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In March 2020, the European Union (EU) was at the epicentre of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Case numbers of the novel virus were rising in many Member States at an alarming rate, overwhelming even the public health infrastructures of... more
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      European UnionLabour rightsEuropean Social PolicyPosted Workers
The collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory building in Bangladesh, which resulted in the loss of at least 1134 lives and injuries to hundreds more, exposed the brutality of a global production system in which labour rights have become... more
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      BangladeshUneven and Combined DevelopmentUneven DevelopmentLabour rights
यह अध्ययन कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान भारत के सफाई कर्मचारियों की असुरक्षित काम की स्थिति और उनकी ख़राब आर्थिक स्थिति का खुलासा करता है, कि किस तरह खुद संकटमय स्थिति से गुजर कर देशवासियों को सुरक्षित और संरक्षित रखा। कोविड-19 महामारी के... more
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      Caste and UntouchabilityIndiaDalit studiesLabour rights
En un contexto de búsqueda de acuerdos supranacionales para facilitar y proteger el comercio y las inversiones, el autor discute la escasa atención que se ha dado a los derechos laborales a nivel internacional y analiza la incorporación,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentInvestmentsInternational Labour LawLabour rights
Paper Presentation at the Conference Transnational Labour Law in an Era of Rising Nationalism: A New Role of Public Institutions for Sustainable Market Practices? (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law,... more
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      Social RightsPublic ProcurementLabour rightsFree trade agreements
The 2013 collapse of Rana Plaza, an eight-story garment factory in Savar, Bangladesh, killed over a thousand workers and injured hundreds more. This disaster exposed the brutal labor conditions of the global garment industry and revealed... more
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      Political ScienceMultidisciplinaryLabour rightsOccupational health and safety
Nota Técnica referente à decisão do Juízo da 5a Vara do Trabalho de Betim, MG, que condena a Vale S.A. ao pagamento de danos morais individuais às vítimas fatais do rompimento da Barragem.
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      Climate ChangeLabour rightsEnvironmental Hazards and DisastersIron Mining
Is reporting on international human trafficking fair to men and boys? We examined the media portrayal of human trafficking from Nepal based on content analysis of six national newspapers in Nepal in a five-year period from 2016 to 2020.... more
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      Human RightsVictimologyGenderMedia
The essay provides an analysis of the content of ILO Convention no. 94, as interpreted by the CEACR, as well as of the relevant EU legal framework, in order to clarify if and to what extent international labour law obligations differ from... more
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      European Social LawLabour rightsPublic Procurement Lawthe International Labour Organization (ILO)
El presente capítulo se propone desarrollar los estándares vigentes en el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos (derecho internacional del trabajo incluido) y de la normativa doméstica, a fines de proporcionar herramientas útiles... more
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      Social RightsLabour rightsViolencia De GéneroDerechos Económicos Y Sociales
The 2013 collapse of Rana Plaza, an eight-story garment factory in Savar, Bangladesh, killed over a thousand workers and injured hundreds more. This disaster exposed the brutal labor conditions of the global garment industry and revealed... more
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      Political ScienceMultidisciplinaryLabour rightsOccupational health and safety
The 2013 collapse of the Rana Plaza factory building in Dhaka, Bangladesh was the most deadly disaster in garment manufacturing history, with at least 1,134 people killed and hundreds injured. In 2015, injured workers and the families of... more
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      Labour rightsCompensationRana PlazaJust Price Theory
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      Labour LawWorking TimeLabour rightsWorking relations
Siegmann argues that as the ILO celebrates its centenary this year, ‘the international organisation for labour rights protection has yet to come out as an advocate for decent work for sex workers.’ This means that the organisation will... more
