Conference Papers by Ebru Karabag Aydeniz
7th International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements, Re-assesment of Vernacular Architecture: Theory and Practice, Traditions, Idedtities and Globalization, 2014
According to technological improvements using the old ways and methods for cooling the buildings ... more According to technological improvements using the old ways and methods for cooling the buildings have been changing, this cause a various waste in energy consumption, especially in regions which has enough and powerful wind flow. Wind catchers are one of these elements which are used in warm and dry parts of Iran from the ancient times for the purpose of ventilation and cooling and also moderating the inside air. This paper focuses on the description of architectural character, structural systems and materials of wind catchers, the conditions and regions that wind catchers are used, and promote the widespread usage of wind towers at similar climates in Turkey.
XVIth International Ticcih Congress, Industrial Heritage in the Twenty-First Century, New Challenges, 2015
10th Annual Symposium on Design History, “Design in Times of Turmoil: Displacement, Replacement, Emplacement, 2015
İçinde yaşamın sürdüğü kentler erken çağlardan başlayarak yerleşim görmüş, bu süreç içinde çeşitl... more İçinde yaşamın sürdüğü kentler erken çağlardan başlayarak yerleşim görmüş, bu süreç içinde çeşitli nedenlerle kentlerin mekânsal yapısı sürekli olarak yenilenmiştir. Kentler ilk kurulurken yer seçiminde topoğrafik, jeolojik, iklimsel, stratejik vb. koşullar etkili olmuş, günümüze kadar olan süreçte ise siyasi, sosyo-ekonomik, toplumsal olaylar ve imar faaliyetleri kent mekânının biçimlendirmiştir. Bazen de deprem, yangın, savaş vb. felaketler, bir taraftan büyük trajediler yaratırken, diğer taraftan da kent mekânının baştanbaşa yeniden üretilmesine olanak sağlamıştır.
Tarihsel süreçte İzmir kentinde meydana gelen çeşitli gelişmeler kent mekânını biçimlendirmiştir. Tarihi kent merkezinde günümüze ulaşan kent yapısını üreten en önemli gelişme ise, İzmir’in yabancı işgalinden kurtulmasının ardından 13 Eylül 1922’de yaşanan yangın felaketiyle merkez bölgesinin birkaç gün içinde yok olmasıdır. Yangının ardından ortaya çıkan boşluk, Henri Prost danışmanlığında Réné ve Raymond Dangér tarafından hazırlanan plan ile düzenlenmiştir. Fransız şehircilik okulu öğretileri doğrultusunda formalist bir kompozisyon anlayışını yansıtan planın uygulanmasıyla, Cumhuriyet modernleşmesinin en önemli hedeflerinden birisi gerçekleştirilmiş; kentli toplumun modern yaşam biçimini destekleyen mekânlar üretilmiştir. Yangın alanı içerisinde oluşturulan Kültürpark, kent merkezinde yarattığı yeşil dokuyla modern kent imajını güçlendirirken, her yıl düzenlenen Fuarlar uluslararası alanda İzmir’in tanınmasını sağlamış, içerisinde yer alan modernist pavyon yapılarıyla da mimarlık sergisi görevi görmüştür. Öte yandan Cumhuriyetin kuruluş yıllarında her alanda olduğu gibi mimarlık alanında da ulusal bir kimlik yaratma çabası ile şekillenen Modern Türk Mimarisi, yangın alanında üretilen yapı adalarında uygulama olanağı bulmuştur.
Bu çalışmada 1922 yangın felaketinin ardından İzmir’de gerçekleştirilen kentsel tasarım ve mimarlık uygulamaları araştırılacak, kentin günümüzde sahip olduğu her anlamda öncü karakterinin söz konusu dönemde oluşan izleri ortaya konulacaktır.
