspects of the history of Soviet historiography
Рецензия на: Алаев Л.Б. Историография истории Индии. М.: Институт востоковедения РАН, 2013. 472 с. // Восток. Афро-азиатские общества: история и современность. 2014. № 4. С. 188–194. = Zakharov, Anton O. Review of Leonid Alayev,... more
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      History of IndiaHistory of Colonial IndiaAspects of the history of Soviet historiographySoviet Historiography