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This article stems from a panel we jointly convened at the i-Docs 2018 Symposium, where we presented a series of provocations with a view to generating a new theoretical framework for i-docs. These provocations were inspired by all... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)BakhtinPolyphonyDocumentary Film
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Change
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Change
In Global Linguistic Flows: Hip Hop Cultures, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language, ed. by H. Samy Alim, Awad Ibrahim, and Alastair Pennycook. New York: Routledge. 63–77.
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      Linguistic AnthropologyRace and EthnicityBrazilHip-Hop/Rap
Absztrakt Jelen tanulmány egy a heteroglosszia elméleti keretében végzett doktori kutatás módszertani alapjait részletezi. A kutatás roma gyerekek iskolai nyelvi gyakorlatait vizsgálja úgy, hogy az elemzéshez iskolában létrejött émikus... more
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      Linguistic ethnographyHeteroglossia
This book provides the first comprehensive account of temporal deixis in English printed and online news texts. Linking the characteristic usage of tenses with the projection of deictic centres, it notes how conventional tenses,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisJournalismPragmaticsStylistics
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Change
Using Édouard Glissant's vision of 'poetics of relation,' I intent to demonstrate how Olga Tokarczuk's novel Flights (2007; 2017) turns significantly responsive to what I have termed 'hyperglossia.' Hyperglossia proposes a magnification... more
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      World LiteraturesNarrative TheoryGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariMikhail Bakhtin
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      Mikhail Mikhailovich BakhtinHeteroglossiaCritical Dicourse AnalysisContextual Interpretation
In: Heltai János Imre – Oszkó Beatrix (szerk.): Nyelvi repertoárok a Kárpát-medencén belül és azon kívül: Válogatás a 20. Élőnyelvi Konferencia (Budapest, 2018. augusztus 30. – szeptember 1.) előadásaiból. Budapest: Nyelvtudományi... more
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      SociolinguisticsHeteroglossiaNationalism and languageHeritage Languages
This chapter discusses the fraught relationship between Second Sophistic discourse and koinē fiction of the second and third centuries ce. Taking its point of departure from a comparison (synkrisis) of Dio of Prusa’s first oration On... more
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      SeptuagintGreek DialectsMikhail BakhtinThebes
"Meaning, if Twain’s views regarding the rights of woman and gender inequality had shifted over the course of his literary career, this change would inherently appear in the reader’s perception of Pudd’nhead Wilson, based solely on the... more
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      Southern Studies (U.S. South)Mark TwainFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesPercy Bysshe Shelley
In this paper, I analyse the highly heteroglossic lyrical and musical practice of a recent hip hop group in Hong Kong, 24 Herbs. Through analysing their multi-voiced translanguaging lyrical practice, I analyse their “structure of... more
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      Cultural StudiesPlurilingualismBilingualism and MultilingualismHeteroglossia
A dolgozat olyan roma általános iskolás tanulók beszélésének és iskolai nyelvi nevelésének kérdéseivel foglalkozik, akiknek környezetében a magyar mellett a romanihoz tartozó nyelvi források is használatosak. Ezt a gyakran újnak vagy... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBilingual EducationBilingualism and MultilingualismHeteroglossia
The Heartless (Mujŏng, 1917), Korea's first major modern novel, opens to a maelstrom of change in early colonial Seoul when fundamental ideas about the individual, nation, and literature were being overturned. The pioneering work... more
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      Korean StudiesColonialismKorean HistoryKorean Literature and Culture
In the movement known as Spiritualism, successful performances of "mental mediumship" are rarely smooth. At services held by the Canberra Spiritualist Association, mediums attempt to provide evidence of life after death by describing a... more
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The term "poetic grammar" refers to the formal patterns that distinguish poetic registers from other modes of speech: for example, patterns in meter and rhyme schemes. For many poetic traditions, function is also a distinguishing feature:... more
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      Historical LinguisticsSociolinguisticsSanskrit language and literatureVedic Language and Classical Sanskrit
The assessments designed for and analyzed in this study used a task-based language design template rooted in theories of language reflecting heteroglossic language practices and funds of knowledge learning theories, which were understood... more
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      MultilingualismTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageLanguage AssessmentHeteroglossia
