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Trauma theory, especially associated with the works of Cathy Caruth and Judith Lewis Herman, is expressed by Sigmund Freud especially in his works Studies in Hysteria, Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Moses and Monotheism. According to... more
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      ArtLiterature and TraumaTraumaOtto Rank
This paper examines the interface between psychoanalysis and the surrealist movement in the 1930s and early 1940s in France. Sanctioned on the part of the surrealists as early as 1924 in André Breton’s first Surrealist Manifesto, this... more
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      The BodyPsychoanalysis and artSalvador DaliOtto Rank
A experiência fora do corpo (EFC) é definida como uma sensação subjetiva de ter saído dos limites físicos do corpo, tendo uma longa história registrada em diversas culturas. Conhecida também como “desdobramento do espírito” ou “projeção... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionNeuroscienceClinical NeuroscienceEpilepsy
Il presente lavoro intende far emergere le peculiarità del processo di soggettivazione di un gemello rispetto ad un nato singolo. Al fine di ciò, è stata posta la vita prenatale della coppia come oggetto d’indagine, in quanto ritenuta la... more
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      PsychoanalysisDevelopmental PsychologyPrenatal and Perinatal PsychologyMirror Neurons
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisOtto Rank
This article was originally published in Encyclopedia of Creativity, Second Edition published by Elsevier, and the attached copy is provided by Elsevier for the author's benefit and for the benefit of the author's institution, for... more
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      CreativityHistory Of PsychoanalysisOtto Rank
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      Sigmund FreudSoren KierkegaardPsicologíaAntropología
This paper is a M.A. Research Paper submitted to Carleton University of Ottawa, Canada (1999). A consideration of sexual frustration in the “Proteus” chapter of James Joyce’s Ulysses will allow us to understand Stephen Dedalus’s... more
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      James JoyceGender and SexualityModern Irish Language and LiteratureIreland
Libri: Kitap Tanıtımı, Eleştiri ve Çeviri Dergisi'nde bulunan içeriklerin tümü kullanıcılara açık, serbestçe/ücretsiz "açık erişimli" bir dergidir. Kullanıcılar, yayıncıdan ve yazar(lar)dan izin almaksızın, dergideki kitap tanıtımlarını,... more
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      Greek MythMitologyOtto RankMitoloji
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      PsychoanalysisHistory Of PsychoanalysisPhilosophy of PsychoanalysisSigmund Freud
Una concepción rígida y estereotipada de las aportaciones de C. G. Jung no permite su estudio imparcial y desprejuiciado, no dogmático. Además tal dogmatismo frecuentemente orienta la psicología analítica hacia determinadas derivadas... more
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      Marie-Louise von FranzCarl Gustav JungErich NeumannOtto Rank
Her şeyden önce bu metinde uyguladığımız yöntem, salt argümantatif hali ile meşruluk kazanacak bir nitelik kazanmaya yakın olmayabilir. Bunun sebebinin ise bizzat ilgilendiğimiz, olduğumuz ve detaylıca açıklayacağımız şekilde Homo... more
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      MythologyPoliticsPsycoanalisysOtto Rank
Necip Fazıl Kısakürek'in "Kaldırımlar" adlı şiiri ilk olarak 1928 yılında Hayat Dergisi'nde Osmanlıca olarak yayınlanmıştır. Söz konusu şiir aynı yıl yayımlanan Necip Fazıl Kısakürek'in ikinci şiir kitabına da ismini vermiştir. Şairin... more
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      Turkish LiteratureModern Türk ŞiiriBirth TraumaPoems
*Junior Yr Undergrad *Annotated Bibliography* The most compelling concept that was developed throughout my research related to the work of Metz and Balazs regarding the inherent self-conscious character of film and its ability to raise a... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryEuropean CinemaThe Other
Trauma theory, especially associated with the works of Cathy Caruth and Judith Lewis Herman, is expressed by Sigmund Freud especially in his works Studies in Hysteria, Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Moses and Monotheism. According to... more
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      D. H. LawrenceLiterature and TraumaTraumaOtto Rank
