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This article attempts to understand the fundamental principles of bell theology in Chinese religions: ideally cast by spiritual beings, bells emit sounds that are supposed to carry the message of the sacred texts far and wide, and are... more
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      History of ReligionChinese ReligionsChinese history (History)Sensory Studies
Cast in Peking around 1420 and covered with rich religious inscriptions in Chinese and lantsa, the great Buddhist bell of the Yongle reign was first placed in the Wanshou temple from 1607 to 1743 and then in the Juesheng temple, where one... more
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionChinese ReligionsSoundscape Studies
This article explores the literary genre of Buddhist bell inscriptions in Song Dynasty China and discusses them in the broader context of Song ‘bell culture.’ These inscriptions were written to commemorate the casting of a temple bell –... more
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      Chinese BuddhismSong DynastyCampanologyChinese literature and history
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Archaeology
Příspěvek se zabývá otázkou původu a datace zvonu Vilém, který se dnes nachází v kostele Nanebevzetí Panny Marie v Havlíčkově Brodě, kam se dostal sekundárně v době pohusitské. Autor shrnuje průběh dosavadního bádání o daném artefaktu,... more
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      Czech HistoryLocal and regional historyMiddle AgesHussite revolution (Bohemia)
Publié par le comité de la Guilde des carillonneurs et campanologues suisses et dis¬ tribué gratuitement aux membres. Des exemplaires isolés peuvent être commandés auprès de la rédaction.
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      BellsArte sacraCampanologyLugano
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      Orthodox TheologyChurch HistoryOrthodox ChristianityHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Estudio en torno a la historia de las campanas de Santiago de Chile entre fines del período colonial y fines del siglo XIX. Se abordan aspectos organológicos y sociales de las campanas locales junto a la presentación de un repertorio de... more
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      LiturgyCampanologySound LandscapePaisaje Sonoro
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      BellsCarillonCampanologyChurch Bells
About mettalurgy of bells : history of transfer of knowledge, choice of metal, melting, recycling of metal, study of effective compound, chemical analysis on surface, other type of lalloys used for bells
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    • Campanology
I manage staff to compile, design, and publish an annual 300-copy run of this illustrated 64-page public outreach book for the nonprofit Guild of Carillonnuers in North America.
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L'iscrizione "Mentem sanctam spontaneam honorem Deo et patriae liberationem", ossia il noto "epitaffio di Sant'Agata" è riportato in moltissime campane italiane ed europee fino al XVIII secolo. Il contributo, a cura di Enzo Pio... more
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Leszek Wawrykiewicz, Magdalena Skarżyńska-Wawrykiewicz: Dwa gotyckie dzwony a kwestia datowania średniowiecznego kościoła fundacji Bażyńskich w Leszczu W przypadku gotyckiego kościoła Świętej Trójcy w Leszczu, jak przystało na kościół... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtMedieval Churches
In questo articolo è discusso un particolare aspetto del processo produttivo di quelle campane, principalmente medievali, che presentano iscrizioni e immagini formate da linee più o meno sottili e in leggero rilievo, apparentemente... more
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      Art HistoryWritingMedieval ArtMedieval Epigraphy
This comprehensive annotated bibliography lists carillon scores by African American composers and/or based on African American music. While most of the items are published, a few are unpublished but in informal circulation, or are pending... more
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      BibliographyAfrican-American MusicAnnotated BibliographiesBells
In Val Lavizzara, tratto superiore della Vallemaggia, sono conservate due campane medievali. In ambedue i casi, le campane sono poste su un campaniletto secondario della chiesa parrocchiale, un aspetto che ne ha certamente favorito la... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryAlpine history
A fulgure et tempestate, libera nos Domine 1 : questa l'icastica frase che è incisa sul bronzo della campana 2 della cinquecentesca chiesa di S. Nicola, retta, fino alla prima metà dell'Ottocento, dai frati minori francescani insieme... more
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      FolkloreLiturgyCultural AnthropologyTradizioni Popolari
This open-access international bibliography lists published and unpublished original carillon works by over a hundred women, transgender, and nonbinary composers. The composers’ birth years range from 1858 to the twenty-first century, the... more
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      Women Composers And MusiciansBellsCarillonCampanology
This article introduces to bell ringing and how is constructed bells' language, its communicative importance in society and its meaning. It is part of a conference done in University of Valencia in autumn 2008 about non-verbal... more
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      Intangible Culture (Anthropology)Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)CampanologyBell Ringing
Lo studio ha inteso verificare le caratteristiche della ciarangella, nome dialettale della ruota di campanelli ad uso liturgico di Montorio, e se può gloriarsi di essere uno strumento “unico al mondo”, stando a quanto sostenuto da storici... more
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      LiturgyEtimologyMedieval LiturgyTradizioni Popolari
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[ITA] Un articolo di campanologia che tratta la formazione dei c.d. "concerti" di campane in Liguria attraverso ricerca sul campo e d'archivio. [ENG] A campanology article about the intonation of bells in Liguria and the development of... more
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The main purpose of our thesis is documentation of well-preserved bells in selected sacral objects of district Košice-okolie in form of epigraphical-campanological sounder and therefore contribute to of history bell-casting in the... more
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      Church monumentsBellsEpigraphySlovakia, Kosice
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      BellsCampanologyChurch BellsTicino
Indizi e ipotesi sulla facies trecentesca della Torre del Bo e sulla domus incastellata dei Papafava in età carrarese.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArtVenice and the Veneto
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I curated and published an exhibit catalog for "Tintinnabulation!," an ongoing exhibit of highlights from the Robyna Neilson Ketchum Collection of Bells now in its eighth year.
