Trade unions
Recent papers in Trade unions
The purpose of this article is to analyse the role played by organized political violence in pre-1914 Europe, with special regard to labour conflicts, through the analysis of the social composition and the practices of four movements... more
Investigations into the political economy of globalization usually concentrate upon three related developments—the expansion of international trade and the growth in transnational production, including the rise of transnational... more
This book is 260 pages long and I include a table of organization of the US military intelligence and the OSS and its behind the lines commando operations. I focus some on the developing of US signals intelligence and military history... more
Emek Araştırmaları (2016-2019) DİSK-AR tarafından 2016-2019 yıllarında yapılan çeşitli araştırmalardan seçilmiş bir derlemedir. Kitapta Ekonomik Kriz ve Emeğin Durumu, Sendikalaşma Araştırması, Asgari Ücret Gerçeği, OHAL ve Başkanlık... more
Razvit sistem kolektivnega pogajanja je vrednota skupne evropske dediščine, ki pozitivno vpliva na skladen gospodarsko-socialni razvoj. Kolektivne pogodbe so pomemben avtonomen vir delovnega prava in so zelo učinkovito sredstvo za... more
The paper examines variation in union density in advanced Western countries. It employs newly updated data on unionization which show that differences among industrialized Western nations persist overtime. The analysis includes... more
This article explores the types of work undertaken by jazz musicians in London, categorizing their activities using two axes derived from debates over ‘creative labour’. Firstly, the extent to which different jobs offer scope for creative... more
Driven by their members’ demands and the need to adopt more combative legal strategies in order to oppose the deterioration of working and employment conditions, British trade unions have developed in-house legal expertise and supported... more
The country reports have been used as background information for the new FRA report on on "the impact of the Racial Equality Directive".
The Egyptian textile workers are striking again
Since Chile returned to democracy in 1990, centre-left governments have tried to reform the provisions on collective bargaining, strikes and unions established by the Pinochet dictatorship. Between 2015 and 2016 President Michelle... more
This article explores union responses to subcontracting in the context of the Irish telecommunications sector. Through a longitudinal case study the development of strategy is traced over a number of years as the union moved away from a... more
Doubt surrounding the viability of monetary unions stems from the current problems of the Eurozone. The absence of national monetary policies across the currency union has left a growing disparity in the effectiveness of the European... more
Kuşkusuz, işçi devletinin yaşadığı zorluklarda sorunu öncelikle nesnel koşullarda aramak gerekir (ve bu koşullar aşağıda daha ayrıntılı şekilde ele alınacaktır). Fakat öznel etken de yabana atılmayacak derecede sorunlu olduğunu... more
The purpose of this study is to provide a systematic and quantitative review of the existing empirical evidence on the effects of unionization on overall job satisfaction. We conducted a meta-regression analysis (MRA) with results from a... more
Drawing both on social movement studies and labour studies, this article investigates the kind of people who join trade union-staged marches during the current crisis, looking at the presence of (politicized) grievances, collective... more
Poland's European Union accession afforded Polish trade unions membership of European-wide, umbrella trade union organisations. This essay evaluates the strategies Polish trade unions adopted to represent their interests following... more
Sociologiska institutionen. Foto: Lunds universitet Nyhetsarkiv 1978-2023: fack, arbetsgivare, kollektivavtal, parts-relationer, svenska modellen, a-kassa, arbetsvillkor mm News Archive 1978-2023: Trade unions, employers' associations,... more
International Labor and Working-Class History No. 83, Spring 2013, pp. 137–142 This note reflects on the August 2012 miners' strike at Marikana, South Africa in light of a century long history of violence associated with worker actions... more
"[...] Allora riportiamo con coraggio e fino in fondo il punto di vista di classe, anche nelle nostre analisi e soprattutto nelle nostre raccomandazioni militanti. Rovesciare il punto di vista attraverso cui guardiamo a questi processi di... more
The focus of this paper will be on industrial democracy model existed in former SFRY, as one of the pioneer countries in realising the concept of workers’ participation to achieve the democratic working conditions. In order to understand... more
Ten years and three strikes show the problems inherent in a strategy based on controlling the union. Instead, what is needed is rank and file organization.
According to "Richard" organization effectiveness captures organizational performance out comes normally associated with more efficient or effusive operation and other external measures that relate to considerations that are broader... more
Dal paper resulta una comparazione tra il sistema di rappresentatività sindacale in Spagna e quello italiano dopo le vicende della FIAt e la sentenza della Corte Costituzionale italiana dichiarando l'incostituzionalità del art. 19 dello... more
T. Pavia, 10 settembre 2019, n. 286
Uprawnienia zakładowej organizacji związkowej w zakresie udziału w tworzeniu zakładowych źródeł prawa pracy stanowią zasadnicze, podstawowe i najdalej idące uprawnienia związku zawodowego. W prokuraturze napotykają one jednak na... more
Kompakt und in klarer Sprache untersucht Ralf Hoffrogge in dem Buch «Sozialismus und Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland» die Entwicklung sozialistischer Analysen und Theorien sowie verschiedene Praktiken und Organisationen der... more
The 2012 student strike in Quebec is a lesson in successful struggle against austerity policies.
Presentation of the respective paper, held in Modena, during the 15th International Conference in commemoration of Prof. Marco Biagi, on 21 March 2017.
In this thesis I am examining the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Solidarity’s responses to technological changes at the ArcelorMittal (formerly known as Iron and Steel Corporation of South Africa (Iscor))... more
cendres, les organisations syndicales devaient dans une transition passer de la participation à l'appareil communiste à un dialogue social libéré -dans lequel il leur restait à asseoir leur légitimité. Il fallait pour cela se démarquer... more
The past few decades have seen a marked decline in the influence of trade unions. While membership density stood at 55.6% of the workforce in 1979, it currently stands at around 27%. The membership level has been especially poor in the... more