Carlo Crivelli
Recent papers in Carlo Crivelli
Carlo Crivelli’s multi-paneled altarpieces for the Dominicans of Ascoli Piceno are analyzed in their ability to operate as in-between spheres that connect human and divine. The liminal zone of the altarpiece is explored through Crivelli’s... more
Une interprétation du concombre dans la peinture de Carlo Crivelli à l'aide de la différence établie par Roland Barthes entre style et écriture, de la théorie sémiotique de l'index par Charles Peirce, et de la théorie du trompe-l'oeil par... more
This article explores how and why the fifteenth-century Venetian painter, Carlo Crivelli (1430/5-c. 1494), signed his pictures. Until recently, Crivelli’s work has received comparatively little critical attention; this is ironic given... more
From the beginning of the nineteenth century, early Italian pictures were hung in English private homes and, later, in public galleries and exhibitions. The birth and growth of the interest in the Italian «Primitives» in the English world... more
Building on Leo Steinberg's work showing the importance of Incarnation theology to Renaissance art, this paper argues that Crivelli's cucumber invention in the Marche of Italy was a response to patron requirements to emphasize Christ's... more
The article presents the lecture notes from the first of three university courses on Venetian painting taught by Roberto Longhi at the University of Bologna (1945-1946). Preserved in typescript form in the library of the Department of... more
Estratto da articolo pubblicato in Marca/Marche 13.
This lecture explores how veils figure both in the content and in the staging of art between the early fourteenth century and the mid-sixteenth century. Special reference is made to paintings in the National Gallery of Scotland by... more
Lo scopo di questo saggio è analizzare, attraverso immagini e testi, come si siano modificate tra XV e XVIII secolo la rappresentazione e la percezione dell’alterità religiosa, in un processo che porta a sostituire progressivamente il... more
Marie-Madeleine enceinte de Jésus ? (5e et dernier volet)
Alcune considerazioni sulla prima attività di Carlo Crivelli nelle Marche. Il dossier Crivelli della Fondazione Federico Zeri Partendo dal ricco materiale archivistico e fotografico raccolto da Federico Zeri, la ricerca si pone... more
Cette première monographie en français consacrée au peintre vénitien qui fut sans doute l'un des élèves les plus déconcertants et excentriques du maître padouan Squarcione est une réélaboration attendue de la thèse de Thomas Golsenne sur... more
E): When Carlo Crivelli placed the scene of The Annunciation (1486, National Gallery, London) in the Renaissance town of Ascoli, dressed the humbled Mary in the latest fashion, and included the intervening Saint Emidius, the patron saint... more
A new document found in the Corsini Archive in San Casciano Val di Pesa, provides information regarding an exchange of paintings that took place in 1817 between the Marquis Pier Francesco Rinuccini of Florence and Count Giacomo Grimaldi... more
Shrouds and veils are just a part, but a significant part, of Lotto's use of draperies and textiles of all kinds to stage events and put sacred figures on show. This paper highlights the narrative purpose and symbolic force of shrouds... more
Carlo Crivelli's Annunciation is here examined in iconological and formal, historical and theoretical terms, allowing for the possibility of a renewed approach of the ornament. The author focuses on its formal workings, revealing an... more
Séminaire 2018 : 3e séance. Nous examinons d'abord l'emploi des temps narratifs en français, avec de nombreux exemples. Ensuite, nous montrons que le personnage qui raconte l'histoire, tantôt veut s'en distancer, tantôt veut en être ;... more
The article seeks to draw attention to the saintly bodies depicted by Crivelli in the polyptych for Montefiore dell’Aso, considering them from different points of view. As written in the introduction, the figures painted by Carlo Crivelli... more
Das Thema der Tägung heißr Zeremoniell und Raum in der Jiühen ita/ienischen Ma/erei. Ich rverde diesem ltel insofern nicht ganz gerecht, als ich die Raumproblematik im Zeremoniell und im Bild etwas vernachlässige. Ich hofTe, hierfur... more
Si tratta della prima esposizione mai dedicata a Vittore Crivelli (1430-1502), protagonista insieme al celebre fratello Carlo della pittura delle Marche centrali negli ultimi vent'anni del Quattrocento. I due Crivelli, nati e formatisi... more
Les dernières monographies consacrées à Carlo Crivelli (Pietro Zampetti, 1986 ; Ronald Lightbown, 2004), sont typiques de deux types d'histoire de l'art diamétralement opposées: la première s'intéresse à la forme, la seconde au contenu.... more
In campo pittorico, Venezia era dominata da due botteghe: quella dei Bellini e quella dei Vivarini. ✓ Antonio Vivarini, il padre, era un grande sponente del tardogotico a Venezia: le sue opere si caratterizzano per l'utilizzo di ori e... more
Conférence donnée pendant la IIIe journée d'études de l'Association des Historiens de l'Art Italien, dirigée par Pascal Dubourg-Glatigny, Nanterre, 23 novembre 2001. Contrairement aux jugements surtout négatifs des historiens de l'art sur... more
Publication of a 1483 payment by the patron, Romano di Cola, to Carlo Crivelli for the main altarpiece of San Domenico, Camerino (now at Brera).
Identification of a group of panel and wall paintings by a minor Marchigian artist I christened the Collamato Master, active in the late 15th and early 16th century, possibly to be identified as Francesco d'Ottaviano da Fabriano.
Come era composto il Polittico di Camerino di Carlo Crivelli, oggi disperso nel mondo in molteplici frammenti, e come era effettivamnte visto da chi l'osservava nella Cattedrale? Una parte delle risposte può venire dalle indagini... more
El motiu pel qual em vaig interessar per l’obra de Carlo Crivelli està rela- cionat amb un dels meus més deplorables fracassos professionals. En una d’aquelles duríssimes oposicions al cuerpo de adjuntos que es feien a Madrid, no vaig... more