Recent papers in TTIP
Nel momento storico presente, Europa e Stati Uniti rappresentano i due sistemi economici più strutturalmente integrati. A tutela di tale integrazione e, più ancora, del suo rafforzamento, si struttura il cosiddetto Transatlantic Trade and... more
This article argues that Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations have a positive legal story worth recounting as to the effects of the negotiations upon the EU legal order. The paper explores the negotiation of... more
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики" Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики Образовательная... more
TTIP is a free trade agreement (FTA) between the United States and the 28 member states of European Union that is currently being negotiated, rather quietly, under liberal arguments for free trade (Aktar and Jones, 2014; Francois et al,... more
The Keck and Mithouard case law of the CJEU constituted an important milestone in the effort to develop workable principles for the interpretation of Article 34 TFEU in a way that would not jeopardize the ability of Member States to... more
The Transpacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have been described as " next generation " agreements owing to their very broad geographic scope and the many policy spheres upon which they... more
TTIP, which is currently negotiated between the EU and the US, is largely portrayed as a blessing and especially on the European side backed by communicational campaigns and econometric impact studies with the aim to appease growing... more
Les négociations en cours du TTIP ou TAFTA ne sont pas tombées du ciel. La réactivation des discussions transatlantiques après la crise de 2007 s’ancre dans une action politique concertée des Etats-Unis et de l’Union Européenne pour... more
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has caused a shift in the debate on international trade issues and is questioning the basic topdown strategy. Never before has such resistance occurred concerning trade issues. So... more
In this scientific research and discussion paper, three main questions will be answered: 1. How did the EU's foreign trade policy developed through the years and what were the motives behind the evolution? 2. How comprehensive is the... more
Sudamérica Futuro. China global, transición energética y posdesarrollo aborda la situación que despunta en América del Sur a raíz del cambio ambientel global, el declive del patrón energético fósil y la descomunal reemergencia asiática.... more
Much is spoken and written about the liberal nature of global trade and its relation to democracy and freedoms. Trade representatives of the transatlantic free trade agreement (TAFTA | TTIP) have talked about the importance of the... more
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen op gezag van de rector magnificus prof. dr. J.H.J.M. van Krieken, volgens besluit van het college van decanen in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 31... more
The future of the transatlantic relationship is rarely out of the headlines in Europe or North America. Despite the closeness, the relationship faces – as it has always done – new and familiar challenges. This report offers views on the... more
Even though many leading political annalists and economists have stated that the age of the US political and economic hegemony in the World is over, the life and ongoing global developments stand as milestones to prove the vice versa. The... more
In 2015, the European Parliament mandated the EU Commission to ensure a number of reforms in both the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada. In... more
Much evidence suggests that interest groups not only respond to but also try to shape public opinion. So far, however, we know little about the effectiveness of these attempts. I present an argument that suggests that contrary to party... more
During its history, the European Union, and the European Community, have made several attempts to favor the establishment of an international antitrust legal standard, using both the multilateral and the bilateral instruments that... more
This article reflects on the suitability of including non-legal arbitrators in certain investment arbitrations. It presents different mechanisms that have been used in the investment arbitration context to aid legal arbitrators with... more
Véase: Esta obra es el resultado del trabajo de más de cuarenta autores que nos han hecho... more
Le partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d'investissement (« Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ») mériterait plus d’attention qu’on ne lui accorde, et pour cause. D’abord, les négociations entre l'Union européenne et les... more
Her ne kadar son zamanlarda çok hızlı gelişen siyasi olayların gölgesinde kalmış olsa da halen dünyadaki en büyük ekonomik gündem konusu AB-ABD arasında görüşmeleri devam eden serbest ticaret anlaşmasıdır. Dünya hâsılasının yaklaşık... more
The aim of this article is threefold. First and foremost, it examines the nature of the TTIP proposals with particular emphasis on the international investment court. The aim is to highlight how the secretive negotiations have undermined... more
This chapter tackles some aspects of the international responsibility of 2 the European Union and of its member States in the field of international investment law. Its main aim is assessing whether EU Investment Agreements are... more
1. L’accordo commerciale che preoccupa. – 2. I trend della politica commerciale globale e il contesto dell’accordo. – 3. Le relazioni UE-USA nel commercio agro-alimentare – 3.1. (Segue) Variazioni sul terreno di scontro: dalla farm policy... more
Il se nomme TTIP (pour Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), PTCI (pour Partenariat Transatlantique sur le Commerce et l’Investissement), Tafta (Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement) ou encore GMT (Grand Marché Transatlantique).... more
Fossil fuel subsidies harm the environment, add to health hazards caused by air pollution, and delay the energy transition. Scholars and practitioners have therefore been exploring ways to reform and eliminate them. This paper discusses... more
2015 is an important year for both climate and trade policy. While in the climate community eyes are set on the COP21 in Paris for a new climate policy framework which would succeed Kyoto, trade negotiators are preparing for the final... more