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The paper is a study on the painting technique of Mantegna's The Madonna from the Accademia Carrara - one of the few surviving examples of distempers that Mantegna painted at a certain extent, in his career. Many of them were severely... more
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      ArcheometriaArcheometryPainting techniquesNon-destructive techniques of analysis of archaeological and art historicla materials
Pubblicazione realizzata nel quadro del progetto PRIN 2003100558_004 Nessuna parte di que sto libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingThermographyConservation Science
Hercules was an exemplar of moral and civic virtue when represented in Italian Renaissance art. How he embodied masculinity, however, has not been explored. A popular but complicated figure, he visualized the burdens and tensions of... more
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      Masculinity StudiesMasculinityMasculinitiesClassical Mythology
The earliest image of an Australasian parrot by a European artist predates the arrival of Vasco de Gama’s fleet at Calicut on the Malabar Coast in 1498. This article focuses on that image - a small but significant detail in Andrea... more
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      Art HistorySilk RoadSilk Road StudiesAnimals in Art
The fifteenth century Italian painter Andrea Mantegna is widely regarded as one of the most virtuosic and conceptually ambitious artists of the European tradition. Yet his place in the history of art has been a constant challenge to a... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtAndrea Mantegna
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      Social HistoryGonzagaMantegnaMantova
Copyright © 2014 Rosanna Rion. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attri-bution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is... more
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      EkphrasisManetSaint SebastianMantegna
[1. English > 2. Italiano] 1. They examine the facts buildings to build or expand by Bishop Prince Trento Johannes Hinderbach (in office 1466-1486). He is asked, castles in the Trentino countryside and princely premises in Trento - the... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismArchitectural HistoryItalian Humanism
A discussion about the relevance of Freud's concept of dream-work to the making of images by artsts.
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      Art TheoryDream workSigmund FreudAllegory
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      Renaissance HumanismCastlesCastle StudiesEpigraphy
La sera di lunedì 19 dicembre 2016, alle ore diciotto e trenta, l’agenzia ANSA ha emesso la notizia del rientro delle opere rubate al Museo di Castelvecchio a Verona, a distanza ormai di un anno e un mese dallo storico furto.
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      Giovanni BelliniPeter Paul RubensTintorettoDomenico Tintoretto
Padova fino alla metà del 400 è un centro ricco di cultura, dove si recano moltissimi artisti per imparare a dipingere con il linguaggio nuovo. In questo conteso ebbe moltissima importanza la Bottega di Francesco Squarcione, che... more
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      Andrea MantegnaMantegnaMantovaPalazzo Ducale di Mantova
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      Art HistoryArtPaintingThermography
Christian fortitude and civic heroism blend in the Renaissance figure of a muscular, idealized, nude Hercules overcoming his foes and performing mythic labours or resting in glorious victory (see plate 1). 1 By the time Cesare Ripa's... more
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      Art HistoryArtMasculinity StudiesMasculinity
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      Andrea MantegnaMantegna