Mzab Algerian Vernacular Architecture A Connection between the Architecture and the Environment, 2016
Algeria as a big country has three different climate zones: Mediterranean, semi-arid and arid; in... more Algeria as a big country has three different climate zones: Mediterranean, semi-arid and arid; in three different
regions: Northern, Central and Southern. Each region developed its typical vernacular tradition; one that
responded to climate, topography and life style. Following modernization, westernization of the country since
hundreds of years, traditional building practices started to be abandoned; leading to a radical transformation of
the built environment. The current situation of the built environment depends only on reinforced concrete
construction that does not respond to country's regional variety and as it disregards nature, climate and lifestyle
of many. This paper explores the vernacular building types from one geographical region of the country; Mzab
(arid region of Algeria), to understand its architectural design methods; its climate responses; its fit with the
people's lifestyle. The aim is to be able to evaluate the degree of sustainable practices achieved in that kind of
traditional building. This will be concluded first by knowing the architectural design principles which should be in
a building to call it a sustainable one by using previous studies which explored this issue which is about the main
methods should be used in a building to be a sustainable one. After giving information about the Algerian Arid
climate, analyzing the different sustainable housing features of Mzab house have been explored. This study helps
us to understand more about the Architectural heritage of Algeria, and gives us a clear knowledge on traditional
houses design principles in the arid region according to the climate, lifestyle, and local available materials, and
how those architectural methods belong and valuable to sustainable issues. This might be useful for designers
and architects to use those sustainable strategies in there building projects, and change the design approach to
a better one which is more sustainable.
The 6th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment with AWARDs, 2019
Since ancient times, the cultural heritage has been preserved for a variety of reasons, but it ha... more Since ancient times, the cultural heritage has been preserved for a variety of reasons, but it has started to be made by scientific methods in the 19 th century. Different conservation principles for different kinds of heritage areas have been formed in the theoretical development process up to the present. The studies on the protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage are one of these. To this date, various agreements, conferences, and charters were organized by international associations like UNESCO, COE, and ICOMOS to protect the archaeological heritage and transfer it to the future. Together with the effect of experiences and contribution of theoreticians, conservation studies have been based on a theoretical basis and transformed into a scientific field based on certain principles. Although some guidelines are recognized within the scope of the theoretical framework, it is not possible to define the general methods in order to enable a variety of approaches depending on the context. The current location, the level of conservation and the original construction date of the archaeological heritage affect the intervention approach. Therefore, in this paper, the aim is to review the theoretical framework and present the diversity by analyzing multiple examples in order to develop a project proposal for the enhancement of the West Stoa of Smyrna Roman Agora. Raising awareness of new design in the archaeological context and creating a basis for designers and future researchers are targeted.
Papers by Ebru Karabag Aydeniz
International Journal of Landscape Architecture Research, 2020
Redesign of cultural heritage buildings with contemporary approaches for reuse is an important is... more Redesign of cultural heritage buildings with contemporary approaches for reuse is an important issue within research, discussion and implementation of spatial design. Accordingly, the conservation courses, especially applied studios are increasing in spatial design education. Yaşar University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design focuses on "Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Structures" in the 3 rd and 4 th grade studio courses. In the BEA | con (s) Project, the RITM team studied the adaptive reuse potential of Sarpıncık Lighthouse during 2019-2020. Lighthouses have been navigational aids, visualized the intangible maritime routes, and symbolized political power since antiquity. In the 1980s, they were automated and demanned. Lighthouse complexes became obsolete, were abandoned and consequently deteriorated. Meanwhile, lighthouses in Turkey rented since 2007 lost their authenticity due to interventions lacking conservation-use balance. Hence, it is necessary to define the cultural values of lighthouses within maritime heritage. They should be handled with scientific, systematic studies and adaptive reuse strategies should be developed. In this study, Sarpıncık Lighthouse of Izmir Karaburun, built in 1938 and abandoned in 2010, is examined. The lighthouse consists of a light tower, a keeper's residence and service buildings in a rural context. It is tied to centuries old maritime routes and a regional cultural route. The study aims to establish a conservation strategy for the physical structures while restoring the link to these routes and maintaining the lighthouse function. Hence, the lighthouse is evaluated within a proposed eco-village. Spatial interventions for conservation purposes are described as reuse and additional new structures. The lighthouse buildings are transformed into a common area serving the basic accommodation units to be established around. The interventions following an analogical approach, addressing a program of socialization, food and beverage functions for visitors, are intended to increase the value of existing structures without harming their authenticity.