Resumen El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las similitudes y diferencias que se evidencian en los discursos de Benedicto XVI y su sucesor, Francisco I en materia de homosexualidad, aborto y pederastia. Se utilizará la Teoría... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCatholic Social TeachingIntertextualitySystemic Functional Linguistics
Heteroglosszia: cigány/roma tanulók beszédmódjai az iskolában Heteroglossia: Languiging of Roma Children at School. rövidített cím: Heteroglosszia: roma tanulók beszédmódjai az iskolában kulcsszavak: roma/cigány, iskola, heteroglosszia,... more
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This paper uses sociocultural theories of language learning to investigate how teachers and students navigate between monolingual institutional policies and the multilingual realities encountered in a rural Kenyan fourth-grade classroom.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsScience EducationMultilingualism
The present study attempts to read Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and Zoya Pirzad's I Turn off the Lights, which is translated into English under the title of Things We Left Unsaid, in terms of the Bakhtinian theory of voice. This paper... more
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      Language and IdentityPolyphonyHeteroglossiaZoya Pirzad
This thesis is dedicated to the cinema art of Kira Muratova with the focus on the theme of grotesque. Kira Muratova shot films of different genres; mixing styles, creating a new reality of cinema, mixing audio-visualization of people with... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryBakhtin
In today’s globalized multilingual classrooms, deficit ideologies tend to disregard the cultural capital and mobile semiotic resources that immigrant and culturally diverse students bring with them (Blommaert 2010). There is a growing... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsHeteroglossiaCulturally Sustaining PedagogyTranslanguaging, Billingualism and language learning
Bu makale Mathiew Kassovitz’in yonetmenligini ustlendigi La Haine (1995) adli filmi Bakhtin’in “heteroglossia” kavrami ozelinde analiz etmektedir . Avrupa’yi sarsmaya devam eden multeci krizinin, yukselen islamofobinin ve yabanci... more
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      French CinemaDiasporic cinemaHeteroglossiaLa Haine
Narratives focusing on People of Color often suffer from neocolonial treatment with narrow focus on race at the expense of character development, working with stereotypical monoliths rather than complex individuals. These types of... more
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      American LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisPostcolonial StudiesAfro-Latin American History
This article finds in Joinville's late crusading narrative, the Vie de Saint Louis, evidence of past and continuing dialogues and a community of understanding between putative enemies in a theater of war. I argue that the text's mutually... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean StudiesComparative LiteratureMedieval Literature
This article illustrates how heteroglossia functions in G.H. satirical play, The Honourable MP. Heteroglossia describes the coexistence, as well as the clashing, of distinct voices within a text. It can be shown that while the playwright... more
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      BakhtinThe CarnivalesqueBakhtin carnival and the grotesque bodyHeteroglossia
This cross-disciplinary approach to literary reading of any provenance based on an "experimental cosmopolitan" epistemology de-and recontextualizes the texts from the points of view of multiple cultures and historical moments, enriching... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGlocalizationCultural TheoryTranslation theory
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      LiteracyEducationPerforming ArtsMultiple Intelligences
Using Bakhtinian concepts of persuasive and authoritative discourse, this study reports on science and English language arts instructional practices in a multilingual, rural, fourth-grade classroom in Kenya. Situated in English as a... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsScience EducationAfricaTESOL
This chapter provides a broad overview of the study of sociopolitical issues in bilingual education. It begins by examining early concepts in the field and the ways that these early concepts continue to influence the study and practice of... more
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      Language and IdeologyApplied LinguisticsCritical applied linguisticsBilingual Education
Corpo da luogo utopico a spazio eterotopico in direzione di una metodologia eroptica antropologica. Il corpo nella sua ambivalenza simbolica muta nelle contaminazioni del XXI secolo. Foucault partendo da Marcel Proust cerca un luogo che... more
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      Visual AnthropologyDigital HumanitiesDigital MediaAnthropology of the Body
My study is based on an ethnography of two groups of young people from working-class neighbourhoods in Barcelona. I was interested in researching the impact of Catalan language policies on the identities of young people of... more
