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La conciencia es una parte fundamental de la naturaleza, como ya intuían las antiguas religiones y filosofías. En tiempos modernos, los investigadores sugieren que no es solo un epifenómeno de la evolución de la materia; es, en esencia,... more
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The paper explores the debate between viewing homosexuality as a natural variation or a developmental condition, examining psychological factors and sociopolitical context. It discusses the role of family dynamics, particularly absent or... more
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      ChristianityPsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysis
Hasidism by Erich Neumann, edited and translated by Ann Conrad Lammers, translated by Mark Kyburz, Routledge "You will be my Zaddik," exclaimed Erich Neumann in a 1934 letter to Carl Gustav Jung from his new home in Tel Aviv. In 1933,... more
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      Jewish StudiesJungian psychologyErich NeumannNeo Hasidism
El arte ha desempeñado un papel crucial en el desarrollo de la civilización y en la conformación de nuestro sentido de humanidad. Más allá de su valor estético, el arte ofrece un caudal de símbolos que emergen del inconsciente, con un... more
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      Carl G. JungArtesMitologiaJames Hillman
America is facing a veritable "desolation of the soul." The SGI has been co-opted as a personalized and collective "Justice and Peace Movement;" while the transpersonal and individuated, Lotus enlightenment is deigned to be... more
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      Black HolesNonlinear dynamicsChaos TheoryEthnology
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The paper discusses three of Tolkien’s heroines (Yavanna, Melian, and Galadriel) as embodiments of the Jungian archetype of the Great Mother as it is thoroughly investigated in Erich Neumann’s seminal book The Great Mother: an analysis of... more
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      English LiteratureJ. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureArchetypes
מאמר זה בוחן את האופן שבו דמויותיהן של איסמנה ואנטיגונה והדיאלוג ביניהן במחזהו של סופוקלס אנטיגונה הפכו להיות מרכזיים עבור הפילוסופיה הפמיניסטית במאה ה-20. תוך התמקדות בדיאלוג שמנהלת הפילוסופיה הפמיניסטית עם המחזה ועם דמותן של האחיות,... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyLuce IrigaraySimone de BeauvoirIrigaray
The downfall Many young women are falling on the side of the road, and the one who is stilling the show is the loud queen of the class. When a man falls and breaks it makes a noise, like a big tree and all are sorry, but when a girl does... more
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    • Philosophy
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesIndividuationReligious Studies
În următorul studiu voi arăta care este relația dintre creativitate lingvistică și poezie în opera literară a lui Gheorghe Tomozei (29 aprilie 1936 – 31 martie 1997), alegând câteva exemple din poemele sale. Tomozei este cunoscut... more
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      Romanian LiteratureRomanian StudiesRomanian contemporary poetryRomanian Contemporary Literature
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Erich Neumann (1905-1960) was considered by many to be the most original disciple of C.G. Jung. His well-known works include the Great Mother and The Origins and History of Consciousness. The present two- volume set was conceived and... more
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      Jungian psychologyJungian psychology (Religion)Jungian and post-Jungian psychologyDepth Psychology
In the 1930s, Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn, mystic and founder of the multidisciplinary Eranos forum, began compiling a diverse visual archive that would allow dreamers to cross-reference their visions with the entirety of cultural history.... more
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      PsychoanalysisArchetypesCarl G. JungErich Neumann
זוהי מסה שפרסמתי ב2014 עליה קיבלתי פרס ראשון בתחרות חיבורים מטעם אוניברסיטת חיפה
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    • זמן
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      HegelFriedrich NietzscheSigmund FreudDaniel Dennett
En el presente trabajo se analiza el papel de la Sombra, desde la concepción de la psicología analítica, en la obra literaria El Señor de los Anillos, escrita por J. R. R. Tolkien. Para ello me he basado principalmente en el libro... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienPsicologíaÉticaCarl Gustav Jung
A franquia Silent Hill e uma potencia no mundo dos videogames, acumulando oito titulos, dois filmes e milhoes de dolares em lucro. O foco deste trabalho sera o enredo dos tres primeiros jogos da serie, repletos de referencias mitologicas... more
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      ChristianityMythologyArtFilm Studies
Una concepción rígida y estereotipada de las aportaciones de C. G. Jung no permite su estudio imparcial y desprejuiciado, no dogmático. Además tal dogmatismo frecuentemente orienta la psicología analítica hacia determinadas derivadas... more
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      Marie-Louise von FranzCarl Gustav JungErich NeumannOtto Rank
Der zweite Band der Reihe, der Almanach für 2021, rückt als thematischen Schwerpunkt das Verhältnis zwischen Philosophie, Theologie und Dichtkunst in den Vordergrund. Die Beiträge beleuchten die Rolle, die Poesie und Literatur für das... more
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      ConservatismJohann G HamannHans Urs von BalthasarNicolás Gómez Dávila
Erich Neumann was a pioneering Jungian analyst and one of Jungian psychology's most brilliant exponents. He was born in Berlin in 1905, the youngest of three children. His parents were nonpracticing Jews assimilated into German society.... more
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      Jungian psychologyHistory Of PsychologyDepth PsychologyArchetypal Psychology
ÍNDICE: I II 1. La realidad del alma 2. Alma y Espíritu no son la misma realidad 3. El pensamiento negativo 4. Rechazo de la coniunctio. La religión del ánimus 5. Respuesta a Giegerich 6. Dardos contra Giegerich.... more
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      HegelMartin HeideggerSchopenhauerNietzsche
This hermeneutic study traces the developmental theory that emerges from Erich Neumann's writings. The research revisions reevaluates and consolidates the emerging theory, in the hope of reviving interest in Neumann's writings, and to... more
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      Child DevelopmentJungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyErich Neumann
ביקורת ספרים של ד"ר חאלד פוראני על הספר הן אפשר מאת מני מאוטנר
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    • Philosophy
Olga Fröbe- Kapteyn founded Eranos in 1933, on the shore of Lake Maggiore. A unique meeting place for Eastern and Western ideas, aiming to reestablish connection to human kind's myths and symbols and man's eternal quest for meaning.
