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The paper addresses the issue of the impact of neuroscientific research and techniques on moral and legal responsibility in a methodological perspective and using the method of the conceptual analysis. It contains a discussion of some... more
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      Criminal LawFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityBioethicsNeuroethics
Video exploring the topic of the Blockchain and public administration, with Primavera de Filippi and Rachel O'Dwyer. Note: All Procomuns videos feature simultaneous translation, please switch from left to right channels to change... more
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      Political Economy of the MediaMedia and PoliticsBitcoinCryptocurrency
Fuelled by accelerating digitization, increased global interconnectivity, and transparency (coupled with shifting overarching political agendas, altered user expectations, and technological advances), the legal industry faces... more
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      Education Innovation and VenturesLegal ProfessionDiffusion of InnovationsComparative Studies on the Legal Profession
A new powerful military weapon has appeared in the skies of world and with it a new form of warfare has quickly emerged bringing with it a host of pressing ethical questions and issues. This book brings together some of the best scholars... more
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      BusinessMilitary EthicsApplied EthicsJust War
There are few issues more emotional and divisive than what has become known as “the right to die.” One camp advocates the “death with dignity” approach, according to which the patient is an autonomous being who can form his or her own... more
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      Social TheoryLawCriminal LawPolitical Philosophy
Every generation, it is said, finds new reason for the study of natural law -Heinrich A. Rommen The above assertion underscores enduring nature of the running battle between natural law and positive law. From the beginning of the... more
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    • Law and Emerging Technologies
The Future of Legal Services (2016) identified 'Tech and Process Innovation' as one of the five key drivers of change in the legal services market; it also noted the importance of innovation in helping firms to differentiate their... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningTechnological InnovationLaw and Technology
Within the coming decade, the deployment of artificial intelligence ('AI') appears likely to have a disruptive impact on global affairs. What will such 'globally disruptive' AI imply for the form, function and viability of international... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInternational LawRegulation And GovernancePublic International Law
We have stepped into the second decade of the twenty-first century and technology has led to exciting, yet disruptive, changes in the way the world functions-socially, politically and legally. The impacts of technology have been felt in... more
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      Legal EducationLaw and TechnologyLegal TechnologyLaw and Emerging Technologies
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      TechnologyLegal HistoryStandardsHistory of Military Technology
The book features a discussion on the modernisation of law and legal change, focusing on the key concepts of "innovation" and "transition". While innovation is increasingly appearing in the present day as being the... more
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      RhetoricLegal HistoryHermeneuticsLegal Theory
La conformité des usages de la technologie de reconnaissance faciale au droit à la vie privée est fonction de ces critères techniques (authentification v. identification notamment), mais aussi des juges appelés à l’évaluer. La présente... more
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      LawEuropean LawFacial RecognitionPrivacy
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      Civil ProcedureLaw and Emerging Technologies
From the book "The Big Analytics (Leaders Collaborative Book Project) - For, Of, and By the Data Analytics Leaders and Influencers". Please go to page 252 to read my piece. In it I discuss the impact Artificial Intelligence will (very)... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLawLegal ProfessionLawyers
The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementRisk Management and Insurance
The second roundtable brought together policy makers, the judiciary, financial regulators including the Central Bank of Uganda, financial supervisors, the police, cryptocurrency businesses and academia in critical discourse on the complex... more
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      Human Rights LawScience and Technology PolicyFinancial RegulationRegulating Technology
The internet and social media have revolutionized activism. In response, governments seeking to curb opposition have recently learned to target the very same technologies that gave rise to activist empowerment in the first place. This... more
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      Democracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticePolitical TheoryPrivacyDemocratic Theory
The advent of the GDPR brings about a new period in data protection history; it strengthens and shores up the rights of data subjects, with the aim of enabling greater control over their own personal data. However, the regulation was... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceInformation Technology LawPrivacy and data protectionLaw and Emerging Technologies
“Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future”, segunda edição (2017), de Richard Susskind, alude acerca da intervenção das tecnologias emergentes nas profissões jurídicas, sobretudo a advocacia, asseverando o autor que “o mercado... more
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      Nuevas tecnologíasTecnologia da InformaçãoResenhaTechnology & the Law, Virtual Law Practice, Delivery of Legal Services and the Future of Law
l volume contiene contributi di docenti e ricercatori di varie Università italiane su una pluralità di tematiche che sollecitano la riflessione circa la tenuta delle categorie tradizionali del diritto privato a cospetto delle... more
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      Digital TechnologyInternet LawInformation Technology LawMedia Law
The book features a discussion on the modernisation of law and legal change, focusing on the key concepts of "innovation" and "transition". While innovation is increasingly appearing in the present day as being the category in which one... more
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      RhetoricLegal HistoryHermeneuticsLegal Theory
In 2009 the South Australian Government introduced significant changes to the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 1988 (SA) (the Act). Changes to the Act came into effect on 1 September 2010. To ensure that those changes were evaluated... more
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      Donor ConceptionLaw and Emerging TechnologiesAssisted Reproduction Laws
Recently we have witnessed the worldwide adoption of many different types of innovative technologies, such as crowdsourcing, ridesharing, open and big data, aiming at delivering public services more efficiently and effectively. Among... more
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      ManagementRisk Management and InsuranceInformation TechnologyPolicy Analysis/Policy Studies
At the dawn of the 21st century, the European Union committed to the development and deployment of responsible, inclusive, and humane technology. On the ongoing debate over so-called high-risk technologies for surveillance in public... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEuropean LawFacial RecognitionInformation Technology Law
En el escrito se intenta hacer una reflexión crítica del contenido del proyecto de Código de Conducta Profesional que el Secretariado de la Conferencia Judicial de Puerto Rico preparó y sometió recientemente ante la consideración del... more
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      Privacy and data protectionLaw Practice ManagementMobile and Ubiquitous ComputingLaw and Technology
Este trabajo busca mostrar las dificultades de configurar una perspectiva ética en la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Se plantea evaluar las ventajas y desventajas de la implementación del Utilitarismo del acto como una ética configurable... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation Technology LawJohn Stuart MillÉtica
The first two decades of the twenty-first century have seen a simultaneous proliferation of new technological threats to and opportunities for international human rights. New advances – not only the Internet, social media, and artificial... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
This report presents the outcomes of the Open Loop policy prototyping program on Automated Decision Impact Assessment (ADIA) in Europe. Open Loop ( is a global program that connects policymakers and technology companies... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLawEuropean LawPolicy Analysis and Decision Making
A case study about an individual whose mobile assistive device was damaged, and how that device was an extension of his person.