Learning from Casbah of Algiers for more Sustainable Environment, 2017
Algeria as one of the Islamic biggest countries in Africa has three different climate zones: Medi... more Algeria as one of the Islamic biggest countries in Africa has three different climate zones: Mediterranean, semi-arid and arid; in
three different regions: Northern, Central and Southern. Each region developed its typical vernacular tradition; one that
responded to climate, topography and life style. Following modernization, westernization of the country since hundreds of years,
traditional building practices started to be abandoned; leading to a radical transformation of the built environment. The current
situation of the built environment depends only on reinforced concrete construction that does not respond to country's regional
variety and as it disregards nature, climate and lifestyle of many. This paper explores the vernacular building types from one
geographical region of the country; Casbah (Mediterranean region of Algeria), to understand its architectural design methods; its
climate and site responses; its fit with the people's lifestyle. The aim is to be able to evaluate the degree of sustainable practices
achieved in that kind of traditional housing building. This will be concluded first by knowing the architectural design principles
which should be in a building to call it sustainable. Analyzing the different sustainable housing features of Casbah’s house have been explored. This study helps us to understand more about the Architectural heritage of Algeria, and gives us a clear knowledge on traditional houses design principles in the Mediterranean region according to the climate, lifestyle, and local available materials, and how those architectural methods belong and valuable to sustainable issues. This might be useful for designers and architects to use those sustainable strategies in their future building projects, and change the design approach to a better one which is more sustainable, as well as restoring the heritage of the country which should not have to be forgotten, in order to be known for future generations.
The New ARCH, 2016
The Culinary Art Centre project, developed in collaboration
with students of the Department of In... more The Culinary Art Centre project, developed in collaboration
with students of the Department of Interior Architecture and
Environmental Design of Yaşar University in Izmir, investigates
the potentials of the local underused built heritage to be
considered for new creative and social programmes as
strategic constituent parts of the Experience City and offers to
the public audience and local authorities a programmatic
action based on the re-habilitation and adaptation of the
1800's dismissed and vacant Olive Oil & Olive Oil Soap Factory
located in the central and strategic district of the town of
Ayvalık, to be converted into an experience-based Culinary Art
Centre where local and international visitors experience the
research-and-interaction-driven creative process of food art.
Aim of the project was clearly defined as the transformation of
an industrial heritage building – former place of production -
into a new place or stage ‘for the production and consumption
of experience services and goods’ [1] – in this case, knowledgebased
services and the whole spectrum of food production and
culinary art – while approaching the design task openly in
accordance with the principles, notions and concepts of the
Experience Economy method, as developed and described by
Pine & Gilmore within their studies and publications.
Experience through Design and Design through Experience. An
academic investigation and design response aimed at
promoting and experiencing the adaptive reuse approach for
the already-built urban environment as precious resource for
sustainable urban development actions and targeting at the
promotion of culinary culture and gastronomic tourism –
known as food tourism, tasting tourism or culinary tourism.
Tangible and intangible heritage positively conserved through
adaptive reuse and experience design.
Mimarlık Dergisi, 2014
Günümüzde özgün işlevini kaybederek atıl kalan ya da işlevsel ve mekânsal özelliklerine uygun olm... more Günümüzde özgün işlevini kaybederek atıl kalan ya da işlevsel ve mekânsal özelliklerine uygun olmayan işlevlere hizmet eden yapı tiplerinden birisi de, verem hastalığının tedavisi için yapılan ‘sanatoryum’ yapılarıdır. 19. yüzyılın sonuna doğru, verem hastalığının solunum yoluyla bulaştığı ve hastaların tecrit edilmesi gerektiği anlaşıldıktan sonra, tüm Dünya’da temiz havalı alanlarda tedavi merkezleri yapılmaya başlamıştır. Günümüzde ise bu yapılar, tıp alanında hastalığın kimyasal tedavisinde kaydedilen gelişmeler sebebiyle tamamen terk edilmiş veya yeniden işlevlendirilmiştir. Bu yapı türü; günümüzde örneğine az sayıda rastlanması, dünya tarihinde bir dönem büyük can kaybına sebep olan salgın bir hastalıkla mücadele etme amacıyla kurulduğundan anı değeri taşıması, modern mimarlık mirası olması gibi sebeplerle önemlidir ve yeniden işlevlendirilerek korunması gereklidir. Bu çalışmada Karşıyaka Yamanlar Dağı’nda Verem Savaş Derneği tarafından kurulan Kamp alanı ve Sanatoryum, günümüzde terkedilerek bozulma sürecine girmesi sebebiyle ele alınmış, yapıların ve doğal çevre ile oluşturdukları bütünün tanımlanması, taşıdığı mimari miras değerinin ortaya konması, koruma gerekliliklerinin ve önceliklerinin belirlenmesi bakımından analiz edilerek değerlendirilmiştir.
