Emperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
Recent papers in Emperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
Keď sa povie rytiersky rád, väčšine z nás sa v mysliach ako prvé vybavia krížové výpravy a rád templárov, maltézskych rytierov (johanitov) či nemeckých rytierov. Tieto a mnohé iné kresťanské rytierske rády vznikali ako ohlas križiackych... more
Ein Manuskript über Kriegstechnik aus der Frührenaissanceund sein Verfasser. Mariano di Jacopo detto il Taccola: De rebus militaribus (Über Kriegsgeräte). Die Erforschung der ungarischen Beziehungen des florentinischen Kriegsingenieurs... more
Zrinskih u slavonsku sredinu kroz pet generacija (od sredine 14. do kraja 15. st.), i to kroz tri temeljna pitanja: izgradnju posjeda, klijentelske odnose i ženidbene strategije. Proces formiranja novog identiteta knezova Zrinskih nije... more
De Nicopolis à la mort de Charles le Téméraire, une succession d’événements contribua au remaniement de l’Europe politique du XVe siècle. C’est à travers les peintures de Gentile, Gozzoli, Marmion, et Van Eyck, rattachées a la... more
This is a critical edition of the second and last draft of Giovanni Bertoldi's Latin commentary on Dante's "Commedia", extending until "Inferno", XIII. The introduction provides an in-depth analysis of the manuscript tradition of the... more
Die vorliegende Arbeit zeichnet mittels Auswertung der urkundlichen Überlieferung die Beziehungen Sigismunds von Luxemburg zu den Sechsstädten der Oberlausitz nach. Die Autorin unternimmt dabei eine bisher für Sigismunds Regierung noch... more
Une histoire de trois empereurs. Aspects des relations Sigismond de Luxembourg avec Manuel II et Jean VIII Paléologue, in: Sigismund of Luxemburg and the Orthodox World, éd. Ekaterini Mitsiou, M. Popović, J. Preiser-Kapeller et al.,... more
Jelen dolgozatban az új vallási mozgalmakon belül a neopogány mozgalmak közé sorolt, magyarországi Kelta-Wicca Hagyományőrző Egyházzal foglalkozom. Kutatásom elején azt a kérdést tettem fel, hogy hogyan él ma egy wicca a keresztény... more
Bosnia and its Neighbors in the Middle Ages: Approaches and perspectives, ed. Elmedina Duranović, Enes Dedić, Nedim Rabić, University of Sarajevo - Institute of History, Sarajevo, 2019, 193 - 216; Political opportunities within the... more
Настоящият текст обръща поглед към историографията на Никополския поход (1396) на унгарския крал Сигизмунд (1387-1437) и най-вече за мястото на сражението в първата история на дунавския град, писана от Александър Бохачек през 1937 г.
https://www.routledge.com/The-Crusade-in-the-Fifteenth-Century-Converging-and-competing-cultures/Housley/p/book/9781472464712 By highlighting Ottoman attacks on Croatia, Hungary and North Italy during the 15th century, this paper will... more
Medieval royal meetings were complex manifestations of various elements of medieval history. Besides political history, the study of these events touches on the history of rituals and ceremonies and is also relevant to fields like the... more
The paper sheds light to life of Anna of Cilli (* 1380–1388; † 1416), second wife of Władisław Jagiełło and Queen of Poland, as outlined by the preserved sources. In the first part, it points to her firm embeddedness in the Celje family... more
Grofovi Celjski i Nijemci, službenici njihovih utvrda u Zagrebačkoj i Križevačkoj županiji u kasnom srednjem vijeku (1385.-1456.) U radu se govori o pripadnicima njemačke etničke skupine koji su djelovali kao službenici grofova Celjskih... more
Ko ráb bi ku ta tá sa im so rán Zsig mond nyu ga ti kül po li ti ká já nak ang li ai vonat ko zá sa it vizs gál tam. A Lu xem burg-és a Lancaster-dinasztia kap cso la ta it két cso mó pont köré ren dez ve te kin tet tem át. A leg na gyobb... more
Jan Chudoba z Vartemberka [Wartenberg] was bohemian aristocrat and one of the important politics at the border of 14th and 15th Century. Wartenbergs was one of the leading noble families in medieval Bohemian Kingdom and they hold rich... more
The first great figure of panel painting in medieval Hungary was the painter Thomas de Coloswar, whose only surviving work is the Calvary-altarpiece from Garamszentbenedek (Hronský Benadik, Slovakia), preserved today at the Christian... more
The second part of the treatise follows Anna’s rule from the birth of her only child to her untimely death; it draws attention to the meeting of the two queens from Celje, Anna and Barbara, in 1412, and discusses Anna’s role in the public... more
The aim of the program is to take stock of Hungarian documents of studia humanitatis with 1526 as a milestone. The census intends to register predominantly the use of (school)books in Hungary in teaching grammar, rhetoric, poetry,... more
In the Hungarian historiography Sigismund of Luxemburg is regarded as the ruler constantly struggling with recurrent financial difficulties. Pledging royal possession was probably his most favored method of alleviating this financial... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de... more
Since the antiquity the preservation of the saint’s earthly remains and their brandeums was a key element in their developing cults, likewise in the case of Ladislaus I of Hungary (also Saint Ladislaus), whose body was raised after 1192,... more
One of the key moments of Sigismund of Luxemburg’s ascension to the Hungarian throne was the Moravian margraves’ military intervention in Hungary in 1385. Thanks to it, Sigismund became ruler of the country, but in return he had to cede... more
The orations that Filippo Diversi delivered in honour of the Hungarian kings Sigismund of Luxemburg and Albert of Hapsburg shed more light on the style, tastes, literature, and customs of his day than on the lives and accomplishments of... more
General accounts of the political history of later medieval Europe have tended to stress the development of discrete, more-or-less coherent units. A typical approach in such accounts is to list the most prominent European kingdoms and... more
Grofovi Celjski, njihovi službenici njemačkog porijekla i Zagorsko kneštvo (comitatus Zagoriensis) krajem srednjeg vijeka (1397.-1456.) U radu se govori o pripadnicima njemačke etničke skupine koji su djelovali u Zagorskom kneštvu u... more
n the past decades, or even during the last hundred years, many books and articles have been published on the Crusade in 1396 and on the Battle of Nicopolis. The interest is not surprising, because this was one of the iconic late medieval... more
“I am Emperor. I am above grammar.” – Holy Roman Emperor, Sigismund (b. 1368, d. 1437 CE) [This research paper gives the ancestry of Emperor Sigismund going back to ancient times] Why would a Holy Roman Emperor’s statement be of such... more
This article focuses on some letters written by Sigismund from Luxembourg that are preserved in the archives of the Public Libraries of Udine and Cividale and publishes their full text for the first time. The letters date back to the... more
A short contribution to a recently published volume on the encounter between king Sigismund and Benedict XIII (Pedro de Luna) at Perpignan in 1415. In my text I analyse, how Sigismund's journey from Constance to Perpignan was perceived in... more
It is practically impossible to understand the local state of affairs in the medieval Slavonia in the first decade of the 15th century without examining the repercussions of the crisis that began in 1402 and culminated the following year... more
The paper examines the image of Hussite era as presented in the first edition of Daniel Adam of Veleslavín’s Historical Calendar (1578). It identifies sources used by Veleslavín for description of XVth century history in Czech lands,... more