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      Catalan StudiesMultilingualismSociolinguisticsBakhtin
From the lens of coloniality, monoglossic and hegemonic language ideologies and policies exist within public and private bilingual education in Colombia which oppress students' and teachers' diverse linguistic identities and languaging... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsColombiaCritical PedagogyLanguage Planning and Policy
My paper intends to explore the role of Louise Labé (c. 1516-1566) as renovator and new interpreter of Italian lyric tradition. I will focus in particular on the first sonnet of her Evvrez, centred on the myth of Ulysses. As most of... more
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      Women's StudiesRenaissance StudiesLyric poetrySixteenth Century Poetry
This dissertation provides an analysis of language attitudes of 1.3% of the adult population of the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. It presents both quantitative survey and qualitative interview data collected... more
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      Critical TheoryStatisticsSociolinguisticsPostcolonial Studies
Language is both a means and an end in educational systems. As a means to learning, it manifests itself in countless, shifting modalities; while as an end or objective of learning, it is often perceived as an autonomous, formal entity.... more
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      MultilingualismMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyDrama In EducationLanguage and Ideology
Alberto MONTANER, «Perspectivismo lingüístico y otredad en Corsarios de Levante», en Alatriste: La sombra del héroe, ed. J. Belmonte y J. M. López de Abiada, Madrid, Alfaguara, 2009 [ISBN 978-84-204-2280-0], pp. 208-265.
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      Arabic SociolinguisticsLoanwords, Language contact & changeArabic DialectsPerspectivism
The paper explores the use of varied semiotic resources in the linguistic, social and cultural practices of young adults in the context of Bangladesh and Mongolia. Based on a translinguistic analysis (including pre-textual history,... more
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      SemioticsAsian StudiesMulticulturalismIntercultural Communication
Linguistic anthropologists have shown that the way a person reports speech or represents discourse—for example, whether they ‘put on an accent' or merely repeat attributed words—is crucial for understanding what social action that person... more
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      SemioticsAnthropologyAnthropological LinguisticsFolklore
This article evaluates the film La Haine (1995) directed by Mathieu Kassovitz with specific reference to the Bakhtinian concept of “heteroglossia”. The term addresses “language [as] perceived [and] stratified through and through into... more
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      French CinemaDiasporic cinemaHeteroglossiaLa Haine
Amorim, Aline dos Santos; Moura, SML. (Advisor). ‘Fanfics and Identities: What do our Fan Stories unveil?’. Rio de Janeiro, 2016, p. Monograph – Departamento de Letras, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. This monograph... more
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      Creative WritingAnthropologyApplied LinguisticsTeaching English As A Foreign Language
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      Web 2.0MultilingualismSociolinguisticsIdentity (Culture)
1. Bevezetés Azok a diákok, akik nem vagy nem úgy beszélik a tanítás során használt nyelvet, ahogy várják tőlük az iskolában, a többi diákhoz képest nehezebb helyzetbe kerülnek. Nemcsak a teszteken nem tudnak optimális szintet elérni, de... more
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    • Heteroglossia
This study investigates the use of Arabic numerals by Chinese internet users to create meanings beyond the numerals' cardinal/ordinal values. Numerals are often used – individually, or in combination with other symbols – to convey a range... more
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      Discourse AnalysisComputer-Mediated Communication (CMC)SuperdiversityHeteroglossia
The paper talks about the sources of Bakhtin's idea of the Dialogic, Polyglossia, Carnivalesque etc.
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      English LiteratureLiterary TheoryDialogismPolyglossia
Afrikan Literature doesn't exist": nicht provokativer betitelt die britisch-amerikanische Schriftstellerin Taiye Selasi ihre Eröffnungsrede zum Internationalen Literaturfestival 2013 in Berlin. Für Selasi, Tochter einer... more
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      Translation StudiesGlocalizationAfrican LiteratureHeteroglossia
This study examined the use of a student-driven inquiry-based science education instructional approach designed specifically to meet the contextualized needs of Luxembourg primary schools. The key issues, namely an increasing... more
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      MultilingualismPlurilingualismElementary EducationInquiry-based teaching and learning
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      New MediaSociolinguisticsIdentity (Culture)Youth Subcultures