Mimarlık Dergisi, 2017
Tarihi çevrelerin korunarak geleceğe aktarılmasında kültürel, toplumsal, finansal vb. sorunlar bu... more Tarihi çevrelerin korunarak geleceğe aktarılmasında kültürel, toplumsal, finansal vb. sorunlar bulunmaktadır. Bu çevreleri yıpratıcı etkiye sahip olmakla birlikte turizm, doğru planlandığında sorunların çözümünde önemli bir destek sağlamakta, tarihi alanlara ilgi çekerek korumaya katkıda bulunmakta, ekonomik kazanç sağlayarak yerel halkı ve turistleri eğitmektedir. Bu sebeple tarihi alanların korunması ve tanıtılması için turizmin geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Fakat bu alanların bilimsel yöntemlerle ele alınarak ziyaretçilere sunulması, onların anlayabileceği bir bütünlüğe kavuşturulması önemli bir gerekliliktir. Özellikle günümüzden binlerce yıl önce yapılmış, ilk işlevini tamamen kaybederek kısmen veya tamamen hasar görmüş arkeolojik alanlar çoğu zaman ziyaretçileri hayal kırıklığına uğratmakta, anlaşılamayan kalıntılar bu alanlara ilgiyi azaltmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu kalıntıların ziyaretçilerin anlayabileceği bir sunuşa kavuşturulması için çeşitli tekniklerden yararlanılması gerekmektedir. Bu alanda dijital teknolojilerden yararlanılması ise çok yeni bir çalışma alanıdır.
Bergama’da yerel yönetim, özel sektör, üniversite ortaklığında gerçekleştirilen “iVisit Anatolia; Tarih, 3 boyutlu canlaniyor” adlı sosyal sorumluluk projesi, Dünya’nın bilinen ilk sanal antik kent gezisi projesidir. Ziyaretçilere interaktif bir deneyim sunmak amacıyla başlatılan projede Zeus Sunağı, Asklepion, Athena Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanı ile Kızıl Avlu’nun ilk yapılışındaki görünümleri, dijital teknoloji kullanılarak aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma koruma ve turizm kavramlarını tanımlayarak aralarındaki ilişkiyi sorgulamakta, söz konusu projenin koruma disiplinine katkılarını tartışmaktadır.
Books by Ebru Karabag Aydeniz
From Göbeklitepe to Industry 4.0: Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, 2019
10th Annual Symposium on Design History, “Design in Times of Turmoil Displacement, Replacement, Emplacement, 2015
Among the principal aims of the government in the early years of the
Turkish Republic, was the ac... more Among the principal aims of the government in the early years of the
Turkish Republic, was the accomplishment of building a material culture
and following the technological developments of the West. The Law on the Encouragement of Industry, passed in 1927, not only ensured the
education of technical personnel needed by the industrial sector, but also allowed foreign town planners, engineers and architects to work in Turkey. It is known that among the fourteen foreign architects and planners invited between 1927 and 1940, nine were German and one was of Austrian descent.
The reason for inviting foreign architects to the country was not only
the desire to introduce modern architecture. It was also essential to fulfil
the need for a variety of new official buildings to be built in a short period
of time and on a limited budget. Especially for Ankara there was an acute need for monumental public buildings, factories, hospitals, educational facilities and housing projects.
