Reformation History
Recent papers in Reformation History
Around the mid-sixteenth century, one of the largest Italian heterodox communities developed in Modena: the community of 'Brothers'. At the beginning of the century, a flourishing humanistic tradition had inspired protests against the... more
The first translation of the Scriptures into Serbian, published in 1868, was significantly influenced by Protestantism. Not only did the translators insist on the use of the common tongue, spoken by ordinary people in the street and in... more
Published in: Heinrich Bullinger : life - thought - influence : Zurich, Aug. 25-29, 2004, International Congress Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575) / Emidio Campi, Peter Opitz (eds.). Zürich : Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2007. vol. 2.... more
The "bibliotheca electoralis" with its 1500 books, today located in the ThULB Jena, is the remnant of one of the most important early renaissance libraries in Germany. The early history of the ducal/electoral library, originally located... more
La diffusione dell’Utopia di Thomas More coincide con momenti di straordinaria tensione politica e sociale. La sua fortuna editoriale, col favorire un’ampia circolazione delle idee dell’autore anche negli ambienti vicini alla Riforma... more
La diffusione dell’Utopia di Thomas More coincide con momenti di straordinaria tensione politica e sociale. La sua fortuna editoriale, col favorire un’ampia circolazione delle idee dell’autore anche negli ambienti vicini alla Riforma... more
John Davenant, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity and a British delegate to the Synod of Dordt, was a widely praised English Reformed theologian, but his exposition of the doctrine of predestination has been largely neglected. The... more
Monarchia della verità indaga una componente ideologica fondamentale della Controriforma: l’ossessione ecclesiastica per la 'veritas', concepita nella versione dogmatica di 'doctrina' e ortodossia in opposizione alla formulazione... more
A brief update on the state of worldwide Lutheranism at the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
Logia XXVII-3 PRINT pages 3, 5 - 14; Trinity 2018
Logia XXVII-3 PRINT pages 3, 5 - 14; Trinity 2018
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the symposium, "Joseph Ratzinger and the Healing of the Reformation-Era Divisions," held at Mundelein Seminary, IL, Oct 19-21 2017. This is an expanded version of the paper that tries to... more
Protestant and Catholic martyrologies evolved in dialogue; however, they did not articulate a common conception of martyrdom. Viewing Protestant and Catholic martyrologies and notions of martyrdom as essentially similar obscures highly... more
Dieses Buch berücksichtigt explizit in drei wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen die Formen der Frömmigkeit in Chemnitz zwischen dem 14. und 15. Jahrhundert, die Geschichte von Kirchen und Kapellen im Raum Chemnitz vor der Reformation und der... more
There are many matters in the history of Polish-English relations that have so far escaped the attention of historians dealing with this subject. Religious issues that are the subject of this article, which is the result of a monthly... more
This study considers sixteenth century evangelicals’ vision of a 'godly' commonwealth within the broader context of political, religious, social, and intellectual changes in Tudor England. Using the clergyman and bestselling author,... more
Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio... more
Daniel Bellingradt: Review of Jan Löhdefink: Zeiten des Teufels. Teufelsvorstellungen und Geschichtszeit in frühreformatorischen Flugschriften (1520-1526), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2016, in: sehepunkte 17 (2017), Nr. 1 [15.01.2017], URL:... more
Curated by Dr. Eric J. Johnson, Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts, The Ohio State University "Publish or Perish" tells the story of a religious, social, and political revolution that began 500 years ago as a traditional academic... more
Michiel de Ruyter is a Dutch national hero. He is respected in Hungary as the liberator of the Protestant galley slaves. Since 1895, his name can also be read on the statue behind the Great Church of Debrecen. De Ruyter has appeared in... more
W. Kinzig / J. Winnebeck (eds.), Glaube und Theologie. Reformatorische Einsichten in der ökumenischen Diskussion, VWGTh 54, Leipzig: EVA, 2019, 243–258
S. m. Abb. ISBN 978-3-11-048962-0. Geb. € 99,95.
In. Reformation in der Region. Personen und Erinnerungsorte, hrsg. v. Michael Matheus, Stuttgart 2018 (Mainzer Vorträge 21), S. 7-12.
