Coat of Arms
Most downloaded papers in Coat of Arms
El uso de la heráldica en Galicia se inicia a título personal como identificación del caballero, cubierto por su armadura, y sólo a partir del siglo XII comenzará a hacerse hereditario con el objeto de conservar el recuerdo de la... more
Сва је српска древна символика у знаку распећа нашег народног на раскршћу светова. Христоцентрична и крстоцентрична је и на мистичан начин осликава наш повесни ход по мукама, али и благочестиво успињање Богу Правде по Речи Господњој: «Али... more
A partir du milieu du XIIIe siècle, l'art occidental est saturé d'images héraldiques au point d'être marqué, à la fin du Moyen Âge, par une véritable "héraldisation" - l'application des principes chromatiques et graphiques du Blason -... more
Schrifttumsliste zur deutschen Nobilität für die Erscheinungsjahre 1500 bis 1999 "Bei der ungeheuren Menge von literarischen Erzeugnissen jeder Art, welche jährlich zu vielen Tausenden sich vermehrt, ist es dahin gekommen, daß man in der... more
During the 20th and early 21st centuries, a good number of articles were published, the authors of which had expressed their ideas about the Byzantine origin of the Golden Horde double-headed eagle, as well as borrowing a similar Russian... more
(in: a cura di D. de Lorenzis/M. Gaballo/P. Giuri, Sancta Maria de Nerito. Arte e devozione nella Cattedrale di Nardò, Lecce, Mario Congedo editore 2014, pp. 15÷69, sotto l'egida della “Fondazione Terra d'Otranto”) ---------- Stemmi,... more
L'activité du peintre en armoiries Martin Doué à Lille au début du XVIIe siècle s'inscrit dans une tradition et la continuation des auteurs de plusieurs armoriaux depuis le début du XVe siècle ("Armorial équestre de la Toison d'or",... more
RESUMEN: La heráldica fue un lenguaje visual que se consolidó como la manera más universal de mostrar el poder real, eclesiástico y, esencialmente, nobiliario en Europa durante siglos. Su uso estaba reservado legalmente solo para las... more
Le Corpus des émaux méridionaux n’est pas seulement un outil de travail incontournable et providentiel pour quiconque mène une recherche sur l’émaillerie médiévale, il est aussi un fabuleux point de départ à l’approfondissement des... more
Ce texte étudie deux cas bien documentés où des individus et leurs familles adoptent les armoiries de personnages de fiction, ici issus du cycle arthurien. Les Albret adoptent les armes de Perceval dès le XIIème siècle, sous l'impulsion... more
Heraldic Representation of the Jagiellonian and Habsburg Dynasties. Coats of Arms on the Royal Oratory in Prague’s Saint Vitus Cathedral in the Central European Context. The aim of the study is to examine a series of coats of arms of the... more
Значаја свог хералдичког идентитета и његовог очувања Срби су одавно потпуно свесни и та се свест особито чувала и култивисала у крилу наше Свете Цркве, која је разумевала сву потентност и готово мистични значај поуке и поруке, којих је... more
The vast popularity of the Game of Thrones franchise has drawn a new and diverse audience to the fantasy genre. Within the pseudo-medieval world created by G.R.R. Martin, a great deal of detail has gone into establishing coats of arms for... more
Stephen the Great’s Coats of Arms at Cetatea Albă
Le domaine religieux fait partie de l’environnement quotidien des familles médiévales. L’aristocratie entretient des relations suivies avec différents établissements monastiques, sur lesquels s’appuie la conscience familiale et les... more
The article studies the activity of Gianantonio Lazier, alias Ioannes IX Antonius I Flavius, Angelus, Comnenus, (Ducas), Lascaris, Palaeologus in early 18th century Vienna when he take advantage of having declared himself the only... more
Una copia di questo volume, autografata dall’autore del presente saggio, è in vendita (A copy of this book, autographed by the author of the present essay, is for sale): rivolgersi a (please contact) [email protected] oppure (or)... more