This research will look into the buildings designed by foreign
architects during these years and their contribution to Turkish architecture. Among the other issues to be studied are: the architectural atmosphere in the early years of the Republic and later on; the reflection of the Gulnur Ballice and N. Ebru Karabag Aydeniz 105
Republican ideology on architecture; and approaches during the First
National Architectural period and in the following years. New approaches on cultural, ideological, technological and architectural terms will be evaluated by using the buildings erected by Holzmeister and his contributions to architectural education. After all, this German architect was the most powerful and influential man of the period.
Yerel Ölçekte Geleneksel Mimarinin Korunması, 2018
Conference Papers by Ebru Karabag Aydeniz
Tarihsel süreçte İzmir kentinde meydana gelen çeşitli gelişmeler kent mekânını biçimlendirmiştir. Tarihi kent merkezinde günümüze ulaşan kent yapısını üreten en önemli gelişme ise, İzmir’in yabancı işgalinden kurtulmasının ardından 13 Eylül 1922’de yaşanan yangın felaketiyle merkez bölgesinin birkaç gün içinde yok olmasıdır. Yangının ardından ortaya çıkan boşluk, Henri Prost danışmanlığında Réné ve Raymond Dangér tarafından hazırlanan plan ile düzenlenmiştir. Fransız şehircilik okulu öğretileri doğrultusunda formalist bir kompozisyon anlayışını yansıtan planın uygulanmasıyla, Cumhuriyet modernleşmesinin en önemli hedeflerinden birisi gerçekleştirilmiş; kentli toplumun modern yaşam biçimini destekleyen mekânlar üretilmiştir. Yangın alanı içerisinde oluşturulan Kültürpark, kent merkezinde yarattığı yeşil dokuyla modern kent imajını güçlendirirken, her yıl düzenlenen Fuarlar uluslararası alanda İzmir’in tanınmasını sağlamış, içerisinde yer alan modernist pavyon yapılarıyla da mimarlık sergisi görevi görmüştür. Öte yandan Cumhuriyetin kuruluş yıllarında her alanda olduğu gibi mimarlık alanında da ulusal bir kimlik yaratma çabası ile şekillenen Modern Türk Mimarisi, yangın alanında üretilen yapı adalarında uygulama olanağı bulmuştur.
Bu çalışmada 1922 yangın felaketinin ardından İzmir’de gerçekleştirilen kentsel tasarım ve mimarlık uygulamaları araştırılacak, kentin günümüzde sahip olduğu her anlamda öncü karakterinin söz konusu dönemde oluşan izleri ortaya konulacaktır.
regions: Northern, Central and Southern. Each region developed its typical vernacular tradition; one that
responded to climate, topography and life style. Following modernization, westernization of the country since
hundreds of years, traditional building practices started to be abandoned; leading to a radical transformation of
the built environment. The current situation of the built environment depends only on reinforced concrete
construction that does not respond to country's regional variety and as it disregards nature, climate and lifestyle
of many. This paper explores the vernacular building types from one geographical region of the country; Mzab
(arid region of Algeria), to understand its architectural design methods; its climate responses; its fit with the
people's lifestyle. The aim is to be able to evaluate the degree of sustainable practices achieved in that kind of
traditional building. This will be concluded first by knowing the architectural design principles which should be in
a building to call it a sustainable one by using previous studies which explored this issue which is about the main
methods should be used in a building to be a sustainable one. After giving information about the Algerian Arid
climate, analyzing the different sustainable housing features of Mzab house have been explored. This study helps
us to understand more about the Architectural heritage of Algeria, and gives us a clear knowledge on traditional
houses design principles in the arid region according to the climate, lifestyle, and local available materials, and
how those architectural methods belong and valuable to sustainable issues. This might be useful for designers
and architects to use those sustainable strategies in there building projects, and change the design approach to
a better one which is more sustainable.
