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Alberto Flores Galindo, uno de los más importantes historiadores peruanos del siglo XX, fue también un intelectual comprometido con la doble tarea de impulsar una historia crítica desde el punto de vista de los oprimidos y la... more
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      MarxismIntellectualsPeruvian HistoryLatin American and Caribbean Intellectuals
In India, Modernity and the Great Divergence, Kaveh Yazdani presents a compelling argument that with regard to certain technologies, agricultural productivity, financial systems and the rise of a merchant class, and even aspects of... more
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryTransnational and World HistoryIndian Ocean History
For many historians the ‚linguistic turn’ has been quite frightening. Should all history now concentrate only on ‘discourse’? And should it from now on just be ‘literature’? In this book I advocate the anti-thesis. Since the paradigm... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHistoriographyLouis Althusser
Il presente contributo si propone di offrire uno sguardo di insieme sul modo in cui Marx guarda all’Oriente, più specificamente sulla sua posizione nei confronti dell’India e della Russia, al fine di cogliere una linea di sviluppo nel... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsPost-MarxismPhilosophy of Karl Marx
Artigo do historiador britânico Victor Gordon kiernan sobre Antonio Gramsci. Há uma comparação entre a Sardenha e a Escócia e uma discussão sobre a formação dos Estados Nacionais.
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      British HistoryAntonio GramsciMarxismoMarxist history
È possibile ricostruire una storia sociale del matrimonio nel Mediterraneo tardoantico? Con quali fonti? Bisogna considerare solo la tipologia degli iusta matrimonia oppure volgere lo sguardo ad una sfera delle unioni più vasta e... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawEarly ChristianityHistory of Slavery
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      HistoryMarxismBritish HistoryImmigration
This article examines the relationship between collective memory, historical interpretation and political identity. It focuses on the dissolution of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and particularly on the effects of the... more
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      Memory StudiesCollective MemoryParty IdentityCommunist Party of Great Britain