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      Art HistoryHistory of IdeasHistory of ReligionHistory Of Psychology
“A Myth for Our Times” is the title of a series of lectures given by Becca Tarnas on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien, 2013). The lecture material is collected and condensed in Journey to the Imaginal Realm (Tarnas, 2019),... more
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      Jungian psychologyJ. R. R. TolkienJungian and post-Jungian psychologyArchetypes
Questa breve lista bibliografica vuole introdurre alcuni dei maggiori lavori di analisi critica del mito della "Grande Dea", ritenuto da alcuni autori, in primis l'archeologa Marija Gimbutas, come caratterizzante varie civiltà... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyPsycologyCarl Gustav JungNeolithic figurines
טראומה היא מצב של קרע עמוק במרקם המציאות ובמהלך ההיסטוריות המצטברות של האינדיבידואל. מדובר בשיבוש סדרי עולם: עבר, הווה, עתיד מצטמצמים לרגע אחד השואב את כוחותיו ואת תודעתו של האדם החווה את הטראומה, בנפילה אל תהומות של כאוס וניסיון להיחלץ... more
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      Art TheoryVisual CultureMuseologyVisual Arts
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      Carl G. JungCarl Gustav JungErich NeumannCarl Jung
The narrative in Frozen II is a classic archetypal depiction of individuation – the process of synthesis of the self through the integration and union of consciousness with the unconscious. The new hero’s journey strives for the synthesis... more
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      ArchetypesCarl G. JungArchetypal PsychologyDisney
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval SermonsPelbartus de Temeswar
aus  Lucas Pawlik Wissenschaftspoesie 2009
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      Second-Order CyberneticsNorbert WienerWissenschaftstheorieHeinz von Foerster
There he was, this little Nernst, standing in front of us, and he said: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have made it my aim to free the universe from the heat death! This little man in the auditorium of the University of Vienna wants to change... more
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      NeuroscienceComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceWar Studies
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      Jungian psychologyIoan Petru CulianuShort storyEliade
The present article analyzes a product of creative imagination in the mythology of «The Elder Scrolls» – a world-renowned Computer Role-Playing Games series – by the theoretical tools of archetypology and the practical methods of... more
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      Video GamesArchetypesRené GirardMonstrous Feminine
L’obiettivo del presente studio è quello di illustrare i principali aspetti del mito di Core-Persefone nella poesia di Yves Bonnefoy. Nella prima parte si individua il mitema della scomparsa della dea-fanciulla nel ciclo «Le dialogue... more
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      NarcissusOriginal SinDarknessNero
The present mythanalytical study investigates how the archetypic schemes of the "opus alchemicum" emerge in Ioan Petru Culianu’s «Il gioco dello smeraldo» (1989). The first part of the study classifies the emerald visitress’ body... more
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      AlchemySacrificeMircea EliadeIoan Petru Culianu
אריך פרום, שהיה ממייסדי הזרם ה"ניאו-פרוידיאני" בפסיכואנליזה, זכה בימי חייו להצלחה אדירה בהפצת רעיונותיו בנוגע לנפש האדם ומטרת קיומו. חשיבתו תרמה רבות להתפתחותן של גישות טיפוליות עכשוויות כמו הפסיכואנליזה ההתייחסותית והאינטרפרסונלית, והיא... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisSpirituality & PsychologyErich Fromm
Dos poemas de Nurit Zarji del libro ‫אררט‬ (Ararat). Mi traducción y los originales en hebreo * Bajo la lluvia la casa titila como una burbuja. Una materia arcaica zumba entre el cielo y la tierra cierra el paso al aire, promete que... more
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      Nurit ZarchiTraducción De PoesíaPoesía en hebreo
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    • Poetry
Dit boek, van oorsprong in 1955 uitgegeven, bestaat uit twee delen en vijftien hoofdstukken. Het centrale thema is de Moedergodin als archetype. In het eerste deel wordt de structuur en karakter van het archetype en het vrouwelijke... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryGender Studies
Untisemitismen och den lzanstruerade'judefrågan" sign a/erar f)rs t och frtims t maj orite tss ømh å/le ts prob le m. " (Trond Berg Eriksen, Håkon HarLet, Einhørt Lorenz) 1 S.B. 1992, s. 3ffoch 10ff E. Neuman n 2009,s.32 't ',..
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      Jungian psychology (Religion)Sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Archetypes and PatternsRené Girard
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    • Intersex
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