Papers by Ebru Karabag Aydeniz
three different regions: Northern, Central and Southern. Each region developed its typical vernacular tradition; one that
responded to climate, topography and life style. Following modernization, westernization of the country since hundreds of years,
traditional building practices started to be abandoned; leading to a radical transformation of the built environment. The current
situation of the built environment depends only on reinforced concrete construction that does not respond to country's regional
variety and as it disregards nature, climate and lifestyle of many. This paper explores the vernacular building types from one
geographical region of the country; Casbah (Mediterranean region of Algeria), to understand its architectural design methods; its
climate and site responses; its fit with the people's lifestyle. The aim is to be able to evaluate the degree of sustainable practices
achieved in that kind of traditional housing building. This will be concluded first by knowing the architectural design principles
which should be in a building to call it sustainable. Analyzing the different sustainable housing features of Casbah’s house have been explored. This study helps us to understand more about the Architectural heritage of Algeria, and gives us a clear knowledge on traditional houses design principles in the Mediterranean region according to the climate, lifestyle, and local available materials, and how those architectural methods belong and valuable to sustainable issues. This might be useful for designers and architects to use those sustainable strategies in their future building projects, and change the design approach to a better one which is more sustainable, as well as restoring the heritage of the country which should not have to be forgotten, in order to be known for future generations.
with students of the Department of Interior Architecture and
Environmental Design of Yaşar University in Izmir, investigates
the potentials of the local underused built heritage to be
considered for new creative and social programmes as
strategic constituent parts of the Experience City and offers to
the public audience and local authorities a programmatic
action based on the re-habilitation and adaptation of the
1800's dismissed and vacant Olive Oil & Olive Oil Soap Factory
located in the central and strategic district of the town of
Ayvalık, to be converted into an experience-based Culinary Art
Centre where local and international visitors experience the
research-and-interaction-driven creative process of food art.
Aim of the project was clearly defined as the transformation of
an industrial heritage building – former place of production -
into a new place or stage ‘for the production and consumption
of experience services and goods’ [1] – in this case, knowledgebased
services and the whole spectrum of food production and
culinary art – while approaching the design task openly in
accordance with the principles, notions and concepts of the
Experience Economy method, as developed and described by
Pine & Gilmore within their studies and publications.
Experience through Design and Design through Experience. An
academic investigation and design response aimed at
promoting and experiencing the adaptive reuse approach for
the already-built urban environment as precious resource for
sustainable urban development actions and targeting at the
promotion of culinary culture and gastronomic tourism –
known as food tourism, tasting tourism or culinary tourism.
Tangible and intangible heritage positively conserved through
adaptive reuse and experience design.
Bergama’da yerel yönetim, özel sektör, üniversite ortaklığında gerçekleştirilen “iVisit Anatolia; Tarih, 3 boyutlu canlaniyor” adlı sosyal sorumluluk projesi, Dünya’nın bilinen ilk sanal antik kent gezisi projesidir. Ziyaretçilere interaktif bir deneyim sunmak amacıyla başlatılan projede Zeus Sunağı, Asklepion, Athena Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanı ile Kızıl Avlu’nun ilk yapılışındaki görünümleri, dijital teknoloji kullanılarak aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma koruma ve turizm kavramlarını tanımlayarak aralarındaki ilişkiyi sorgulamakta, söz konusu projenin koruma disiplinine katkılarını tartışmaktadır.
Books by Ebru Karabag Aydeniz
Turkish Republic, was the accomplishment of building a material culture
and following the technological developments of the West. The Law on the Encouragement of Industry, passed in 1927, not only ensured the
education of technical personnel needed by the industrial sector, but also allowed foreign town planners, engineers and architects to work in Turkey. It is known that among the fourteen foreign architects and planners invited between 1927 and 1940, nine were German and one was of Austrian descent.
The reason for inviting foreign architects to the country was not only
the desire to introduce modern architecture. It was also essential to fulfil
the need for a variety of new official buildings to be built in a short period
of time and on a limited budget. Especially for Ankara there was an acute need for monumental public buildings, factories, hospitals, educational facilities and housing projects.