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      Labour rightsILOSex Workers
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsInternational LawLabour LawLabour rights
This study on the condition of sanitation workers in India during COVID-19 pandemic discloses the unsafe conditions and financial pressures under which sanitation workers of the country worked to keep others safe and protected. Conducting... more
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      Caste and UntouchabilityIndiaLabour rightsCaste
SOMMARIO: 1. Lo sfruttamento nell'ordinamento italiano: una ricostruzione sistematica e genealogica.-1.1. Nuove norme: la lenta emersione di un reato autonomo di sfruttamento lavorativo.-1.2. Aggiornamento di norme cadute in desuetudine:... more
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      Critical Legal TheoryLegal TheoryLabour LawExploitation
As part of the SDG goal 8, which calls for promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, productive employment, and decent work for all, goal 8.7 as one among its 12 targets urges stakeholders to take immediate and effective... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesSustainable DevelopmentLabour rights
On May 12, 1998, Nike's CEO and founder Mr. Phillip Knight spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, DC and made what were, in his words, "some fairly significant announcements" regarding Nike's policies on working conditions in its... more
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      Labour rightsSweatshopsTransnational Corporations Liability for Labour Rights Violations
Το παρόν άρθρο βασίζεται στο «Βιβλίον Πρακτικών Σωματείου Μουσικών Λέσβου», ένα χειρόγραφο τετράδιο πενήντα φύλλων . Στις σελίδες των πρακτικών περιλαμβάνονται πολύτιμα στοιχεία για περισσότερους από 150 ενεργούς μουσικούς της Λέσβου της... more
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      Music EducationPianoGuitarFolk Music
This Responsible Management Audit, looks to determine whether Europe’s largest sportswear manufacturer, Adidas, endeavours to comply with the Ten Principles proposed by the United Nations Global Compact and takes meaningful steps to... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityHuman RightsGlobal GovernanceSustainable Development
In recent years, India has seen a wide-ranging retrenchment of hard-won labour rights with serious consequences for working communities in general, and for the rights of women workers. The retrenchment of labour rights has occurred... more
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      Women's StudiesLabour LawInformal EconomyWomen and Work
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      Non-discriminationTrade unionsLabour rightsOccupational health and safety
El artículo aborda las principales aristas de la impunidad con la que las actividades ETN están causando violaciones de derechos humanos; a continuación se acomete un doble análisis. En primer lugar, van a señalarse de manera breve... more
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      Human RightsMultinational CorporationsLabour rightsBinding Treaty
The oil palm plantation sector has been one of the front-runners in the Indonesian agriculture sector. The development of the oil palm plantation is aimed at employment creation, poverty alleviation, and rural development. The market of... more
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      Decent workLabour rightsPalm Oil Plantation
According to the Chinese zodiac, 2017 was the year of the ‘fire rooster’, an animal often associated with the mythical fenghuang, a magnificently beautiful bird whose appearance is believed to mark the beginning of a new era of peaceful... more
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      AnthropologyComparative PoliticsChinese StudiesHuman Rights
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      International RelationsInternational organizationsSocial JusticeLabour rights
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      Labour historyLabour LawHistory of Social Policy and the Welfare StateLabour rights
This report considers 12 international sports brands — adidas, ASICS, FILA, Kappa, Lotto, Mizuno, New Balance, Nike, Puma, Reebok, Speedo and Umbro — and examines the steps they take to ensure their suppliers in Asia allow workers to... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityLabour rightsSweatshopsTransnational Corporations Liability for Labour Rights Violations
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      GenderMigration StudiesLabour rightsLabour Market Dynamics
An overview of how COVID-19 has created a crisis of borders globally. For the American Political Science Association Comparative Politics Section.