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Il borgo di Locarno è stato la sede di alcune fonderie di campane tra il Seicento e l’Ottocento. Questo articolo vuole essere una prima sintesi di questa particolare attività produttiva.
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      BellsArte sacraCampanologyChurch Bells
Keywords: Bell, tintinnabulum, aes, signum, campana, nola, clocca, Celtic hand bell, crater, marcus valerius martial, st. Gregory of tours, Walahfrid strabo, Guillaume durand, Campania, nola, Pope sabinian, Pope stephen II, st. Paulinus,... more
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      History of ArtCampanology
In Tibet, a handful of bronze temple bells have been recorded whose epigraphy marks them out as among the earliest examples of cast temple bells from Asia and precious sources of knowledge regarding the movement of material culture across... more
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      Buddhist StudiesMaterial culture of religionTibetan BuddhismBuddhist art and architecture
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      Organ And Historical Keyboards (E.G., Harpsichord)Soundscape StudiesCarillonCampanology
Il trait d’union tra il mondo dei comici Stan Laurel ed Oliver Hardy e l’universo campanologico, due realtà apparentemente distanti tra loro anni luce, è costituito da un episodio avvenuto in Irlanda nel 1953, legato al loro celebre... more
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      Cinema StudiesCarillonCampanologyChurch Bells
Impulsan la realización de un inventario de los campanarios y toques locales de la provincia para evitar que desaparezcan
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      CampanologyCampanas De IglesiasAlbaceteCampaneros
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of TechnologyMedieval Archaeology
La política acerca de que mientras la ley lo permita esta bien, esta llegando a su fin.
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      Medical MicrobiologyCampanologyPolítica exteriorCampanas De Iglesias
Ce travail est dédié aux inscriptions, qui avaient leurs origines dans le district de Teplice avant 1800. Le catalogue commence avec une explication de la notion "épigraphie" et une définition spatiale et temporelle, aussi bien qu’avec... more
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      PaleographyLatin PaleographyLocal and regional historyMiddle Ages
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      Economic HistoryCzech HistoryWorld War IFirst World War
Lo scorso 26 ottobre, la Società storica locarnese ha organizzato una conferenza che ha visto la partecipazione, in qualità di relatore, di Romeo Dell’Era che ha trattato un tema piuttosto incosueto nonché singolare dal titolo: “Pietro... more
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      BellsCampanologyChurch BellsSvizzera Italiana
Tiffany Ng's carillon performance of "polartide" by Greg Niemeyer, Chris Chafe, and Perrin Meyer at the festival "Triple CCRMAlite: 40, 50, 80." The audience determined the tempo at which Ng played via
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      Climate ChangeBellsNetworked Music PerformanceAudience Research
Čovan, Miroslav. Sepulchral Monuments in Šariš in the Mediaeval and Early Modern Periods There is a chronological disproportionality to the collection of approximately eighty sepulchral monuments dating from the mediaeval and early... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)
La Torre degli Anziani, incombente sulla frenetica quotidianità della Padova del terzo millennio, si rivela in queste pagine con la sua lunga e travagliata storia di campane e di restauri, segnata da incendi, feste ed esecuzioni capitali,... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesVenetian HistoryRenaissance Padua
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      Economic HistoryCzech HistoryWorld War IFirst World War
Die Glocken aus dem 14. Jahrhundert gehören zu den ältesten Artefakten, die kein Import sind und spiegeln Aufstieg von Handwerke, der zu den charakteristichen Merkmalen der mittelaterlichen Stadt gehört, ab. Die Glocke aus dem Jahr 1375... more
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      PaleographyLatin PaleographyCzech & Slovak StudiesHistory of Hungary
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In this article we will look at newfound evidence and demonstrate that the 200-lb 20-inch Russian bell cast in Saint Petersburg, Russia at the foundry of Master Merchant Mikhail Makarov(ich) Stukolkin was never a part of Russian Fort... more
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    • Campanology
Le campane da regola nella Torre degli Anziani Breve storia delle civiche campane della città di Padova, usi e funzioni tra fortuna e sfortuna, dai bòtti della notte all'assordante silenzio dell'oggi.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyVenetian HistoryMedieval Art
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      Latin EpigraphyBellsGothic ArtCampanology
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    • Campanology
SEBASTIAN, Luís - A fundição sineira em Portugal, da História à investigação. In Actas do 3º Simpósio sobre Mineração e Metalurgia Históricas no Sudoeste Europeu. Porto: Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero.... more
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