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Com este pequeno trabalho procura-se esboçar uma síntese interpretativa do processo de formulação das embarcações tradicionais do Estuário do Tejo como construtos culturais, na sequência da sua obsolescência funcional como modos de... more
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      Cultural HeritageMaritime HistoryMaritime Cultural Heritage ManagementTraditional Boats
The Editors and the Publisher are not responsible for the use which might be made of the following information.
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    • Maritime Heritage
Μουσειολογικές προτάσεις για τη διαχείριση και επανερμηνεία της ναυτικής κληρονομιάς του νησιού Η Άνδρος διαθέτει πλούσια και πολυδιάστατη ναυτιλιακή ιστορία. Μνείες σχετικές με τη ναυτιλιακή δραστηριότητα των Ανδριωτών καταγράφονται από... more
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      Cultural TourismMuseologyMuseumsMaritime Heritage
In the summer of 1991, St. Johns Expeditions, a Florida-based marine salvage company, discovered a shipwreck buried behind a shallow reef along the western edge of the Little Bahama Bank. The group contacted archaeologists to... more
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      Latin American StudiesMaritime ArchaeologyColonial AmericaMaritime History
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      Maritime HistoryArchitectural HistoryArchitectural HeritageHistoria de la Arquitectura
RPS was engaged by Hansen Yuncken, on behalf of Transport for NSW, to prepare a Statement of Heritage Impact (SoHI) to inform the proposed redevelopment of Balmain Thames Street Wharf as part of the Sydney Commuter Wharf Upgrade... more
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      Cultural HeritageEnvironmental Impact AssessmentHeritage Impact AssessmentMaritime Cultural Heritage Management
The aim of this project is to analyse the state of the Spanish floating maritime heritage and the causes which have led to the current situation: the deliberately sinking of ships, exports to foreign countries, fisheries structural... more
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      Maritime LawMaritime HeritageFormenteraIbiza
Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia, dan Indonesia juga merupakan negara dengan keberagaman budaya yang sangat banyak macamnya. Pada kesempatan ini akan membahas salah satu budaya Indonesia terutama di bidang... more
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      Budaya IndonesiaMaritime HeritageNelayan TradisionalNelayan
SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of bacalhau, in BARATA, F. T- and ROCHA, J. M. (eds.), Heritages and Memories from the Sea, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of... more
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      HistorySociologyArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
Redesign of cultural heritage buildings with contemporary approaches for reuse is an important issue within research, discussion and implementation of spatial design. Accordingly, the conservation courses, especially applied studios are... more
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      ConservationAdaptive ReuseLighthousesIntervention
Tüm dünyada kıyılar yüzyıllar boyunca insanlara bir barınak sağlamış, sınırlardan bağımsız bir kültür yaratmış ve denizcilik kültür mirasını oluşturmuştur. Jeolojik ve iklimsel sebeplerle kıyıların doğal bağlamları sürekli evrim... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageMediterranean StudiesLighthouses
The book presents papers by archaeologists, anthropologists, historians and heritage specialists and highlights the multi-layered meaning of maritime cultural landscapes. The authors shift the emphasis from understanding heritage in its... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistorySouth Asian StudiesIndian Ocean History
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      Cultural HeritageTraditional BoatsMaritime HeritageTagus Estuary
La idea de maritimidad nos conduce hasta un entramado amplio y complicado, repleto de manifestaciones socioculturales, cuya localización y análisis permite comprender diferencias y variaciones en comparación con un pasado reciente. La... more
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      Maritime HeritageMaritime Anthropology (Fisheries)
In December 1990, on the beach of a small town on the northern coast of Barcelona (Cat-alonia), the town’s last professional fishing boat was burned. It was the last testimony of the town’s long history of fishing, a trade abandoned and... more
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      TraditionMaritime anthropologyWooden BoatsMaritime Cultural Heritage Management
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      Maritime anthropologyMaritime Cultural Heritage ManagementMaritime Heritage