This research will look into the buildings designed by foreign
architects during these years and their contribution to Turkish architecture. Among the other issues to be studied are: the architectural atmosphere in the early years of the Republic and later on; the reflection of the Gulnur Ballice and N. Ebru Karabag Aydeniz 105
Republican ideology on architecture; and approaches during the First
National Architectural period and in the following years. New approaches on cultural, ideological, technological and architectural terms will be evaluated by using the buildings erected by Holzmeister and his contributions to architectural education. After all, this German architect was the most powerful and influential man of the period.
Tarihsel süreçte İzmir kentinde meydana gelen çeşitli gelişmeler kent mekânını biçimlendirmiştir. Tarihi kent merkezinde günümüze ulaşan kent yapısını üreten en önemli gelişme ise, İzmir’in yabancı işgalinden kurtulmasının ardından 13 Eylül 1922’de yaşanan yangın felaketiyle merkez bölgesinin birkaç gün içinde yok olmasıdır. Yangının ardından ortaya çıkan boşluk, Henri Prost danışmanlığında Réné ve Raymond Dangér tarafından hazırlanan plan ile düzenlenmiştir. Fransız şehircilik okulu öğretileri doğrultusunda formalist bir kompozisyon anlayışını yansıtan planın uygulanmasıyla, Cumhuriyet modernleşmesinin en önemli hedeflerinden birisi gerçekleştirilmiş; kentli toplumun modern yaşam biçimini destekleyen mekânlar üretilmiştir. Yangın alanı içerisinde oluşturulan Kültürpark, kent merkezinde yarattığı yeşil dokuyla modern kent imajını güçlendirirken, her yıl düzenlenen Fuarlar uluslararası alanda İzmir’in tanınmasını sağlamış, içerisinde yer alan modernist pavyon yapılarıyla da mimarlık sergisi görevi görmüştür. Öte yandan Cumhuriyetin kuruluş yıllarında her alanda olduğu gibi mimarlık alanında da ulusal bir kimlik yaratma çabası ile şekillenen Modern Türk Mimarisi, yangın alanında üretilen yapı adalarında uygulama olanağı bulmuştur.
Bu çalışmada 1922 yangın felaketinin ardından İzmir’de gerçekleştirilen kentsel tasarım ve mimarlık uygulamaları araştırılacak, kentin günümüzde sahip olduğu her anlamda öncü karakterinin söz konusu dönemde oluşan izleri ortaya konulacaktır.
regions: Northern, Central and Southern. Each region developed its typical vernacular tradition; one that
responded to climate, topography and life style. Following modernization, westernization of the country since
hundreds of years, traditional building practices started to be abandoned; leading to a radical transformation of
the built environment. The current situation of the built environment depends only on reinforced concrete
construction that does not respond to country's regional variety and as it disregards nature, climate and lifestyle
of many. This paper explores the vernacular building types from one geographical region of the country; Mzab
(arid region of Algeria), to understand its architectural design methods; its climate responses; its fit with the
people's lifestyle. The aim is to be able to evaluate the degree of sustainable practices achieved in that kind of
traditional building. This will be concluded first by knowing the architectural design principles which should be in
a building to call it a sustainable one by using previous studies which explored this issue which is about the main
methods should be used in a building to be a sustainable one. After giving information about the Algerian Arid
climate, analyzing the different sustainable housing features of Mzab house have been explored. This study helps
us to understand more about the Architectural heritage of Algeria, and gives us a clear knowledge on traditional
houses design principles in the arid region according to the climate, lifestyle, and local available materials, and
how those architectural methods belong and valuable to sustainable issues. This might be useful for designers
and architects to use those sustainable strategies in there building projects, and change the design approach to
a better one which is more sustainable.
