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      Italian StudiesPostcolonial StudiesRenaissance StudiesColonialism
Diretta da Guido Baldassarri e Marco Praloran. A cura di Gabriele Bucchi e Franco Tomasi. Questo primo volume della Lettura dell'«Orlando furioso», contenente i canti I-XXII più quattro interventi generali, è il risultato di un progetto... more
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      Medieval LiteratureItalian StudiesMedieval StudiesChansons De Geste
The concept of the gentleman amateur was, and remains, an important aspect of upper and middle-class Victorian and Edwardian male identity. Although he remains a significant literary presence, the form and length of time the gentleman... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Lacarra, María Jesús y Juan Manuel Cacho Blecua, Lo imaginario en la conquista de América, Zaragoza, DGA: Comisión Aragonesa Quinto Centenario, 1990.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Travel History and LiteratureChivalric literatureCrónicas de Indias
Inviare i dattiloscritti e i volumi per recensione, omaggio o cambio a «Italianistica», presso Dipartimento di Studi Italianistici, Facoltà di Lingue, Via dei Mille 15, i 56126 Pisa, tel. e fax **39 050 553088 * «Italianistica» is a... more
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      Italian Renaissance literatureBoiardoLudovico AriostoChivalric literature
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      Comparative LiteratureRenaissance StudiesBibliographyRenaissance literature
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza 22 (2018), pp. 41-55.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesChivalry (Medieval Studies)
Karel (Charlemagne), Elegast, and Eggeric are the three main protagonists of the medieval Dutch epos Karel ende Elegast. Each of them is a knight, but represents different characteristics. The Monarch, the Outlaw, and the Traitor share... more
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      Medieval LiteratureChivalry (Chivalry)Epic poetryChivalry (Medieval Studies)
At the mid point of the sixteenth century, a Neapolitan gentleman, Federico Grisone, published, for the first time, a printed book about the art of training the horse “for the use of war” and on the secrets to “emend his defects”. The... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceHorse cultureChivalry (Chivalry)
Más hemos aprendido a vivir de los animales que de los hombres, más de los rústicos que de los doctos. Las artes de reinar que inventó la especulación hicieron tiranos, y antes derribaron que levantaron imperios. Diego de Saavedra... more
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      Spanish LiteratureEarly Modern EuropeChivalric literatureMonsters in Spanish Culture
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryScottish HistoryMedieval Scottish Literature
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval French Literature
En esta obra se reúne una muestra significativa de aquellas referencias sobre edificios y espacios mágicos que aparecen en los libros de caballerías castellanos. La selección del cuerpo textual se ha realizado sobre obras con tres... more
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      Spanish LiteratureArchitectureFictional WorldsMotifs
Il poema che cammina parla dello strettissimo rapporto tra lettera-tura cavalleresca e opera dei pupi: un lungo viaggio che, passando per tempi e luoghi diversi, porta Orlando, Rinaldo e gli altri protago-nisti dei poemi in ottava rima a... more
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      Popular CultureChivalric literatureSicilian History and CultureOpera Dei Pupi
dans les chansons de croisade lyriques françaises et occitanes L'engagement personnel du chrétien ou du croisé en vue de la croisade outre-mer tel qu'il est mis en scène dans les chansons lyriques de croisade appelle une série de... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureMedieval StudiesCrusades
L’impresa del Pro bono malum, stampata all’inizio della princeps dell’ Orlando furioso e presente in varia misura anche nelle edizioni successive, è oggi per lo più interpretata come allusione al problema morale dell’ingratitudine. Il... more
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      Italian Renaissance literatureLiterature and EthicsLudovico AriostoChivalric literature
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      Medieval Spanish LiteratureChivalric literatureSpanish Medieval and Golden Age LiteratureFacsimiles
A peculiar aspect of manuscript variation in the textual tradition of Chrétien’s romances concerns the description of affective states which define the emotional responses of characters to natural or social circumstances in which they are... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureRomance philologyChevalier de la CharretteChevalier au Lion
La Revista de Literatura Medieval, se publica en un volumen anual. Contiene estudios, notas y textos de interés sobre literatura de la Edad Media del occidente europeo. Su objetivo es el de acoger todas las manifestaciones del pensamiento... more
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      Book History (History)Chivalric literatureSpanish Literature of the Golden AgeLibros de caballerías
This article explores the role of hunting birds in the definition of the knight in twelfth-and thirteenth-century French chivalric literature. After some introductory remarks on the identity-shaping role of hawks in the hunting practices... more
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      Identity (Culture)Anthropology Of LiteratureAnimals in CultureOld French
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    • Chivalric literature
A paper delivered at the 2013 International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan
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      Chivalry (Chivalry)Chivalry (Medieval Studies)Chivalric literatureJohn of Salisbury
Although George R.R. Martin’s Land of Ice and Fire series, and the accompanying HBO television show Game of Thrones, are set in the fantasy land of Westeros, there can be little doubt of its correlation with the medieval world. The... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryTelevision StudiesMedieval Studies
Tradução para Português dos primeiros vinte capítulos, a partir do texto castelhano de Garcí Rodríguez de Montalvo. Os capítulos XI a XVIII e XX foram traduzidos pelos alunos do Mestrado em Estudos Portugueses de 2006/20007 (e... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Iberian LiteratureChivalric literature
Stefano Nicosia, Le lenti del cavalleresco nel secondo Novecento, «Quaderni del '900», 12, 2012, pp. 21-30 1
