Legal Education
Recent papers in Legal Education
Since 1976, the VSBO disciplinary board has been only a body oF unauthorized individuals with no judicial authority created by fiat by the Supreme Court of Virginia. Current research and evidence supports that Supreme Court of Virginia... more
Art 21 of the Constitution guarantees fundamental right to life and personal liberty. This article of Constitution has been interpreted by the Judiciary with widest amplitude so as to include several other rights such as right to food and... more
This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
Diseño de carátula e interiores: i design Diagramación de interiores: Juan Carlos García M.
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
The authors turn to the urgent task of vocational training in higher education: the formation of legal competency, ensuring that students acquire a non-legal direction in the preparation of basic knowledge and skills on general and... more
Ideally, national development should focus on the ability of the country to improve the social welfare of all its people. What happens when tribal societies are forced to sacrifice their sustenance and welfare in the name of 'national... more
יציאה אל השטח" (עם סטודנטים): ,תובנות פרקטיות (ופדגוגיות המאמר מנתח מקרה שבו המחבר "יצא אל השטח" עם סטודנטים, לצורך ביסוס ראייתי של תיק שמצוי בייצוג הקליניקה המשפטית במסגרתו הוא פועל. המחבר מונה את היתרונות של היציאה אל השטח במקרה... more
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La crisi della formazione culturale del giurista e il problema dell’accesso alla professione di avvocato hanno imposto da alcuni anni nel nostro Paese una nuova attenzione critica alla metodologia della didattica forense e alla necessità... more
Der Beitrag beschreibt, wie in einem Kurs an der Bucerius Law School in Hamburg Studierende der Rechtswissenschaft und Informatik gemeinsam eine webbasierte Anwendung zur Auswertung von Gerichtsurteilen entwickelt haben. Er zeigt, wie... more
This book is a useful tool to those who want to study law or prepare their reviewers for the Philippine Bar Examinations.
It includes Bar Techniques and a proposed method of studying and answering Bar Examination Questions.
It includes Bar Techniques and a proposed method of studying and answering Bar Examination Questions.
Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio... more
A thought leader presentation I gave to the innovative Law Without Walls programme.
Petitioner's Reply to Respondents Response to Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the Florida Fifth District Court of Appeal. Pursuant to Rule 9.030(b)(3), Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, the District Courts of Appeal in Florida (5... more
Het streven van de universiteit is er mede op gericht om de student de maatschappelijke waarden aan te leren die hij nodig heeft om te kunnen functioneren als een verantwoordelijk en volwaardig burger van de maatschappij. In deze bijdrage... more
This is a pre-print. The version of record – which includes amendments following peer review – is available at: The Equality Act 2010, in its content and... more
Higher education in law is expected to develop students' skills such as working collaboratively, and communicating and influencing others through critical legal reasoning. Traditional legal education is partially based on active learning... more
4-5.03.2017, Kraków, XI Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa z cyklu „Z dziejów prawa” pt. „Sitque ibi scienciarum preualencium margarita... – prawo a edukacja na przestrzeni wieków” Prawo kanoniczne i prawo rzymskie stanowiły od... more
Examensübungsklausur zu Problemen der mittelbaren Täterschaft.
Avec les interventions (dans l’ordre de la journée d’étude) de Katia Weidenfeld (Agrégée des Facultés de droit, Premier conseiller au Tribunal administratif de Paris), Grégoire Bigot (Université de Nantes), Jean-Pierre Laborde (Président... more
The purpose of this paper is to present the impact that legal education has brought to students from their legal careers. On the basis of an investigative model drawn from regulatory literature. Each type is illustrated with a number of... more
The fast development of information technologies has led to a global digitalization of society. The consequence of such a phenomenon in the field of legal education is the formation of the environment of developed data processing, modular... more
This article briefly discusses the rights and responsibilities of media and its functioning as a fourth pillar in India’s democracy. A major part of this story highlights the free run of Media trials and how fatal it is to the freedom of... more
Research proposal is an entire process of research work which provide guideline for researcher in the process of collecting, arranging, analyzing, observation and interpretation of the research study. It includes methods, procedure such... more
This article examines the results of a recent study measuring empathy levels in lawstudents at Monash University. Results suggest that law students have lower self-reported empathy levels than health science students at the same... more
GxP is a general abbreviation for the "good practice" quality guidelines and regulations. The "x" stands for the various fields, including the pharmaceutical and food industries, for example Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). This... more
Appearing on One's own behalf; in person, appearing for oneself, not retaining the services of a lawyer, appear for himself or herself
Myanmar's current transition involves a concerted international effort to promote the rule of law. Legal education is integral to promoting the rule of law, and so calls for development aid that works to improve a country's legal... more
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
El campo de la ética profesional del abogado es tal vez uno de los menos explorados por la academia jurídica colombiana. Son muy pocos y muy básicos los libros que se han escrito al respecto. El Curso de Ética Profesional tiende a ser... more
Students studying constitutional law for the first time often find it a challenging area. It is often the most theoretically demanding course they have encountered in their law studies. Two key elements in teaching this area of law are... more
In his manifesto, Duncan Kennedy aptly identified hierarchies within legal scholarship and the legal profession, but his conclusion -- hierarchies in law are wrong and must be resisted -- is misplaced. Kennedy’s Legal Education and the... more
Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche "Cesare Beccaria" saletta della Sezione di Filosofia e sociologia del diritto Via Festa del Perdono 7 -Milano Carocci editore Filosofia del diritto Filosofia del diritto