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      BuddhismComparative ReligionIndian PhilosophyPlato
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      HinduismMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Language and ReligionMantra
This dissertation examines Sammā Arahaṃ meditation from its origin in the figure of Phra Mongkhon Thepmuni (Sot Candasaro), the late abbot of Wat Paknam, Thonburi, as well as its transmission to Phra Thep Yan Mongkhon (Sermchai... more
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      Theravada BuddhismMindfulness MeditationBuddhist MeditationKasina practice
This dissertation deals with the Buddhist dhāraṇī, mainly understood as the term selected by Indian Buddhism to assimilate the non-Buddhist notion of mantra. In the Introduction the two major categories of dhāraṇīs are defined, i.e., the... more
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      Chinese BuddhismBuddhist StudiesAtharvavedaJapanese Buddhism
Les sémioticiens des cultures marchent sur des œufs. Ils doivent établir le profil, et donc les limites, d’une civilisation ; déterminer et sélectionner des artefacts culturels en tant que textes d’une telle civilisation ; analyser ces... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsPerformativity
Chanting is a form of rhythmic, repetitive vocalization practiced in a wide range of cultures. It is used in spiritual practice to strengthen community, heal illness, and overcome psychological and emotional difficulties. In many... more
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      BuddhismHinduismMusicAction Research
This chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy, ed. Bret W. Davis (NYC: Oxford University Press, 2019) explicates the philosophy of the body of sixth-century Buddhist thinker Kūkai. Kūkai brings together what initially seem to... more
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      Buddhist PhilosophyEmbodimentMandalasJapanese Buddhism
By John-Woodroffe_Arthur-Avalon
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      MantraHindu Shakta Tantra
The purpose of the panel is to explore a specific aspect of the concept of originality in Indian knowledge systems, literature and the arts. We would like to discuss the relation of innovation and perpetuation of earlier forms and... more
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      BuddhismJainismIndian PhilosophyBuddhist Philosophy
The Vedas unfold their mysteries...While this mantra speaks metaphorically, the very next mantra spells this out clearly...How can a sane person address a plant, or call out to a piece of stone to hear what he is saying?.... It is... more
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This powerpoint describes some ideas and hypotheses about the relationship of microvita (proposed subatomic living entities released into the universe by the Cosmic Mind, that create life and minds and can help in spiritual progress) to... more
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      BuddhismHinduismEvolutionary BiologyEvolutionary Psychology
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      HinduismComparative ReligionCultural StudiesPsychology
Sanskrit is a unique language. It is based on seed sounds or beeja dhvani. Each sound has its own gunas or qualities or characteristics. For example, the sound 'da' is 'a simple root sound, the primary root', as pointed out by Sri... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSanskrit language and literatureVedic Sanskrit
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    • Mantra
Recorded in Nirukta 1.15-16, the controversy between Kautsa and Yāska on whether the Vedic mantras are meaningful or not represents a turning point in the traditional interpretation of the Veda. While references to this controversy are... more
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      Indian PhilosophyRitualSanskritVedas
This article will explore the relationship between Tibetan medicine and Tibetan Buddhism by analyzing early Tibetan medical treatises. It will investigate mantras, meditative visualizations, and rituals that were used to prevent and to... more
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      BuddhismTibetan StudiesBuddhist StudiesRitual
Sobre o hamsa mantra.
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      YogaKundaliniMantraMantras and Sadana
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      MantraPerfection of WisdomVimalamitra
Kashmir has rich rich history of its own viz a viz Architecture. Although there has been some changes through out this time period but it never lost its zeal
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      MimesisYogaOral TraditionsCodicology
In the wake of the November 2016 U.S. elections, this pair of essays discusses techniques for remaining calm and centered; also, forms of prayer are discussed.