A lighthouse in the wrong place can be worse than no lighthouse at all.Although well built and properly manned by dedicated staff the location of the Cape St George Lighthouse was chosen in haste. There was little or no input from those... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyAustralian Maritime HistoryShipwrecksLighthouses
A study about defensive architecture of moles and sea forts. Nautical defensive buildings located in Puerto Real (Spain) which are compared with similar contemporary buildings located in Hispanic territories. Boths building are linked... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologySpanish Colonial ArchaeologyFortificationsPatrimonio Cultural
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      Maritime ArchaeologyIndustrial HeritageIndustrial ArchaeologyMaritime Heritage
The investigation of the American Civil War submarine H.L. Hunley has revealed new clues about the nature of the spar-mounted torpedo delivery system used to sink the USS Housatonic on 17 February 1864. Analysis of the known parameters of... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyAmerican Civil War3D Reconstruction3d Modeling
Aquesta comunicació vol ser una primera aproximació per posar en valor una de les múltiples facetes de Ròmul Bosch i Alsina (1846-1923), antic alcalde de Barcelona (1905), conegut per la seva activitat empresarial i la seva estreta... more
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      Cuban HistoryPortsMaritime HeritageHavana
The stretches of sandy beaches along the Minho coast, interrupted by the Cávado, Neiva, Lima, Âncora and Minho rivers, dotted with rocky and pebbly areas in Areosa, Montedor, Gelfa and Moledo, comprise the remote end point of the north... more
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      AntropolgyMaritime Heritage
RPS was engaged by Hansen Yuncken, on behalf of Transport for NSW, to prepare a Statement of Heritage Impact (SoHI) to inform the proposed redevelopment of Huntleys Point Wharf on the northern shore of the Parramatta River, as part of the... more
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentHeritage Impact AssessmentMaritime Cultural Heritage ManagementMaritime Heritage
The chanted fish auction of Montgat is analysed as a vivid manifestation of Catalan maritime heritage. This example of a reverse auction retains elements of the traditional first sale of fish, in clear opposition to the general... more
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      Maritime HistoryFisheriesSmall scale fisheriesCatalonia
Dit is de tussentijdse rapportage van het programma Maritiem Erfgoed Internationaal (MEI). MEI is onderdeel van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed: een beleids-, uitvoerings- en onderzoeksorganisatie van het Ministerie van... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyCultural HeritageMaritime History
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      Travel WritingCultural HeritageMaritime HistoryNaval History
Grounded in critical heritage studies and drawing on a Pacific Northwest Coast case study, Maritime Heritage in Crisis explores the causes and consequences of the contemporary destruction of Indigenous heritage sites in maritime settings.... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesClimate ChangeHeritage Studies
МИРОВЫЕ ТРЕНДЫ И МУЗЕЙНАЯ ПРАКТИКА В РОССИИ: сборник статей международной научной конференции. Ответственный редактор Сундиева А.А.. 2019 Издательство: Российский государственный гуманитарный университет (Москва) Издавна люди осваивали... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural LandscapesMaritime Cultural LandscapesMaritime Heritage
Carbonell, E. (2017) "Patrimonio y temporalidades en conflicto: Las embarcaciones tradicionales". Revista valenciana d'etnologia, 9:15-26
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      Cultural HeritageAnthropology of TimeTraditional BoatsMaritime Heritage
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      3D Laser Scanning (Archaeology)Maritime Heritage
Este estudio pretende examinar el origen de la legendaria consideración del tramo de la costa gallega conocido como Costa de la Muerte o Costa da Morte (A Coruña, España). Esta abrupta y rocosa costa, extendida desde las islas Sisargas a... more
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      Cultural HistoryRomanticismGalician StudiesMaritime History
Maine Maritime Museum is pleased to announce its symposium “Leadership” on April 4, 2020. The symposium is interdisciplinary and seeks presenters from history, art history, nautical archaeology, ecology, maritime law, and other fields. We... more
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      HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyArt HistoryMaritime History