Otto Rank's approach to psychotherapy, developed after his separation from Freud, encourages living life fully in spite of death and limitation. In his emphasis on the here and now, new experience in the therapeutic relationship, and... more
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      PsychotherapyExistential Phenomenological PsychotherapyHistory Of PsychoanalysisPsychodynamic Psychotherapy
The goal of this study is to explore the development of Otto Rank's (1884-1939) philosophy through his shifting conceptions of heroism. The focus is specifically on the notion of Artist as the Hero. The investigation is conducted by... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy Of Religion
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      Joseph CampbellPentateuchal TheoryExodusMoses
Il saggio accompagna e commenta il testo di Ferenczi e Rank, "Traiettorie di sviluppo della psicoanalisi", ricostruendo la sua genesi e l'intricata relazione triangolare tra Freud e i suoi due autori
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      Sigmund FreudSandor FerencziPsicoanalisiOtto Rank
*course design + syllabus* In brief summary, the preparation of a proposed syllabus for examining the textuality of the xenomorph reveals an expansive discourse on the Alien franchise and its key figure. The Alien franchise is... more
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      PsychoanalysisFilm StudiesFilm TheoryCritical Pedagogy
Il presente saggio tratta di quelle modalità attraverso cui, secondo una prospettiva psicoanalitica, i contenuti dell’inconscio, altrimenti rimossi e censurati, trovano possibilità di espressione in una forma simbolica. Nello specifico,... more
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      PsychoanalysisSigmund FreudCultural AnthropologyPsychoanalysis and culture
This study of the recent "history" of hysteria, from Charcot to Freud, shows how Freud took up Charcot's crucial distinction between epilepsy and epileptoid hysteria, effectively creating a disorder with a distinct symptomatology. The... more
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      Trauma StudiesHysteriaMale HysteriaSigmund Freud
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      SurrealismWalter BenjaminJacques LacanSigmund Freud
Ataerkil Devrim ve Psikolojik Dönüşüm
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      Joseph CampbellSigmund FreudBertrand RussellArnold Toynbee
L'introduzione al volume di Max Eitingon "Il mio policlinico" propone un sintetico quadro sulla personalità di Eitingon e il suo ruolo nella storia della psicoanalisi, nei suoi aspetti istituzionali e, con l'apertura del policlinico... more
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      Sigmund FreudSandor FerencziPsicoanálisisErnest Jones
Sergej M. Ejzenštejn was very much involved with psychology and psychoanalysis. He was an important friend of Lev Vygotskij, founder of cultural-historical psychology, and of Aleksandr Lurija, father of modern neuropsychological... more
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      Wilhelm ReichSergei EisensteinSergei Eisenstein, Alexander Luria and Lev VygotskyPudovkin
В статье рассматривается аналогия сна и мифа, являющаяся одной из базовых моделей психологического подхода к интерпретации мифологических текстов и символов. Смысл этой параллели раскрывается нами на материалах из работ Фрейда, Абрахама,... more
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      MythologyPsychology of ReligionMyths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious contentSigmund Freud
Otto Rank posed the human question of the search for permanence by means of the symbolic life, which includes belonging to a group with which the individual identifies himself or herself. Historically, this has been constituted in the... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyEthics
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      PsychoanalysisPrenatal and Perinatal PsychologyMelanie Klein (Psychology)Melanie Klein
W antologii znalazły się teksty czołowych przedstawicieli i przedstawicielek ruchu psychoanalitycznego. Wilhelm Stekel, Karl Abraham, Sándor Ferenczi, Siegfried Bernfeld, Helena Deutsch, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Otto Rank, Otto Gross, Georg... more
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      Cultural HistoryPsychoanalysisQueer TheoryHistory Of Psychoanalysis
Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisPhilosophyContinental Philosophy
