Recent papers in Drones
Until recently most militaries tended to see moral issues through the lens of rules and regulations. Today, however, many armed forces consider teaching virtues to be an important complement to imposing rules and codes from above. A... more
WEU Assembly - Defence Committee ;
Report written with my contribution during my visiting fellow period at the AWEU Defence Committee
Report written with my contribution during my visiting fellow period at the AWEU Defence Committee
İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa Mühendislik Fakültesi Bitirme Projesi (Hediye Yağmur ÇİFTÇİ-Berkan BOSTANCI)
21. yüzyılın ilk yarısındaki belirsizlik ve bilinmeyen odaklı güvenlik ortamında küresel iklim değişikliği, doğal ve insan kaynaklı afetler, su sorunu, enerji sorunu, gıda sorunu, nüfus artışı, göç ve gelir dağılımı dengesizliği gibi... more
The present paper shows that is possible to record archaeological sites using 4k videos from UAVs. The here described methodology starts with the decomposition of the videos in the original frames. Considering that the recording of videos... more
Since the flight of a kite by some Chinese, thousands of years ago, the UAVs have developed to the level of unleashing immeasurable destruction even without endangering the life of the " man in the loop ". This paper traces the history of... more
The 21st century has witnessed precipitous changes spanning from the way of life to the technologies that emerged. We have entered anascent paradigmshift(industry 4.0) where sciencefictions have becomescience facts, and technologyfusion... more
O presente artigo analisa os impactos das relacoes Brasil-Israel no processo de aquisicao de capacidades para a producao nacional de Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas (ARPs) no contexto da Base Industrial de Defesa (BID)... more
This short essay responds to Kristopher Norris’s critique of my argument in ‘The Catholic Presumption against War Revisited’.
Multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles are a popular up and coming platform for autonomous robotics research. This report outlines the design and implementation of a multithreaded software system and quad copter with a 3DOF robotic arm... more
Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości zastosowania bezzałogo-wych statków powietrznych w łańcuchach dostaw, aby zwiększyć elastyczność ich funk-cjonowania, tak by osiągnęły one pożądany poziom zwinności. W artykule... more
While the growing prevalence of the Predator and other remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) marks an important stage in the evolution of airpower, technological advancement has outpaced strategic conceptualization. Owing to a long history of... more
This poster shows a new alternative propeller structure that can generate automatic kinetic energy for any large ship, airplane, and electric generators. The performance and efficiency are directly connected to the position of 28... more
As coronavirus lockdowns left the world’s cities deserted, drone footage of empty towns made its appearance on video-sharing platforms. Across the globe, observers insisted on the melancholic feelings that such “post-apocalyptic” images... more
Drohnen können in Kombination mit diversen Nutzlasten, etwa Digitalkameras, wertvolle Beiträge zur Dokumentation archäologischer Grabungen und zur Erkundung von Terrain für die archäologische Forschung leisten. Aufgrund der Effizienz und... more
OMSCHRIJVING Introductie Een expert in drones worden? Jouw competenties vergroten? Als drone technicus of drone monteur bestaan jouw werkzaamheden uit het bouwen, onderhouden en repareren van drones. Je kan bijvoorbeeld een eigen zaak... more
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) play an increasingly important role in various areas of life, including in terms of protection and security. As a result of fires, volcanic eruptions, or other emergencies, huge amounts of toxic gases,... more
Este trabalho apresenta propostas para lidar com limitações comuns em amostragens de águas superficiais. Foram desenvolvidos dois protótipos que, além de terem em comum o uso de drones multirrotores de pequeno porte, também foram... more
Drone strikes in Afghanistan
A urbanização é um dos fenômenos com maior capacidade de alteração do espaço e a forma como ela aconteceu na Cidade de São Paulo favoreceu para que a população de baixa renda buscasse por loteamentos mais acessíveis e ocupassem as... more
El desarrollo del tema trata de explicar y analizar los diversos usos y aplicaciones actuales y posibles futuras de los drones o RPAS en la edificacion. El documento tambien habla de las ventajas y las desventajas con las que cuentan, los... more
The scope of this work is to compare Sentinel-2 and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) imagery from northern Greece for use in precision agriculture by implementing statistical analysis and 2D visualization. Surveys took place on five dates... more
Internet of Things (IoT) envisages a world of connected devices paired with automation systems that aid everyone in their daily activities and communities at large. One of the most prominent use cases of IoT is emergency services. Based... more
Virtual tours using drones enhance the experience the users perceive from a place with cultural interest. Drones equipped with 360o cameras perform real-time video streaming of the cultural sites. The user preferences about each monument... more
Salah satu masalah dalam proses produksi jagung ialah serangan hama dan penyakit. Monitoring kondisi tanaman merupakan cara yang efektif untuk meningkatkan produksi jagung. Informasi berupa data tabular maupun spasial merupakan salah satu... more
В литературата съществуват много дефиниции на думата „риск“. Една от най-лесните и разбираеми е: „комбинацията от честотата (вероятността) за събитие и неговата степен на сериозност“. Последствието от всяко събитие ще е уязвимост от... more
Texto publicado na revista eletrônica Conjur (http://www.conjur.com.br/2015-mai-29/silvanoflumignan-legislacao-insuficiente-quanto-drones em 29/05/2015 -ISSN 1809-2829) com o título: "Drones geram debates jurídicos ainda não enfrentados... more
Research on explanation is currently of intense interest as documented in the DARPA 2021 investments reported by the USA Department of Defense. An emerging theme for explanation techniques research is their application to the improvement... more
Coverage path planning consists of finding the route which covers every point of a certain area of interest. In recent times, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been employed in several application domains involving terrain coverage,... more
Chapter on military robotic and drones with Alexander Leveringhaus in "Handbuch Sicherheitsgefahren", Thomas Jäger (ed.) 2015
A radiometric thermal camera measures the temperature of a surface by interpreting the intensity of an infrared signal reaching the camera. This non-contact and non-destructive technique (NDT) gives users enormous advantages for many of... more
We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more
Currently the international military situation on the whole tend to ease, but the world is not peaceful, 21th century, international relations are complicated, various forces continue to divide the world in combination. Exchanges and... more
Literature on armed drones has spread almost as fast as the drones themselves. They seem to embody an irresistible combination of violence and progress, promising war both total and limited, and precisely administered. Dumbfounded by the... more
Resumo A reconfiguração do campo jornalístico exige novas incursões de pesquisas. Neste contexto, temos o "jornalismo drone", que se caracteriza pelo uso de veículo aéreo não-tripulado móvel para fins de coberturas jornalísticas aéreas.... more
Marine litter (ML) accumulation in the coastal zone has been recognized as a major problem in our time, as it can dramatically affect the environment, marine ecosystems, and coastal communities. Existing monitoring methods fail to respond... more
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) are synonymous with drones and are used interchangeably; its many avatars having the same meaning. This paper covers how advancement in technology has enhanced the... more
Drones are permitted in Bangladesh, but you have to obtain permission from the air traffic control authority before your maneuvers. Authorizations have to be submitted 45 days in advance to the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh... more
Written as the keynote for the Graduate student conference “Flanking Maneuvers: Lateral Thinking” at Cornell University in April 2018, the manuscript puts Edward de Bono’s concept of Lateral Thinking (1970) in conversation with the German... more