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      Human Rights LawCompany LawGlobal Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rights
Raymond A. Atuguba has no conflicts of interest.
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      Environmental SustainabilityGlobal Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rightsMining Law
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      Human Rights LawBusiness and human rightsInternational Criminal Investigations
«Руководящие принципы предпринимательской деятельно- сти в аспекте прав человека» являются первым общепризнанным глобальным международным стандартом в области прав человека и бизнеса. В соответствии с ними, ТНК и другие предприятия... more
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      European LawInternational LawHuman RightsMultinational Corporations
Greenpeace Southeast Asia and other petitioners (“petitioners” for brevity) filed a Petition against the world’s largest fossil fuel producers (“Carbon Majors,” or alternately referred herein as respondents), imploring the Commission on... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityClimate Change ImpactsBusiness and human rights
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      Business and human rightsOECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations
The current United Nations process for drafting a Business and Human Rights treaty employs international human rights law as its paradigmatic frame of reference, including for the scope of corporations legal obligations. Applying an... more
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      Global GovernancePolitical ScienceGlobal Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rights
The following pages present a general analysis of a key issue: the relationship between business and human rights as one of the most salient aspects of global governance. Thus, after an introductory section in which the link between the... more
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      Global GovernancePrivate International LawInternational Human Rights LawInternational law (public and private)
I edited this report by Mark Curtis for ActionAid on the Impact of Anglo Platinum on poor communities in Limpopo, South Africa.
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      MiningSouth AfricaGlobal Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rights
This contribution aims to give a brief analysis of the General Comment No 24 (2017) on state obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the context of business activities, adopted by the... more
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      Human RightsInternational Human Rights LawGlobal Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rights
This article discusses the evolution, current trends, limitations and controversies around the understanding and practice of human rights due diligence (HRDD), a concept developed in the course of the work of United Nations (UN)-mandate... more
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    • Business and human rights
On 11 June 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed the ‘Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights’ as a new set of guiding principles for global business designed to provide a global standard for preventing and... more
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      SociologyCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawPublic International Law
Human rights due diligence (HRDD) has become the buzzword of much of the advocacy and work today around business and human rights.1 It is almost commonplace that companies have the responsibility to identify, prevent, mitigate and account... more
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    • Business and human rights
The purpose of this post is to identify its key elements, and to discuss what this  recent publication of the report “Business and Human Rights: Inter-American Standards” means for the Business & Human Rights field in the Americas.
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      Inter-American Human Rights SystemGlobal Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rights
In his widely influential human rights framework, the former special representative for business and human rights, John Ruggie, establishes a responsibility to respect human rights for all corporations. He does so based on an instrumental... more
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      Business EthicsBusiness and human rightsStrategic CSRUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Il contributo indaga la possibile rilevanza penale dell’attività di esportazione di armamenti, qualora gli stessi vengano in seguito impiegati illecitamente contro obiettivi civili. La tematica è di particolarmente interesse per il... more
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      Criminal LawBusiness and human rightsArms and Export ControlsUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
รายงานการศึกษาวิจัย เรื่อง มาตรฐานสากลในการดำเนินธุรกิจเพื่อการเคารพสิทธิมนุษยชน โดย สฤณี อาชวานันทกุล และ ธิติมา อุรพีพัฒนพงศ์ สนับสนุนโดยสำนักงานคณะกรรมการสิทธิมนุษยชนแห่งชาติ, 2559
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      Business and human rightsUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
The Paris Agreement that was signed by 195 countries on December 2015 is considered both a success and a failure to the climate change politics. It was another failure to the comprehensive integrated regime approach, but a success to the... more
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      Global Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rightsClimate Change PoliticsParis Agreement 2015
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      Human RightsInternational Human Rights LawDerechos HumanosBusiness and human rights
Abstract—There is no clear view in international arbitration law as to whether illegally obtained evidence should be admitted and relied on by tribunals. Because arbitral tribunals do not employ a formal evidentiary filter to exclude all... more
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      International LawLaw of evidenceInternational ArbitrationArbitration
The main objective of this report is to - assist the business sector in human rights due diligence by providing an overview of current tools and guidance materials for this issue. The report contains precise information on - the main... more
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      Global Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rightsUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
This article examines the involvement of Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC) in both shaping and implementing the European Agenda on Migration (European Agenda), launched by the European Union in May 2015. The migration... more
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      Political ScienceInternational Refugee LawBusiness and human rightsPrivate Military and Security Companies
Does international law regulate the economic activities that sustain war? States have long guarded against international interference in their war economies. But today there is an increasing tendency to impose rules on the economic... more
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      International BusinessInternational LawInternational Criminal LawInternational Human Rights Law
The publication provides an overview of the key principles of the state’s fulfillment of the positive obligation to protect human rights from violations by business during the crisis caused by COVID 19: the constitutional procedure of... more