In this book the author explores the notion of the human psyche (‘soul’) and its continuing usefulness at the background of the ongoing and always accelerating techno-scientific revolution. The main argument of the book follows the... more
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      DeathJungian psychologyPsychology of UnconsciousPhilosophy of Human Suffering
This is an essay in French published in the collective volume, "L'antijudaisme: a l'epreuve de la philosophie et de la theologie," in which I analyse the 'resistance to Judaism' from the psychoanalytic point of view, by creating a... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophy Of ReligionJean-François LyotardPhilosophy of judaism
Freud, and Rank after him, believed in birth trauma. Winnicott contested it, and it may be thought, with those who could "relive" their birth, that the latter is an experience of pleasure analogous to going down the firemen's wool... more
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      Male CircumcisionTrauma StudiesSigmund FreudBirth Trauma
Ernest Becker described society as a symbolic action system designed to serve as a vehicle for earthly heroism. He advocates for a 'creative solution', which suggests that heroism can manifest itself objectively, through artworks. By... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyMuseum StudiesArchivesCommemoration and Memory
Charla dictada por mí en El Café con Notas do Ateneo Mar de Arousa, el día 4 de octubre, como parte de un grupo de apreciación musical, donde quise mostrar el uso inicial que hizo Walt Disney del cine sonoro, que había inaugurado en 1927,... more
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      Martin HeideggerGiacomo LeopardiHeideggerHeidegger's Being and Time
The term “diptych” designates visual artworks in two halves that are simultaneously united and separated by a hinging mechanism. This article explores the form’s adoption by narrative film through the double case study of Grindhouse... more
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      Feminist TheoryMasochismJacques DerridaThird space (Humanities)
Bu oluşturulan platform, öğrencilerin fikirlerini bürokratik ve ekonomik engellere takılmadan fanzinimizde, tartışma gruplarında, sunum-forum etkinliklerinde paylaşmaya fırsat sunma amacındadır. Şimdilik İstanbul Üniversitesi- Felsefe... more
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      PsychoanalysisLogicFeminist TheoryOtto Rank
Статья посвящена развитию психологической герменевтики в рамках психоаналитической теории. С этой точки зрения рассматриваются подходы Карла Абрахама, Людвига Леви, Георга Гроддека, Карла Густава Юнга, Отто Ранка. В широкий оборот... more
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      Georg GroddeckOtto RankPsychological interpretations of the BiblePsychological Hermeneutics
The goal of this study is to explore the development of Otto Rank's (1884-1939) philosophy through his shifting conceptions of heroism. The focus is specifically on the notion of Artist as the Hero. The investigation is conducted... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy Of Religion
Otto Rosenfeld, conocido como el primer psicoanalista lego llamado Otto Rank, nació el 22 de abril de 1884 en la ciudad de Viena. Según el Diccionario Enciclopédico del Psique de Béla Székely, sus méritos más significativos fueron las... more
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      PsicoanálisisOtto RankPsicología Profunda
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      Trauma StudiesSigmund FreudTraumaBirth Trauma
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      SurrealismSigmund FreudAndré BretonPaul Eluard
Freud, et Rank à sa suite, croyaient à un traumatisme de la naissance. Winnicott a contesté la chose et l'on peut effectivement penser, avec ceux qui ont pu "revivre" leur naissance, que celle-ci est une expérience de plaisir analogue à... more
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      Sigmund FreudOtto RankCirconcisionSevrage
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      PsychoanalysisPsychiatryHistory Of PsychoanalysisHistory of Psychiatry
"A great relationship breaches the barriers of a lofty solitude, subdues is strict law, and throws a bridge from self-being to self-being across the abyss of dread of the universe."--Martin Buber, I and Thou “Making the simple... more
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      Existential PsychologyExistential PsychotherapyRollo MayCarl Rogers
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      MythologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyDeath AnxietyZombie Films