3D Laser Scanning (Archaeology)
Recent papers in 3D Laser Scanning (Archaeology)
Upon visiting the megalithic site of Ħaġar Qim in Malta, one is immediately struck by the fine workmanship of the remaining façade. However, studies on remains of a model discovered in another local megalithic site which represents a... more
Güneybatı Anadolu’da, Likya Bölgesi’nde yer alan Olympos antik kenti tarihte önemli bir yere sahiptir. Kentin en önemli özelliği yerleşim dokusunun Roma, Erken Hıristiyan ve Bizans dönemleri arasındaki... more
This paper illustrates all different technical aspects involved in the realization of MUSINT's virtual museum on the Web and its first exhibition which focuses on the unknown Aegean and Cypriot antiquities collections held by Tuscan... more
The paper describes an ongoing project aiming at developing a benchmarking procedure for the definition of the most suitable methodology for different research goals like conservation, virtual restoration, web visualization, etc. Some... more
The concept of 3D printing in Archaeology is quickly gaining attention and funding all over the world. The cost of owning a 3D printer, meanwhile, is plummeting. Not only does this drop in price facilitate access by universities and... more
Imagery and physical representations play a key role in the interpretation, analysis, and publication of archaeological data. Archaeological visualization has been created using a wide range of media throughout history, including... more
The church of St Edward the Confessor lies to the north of the town centre of Leek, Staffordshire, and two Anglo-Saxon stone cross shafts currently stand in its churchyard. Additionally, a complete later medieval market cross stands in... more
In November 2018 an airborne laser scanned system installed on a hexacopter was used to survey the territory with a total area about 270 hectars.
Od kilku lat, wraz z rozwojem technik informatycznych, obserwujemy tendencję digitalizacji dokumentacji archeologicznej. Zdjęcia tradycyjne wyparła fotografia cyfrowa, a rysunki, terenowo wykonywane ołówkiem, przenosi się następnie do... more
Roman baths are not only fascinating architectural structures but also provide many insights into the ancient culture. They represent an emblematic step in the process of civilization, indicative of the importance of cities or the... more
Heritage tourism is fast becoming a powerful economic force on an international scale, and previously inaccessible archaeological sites are now being opened up across the globe. Yet the destructive impact of visitation can actually... more
The application of 3D digital technologies in the archaeological research expands more and more during the last decades. 3D recording, visualisation, representation and reconstruction of archaeological sites, monu-ments and artefacts... more
In marine geology, a guyot (also known as a tablemount) is an isolated underwater table mountain (seamount) with a flat top more than 200 m (660 ft) below the surface of the sea. The diameters of these flat summits can exceed 10 km (6.2... more
Strumenti per la rilettura del manufatto architettonico: il Serapeo, un triclinio scenografico a Villa Adriana di Silvia Nicoli e Stefania Pini ϭ Ϯ /ŶƚƌŽĚƵnjŝŽŶĞ /ů ƚƵƌŝƐƚĂ ;͙Ϳ ŶŽŶ ŚĂ ĨŽƌƐĞ ƚŽƌƚŽ Ă ƐĞŶƚŝƌƐŝ ĨƌƵƐƚƌĂƚŽ ĚŽƉŽ ƵŶĂ |ŝƐŝƚĂ ƚƌŽƉƉŽ... more
Viimeisen vuosikymmenen kuluessa Lidar-kaukokartoitusaineistoista on tullut eri puolilla maailmaa monille arkeologeille jokapäiväinen työväline. Suomessa Maanmittauslaitoksen avoimet pistepilviaineistot tarjoavat erinomaisen lähtökohdan... more
Presentazione dello stato dei rilievi digitali condotti dal Dipartimento di Progettazione dell'Architettura, Firenze, al settembre 2007. Presentazione condotta nell'ambito del Premio Piranesi 2007.
This volume is intended to be an exhaustive guide for all those who, already masters the basic techniques of video mapping, want to deepen the subject and in particular want to focus attention on the Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR)... more
In this paper, the accurate geometric information extracted from the three-dimensional model of both the circuit wall of the Acropolis of Athens and the underlain supporting rock are described and analyzed. Laser scanning data was used... more
The Herculaneum Conservation Project (HCP) is a project of the Packard Humanities Institute in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei and the British School at Rome. The project arose from a recognition of the risks... more
3D measurement using SfM/MVS (Structure from Motion/Multiview Stereo) and laser scanners has become increasingly popular in archaeology. Especially, the quality (i.e., precision and/or accuracy) of 3D models by SfM sometimes varies... more
In questo volume vengono esposte in maniera organica e quanto più completa possibile le tecniche che, anche se non nate propriamente per la SAR, sono state utilizzate nel settore con ottimi risultati. I temi trattati hanno come filo... more
Airborne remote sensing encompasses applications using a range of airborne/satellite sensors for detecting and understanding sites and landscapes without making direct physical contact. These noninvasive and non-destructive approaches... more
U današnje vrijeme, moderna tehnologija se često mijenja i brzo napreduje. Korištenje 3D modela u arheologiji, mnogi smatraju kao nešto što nam je tehnologija omogućila tek unazad nekoliko godina, no njihova primjena u arheologiji... more
A 3D lézer szkennerek használata a kulturális örökség megőrzésében és a régészetben ma már általánosnak mondható. A hagyományos régészeti technológiák és a 3D digitális örökségvédelmi lehetőségek ötvözése – különösen a ma Magyarországon... more
In recent times there has been an increasing use of advanced techniques of analysis and documentation in the area of cultural heritage, as happened before with engineering or architecture. Visualization has become a key element in the... more
Despite a long history of research and conservation dating back to the late 19th century, when the current stage in the management of the three large Antequeran megalithic monuments started in 2004 there was an almost complete absence of... more
In the last few years 3D laser scanning techniques have been used more frequently as a means for recording archaeological evidence. This is especially due to the reliability of the 3D Laser Scanner. Archaeologists are recognising its... more
Carlisle Castle situated in Carlisle, in the county of Cumbria, originated in the 12th century and was in use as a military base for 900 years. Many renovations and additions to the castle complex were made over time, and as such, a... more
Visita virtuale all'interno del modello 3D https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=KJipFj5qbFA
Ancient pictures are not random products -they were created for conveying messages! This is especially true in the oral culture of the Viking Age. Here, pictures often occur as Animal Art. The focal point of my work is a special kind of... more
Статья посвящена проблеме взаимодействия гуманитарного образования с инженерно-техническим. Раскрываются особенности взаимовлияния и взаимозависимости предметов гуманитарного цикла (истории) в основной общей школе с математическими... more
The article considers experience of using digital technologies in the projects of virtual reconstruction of historical urban landscapes and lost objects of historical urban environment. The possibilities of 3D modeling, virtual and... more
In 1994, the Tanum rock art and rock carvings were added to UNESCO’s World Heritage list. In the expert opinion of John Coles commissioned by ICOMOS, whose opinion became the basis for the World Heritage Committee’s decision, it was... more