Architectural History
Recent papers in Architectural History
The paper attempts to outline the urban visions and architectural ideas and vocabulary behind the formation of the large urban conglomeration in Japan, South Korea and China, and how the seeds of Western planning theories and... more
The Seagram Building in Manhattan (1954-58), by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson, is one of those rare pieces of architecture which has come to define an era. For Mies van der Rohe the achievement of the Seagram Building was... more
Las investigaciones realizadas para la elaboración del informe histórico-artístico encargado para la restauración de la torre campanario de la iglesia parroquial de Ricla (Zaragoza) han permitido trazar con bastante precisión la historia... more
Early modern Amsterdam was an ultra-modern city, laid out conforming to the triple demand of functionality, beauty and profit; a city that takes a unique place in European urban history because of its location, design, and impressive... more
Il saggio approfondisce le opere di architettura e scultura realizzate nel castello di Fontainebleau intorno al 1540, individuando un progetto unitario basato su un preciso programma politico e simbolico di auto-rappresentazione di... more
The Gold Coast is Australia’s most rapidly changing city – regularly compared to Miami and Las Vegas for its embrace of bad taste and the good life; and with Dubai for its sudden moments of high-rise assuredness and seeming lack of... more
Analises all the building projects of Girolamo Riario and his courtiers with a possible attribution to Francesco di Giorgio.
This Master thesis directs attention to a paired subset of translation/transformation, namely mediation/derivation, by tracing the architectural work of Jan Ruhtenberg (1896-1975). Despite his leading role as educator and practitioner,... more
In this article we attempt to sketch a few main lines of development in the design and building practice in the cities of Holland over an extended period from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century. In examining the leading public works... more
The Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series, previously known as SVEC (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955 as part of the Voltaire Foundation at... more
The nature of the relationship between the Assyrian state and the Syro-Hittite states is often represented in the writings of archaeologists and ancient historians under the rubric of imperialism, Assyrian sovereignty, and the... more
Giulio Cesare Lensi Orlandi Cardini (14/01/1911-15/01/2005) fiorentino, figlio dell'architetto Alfredo Lensi, già direttore del museo Stibbert, e di Alda Orlandi Cardini di Pescia, si laureò a Pisa, alla Regia Scuola degli ingegneri, nel... more
Abstract In the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece, is a heretofore unknown large-format volume that contains many extra illustrations, original drawings, and proofs of plates for The Arabian... more
The paper presents a comparative analysis of Guarino Guarini's views on visuality and aesthetic properties of architecture in his Architettura Civile and Placita Philosophica.
Gradually it becomes possible to free more kinds of buildings from controls, and make a serious start on many large projects, such as the office blocks in the City of London. I do hope that building-owners will call for modern... more
MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019
MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019
After a considerable number of publications commissioned and financed by our bank, first as Credito Romagnolo, then as Rolo Banca and now as UniCredit, with the purpose of narrating the artistic splendour preserved in Palazzo Magnani,... more
The symposium “The found Christ” took place in Cervignano del Friuli (Udine) on Saturday, December 3, 2005, within the homonymous multi-year project (coord. scient. S. Blason Scarel and P. Casadio) dedicated to the rediscovery of the... more
Lambrequins, florões, remates, ou montagem de peças num plano verical, em telhados, são ornamentos hoje mal amados pois fazem aumentar a despesa da reparação de um telhado. Para clarificar a sua utilidade e definir o que são,... more
Neither uses much of the important first 18 pages or so, setting the RFH in its essential frame, but both develop further a thesis about the acoustic design and its achievement, superseding those parts of this text. J Leslie Martin (1937)
Colossal stone temples are one of the most immediately recognisable products of ancient Egyptian civilisation: distinctive in appearance, striking in sheer size and impressive in the skill shown in the carving and painting of their walls.... more
Mark Wilson Jones explores how the architects of ancient Rome approached design. Drawing on new archaeological discoveries and his own analyses of Roman monuments, the author discusses how the ancient architects dealt with the principles... more
A clearly distilled architectural atlas based on 144 major designs from ancient times to the twenty-first century, showcasing the cultural dimension of building. However disparate the style or ethos, beneath architecture’s pluralism lies... more
Veranstalter: Sprengel-Museum Hannover / Hochschule Hannover
La tesi di Laurea in Architettura dal titolo “L’ISOLA DELLA PENA, L’ARCHITETTURA DEL RISCATTO. Castiadas, la più grande Colonia penale agricola d’Italia”, riguarda lo studio dell’ex Colonia penale agricola di Castiadas e dei suoi... more
The study aims to analyse the two static models most widely adopted by Bernardo Antonio Vittone, through the comparison of two churches in Turin: Santa Chiara and San Leonardo. They are double envelope buildings, with central dome,... more
This paper is dealing with new industrial architecture as emerging, re-birthed phenomenon in architectural practice. Although the industrial buildings are not a new building typology, industrial architecture was not always, so to say,... more
این کتاب پژوهشی در باب تاریخ معماری و شهرسازی تهران در زمان ناصرالدین شاه قاجار است. در اواخر سدۀ سیزدهم هجری، گسترش تهران و شکلگیری محلههای مسکونی جدید در دارالخلافۀ ناصری فرصتی تازه به بانیان معماری و عاملان شهرسازی داد تا نیازها و... more
In this study, the location, the significance and the physical and social changes of Orhan Gazi Square, which is one of the important public open spaces in Bursa, Turkey have been analyzed. It is aimed to reveal the phases that the square... more
In the late 1940s, American builders found themselves competing against a growing number of prefabricated housing manufacturers in a race to meet demand for detached, single-family homes in the suburbs. The National Homes Corporation of... more
There are several buildings in The Bronx that were built in the early twentieth century and which now stand as vestiges of an era when the borough served as a center of charitable "homes" that provided refuge and aid to people with... more
General view of Hunder Bridge and the ruined fortified settlement from the northwest, with the lhatho on the upper left. The Zimskhang, not visible in this image, is beyond the grove of trees to the lower left.