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      Comparative LawHuman RightsBusiness and human rightsThe Concept of Positive State Obligations In the Case Law of the ECHR
O presente trabalho é fruto de pesquisa bibliográfica que procura demonstrar se houve e quais são os avanços alcançados com a edição dos Princípios Orientadores das Nações Unidas sobre Empresas e Direitos Humanos. Para tanto, desenvolve o... more
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      Global Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rightsDireitos Humanos e Empresas
Forthcoming in Bethania Assy, Human Rights: Between Capture and Emancipation (PUC Press, Rio de Janeiro) (in Portuguese: ‘Cupnis Neoliberalais e Direitos Humanos Zumbis’ in Assay, B, Direitos Humanos entre Captura e Emancipação)
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      Human RightsCritical Legal TheoryNeoliberalismBusiness and human rights
Business and human rights indicators, ratings and indices have proliferated in the past few years. Yet, measuring respect for human rights by corporations is not an easy task. This article offers an overview of the most prominent business... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityHuman RightsSustainability Indicators
This chapter focuses on the work of the UN Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises, in order to understand how the UN Special Procedures system engages with this sui generis... more
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    • Business and human rights
Dünyamız değişiyor. Artık karşımızda çoğu devletten hem siyasi hem de ekonomik olarak daha güçlü olan çok uluslu şirketler gerçeği duruyor. Çok uluslu şirketler ciddi insan hakları ihlalleriyle birlikte anılıyor. Bu durum insan hakları... more
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      Human RightsBusiness and human rightsInternational Investment Law and Investment Treaty Arbitration
By the end of 2015, the ASEAN community will fulfill its will to create the ASEAN Economic Cooperation (AEC). As then, the freedom of movement of qualified workers will be guaranteed within the ASEAN states. The question of the regulation... more
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      CambodiaASEANBusiness and human rightsAsean Economic Community
Various litigation strategies have been elaborated with the aim of circumventing the corporate veil. In particular, a number of cases have focused on the direct liability of parent companies on the basis of an act (generally a decision at... more
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      Corporate AccountabilityBusiness and human rightsPiercing the Corporate Veil
This essay addresses two critical, intersecting, questions regarding the legal status of responsibility for corporate abuses of human rights standards as portrayed in the UN’s Business and Human Rights Framework and Guiding Principles.... more
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      Human RightsInternational Human Rights LawBusiness and human rights
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      Discourse AnalysisBusiness and human rightsUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness EthicsBusiness English
El artículo analiza los impactos en la vulneración de derechos de dos megaproyectos extractivos en comunidades indígenas de Guatemala (proyecto Renace) y México (Proyecto Integral Morelos) donde hay participación de empresas españolas. En... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsBusiness and human rightsPueblos indígenasHuman Rights Violations
The decade 2015--25 will probably see fairly sustained pressure for the adoption of measures to narrow the ‘governance gap’ between corporate influence and accountability, including with regard to business respect for human rights. This... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityGlobal Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rightsUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityDiscriminationAntidiscrimination LawBosnia and Herzegovina
This case study is one of a series commissioned and edited by the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs. The purpose of each case study is to address competing moral claims in the conduct of international affairs in a... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityNigeriaBusiness and human rightsExtractive industries
ABSTRACT TARANTINI, Vanessa Celano. Local integration of refugees in Brazil and human rights: the role of the companies. 2016. 130 p. Master – Faculty of Law, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2016. The number of refugees and... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityHuman RightsRefugee StudiesBusiness and human rights
The report looks at key issues around business and human rights in Tanzania, in line with key international standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Ten Principles of UN Global Compact, ILO... more
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      Human Rights and BusinessBusiness and human rights
Artigo ""Empresas e Direitos Humanos: os Princípios Orientadores das Nações Unidas e a Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável". In: Capítulo 1 do Livro "Atividade Econômica e Direitos Humanos" da Editora Ipuvaiva.
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBusiness and human rightsDireitos HumanosODS
To this day, Liberia has a primarily agrarian economy, with more than eighty per cent of the population dependent on some form of subsistence agricultural production for their livelihood. It is estimated that almost seventy per cent of... more
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      LawHuman Rights LawLaw and DevelopmentGender and Development
European-based multinational corporations can cause or be complicit in human rights abuses in third countries. Victims of corporate human rights abuses frequently face many hurdles when attempting to hold corporations to account in their... more
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    • Business and human rights
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      International LawHuman RightsIndigenous Peoples RightsBusiness and human rights
MEMBERS OF THE INDEPENDENT COMMISSION OF EXPERTS The Corporate Crimes Principles were adopted by the following experts in their individual capacity: Justice Ian Binnie (Co-Chair), Anita Ramasastry(Co-Chair), William Bourdon, Siri... more
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      Corporate LawHuman RightsCorporate CrimeCriminal prosecution
This research will analyse corporate legal accountability of parent companies for transnational human rights violations committed by a subsidiary. To this end, the paper will first examine the current international status of MNCs... more
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      Access to JusticeBusiness and human rightsExtraterritorial jurisdictionCorporate Liability
(2012) 12 Human Rights Law Review 421 At a time when the legitimacy and suitability of international standards for both human rights and investment protection are called into question, I argue that the two legal projects can be reclaimed... more
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      International Human Rights LawBusiness and human rightsExtraterritorial application of human rightsUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
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      Tax LawBusiness and human rightsEconomics and Law
Cette thèse se propose d'analyser l'accès à la justice civile pour les victimes de violations de droits de l'homme commises par des entreprises multinationales, au regard des règles de compétence internationale des tribunaux de... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityBusiness and human rightsExtraterritorial jurisdictionNotes on Kiobel and the question of extraterritoriality