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Pilgrimage art is visual culture intended to enhance or direct a pilgrim's experience at a particular sacred site. The artwork is quite varied, but it tends to fall into broad categories including reliquaries and shrines, architectural... more
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      PilgrimageLabyrinthsPropertyCult of Saints
Published as a contribution towards the National Lottery Heritage Fund Project for the restoration of the bells in Hitcham church, this richly-illustrated, 146-page, book not only gives an account of those bells and the Tudor bellframe in... more
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      Landscape HistoryArchitectural HistoryChurch HistorySocial History
En esta comunicación queremos abordar un aspecto poco tratado como es el del aprendizaje del oficio de maestro de hacer campanas y de su regulación; dada la mínima documentación conocida sobre estos artesanos en época medieval, salvo... more
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      History of TechnologyChurch Bells
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      BellsCarillonCampanologyChurch Bells
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      History of TechnologyChurch BellsArcheology
Leszek Wawrykiewicz, Magdalena Skarżyńska-Wawrykiewicz: Dwa gotyckie dzwony a kwestia datowania średniowiecznego kościoła fundacji Bażyńskich w Leszczu W przypadku gotyckiego kościoła Świętej Trójcy w Leszczu, jak przystało na kościół... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtMedieval Churches
In questo articolo è discusso un particolare aspetto del processo produttivo di quelle campane, principalmente medievali, che presentano iscrizioni e immagini formate da linee più o meno sottili e in leggero rilievo, apparentemente... more
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      Art HistoryWritingMedieval ArtMedieval Epigraphy
This comprehensive annotated bibliography lists carillon scores by African American composers and/or based on African American music. While most of the items are published, a few are unpublished but in informal circulation, or are pending... more
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      BibliographyAfrican-American MusicAnnotated BibliographiesBells
In Val Lavizzara, tratto superiore della Vallemaggia, sono conservate due campane medievali. In ambedue i casi, le campane sono poste su un campaniletto secondario della chiesa parrocchiale, un aspetto che ne ha certamente favorito la... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryAlpine history
The ringing of bells and bell-clocks marked the rhythm of the lives of neighbors and parishioners in towns and villages for centuries. In this article we offer data -mostly unpublished- about the construction of bell towers, the... more
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      BellsClocksChurch Bells
Visió global i històrica, inventari i estudi de les campanes i els campanars d'aquesta regió pirinenca, amb les seves particularitats etnològiques, tècniques i acústiques.
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      BellsPatrimonio CulturalPyrénéesPatrimonio cultural inmaterial
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      BellsCampanologyChurch BellsTicino
En 2014 dos campanas de la iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción en Escobedo, Nuevo León, al norte de México, fueron robadas y cortadas para ser vendidas por su metal. Después de la denuncia formal hecha por el sacerdote de la... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationChurch BellsConservation and Restoration of Ancient Metals
The Bell as an Element of Cultural Heritage and Tradition Old bells are not only monuments of artistic craft and source of historical information. One should remember that the basic intended use of the bell is to utter a suitable sound... more
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      Cultural HeritageMedieval ArtHistory of musical instruments makersGothic Art
‘Campanae supra Urbem. Sull’uso delle campane nella Roma medievale’. Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia XLVII (1993), 367 414
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      Music HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Patronage (History)Bells
Mediante investigaciones musicales se busca ampliar el contexto de oficios que se desarrollaban en la sociedad novohispana del siglo XVI, y en correspondencia, los contextos sociales dan una visión más compleja de la funcionalidad de la... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicology16th Century (History)Cabildos catedralicios
I curated and published an exhibit catalog for "Tintinnabulation!," an ongoing exhibit of highlights from the Robyna Neilson Ketchum Collection of Bells now in its eighth year.
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Il borgo di Locarno è stato la sede di alcune fonderie di campane tra il Seicento e l’Ottocento. Questo articolo vuole essere una prima sintesi di questa particolare attività produttiva.