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityEastern Christianity
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      YogaTantraKashmiri LiteraturePratyabhijna Philosophy
Poothalathil yavarkkum peradaravay ennalum, Maharasi endru vazhthuginra mariyamman, Seedharanar thangai, sirappana thalattai, Kadaludan odha ganapathiyum kappome. Mundi mundi vinayagre , mukkannar than magane, Kandarukku mun piranda... more
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      Tamil LiteratureMantra
Introduction to Tantra-Sastra-Sir-John-Woodroffe-Arthur-Avalon
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      HinduismTantraWomen In HinduismHindu Philosophy
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      MimesisIndian studiesYogaOral Traditions
Questa analisi, iniziata durante i corsi di Analisi della musica elettroacustica ed Esecuzione ed interpretazione della musica elettroacustica, è stata sviluppata a Kürten, durante i Kürten Kurse ad agosto del 2017: un'esperienza che... more
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      Electronic MusicKarlheinz StockhausenLive Electronic MusicLive Electronics
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      Indian PhilosophyIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesTextual Scholarship
Traducción del sánscrito al español, presentación y notas ADRIÁN MUÑOZ G. 1 El Kamakala-vilasa es un texto de gran importancia para la tradición tántrica; se trata de un manuscrito citado y aludido tanto por fuentes sánscritas como en... more
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      MimesisYogaTantric StudiesOral Traditions
Living Mantra is an anthropology of mantra-experience among Hindu-tantric practitioners. In ancient Indian doctrine and legends, mantras perceived by rishis (seers) invoke deities and have transformative powers. Adopting a methodology... more
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      MantraMantras and SadanaHindu Shakta Tantra
This article discusses the process of formulating the Puja Tri Sandhyā— a series of Sanskrit mantras performed three times a day as a daily prayer—which was developed in conjunction with the struggle of Balinese Hinduism for recognition... more
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      HinduismHindu StudiesShaiva TantraMantra
Prologue Note: this PDF digital book can be opened in a mobile device also. This is not a guide-book for studying any occult art. Instead it is a writing that proposes to take up the possibility of there being a real machinery... more
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      JainismSouth Asian StudiesMantra
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      Theravada BuddhismEsoteric BuddhismSouth Asian BuddhismCambodian Archaeology
The Great Liberation Mahanirvana Tantra By Arthur Avalon
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      HinduismTantraHindu PhilosophyHindu Mythology
The 48 Infinity Energy, an extensive research in reintroducing the effects of energy healing with a Jain panegyric-Bhaktamar stotra-with Sacred Geometry and Cymatics is one synergized system, of its kind. Until now, Bhaktamar stotras, the... more
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      JainismIndian studiesSound studiesSacred Geometry
forthcoming. “Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita and the Saubhāgyacandrātapa: A Study of the Role of Śrīvidyā among Prominent Intellectual Families in Early-Modern South India.” In Raffaele Torella, ed. Proceedings of the Fifteenth World Sanskrit... more
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      PhilologyHinduismIntellectual HistoryHistory of Religion
This work is a partial but significant update of Maurice Bloomfield’s monumental Vedic Concordance, published in 1906 by Harvard University Press. Altogether, more than 30,000 mantras have been added to the bulk of the original textual... more
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      Vedic SanskritVEDAVedic StudiesVedas
Contiene un selección de rezos y oraciones Hindues, empleada en las prácticas religiosas para la recuperación del estado de salud de invididuos, segmentos y colectividades mayores (ncluso, la humanidad en su conjunto). El lector podrá... more
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      HinduismSociology of CultureSociology of ReligionHealth Psychology
Tantrism is a system of meditation and physical rituals.
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      AestheticsLiteratureRitualTantric Studies
I was startled by the appearance in print of this paper. I gave it in 2005 at a conference in Bangalore, and left a draft with the conference organizers. There was talk of a book, but I heard nothing more until the news of publication... more
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      MimesisHistory of MedicineIndian studiesYoga
"AUM" Or "OM" mantra that is the chant of yogi, ascetics is considered primordial. This brief articles examines the Mystery and Origin of this unique and widely used mantra.
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      HinduismHistorySpace SciencesYoga Meditation
Cedere per avere: il sacrificio come estinzione del debito. Nota in margine a Roberto Calasso, L'ardore, Adelphi, Milano 2010.
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      History of ReligionMimesisYogaOral Traditions
Следующие две сутры Йога сутры посвящены мантрам и силе звука.
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      YogaSanskritYoga SutrasMantra
"This essay was prompted by the question of how Haṭhayoga, literally ‘the Yoga of force’, acquired its name. Many Indian and Western scholars have understood the ‘force’ of Haṭhayoga to refer to the effort required to practice it.... more
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      MimesisYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
This paper provides the first critical edition of the Sanskrit text of the 37th, 51st, 52nd, and 59th chapters of the Abhidhānottara or Abhidhānottarottara-nāma-mahātantrarāja (abbreviated to Abhidhānottara, "the [Tantra] Posterior to the... more
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      Buddhist StudiesYoga MeditationTantric StudiesTibetan Buddhism
Collection of  Sir John Woodroffe ( Arthur Avalon)
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      HinduismTantraHindu PhilosophyHindu Mythology
A translation and study of the 100 Syllable Mantra, with a focus on how errors in transmission garbled the mantra.
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      Buddhist TantraBuddhist MantraMantra
Cara menggunakan ilmu pelet wanita jarak jauh lewat HP. Ada banyak cara untuk mendapatkan hati seseorang salah satunya dengan menggunakan ilmu pelet. Ilmu pelet sangat terkenal adalah bulu perindu dan mani gajah
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      Cultural HeritageMagicCultureMantra
Mantra Ilmu pelet yang paling di cari karena sangat ampuh. Koleksi untuk pemikat wanita dan mencari jodoh. Tanpa puasa pantangan yang mudah ampuh manjur. Manta pelet adalah cara seseorang untuk mendapatkan orang yang dicintainya. Dengan... more
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    • Mantra
Phag mo gru pa received instructions from sGam po pa according to which the instructions on Mahamudra are either conferred directly on the disciple or after the disciple had cultivated the sign of warmth through such practices as the yoga... more
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      MahamudraMantrabKa' brgyud pa