Erich Neumann
Recent papers in Erich Neumann
דיון ראשוני מכמה כיוונים והקשרים במיתוס נסירת אדם וחוה, המופיע במדרש חז״ל ומעובד בקבלת האר״י, ואזכיר בקצרה גם את תורתו של ר׳ נחמן מברסלב. הדיון שלהלן כנסירה ובאינדיבידואציה משיק לשני דיונים רחבים יותר שלי, האחד בטראומה מבנית ואקוטית... more
aus Lucas Pawlik Wissenschaftspoesie 2009
Questa breve lista bibliografica vuole introdurre alcuni dei maggiori lavori di analisi critica del mito della "Grande Dea", ritenuto da alcuni autori, in primis l'archeologa Marija Gimbutas, come caratterizzante varie civiltà... more
The narrative in Frozen II is a classic archetypal depiction of individuation – the process of synthesis of the self through the integration and union of consciousness with the unconscious. The new hero’s journey strives for the synthesis... more
From an anthropological, psychological and philosophical point of view, fantasy and science fiction constitute a significant part of modern mythology, both for individual readers/experiencers and for society as a whole. In an effort to... more
Una concepción rígida y estereotipada de las aportaciones de C. G. Jung no permite su estudio imparcial y desprejuiciado, no dogmático. Además tal dogmatismo frecuentemente orienta la psicología analítica hacia determinadas derivadas... more
The article investigates the Neoplatonic Self notion. In the historical record the ideal of personality and the psychological notion of Self have taken many forms. Also the modern ideals of Self are discussed and criticized, such as the... more
ÍNDICE: I II 1. La realidad del alma 2. Alma y Espíritu no son la misma realidad 3. El pensamiento negativo 4. Rechazo de la coniunctio. La religión del ánimus 5. Respuesta a Giegerich 6. Dardos contra Giegerich.... more
The present mythanalytical study investigates how the archetypic schemes of the "opus alchemicum" emerge in Ioan Petru Culianu’s «Il gioco dello smeraldo» (1989). The first part of the study classifies the emerald visitress’ body... more
“A Myth for Our Times” is the title of a series of lectures given by Becca Tarnas on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien, 2013). The lecture material is collected and condensed in Journey to the Imaginal Realm (Tarnas, 2019),... more
Der zweite Band der Reihe, der Almanach für 2021, rückt als thematischen Schwerpunkt das Verhältnis zwischen Philosophie, Theologie und Dichtkunst in den Vordergrund. Die Beiträge beleuchten die Rolle, die Poesie und Literatur für das... more
Untisemitismen och den lzanstruerade'judefrågan" sign a/erar f)rs t och frtims t maj orite tss ømh å/le ts prob le m. " (Trond Berg Eriksen, Håkon HarLet, Einhørt Lorenz) 1 S.B. 1992, s. 3ffoch 10ff E. Neuman n 2009,s.32 't ',..
This hermeneutic study traces the developmental theory that emerges from Erich Neumann's writings. The research revisions reevaluates and consolidates the emerging theory, in the hope of reviving interest in Neumann's writings, and to... more
The present article analyzes a product of creative imagination in the mythology of «The Elder Scrolls» – a world-renowned Computer Role-Playing Games series – by the theoretical tools of archetypology and the practical methods of... more
L’obiettivo del presente studio è quello di illustrare i principali aspetti del mito di Core-Persefone nella poesia di Yves Bonnefoy. Nella prima parte si individua il mitema della scomparsa della dea-fanciulla nel ciclo «Le dialogue... more
The hero archetype has two sides. On the one hand it provides the impetus for personal emancipation, contributing to the success of Western culture. On the other hand it has given rise to present-day hubris and expansionism. The article... more
Dit boek, van oorsprong in 1955 uitgegeven, bestaat uit twee delen en vijftien hoofdstukken. Het centrale thema is de Moedergodin als archetype. In het eerste deel wordt de structuur en karakter van het archetype en het vrouwelijke... more
A franquia Silent Hill e uma potencia no mundo dos videogames, acumulando oito titulos, dois filmes e milhoes de dolares em lucro. O foco deste trabalho sera o enredo dos tres primeiros jogos da serie, repletos de referencias mitologicas... more
Not quite ready for powerpoint, I bought a new camera for close-ups, and constructed a detailed slide show giving evidence that creation myths, symbols, and rituals do not actually refer to the creation of the world or the beginning of... more
Olga Fröbe- Kapteyn founded Eranos in 1933, on the shore of Lake Maggiore. A unique meeting place for Eastern and Western ideas, aiming to reestablish connection to human kind's myths and symbols and man's eternal quest for meaning.
There he was, this little Nernst, standing in front of us, and he said: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have made it my aim to free the universe from the heat death! This little man in the auditorium of the University of Vienna wants to change... more
ERICH NEUMANN ON HENRY MOORE: PUBLIC SCULPTURE & THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS BY TIM MARTIN The psychoanalyst Erich Neumann applied Carl Jung’s concepts about the unconscious mind in his book on Moore’s sculpture, The Archetypal World of... more