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      Industrial RelationsImmigrationMigrationPublic Health
This article examines labour protection in the US and EU FTAs. It shows that the US and the EU have different approaches to labour issues in FTAs, which can be measured in three main aspects: (i) scope of labour commitments; (ii)... more
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      International TradeLabour rightsFTAs
The system of exploitation and violation of labour rights does not come from poor system of state regulation alone. It is embedded in the very structure of export led development which requires informalisation of labour, nonregulation,... more
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    • Labour rights
Unacceptable forms of work (UFW) have been identified as an "area of critical importance" for the ILO as it approaches its centenary. Yet there is currently no comprehensive elaboration of the dimensions, causes or manifestations of UFW.... more
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      Labour LawLabour rightsthe International Labour Organization (ILO)
Since 2007, Indonesia has been the world’s largest producer of crude palm oil (CPO), overtaking Malaysia (Richter 2009: 3). For the country, the sector is not only an important source for foreign reserves, but is also a main instrument... more
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      IndonesiaDecent workLabour rightsPalm Oil Plantation
The US has customarily conveyed an image of Mexico using blatant lies or manipulated facts that can only elicit disdain or hatred among US citizens. In this narrative, succinctly, Mexico is a perennially poor country with lots of violence... more
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      Human RightsInternational TradeImmigrationInternational Human Rights Law
The importance of oil palm sector for Indonesia is inevitable as the country currently serves as the world's largest producer of crude palm oil. This paper focuses on the situation of workers on Indonesian oil palm plantations. It... more
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      EmploymentLabour rightsFood CrisisIncome
Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) refers to the activities involved in removing waste from cities (street sweeping, household waste, etc.) and treating it in order to prevent it from harming citizens’ health and the environment.... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementUrban StudiesWaste ManagementPolicy Change
The past few years have seen gradual expansion of the manufacturing industry in Ethiopia, creating employment opportunity for thousands of Ethiopians. While this is a welcome development to lift the country out of poverty, there is also... more
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      Women's RightsEthiopiaLabour rights
The organization of work through production networks undermines the application of labour law to a growing proportion of workers. Protections put in place by labour law, specifically devised to apply within the hierarchical and bilateral... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityLabour rightsHuman DignityCodes of Conduct
¿De qué muere México? Junto a las miserias modernas, nos agobia toda una serie de miserias heredadas, fruto de la supervivencia de tipos de producción antiquísimos y ya caducos, con todo su séquito de relaciones políticas y sociales... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsPolitical EconomyHuman Rights
The PROMO project¹ is based around a series of policy workshops and conferences from 2017 and 2018. The project aims to make recommendations to improve: • national labour protection systems for posted workers; • institutions, practices... more
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      Trade unionismEuropean UnionLabour rightsEU free movement rights
Pakistan has been having a range of social protection measures since long but unsystematic and sporadic - at times exploited by the incumbent governments for their political gains. With poor regulatory measures, neo-liberal economic and... more
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      Social ProtectionCommunity and Social ServicesSocial WelfareLabour rights
The European Union (EU) includes clauses on labor rights in free trade agreements with partner countries. One of these clauses was added to the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and South Korea. This article looks at the clause as an... more
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      International And Comparative LaborInternational LawHuman RightsSustainable Development
Beginning in the early 1990s, Ethiopia has been experiencing a major ground swell of social, economic, cultural and political changes. Notwithstanding the remarkable successes, formidable challenges prevail as state institutions often are... more
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      Access to JusticeLabour rightsLegal Empowerment
A report commissioned and financed by The Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) A political group in the European Parliament
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      Human RightsEuropean Union PoliticsLabour rightsTTIP
I believe that creating a common catalogue of labour and social protection rights for people who work in the Platform Economy, regardless of the legal classification of their relationship with the platform, is a key proposal to reduce... more
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      Labour rightsPlatform Economy
Landmark Amnesty International report I authored for the first time uncovering labour abuse on a Qatar 2022 World Cup site. Migrant workers on Khalifa International Stadium and the surrounding Aspire Zone, one of the main venues for the... more
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      Human RightsMigrationQatarLabour rights
Il contributo analizza criticamente l'articolo 4 della legge n. 81/2017, in materia di diritti sulle invenzioni e sugli apporti originali del lavoratore autonomo. Vengono in particolare messi in luce i (pochi) profili innovativi della... more
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      Intellectual PropertyEmployment LawLabour LawIntellectual Property Rights