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      BioethicsPolitical ScienceTortsHuman Enhancement
The Declaration consolidates the recommendations of the first and the second Round Tables to develop principled guidance that promotes the fundamental principles and rights enshrined in the international, regional and national laws and... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsTaxation in developing countriesLaw and Technology
A case study about an individual whose mobile assistive device was damaged, and how that device was an extension of his person.
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      Artificial IntelligenceBioethicsTortsSingularity Theory
In search of both fairness and efficiency, justice systems are increasingly employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automated decision-making tools at every procedural stage in criminal trials. The most prominently... more
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      Human Rights LawArtificial Intelligence and LawLaw and Emerging Technologies
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      Artificial IntelligenceCriminal LawBioethicsResearch Ethics
Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our lives. However, it seems to be a solution and a problem at the same time. In order to understand opportunities and risks, to evaluate promises and warnings, we should ask the right questions... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningSustainable DevelopmentInformation Technology Law
The text attempts to conceptualize the possible reform of the procedure of making notarial deeds in Poland. It examines the feasibility of drafting and signing these deeds in the course of online communication between parties. The... more
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      Civil LawPrivate lawNotaryLaw and Technology
This article considers factors that limit or exclude civil society involvement in the regulatory process for nanotechnologies by critically examining an attempt to mount a public-interest legal challenge against the UK Health and Safety... more
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      Social MovementsNanotechnologyLaw and Emerging Technologies
Abstract: This conversation aims at offering a transdisciplinary gaze on the phenomenon of wireless community networks: an emerging typology of local wireless infrastructures, which is built by activists as political and technological... more
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      SociologyInformation TechnologyNew MediaWireless Communications
Video exploring the topic of the Blockchain and public administration, with Primavera de Filippi and Rachel O'Dwyer. Note: All Procomuns videos feature simultaneous translation, please switch from left to right channels to change... more
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      BusinessPolitical Economy of the MediaMedia and PoliticsBitcoin
Trust and trustworthiness are key concepts in the ethics of digital technologies. However, they do not appear in the international law on digital technologies. This surprising absence is the point of departure of this paper. On the basis... more
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      International LawTrustInformation Technology LawLaw and Emerging Technologies
8th International Conference on Signal Processing (SP 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Signal and Image Processing. The Conference looks for... more
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      Coding TheoryHigh speed networksLaw and Emerging Technologies
The paper starts with the analysis of the two recent decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Google/CNIL and Facebook cases, also in the light of the GDPR. The digital revolution is giving one of the greatest... more
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      Privacy and data protectionInternet regulationThe right to be forgottenLaw and Emerging Technologies
On 9 March 2017, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAS) of Qatar issued regulations covering registration requirements and permissible uses of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly known as drones (hereafter referred to as the Drone... more
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      Unmanned Aircraft SystemsUnmanned Aerial VehiclesDronesDrones and Robots
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      Information TechnologyMental HealthDepressionMobile Technology
Submissions are cordially invited for the conference "Law and Artificial Intelligence", an international scholarly conference devoted to the problems posted by modern technology. Junior scholars are particularly encouraged to participate.
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawInformation Technology LawCommercial Law
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      Regulation And GovernanceScience and technology studies; innovation policy; nanotechnology development in emerging markets, United States and Europe; Russia's innovation policy; foresight studies; development issues, including poverty, hunger, disease and so on.Anticipatory GovernanceLaw and Emerging Technologies
Drones and drone-mounted sensors have a multitude of potential uses for local authorities and municipalities. While early-adopters have piloted and tested the use of drones for specific scenarios, widespread adoption and implementation... more
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      Privacy and data protectionDrones and RobotsLegality of Use of DronesLaw and Emerging Technologies
This paper discusses means for promoting artificial intelligence (AI) that is designed to be safe and beneficial for society (or simply " beneficial AI "). The promotion of beneficial AI is a social challenge because it seeks to motivate... more
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      RoboticsSocial PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceEthics
On 9 March 2017, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAS) of Qatar issued regulations covering registration requirements and permissible uses of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly known as drones (hereafter referred to as the Drone... more
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      Unmanned Aircraft SystemsUnmanned Aerial VehiclesDronesDrones and Robots
The internet and social media have revolutionized activism. In response, governments seeking to curb opposition have recently learned to target the very same technologies that gave rise to activist empowerment in the first place. This... more
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      Political TheoryPrivacyDemocratic TheorySurveillance (Sociology)
Calendar course description Legal responses to challenges of the information society. Topics may include privacy, surveillance and monitoring, access to information, freedom of expression, control of objectionable content, Charter and... more
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      Sociology of CultureComputer ScienceSocial MediaInternet memes