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      BellsArte sacraCampanologyChurch Bells
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      BellsChurch BellsArt and BellsCloches
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      History of TechnologyMedieval ArchaeologyChurch BellsArcheology of Medieval Monasteries
Il trait d’union tra il mondo dei comici Stan Laurel ed Oliver Hardy e l’universo campanologico, due realtà apparentemente distanti tra loro anni luce, è costituito da un episodio avvenuto in Irlanda nel 1953, legato al loro celebre... more
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      Cinema StudiesCarillonCampanologyChurch Bells
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      Castles and FortificationsMedieval Castles and FortressesChurch BellsCommunication Towers
De eerste klokkenstoel van de Domtoren was omstreeks 1355 gereed. Het ging om een grote houten toren die bovenop het eerste vierkant stond. In 1505 is de berchvrede gesloopt voor de klokkenstoel die gemaakt werd voor de toenmalige Van... more
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      BellsGothic Cathedral constructionChurch BellsUtrecht
Esta hermosa palabrita me la encontré por primera vez cuando andaba a la caza (¿o más bien a la zaga?) de otras dos palabritas, hombres buenos, con las que hasta el presente mantengo una relación de amor y odio. En algún texto o artículo... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropology of spaceSense of PlaceAnthropology of the Senses
Lo scorso 26 ottobre, la Società storica locarnese ha organizzato una conferenza che ha visto la partecipazione, in qualità di relatore, di Romeo Dell’Era che ha trattato un tema piuttosto incosueto nonché singolare dal titolo: “Pietro... more
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      BellsCampanologyChurch BellsSvizzera Italiana
The problem of dating and establishing the creator of one of the largest Gothic bells preserved in Europe is considered. [in Polish] Artykuł porusza problem datacji i ustalenia twórcy jednego z największych gotyckich dzwonów kołysanych... more
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      BellsGothic ArtGothic SculptureEuropean History 1500-1800
Ich möchte mit Ihnen heute einen ungewöhnlichen Weg der Betrachtung eines herausragenden Werkes der Solo-Klavierliteratur beschreiten: Enescus Carillon nocturne (Nr. 7 aus Pièces Impromptues op.18). Insbesondere will ich dabei mit Ihnen... more
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      Church BellsGeorge EnescuOpera - Georges Enesco
For modern listeners, the use of sound for territorial delimitation is an ephemeral concept. During the Middle Ages, however, one of the most interesting ways of territorial demarcation was the use of church bells as tools to... more
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      Sound AnthropologyAuditory PerceptionAuditory CultureSoundscape Studies
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      EpigraphyGrand Duchy of LithuaniaChurch BellsVytautas
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      Medieval ArtBellsZaragozaChurch Bells
The results achieved in the archaeological excavation at the ancient shrine of the Vera Cruz of Frandovínez (Burgos), more specifically those related to a bell foundry of the 18th century, represents an important step forward in the... more
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      Foundry MetallurgyFundicionFoundry TechnologyChurch Bells
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      Russian HistoryOld Rus'BellsMedieval Chronicles
Martin Luther heard his bells ring. For more than 300 years the sound of the church bells from the Wittenberg castle church and the Wittenberg town church accompanied the worshipers and told about their founder. The paper is describing... more
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      BellsMedieval Warfarecannons and guns XVI centuryCannons and guns of the XVI century
Compléments documentaires à l'article de Michel Flouquet "Les cloches ont souvent fait parlé d'elles à Marquillies" paru dans la revue n°2 en avril 1998. Retour des cloches de Berlin à Marquillies via Metz, ainsi qu'un tableau du musée... more
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      HistoryWorld War IFirst World WarBells
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      Latin EpigraphyBellsGothic ArtCampanology
Book review.
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      MusicMusicologyThe Low CountriesHistory of The Netherlands
In this short article, I trace the history of the bells of the parish church of Bormla from 1685 to 1800. The story behind the commission of each and every bell cast during this period under study is discussed in detail in this article.
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      MalteseMaltese StudiesMaltese HistoryHistory of Malta
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      BellsCampanologyChurch BellsCanton Ticino
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      Sociology of ReligionBellsPhilosophy and ReligionFrench Enlightenment
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      Byzantine StudiesBellsMedieval SerbiaByzantine art
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      Church BellsDecorative and Applied Arts
El presente texto tiene por objetivo relatar las motivaciones y temas abordados en el seminario Tañendo problemas. La conservación de campanas sonoras en México, organizado por el Seminario Taller de Restauración de Metales (STRM) de... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationChurch Bells
Themes : Altarpieces ; (Religious) Banners ; Baroque ; Bells ; Confraternities ; Council of Trent ; St Michael's Mount ; Witchcraft. By Bruno Restif In : Jean-Christophe Cassard, Alain Croix, Jean-René Le Quéau et Jean-Yves Veillard... more
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      Witchcraft (Magic)Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Baroque art and architectureEarly Modern European Witchcraft
Table of contents of a book on the culture and theology of bells. The study explores the changes in the reformation in the realm of bell-ringing. A second explores the changes of bell ringing in the modern era, after the... more
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      BellsChurch BellsCloches
Glocke und Ikone. Tarkovskijs Film "Andrej Rublev" in: Norbert Franz (Hg.): Andrej Tarkovskij: Klassiker – Классик – Classic – Classico : Beiträge zum internationalen Tarkovskij-Symposium an der Universität Potsdam ; Bd. 1, 2016 [Bell and... more
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      IconographyReligion and PoliticsIconoclasmItalian Renaissance Art
Analyse de la dédicace, à l'occasion de la dépose de la cloche pour sa restauration
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      Feudalism and LordshipGothicXVI centuryDedications
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor hosted Resonance and Remembrance: An Interdisciplinary Campanology Symposium from March 31 to April 2, 2017. This three-day conference brought together scholars and applied practitioners spanning the... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesAlgorithmic CompositionSound SynthesisSoundscape Studies
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      BellsLombardiaCampanologyChurch Bells
Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la caracterización material de los fragmentos de dos campanas que fueron robadas. La metodología de análisis incluye la observación metalográfica y MEB-EDS de muestras obtenidas durante el... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationChurch BellsMetals conservationConservation and Restoration of Ancient Metals