Environmental Hazards and Disasters
Recent papers in Environmental Hazards and Disasters
Chiang Mai is one of the most severe smog areas in Thailand. It was the world's ranked No.1 city with the worst air quality. Has detected the PM2.5 dust concentration higher than 500 micrograms per cubic meter. Which is the value than the... more
Non-governmental entities and response to disasters, public health dimensions
The purpose of this paper Project is to create a workplace toxicant intervention for Metropolitan Hospital of Denver, a large top-rated surgical facility located in Denver, Colorado. The project lays out the steps necessary to make... more
Nota Técnica referente à decisão do Juízo da 5a Vara do Trabalho de Betim, MG, que condena a Vale S.A. ao pagamento de danos morais individuais às vítimas fatais do rompimento da Barragem.
Through its chronic pollution and recurrent explosions, the petrochemical industry is the source of constant damage for fenceline communities. Measures that might prevent or correct this damage are postponed with a local ow of money, a... more
Urban and environmental historians are becoming increasingly interested in the social construction of expertise in the management and control of natural resources. Experts are often depicted as disinterested, neutral and objective... more
Comme les nombreuses catastrophes industrielles qui ont marqué l’histoire du Japon moderne et contemporain, la catastrophe nucléaire de mars 2011 a donné lieu à de nombreux procès. Les procès de Fukushima réunissent plusieurs milliers de... more
In this chaotic world, disaster is inevitable. Even without human interference, the world has many calamities. Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and Tsunamis; all of which take their toll on human life. The aspirations of people in... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
This article provides a brief introduction to advancements in the anthropology of disasters as well as the historical antecedents and the intellectual collaborations that contributed to contemporary work in the field. It reviews the... more
Gli interventi fuori dall’ordinario, cioè attuati secondo interventi legislativi speciali e in situazioni di particolare necessità, hanno prodotto aspetti e conseguenze dal peso non trascurabile sulla storia politico-amministrativa... more
This paper indicates how the flood control, drainage and irrigation project turn into a long time environmental disaster.
Vale do Rio Itajaí, Santa Catarina -Desastres ambientais anunciados Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar, através da História Ambiental, as ocorrências de fenômenos extremos na região da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio... more
Surgery has the absolute to save lives but a number of hazards are lurking in operating theatre rooms, nurses, surgeons, anesthesiologist and other professionals working in surgical environment put themselves at risk every day in their... more
أخـر أطروحة دكتوراة كانت تحت إشراف العَالِم الجليل والأب الحنون، أ.د/ محمد صبري محسوب، وقد تمَّ مُناقشتها في يوم السبت الموافق 6-6-2015، ومُنحت بمرتبة الشرف الأولى. إعداد الطالب محمود عبد الفتاح محمود عبد اللطيف عنبر إشراف: أ.د/ يوسف عبد... more
Based on The Writing of the Disaster, by Maurice Blanchot, this paper proposes connections between this philosophical literary work and the panorama of the law regarding major environmental disasters. The dense imagery of Blanchot's... more
The Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site in Kazakhstan was conceived as an experimental landscape where science, technology, Soviet Cold War militarism, and human biology intersected. As of 2015, thousands of people continue to live in rural... more
El riesgo, definido como la combinación entre la probabilidad de que ocurra una amenaza y sus consecuencias negativas en las personas o en los bienes expuestos, es un concepto reciente en el ámbito de la conservación del patrimonio... more
Cai X., Ostroumov S.A. Toxic effect produced by liquid laundry detergent on Lens culinaris // Fundamental basis of biogeochemical technologies and prospects of their application in nature protection, agriculture and medicine. Geokhi,... more
The a. tries to assess whether the Roman cultural and legal experience have known a sensitivity towards the protection of landscapes (as a notion other than the environment). The research focuses on the consequences of economic action on... more
Planners aim at making cities and their populations resilient against sudden occurrences of stress such as environmental disaster. Adaptive planning measures serve to achieve this aim, not only in the realm of resilience, but in the arena... more
This study deals with the geology, petrography, geochemistry and radioactive mineralization of older granites, younger granites and associated pegmatites to record their suitability for ceramic industry and other purposes in Wadi Abu... more
As the COVID-19 pandemic descended upon us, the myth of nature's revenge took hold of our collective imagination. Anthropomorphizing flora/fauna, ecosystems and the biosphere as vengeful forces punishing humanity is especially effective.... more
The ever-expanding pollution and consequently increasing pressure on food production demand high agricultural productivity, concurrent with adequate increase in crop yield by use of fertilizers and protection of crops from damaging insect... more
Transboundary innovation is one that modifies, redefines or transcends boundaries or affiliations such as: political, national or administrative; cultural, ethnic or religious; corporate or accounting boundary; academic discipline. Its... more
This chapter, following a brief review of the core findings in gendered disaster analysis, outlines four areas of research on gender and disasters -‐-‐ disaster vulnerability, post-‐disaster violence, early warning systems, and policy... more
Droughts are socio-environmental phenomena, usually related to low rainfall recorded in certain regions of relatively long periods, unbalanced, the replacement of soil moisture. The analysis of the drought through the Environmental... more
This working paper examines the role of civil society in urban resilience policy and practice in Nairobi, Kenya, within the transition period to a new devolved governance system. It explores how the civil society interacts with climate... more
RESUMO: O livro está estruturado em 13 capítulos escritos por 26 qualificados autores, dos quais encontram-se pesquisadores, professores e operadores nacionais e internacionais do Direito, ligados a distintos e referenciais Programas de... more
Overtopping failure of noncohesive earthen dams was investigated in 13 large-scale experiments with dams built of compacted, damp, fine-grained sand. Breaching was initiated by cutting a notch across the dam crest and allowing water... more
The integration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Structure from Motion and MultiView Stereo techniques allows to obtain comprehensive models of complex objects by using each technique in contexts presenting the optimal operating... more
City & Society Forum on "Rebuilt Environments"