Cuban History
Recent papers in Cuban History
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia). Odysseus'... more
Book Review in The History Teacher v.50, n.1 (Fall 2016): 132-4:
"We Are Who We Say We Are: A Black Family's Search for Home Across the Atlantic World"
by Mary Frances Berry
New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 224 pages. $14.95, paper
"We Are Who We Say We Are: A Black Family's Search for Home Across the Atlantic World"
by Mary Frances Berry
New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 224 pages. $14.95, paper
The abortion in Cuba is a fact socially accepted and widely practiced. This article tries to explain the reasons for this phenomenon and the demographic consequences of abortion for Cuban society as well. Streszczenie: Aborcja na Kubie... more
The Philippine-American War (c.1899 – 1913), which led to the colonial subjugation of the Philippines by the United States for over forty years and the suppression of the first independent republic in South-East Asia, is one of America’s... more
Neste artigo abordamos as chamadas escolas internacionalistas criadas na Ilha da Juventude, em Cuba, nos anos 1970, voltadas especialmente para alunos/as estrangeiros/as provenientes de países com os quais o governo cubano possuía... more
Normalization between Cuba and the United States
This is a slideshow from my World since 1945 class.
Cuban culture has long been available to English speakers via translation. This study examines the complex ways in which English renderings of Cuban texts from various domains—poetry, science fiction, political and military writing,... more
La aprobación de la Constitución de 1901 que instauró la República de Cuba privó a las mujeres, tanto blancas como afrocubanas, del derecho a participar en el sistema electoral. En un contexto marcado por la primera ola feminista en los... more
Historiografía sobre el desarrollo de las luchas y controles contra la tuberculosis en el Caribe. El periodo de análisis de este tema fue entre los primeros años del siglo XX, hasta mediados de la década de 1940. VII Cumbre de Historia... more
RESUMEN: Se presenta un estudio documental integrador y crítico de la historia de vida hasta hoy conocida del capitán García Holguín. Se describen nuevos escenarios y hechos históricos en los que este personaje estuvo involucrado de... more
Series: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Vol. 304 ▶ First and unique history of physics in Cuba ▶ Advanced scientific development in an under-developed country ▶ Complete history of a scientific discipline from the... more
Semblanza compuesta el 19 de abril de 2021 para, a partir de una breve biografía (aún inédita y ahora ligeramente ampliada), que redacté para el Diccionario Biográfico Español de la Real Academia de la Historia, y en... more
En el trascurso de mi investigación al escribir El Economista Americano en México, encontré un cuento titulado "El barbero de New-York", que llevaba las iniciales "J. M." Además de coincidir estas iniciales con el nombre del escritor... more While much of modern scholarship has focused on the American slave trade’s impact within the United States, considerably less has addressed its effects... more
This project is focused on reconcentración (literally, “reconcentration”), a phenomenon that has traditionally been neglected despite its crucial relevance for the understanding of mass violence in modern conflicts. This devastating... more
La caída del Muro de Berlín en 1989 dejó a Cuba a la deriva con millones de naufragios personales: sus habitantes, marineros de la utopía socialista. La crisis económica ?eufemísticamente nombrada por el gobierno Período Especial?... more
The web of guerrilla movements in the 1960s and the aftermath of the Cuban Revolution vindicates the sustained impact on guerrilla struggles and the evolution in Latin America.
Besides comparing invasions — for instance, Ukraine with Kuwait and Iraq — another analogy has been circulating in recent commentaries. It is a comparison of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In recent news, NATO... more
published in: Árva Márton (ed.): Kino Latino – Latin-amerikai filmrendezőportrék. Budapest, Tudással a Jövőért Közhasznú Alapítvány, 2020. 117-133. Pavel Giroud kubai filmrendező pályaképe a történelmi témájú filmjei alapján / La carrera... more
In spite of being poor and lacking in economic opportunities, the population of Cuba enjoyed significant improvements in health outcomes under the Castro regime. Many have praised the ability of the regime to overcome the barriers of... more
In the fall of 1962, the world was on the edge of witnessing a nuclear war brought by the Cuban missile crisis. The said crisis occurred during the period of Cold War between two superpowers namely the United States of America (USA) and... more
The triumph of the Cuban Revolution gave place to different mutations in every order of life in this nation. From the point of view of the individual, as for the institutional, the political or even the spiritual it is possible to... more
The city of Matanzas, on the northern coast of Cuba, had several unofficial burial grounds during the XIX century. The effects of several epidemics on the popu-lation, and the large number of deaths it produced in-cited improvised... more
Compendio legislativo de protocolo y ceremonial de Estado en Cu-ba Mikel Arista Salado Especialista en Derecho Premial y falerística cubana 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Todo estudio científico implica desarrollar o aplicar una definición sobre la cual... more
Saverio Tutino (1923-2011), giovanissimo capo partigiano nella zona di Ivrea, persona controcorrente, inquieta, forse è stato l’unico giornalista europeo che con le sue corrispondenze e pubblicazioni abbia sviscerato dall’interno le... more
Since the 16th century, African Muslims figured prominently among the slave population of the Americas. While the number of Muslims pulled into the trade has always been a matter of speculation, lists of Africans rescued from slave ships... more