Presentación, comentario y valoración crítica de la obra titulada LUTERO: UNA VIDA DELANTE DE DIOS, escrita por Rafael Lazcano, y publicada por la Editorial San Pablo (Madrid, 2017), realizado por Teófanes Egido, prestigioso especialista... more
The Collects of Veit Dietrich, based on the Historic Lectionary, compared with the original source, 'Summaria Christlicher Lehr' 1548 with newly translated collects that were not in 'The Lutheran Hymnary' or in 'Evangelical Lutheran... more
In "Was the Reformation a Mistake?" Matthew Levering examines the Protestant Reformation from an epistemological perspective, that is, whether the reformers correctly challenged the truth claims of the Roman Catholic Church. The subtitle... more
"Co' voti concordi di tutti, fu creato quella mattina sommo pontefice; non sapendo quegli medesimi che l'avevano eletto rendere ragione per che causa, in tanti travagli e pericoli dello stato della Chiesa, avessino eletto uno pontefice... more
A Treatise on Good Works is considered Luther’s clearest exposition on Christian life and the relationship between faith and good works. Contrary to the teachings of the medieval church of his day, Luther taught that people need not... more
A hypothesis of historiography of the Reformation that Lukasz Markowicz, the burgomaster of Vilnius, was the author of the Polish Arianistic book published in Gardinas in 1564–1566 is analysed. After discussing the arguments of other... more
"Here I Stand. I Can Do No Other!" Art of the German Reformation is a longer review of an exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and a symposium at the Getty Research Center in February 2017.
This book examines the experiences and interconnections of the Reformations, principally in Denmark-Norway and Britain and Ireland (but with an eye to the broader Scandinavian landscape as well), and also discusses instances of... more
Cardinal Pole was characterised as a blood thirsty cleric in the first edition of Foxe's Book of Martyrs, but by the time the second edition was published, he had all but disappeared from the pages. This paper seeks to find out why Foxe... more
Diskussionen om mänskliga rättigheter ser olika ut i Sverige och i Dan-mark. Vad beror det på? Båda länderna var länge lutherska enhetssam-hällen där reformationen blev en del i ett tidigt nationsskapande. Gradvis har båda länderna gått... more
Per informazioni: Segreteria Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche Piazza Pio XII, 3 – 00120 Città del Vaticano Tel. + 39 06 698 84 618 – Fax. + 39 06 698 73014 E-mail: [email protected]
A PhD seminar reading review of Bireley written in Spring 2008 for "The Continental Reformation (Early Modern Catholicism)" taught by Rosalie Beck at Baylor University.
Th e Miracle in Narva, 11 May 1558: On the History of Russian Polemics against the Reformation in the 16th Century Narva was the fi rst town occupied by Russian forces in 1558 during the Livonian War (1558–1582). Th e conquest of this... more
Domröse: Frauen der Reformationszeit. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014 (3. izdaja). 158 strani.
This paper addresses the claim of three historians about the efficacy of religious persecution in a volume published by the Protestant Church of Ireland in 2017.
Управління культури, національностей, релігій та туризму Хмельницької облдержадміністрації та Державний історико-культурний заповідник «Межибіж» спільно з Хмельницькою обласною організацією Національної спілки краєзнавців України 20... more
Revue de Pau et du Béarn, n°27, 2000, pp. 85 à 119.
La traduzione italiana completa degli scritti e delle lettere di una delle figure principali degli anni aurorali della Riforma non necessita alcuna giustificazione. Essa giunge in un momento di rinnovato interesse nei confronti degli... more
The extent of reformation and Becon'stheological evolution ...... Becon'sPolemic:the Catholic Mass and the spiritual nurture of children .