As an island community, the culture of the Bandanese is closely linked to their natural maritime environment. Not only is fishery the main source of income for many Bandanese, their cultural practices also include the creation of... more
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      Cultural HeritageIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)MalukuMaritime Heritage
Οι παραδοσιακές τέχνες αποτελούν αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι κάθε προβιομηχανικής κοινωνίας, ενώ οι τεχνίτες δείχνουν πώς μεταλαμπαδεύεται η εξειδικευμένη γνώση από γενιά σε γενιά. Η γνώση είναι άρρηκτα δεμένη με την τέχνη: εξελίσσονται μαζί κι... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryCypriot ArchaeologyCyprus Studies
Nella prima metà del Novecento, l'estensione del porto di Genova e delle aree industriali verso ponente ha cancellato un'importante "civiltà della spiaggia", testimoniata dalla presenza di centinaia di gozzi di pescatori
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    • Maritime Heritage
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      Maritime HistoryMaritime HeritageCarribean ArchaeologyCarribean History
The traditional boats of Tagus Estuary (fragatas, varinos, botes-fragata, botes, botes de meia-quilha, cangueiros, faluas, barcos de água-acima, canoas and catraios) played, until the middle of last century, an important role in goods... more
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      Cultural HeritageTransport HistoryMaritime HistoryEstuaries
Excavation of the Rooswijk (1740).
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyCultural HeritageMaritime History
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      TernateMaritime HeritagePengelolaan Cagar BudayaPerencanaan Wilayah Dan Kota
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyShipwrecksMaritime Cultural Landscapes
Barquette et gozzo, une histoire commune Barquette et gozzo, una storia comune Vocabulaire barquette et gozzo Vocabolario barquette e gozzo Comparatif vocabulaire en langue provencale, génoise, italienne et francaise Vocabolario... more
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      Maritime HistoryEmigration ResearchBoat BuildingMaritime Heritage
Statement on the Welsh Maritime Heritage Sector as Vice Chairman of MOROL- Institute of Welsh Maritime Historical Studies.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryWelsh HistoryMaritime Heritage
В статье рассмотрено современное состояние сети морских музеев в Российской Федерации, их профили, ведомственное подчинение, территориальное расположение. Результаты представлены в форме диаграмм. // The article discusses the current... more
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      Maritime HeritageMaritime MuseumsMarine Cultural HeritageMuseums Networks
Aquest llibre ens apropa al paper rellevant de les dones en les comunitats assentades al litoral, tant a nivell social i econòmic, com a nivell simbòlic i cultural. Històricament, les dones s’han ocupat de tasques com la comercialització... more
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      Maritime anthropologyMaritime Heritage
Les voitures d’eau, selon la jolie expression des insulaires de l’ile aux Coudres en Charlevoix, sont ces petits bateaux de bois qui ont sans mollir participé à la construction du pays, du XVIIIe au XXe siècle. Or, qu’en est-il de ces... more
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      Québec HistoryQuébec StudiesQuébecMaritime Heritage
The paper introduces some data and reflections drawn from the R&D Project Ethnological Heritage, Society and Maritime Culture which over three years studied the current heritagization of maritime culture in Spain. The resulting... more
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    • Maritime Heritage
Desde 2008, el Museu Marítim de Barcelona ha puesto en marcha un proyecto de reforma integral no sólo de su presentación museográfica sino también de su modelo museológico. Pieza clave de este proceso ha sido la revisión del discurso y... more
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      Maritime HistoryMuseologyMuseologíaGestión Cultural
**The full paper is availble on request.** The ancient harbour of Amathus is located in the south coast of Cyprus, situated at the west of Ayios Tychonas village in Limassol District. The outer harbour lies at a depth of 4 metres,... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyCultural HeritageCypriot ArchaeologyCyprus Studies
Founded in 1909, Dalian Maritime University (DMU) is China’s 'Cradle of Navigators.' China's National Key University and an International Maritime Organization (IMO) Centre of Excellence, DMU has a high international reputation and... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)East Asian Languages and Cultures