Human Dignity
Recent papers in Human Dignity
Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as interpreted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in General Comment No. 1, offers a vision for law's response to capacity... more
Nature, Grace, and Virtue: Iconic Dignity in the Theology of John Wesley and Thomas Aquinas
Il volume analizza gli atti dello stato civile, integrando le varie fonti legislative nazionali ed internazionali con giurisprudenza e dottrina, in un’analisi storico-evolutiva circa la tenuta dei registri dello stato civile, delineando... more
The expression "human dignity" is nowadays commonly found in close proximity to that of "human rights", not only in official legal and political documents, but also in the discourse of political activists, lawyers, philosophers and... more
After World War II human dignity successfully made its way into many constitutions and international treaties, as well as EU law. Yet, since it was not an entirely new concept, it should not be taken for granted that before 1945 it was... more
The current political climate provides fertile ground for toxic narratives that turn immigrants into convenient scapegoats. But such communities also present an enormous opportunity, and more can be done to capitalise fully on their... more
Spójność jest elementarnym wymogiem stawianym systemowi prawnemu. Za Zygmuntem Ziembińskim można wyróżnić spójność formalną i aksjolo giczną. Ta pierwsza polegałaby na "legitymowaniu się norm systemu upo ważnieniami prawodawczymi opartym... more
espanolDesde la Antiguedad la pena de muerte es aplicada como castigo analogo a la accion cometida contra la vida y los credos religiosos. La religion habia asimilado esta sancion como una forma de salvaguardar a los no pecadores, de... more
Tras examinar las posturas, explico cuál considero más adecuada: no se debería legalizar la eutanasia. En ética no cabe la neutralidad, pues no todos los argumentos son igualmente válidos. A la vez, por haber experimentado de cerca las... more
Despite the fact that it is not the only country facing critical social problems related to inequalities, Colombia is also the only one in Latin America facing an internal armed conflict that has lasted over 50 years. Extremely... more
The role of the employment contract in the 21st century presents new nuances in the globalized economy and in the new roles of the union, which require a re-reading of its legal nature in the light of the interdependence between Labor Law... more
To download click here : Tant le langage courant que le langage historiographique contemporain définissent le négationnisme comme une doctrine ou une position idéologique consistant à nier... more
Siguiendo una línea que se remonta a la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos y a la Ley Fundamental de Bonn, el art. 10.1 de la Constitución española proclama la dignidad de la persona y los derechos inviolables que le son inherentes... more
Resumen: Afrontar el final de una vida enferma para lograr una buena muerte requiere de unas necesidades tan genuinamente humanas que la ciencia y la técnica médica resultan insuficientes para satisfacerlas. Pero esta limitación no... more
Resumo: Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) é conhecida como sendo uma pensadora da política. Nesse sentido, pode-se questionar no que ela poderia contribuir para a reflexão em outras áreas, por exemplo, a jurídica, posto que ela não teorizou... more
While the concept of Menschenwürde (universal human dignity) has served as the foundation for human rights, it is absent in the Confucian tradition. However, this does not mean that Confucianism has no resources for a broadly construed... more
This paper develops a recognition-theoretical analysis of human dignity. I argue that a life with dignity requires social esteem (recognition for one’s contribution to socially shared goals) as well as respect (recognition of one’s equal... more
Este artigo tem por objetivo convidar os operadores do direito para uma reflexão do direito como instrumento necessário e indispensável para o debate e aprofundamento do novo ramo do conhecimento humano, a saber, o biodireito. Destacando... more
Essential topos of the work of Cesare Beccaria, and legacy of the most important of On Crimes and Punishments, is the condemnation of the death penalty, accompanied by the peroration of life imprisonment as an effective alternative. In... more
The article substantiates the necessity of studying the nature of human dignity in contemporary European constitutions and case-law of constitutional courts. The texts of the constitutions concerning the structural placing of the term... more
Se me ahogan las ideas en lo salobre del llanto silencioso. Se me agolpan en tropel las palabras; se dispersan, revolotean, quieren expresarte un universo de colibríes, mariposas y jardines en flor. Siento…. y quiero escribirlo todo y... more
Testa, Martin y Parra, Ricardo, “El adulto mayor como consumidor hipervulnerable de los servicios de salud”, Derecho para Innovar (DPI), 2018.
In R. Kendall Soulen and Linda Woodhead, eds. God and Human Dignity (Eerdmans, 2006), 1-24
Subsistence minimum guaranteed to each individual by the public authorities may be perceived as a human right under the constitutional law. That right becomes even more important when the ability to question social and economic rights is... more
Con el alma partida por el dolor y el sentimiento que embarga al hijo forzosamente ausente que sintió partir a su padre y no tiene palabras para describir la hemorragia de tristeza de ver apagarse la luz de su alma a doce años de... more
The chapter emphasizes the fragility of human condition and the need for political powers and laws that pursue the protection of all individuals.
De film Intouchables is wereldwijd goed onthaald. Het verhaal gaat over een opmerkelijke vriendschap die ontstaat tussen twee personen die op het eerste zicht het totaal tegenovergestelde van elkaar zijn. Dit artikel is een analyse van de... more
This article is a study on dignity and the politics of dignity in postcolonial Egypt, and focuses on the historicity and socioeconomic background of two events: the 1956 Suez Canal Crisis during the rise of post-independence nationalism... more
Francis Fukuyama discussed the different perspectives of known thinkers regarding the inner and outer self in the third chapter. He discussed how Augustinian friar Martin Luther King sees humans as sinful in nature and that the inner self... more
En matière sexuelle, le consentement est une notion devenue primordiale. Elle permet sur le plan juridique, notamment, de distinguer ce qui ne relève pas du viol et ce qui en relève. C’est toutefois une notion aux contours mal définis,... more
This paper examines two recent contributions to the hate speech literature – by Steven Heyman and Jeremy Waldron – which seek a justification for the legal restriction of hate speech in an account of the way that hate speech infringes... more
Legalizzare la tortura? Ascesa e declino dello Stato di diritto, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013, 208 pp. Legalizzare la tortura? Una domanda che non ci si dovrebbe mai porre, un interrogativo scabroso, un tema che suscita vergogna, disgusto ed... more
Human dignity has been the foundational principle of choice of both international human rights law and domestic constitutional rights provisions since the end of the Second World War. However, in spite of widespread international... more
Während die Würde heutzutage weit verbreitet und geschätzt wird, führt die Ehre eher ein Schattendasein in Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft. Außer in ihrer missbrauchten Variante des Ehrenmordes ist sie wenig bekannt und wird vielfach als... more
Pollution, this article suggests, challenges the fundamental structural premises of contemporary state institutions such as the law. These institutions are based on the premise of human exceptionalism via the construction of a... more
A reprodução humana assistida é uma forma de reprodução que busca permitir que pessoas que não reúnem condição de procriar pelas vias naturais possam vir a experimentar a experiência da paternidade. A questão é que apesar de tratar-se de... more
RESUMO É perceptível a toda a sociedade a atual crise a qual se encontra o sistema penitenciário brasileiro, no entanto ao analisar está situação constata-se algo pior. Devido ao fato da falta de investimentos e participação social, o que... more