MONTANER, Alberto, «Oliveros de Castilla y la piedra filosofal», en Actas del VII Congrés de l’Associació Hispànica de Literatura Medieval (Castelló de la Plana, 22-26 de setembre de 1997), Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I, 1999... more
Analysis of the shape and usage of the shield in contemporary Municipal Heraldry in the Republic of Macedonia
The sources of history, the history of sources. The inscription with the coat of arms (1492) from the Suceava fortress
Željko Heimer: The Reflection of Water in the Croatian Municipal Heraldry. Draft for: Sutter, Rolf and Heimbach, Harald (ed.): XXIXth International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences Stuttgart, 2010. Pro Heraldica Deutsche... more
Questo file è un ESTRATTO (e dunque è una selezione ridotta) della presentazione usata da Fabio Manuel Serra il 13 febbraio 2018 per la prima lezione di Araldica nobiliare presso la prestigiosa Scuola di Archivistica, Paleografia e... more
Željko Heimer: Ceremonial Flags of the Croatian Units of Local Government: A New Phenomenon Emerging from the People?, in: Marcel van Westerhoven (ed.): Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Vexillology, Rotterdam, The... more
Nijmegen (in The Netherlands) and Enna (on Sicily, Italy) are cities separated by a distance of no less than 2400 kilometers. Yet they do have something in common. The emperor Henry VI was born in Nijmegen. During the siege of... more
The author analyzes the development of the heraldic studies in connection with the historical development of Italy. By the beginning of the 20th century the initial accumulation of facts on the history of heraldry and nobility and of... more
Call for Papers --- 2° Convegno internazionale sull'araldica (2ème Congrès International sur l'Héraldique - 2nd International Congress about Heraldry - 2ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Heráldica - 2. Internationaler Heraldik-Kongress)... more
The Armorial Register has been made aware that His Royal Highness Prince Aleksandar Pavla Karageorgevich who is the oldest member of the Karageorgevich family (b. 1924) and the head of the junior Princely line of the Royal House has,... more
A short paper on the origins and privileges of the Polish-Lithuanian nobility, on the rules for coats of arms and on the Russian Imperial procedures to confirm or obtain nobility. A description is given of article 92 § 12 of the Charter... more
Artykuł podsumowuje utrwalone w piśmiennictwie zapisy podania o początkach Międzychodu oraz ściśle z nim związane przekazy o pochodzeniu gruszy w herbie tego miasta. Reprezentuje ujęcie z perspektywy kulturoznawczej i literaturoznawczej,... more
Željko Heimer: Doktorski rad Tijana Trako Poljak Uloga državotvornih simbola u izgradnji identiteta hrvatskog društva | Doctoral Thesis T. Trako Poljak Role of the Symbols of Statehood in the Formation of Croatian Identity. Grb i zastava,... more
Starting from Song of Songs 2, 1: "I am a rose (chabatseleth חֲבַצֶּ֫לֶת) from Saron, a lily (shoshanשׁוֹשָׁן) from the valleys. "I try to identify Hibiscus und Lily as symbols and emblems of Israelites' identity, in places where the... more
The article deals with a three-panel silk-covered screen with coats of arms and a Latin monogram. When identified, the coats of arms revealed a link to a marriage between noble families of Musin-Pushkin and Vonlyarlyarsky from... more
Il ritrovamento di uno stemma dipinto ad affresco raffigurante l'emblema araldico della famiglia Cazzan (Catzan, Caltzan, Cazan, Cazano, Cazzano, Cazzani) concesso da Massimiliano I d'Asburgo al medico Giovanni Cazzan ( Johann Catzan ) su... more
Željko Heimer: Turske zastave. Glas narodne diplomacije, 10, 2013, 26-28.
Željko Heimer: Odraz vode u hrvatskoj municipalnoj heraldici. Gazophylacium—časopis za znanost, kulturu, umjetnost i gospodarstvo, 17, 1–2 (2012) pp. 95–113.