three different regions: Northern, Central and Southern. Each region developed its typical vernacular tradition; one that
responded to climate, topography and life style. Following modernization, westernization of the country since hundreds of years,
traditional building practices started to be abandoned; leading to a radical transformation of the built environment. The current
situation of the built environment depends only on reinforced concrete construction that does not respond to country's regional
variety and as it disregards nature, climate and lifestyle of many. This paper explores the vernacular building types from one
geographical region of the country; Casbah (Mediterranean region of Algeria), to understand its architectural design methods; its
climate and site responses; its fit with the people's lifestyle. The aim is to be able to evaluate the degree of sustainable practices
achieved in that kind of traditional housing building. This will be concluded first by knowing the architectural design principles
which should be in a building to call it sustainable. Analyzing the different sustainable housing features of Casbah’s house have been explored. This study helps us to understand more about the Architectural heritage of Algeria, and gives us a clear knowledge on traditional houses design principles in the Mediterranean region according to the climate, lifestyle, and local available materials, and how those architectural methods belong and valuable to sustainable issues. This might be useful for designers and architects to use those sustainable strategies in their future building projects, and change the design approach to a better one which is more sustainable, as well as restoring the heritage of the country which should not have to be forgotten, in order to be known for future generations.
with students of the Department of Interior Architecture and
Environmental Design of Yaşar University in Izmir, investigates
the potentials of the local underused built heritage to be
considered for new creative and social programmes as
strategic constituent parts of the Experience City and offers to
the public audience and local authorities a programmatic
action based on the re-habilitation and adaptation of the
1800's dismissed and vacant Olive Oil & Olive Oil Soap Factory
located in the central and strategic district of the town of
Ayvalık, to be converted into an experience-based Culinary Art
Centre where local and international visitors experience the
research-and-interaction-driven creative process of food art.
Aim of the project was clearly defined as the transformation of
an industrial heritage building – former place of production -
into a new place or stage ‘for the production and consumption
of experience services and goods’ [1] – in this case, knowledgebased
services and the whole spectrum of food production and
culinary art – while approaching the design task openly in
accordance with the principles, notions and concepts of the
Experience Economy method, as developed and described by
Pine & Gilmore within their studies and publications.
Experience through Design and Design through Experience. An
academic investigation and design response aimed at
promoting and experiencing the adaptive reuse approach for
the already-built urban environment as precious resource for
sustainable urban development actions and targeting at the
promotion of culinary culture and gastronomic tourism –
known as food tourism, tasting tourism or culinary tourism.
Tangible and intangible heritage positively conserved through
adaptive reuse and experience design.
Bergama’da yerel yönetim, özel sektör, üniversite ortaklığında gerçekleştirilen “iVisit Anatolia; Tarih, 3 boyutlu canlaniyor” adlı sosyal sorumluluk projesi, Dünya’nın bilinen ilk sanal antik kent gezisi projesidir. Ziyaretçilere interaktif bir deneyim sunmak amacıyla başlatılan projede Zeus Sunağı, Asklepion, Athena Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanı ile Kızıl Avlu’nun ilk yapılışındaki görünümleri, dijital teknoloji kullanılarak aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma koruma ve turizm kavramlarını tanımlayarak aralarındaki ilişkiyi sorgulamakta, söz konusu projenin koruma disiplinine katkılarını tartışmaktadır.
Turkish Republic, was the accomplishment of building a material culture
and following the technological developments of the West. The Law on the Encouragement of Industry, passed in 1927, not only ensured the
education of technical personnel needed by the industrial sector, but also allowed foreign town planners, engineers and architects to work in Turkey. It is known that among the fourteen foreign architects and planners invited between 1927 and 1940, nine were German and one was of Austrian descent.
The reason for inviting foreign architects to the country was not only
the desire to introduce modern architecture. It was also essential to fulfil
the need for a variety of new official buildings to be built in a short period
of time and on a limited budget. Especially for Ankara there was an acute need for monumental public buildings, factories, hospitals, educational facilities and housing projects.
This research will look into the buildings designed by foreign
architects during these years and their contribution to Turkish architecture. Among the other issues to be studied are: the architectural atmosphere in the early years of the Republic and later on; the reflection of the Gulnur Ballice and N. Ebru Karabag Aydeniz 105
Republican ideology on architecture; and approaches during the First
National Architectural period and in the following years. New approaches on cultural, ideological, technological and architectural terms will be evaluated by using the buildings erected by Holzmeister and his contributions to architectural education. After all, this German architect was the most powerful and influential man of the period.