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      PostmodernismCultural MemoryChivalric literaturePoema Cavalleresco
Questo lavoro prosegue un percorso avviato da Erich Köhler e Cesare Segre, che hanno proposto un opportuno ripensamento delle categorie di realismo, realtà e idealizzazione nel e del romanzo medievale, offrendo spunti decisivi per... more
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      PhilologyMedieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureMedieval Studies
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesMedievalismItalian Literature
Philip’s History also contributes to current debate amongst historians and particularly the investigations into military conduct during the crusading period. For example one of the current movements in historical consensus at present is... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryByzantine StudiesHistory of Crusades
The medieval space is intrinsically fragmented and heterogeneous, and it is fictionally represented as such in the Continuations of the Conte du Graal. Those narratives make use of the continuity and the discontinuity of the fictional... more
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      Medieval StudiesSpace and PlaceMedieval Verse NovelChretien de Troyes
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      Tourism StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryRenaissance Studies
Cet article s'intéresse à un genre littéraire étrange et peu étudié, les « moniages », récits satiriques de la conversion à l'âge adulte au monachisme. Ces textes anonymes sont écrits en ancien-français à la fin du XIIe siècle et font... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ReligionMedieval French LiteratureChivalry (Medieval Studies)
Courtly love convention is a medieval European concept of ennobling love which helped the shaping of the society and in return which was shaped by the society during the Middle Ages. The concept has its roots in many traditions such as... more
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      Medieval LiteratureArthurian StudiesThe Tristan legendArthurian Romances
A thematic analysis of Beowulf suggests that the concept of monstrosity in the story is a tool to expose the indulgent flaws of humanity, and that Beowulf's heroism parallels and shines light on the gallantness of his foes. Although... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesHeroes
Introduction « Oyr, entendre et aprendre » : les raisons d'un petit livre nobiliaire « Si vous plait de fere silence / Et que j'aye un peu d'audience / Je vouldray ore racompter / […] Le bien, l'onnour qu'ay oy dire / De la maison noble... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryNobilityMedieval Nobility
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      Italian LiteratureItalian Renaissance literatureBoiardoFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del Rinascimento
in «Ti do la mia parola. Sette saggi sul tradimento», a cura di Alessandro Bendassi e Serena Pezzini, con un’introduzione di Paolo Godani, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2017
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesRenaissance StudiesWomen's Literature
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      Gender StudiesMedieval HistoryViolenceCrusades
El presente artículo se centra en la transformación y valoración de las magas y los libros de magia o grimorios en los primeros nueve libros del ciclo de Amadís. en estos textos, la mayor parte de los libros presentes en la diégesis son... more
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      Spanish LiteratureBook HistoryMagicMedieval Spanish Literature
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      Chivalric literatureLiteratura MedievalLiteratura española del Siglo de OroSpanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature
The lost and found manuscript is one of the ever present elements in most of the samples of the chivalric literature. Even when the ori- gin of this literary resource has an ancient origin, its recurrence states the fact that it is a... more
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      Fantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyChivalric literatureLiteratura Fantástica
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      Italian StudiesMediterranean StudiesItalian LiteratureIslamic Studies
This paper compares the different versions of the story of Berta and Milone and of the birth of Roland, composed in Italy between XIV and XVI century and included in two sections of the Geste francor, Berta e Milone and Orlandino, in the... more
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    • Chivalric literature
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      Italian StudiesBook HistoryHistory of the BookRenaissance Studies
A chapter in La matière arthurienne tardive en Europe, 1270-1530. Late Arthurian Tradition in Europe, ed. Christine Ferlampin-Acher, Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020, 733-741.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesArthurian Studies
a cur a dell ' istituto di studi rinascimentali di ferr ar a 34 -35 · 2008 pisa · roma fabrizio serr a editore 2010 Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Pisa n. 8/10 del 10 maggio 2010.
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      Visual StudiesPrint CultureItalian StudiesBook History
Reseña publicada a Mot so razo, 9 (2010)
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      Medieval Catalan LiteratureChivalric literatureTirant lo BlancLiteratura Catalana Medieval
La cabalgada incierta del caballero constituye la unidad episódica por excelencia de una narrativa idealista que da cuenta de una visión del mundo en crisis. Este trabajo tienen por objeto repensar la naturaleza de la aventura... more
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      Medieval LiteratureChretien de TroyesArthurian StudiesAdventure Literature
"In the early sixteenth century, the Altissimo was one of the major Italian oral poets: a laureate cantastorie singing his ‘improvised’ lyrical and narrative poems in Florence and in Venice, and publishing them in printed editions which... more
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      Print CultureImprovisationItalian StudiesHistory of Medicine
STEFANO NICOSIA Una lettura del poema comico in ottave attraverso il "Morgante" di Luigi Pulci Panel 1 L. Pulci, Morgante, a cura di D. Puccini, Milano, Garzanti 1989, 2 voll., XXVIII, 141. 2 Penso, ovviamente, al Boiardo dell'Orlando... more
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      Luigi PulciChivalric literature