Symbolism (Art History)
Recent papers in Symbolism (Art History)
The Review article discusses four new scholarly volumes focused on various problematic issues related to Russian Modernism. The essay debates major points of methodology and research topicality with respect to Russian Symbolism and the... more
This paper is the first chapter of a detailed analysis of Ted Hughes’ poetic sequence, Birthday Letters. It explores Hughes’ serious use of Cabbala and Tarot in structuring Birthday Letters and examines each poem in the sequence from this... more
« Arts de l’ornement », dit-on souvent des arts islamiques, sans pour autant définir ce que recouvrent exactement le terme et le concept d’« ornement ». Depuis des décennies, des travaux tentent de comprendre les décors dans les arts des... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 10, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers approaches to assessing how humans began to think and adopt language, use symbols, view one's world, measure time, plan ahead,... more
Öz:1370 yılında kurulan Timurlular, 15. yüzyılda gerek siyasi gerekse sanatsal anlamda çok önemli işlere imza atmışlardır. Yıkılana kadarki süreç zarfında genel anlamda İpek Yolu'nun ortasından geçtiği bölgede özellikle Semerkant, Herat,... more
Resumen: Componente esencial de su lenguaje, signo de reconocimiento corporativo y auténtico fundamento y factor vertebrador de su estructura interna, su método iniciático y su pedagogía simbólica, el amplio y complejo aparato icónico de... more
(2021). El cuerpo híbrido de la sirena: una iconoginia de Evelyn De Morgan. En C. Duraccio (Ed.). Escritoras y fronteras geosimbólicas (pp. 457-466). Madrid: Dyckinson.
The Pre-Raphaelite painter Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898) conceived the subject of The Mirror of Venus between 1865 and 1867. He painted two versions: a small version in gouache and oil and a larger version in oil on canvas. In composing... more
Introduction of the book of the exhibition curated by Jean-David Jumeau-Lafond, in Spanish.
The influence of "Japonisme" on symbolist art is generally studied only from the formal point of view The influence of Japonisme on symbolist art is generally studied only from the formal point of view : format, graphics, iconographic... more
On Wednesday, Dec. 21, nations in the Northern Hemisphere will mark the winter solstice – the shortest day and longest night of the year. For thousands of years people have marked this event with rituals and celebrations to signal the... more
The Authors, while making references to the literature on Symbolism in visual arts and literature, reinterpret Polish painting of the turn of the 19th century and the first two decades of the 20th century, placing it both within the... more
Claude Perrault defined stereotomy as “the art of using the weight of stone against itself so as to hold it up thanks to the very weight that pulls it down”. It is indeed a sophisticated ancient technique highly integrated with... more
Венгерова М.Э. преподаватель, главный специалист «Высшая школа средового дизайна», Московский архитектурный институт (государственная академия), г. Москва, Россия СИМВОЛИКА ГЕОМЕТРИЧЕСКИХ ФОРМ И ЗАДАЧ В ДИЗАЙНЕ АРХИТЕКТУРНОЙ СРЕДЫ И В... more
ABSTRACT: This lecture provides a broader background for the New Kingdom regarding Egyptian society --particularly in the New Kingdom. It starts with an overview of the hierarchical, "pyramidal" structure of Ancient Egyptian society... more
PORTUGUÊS: O presente texto decorre da nossa participação no Xº Colóquio Internacional da AIEMA, que teve lugar no Museu Monográfico de Conimbriga em 2005, e refere-se aos mosaicos romanos com motivos aquáticos encontrados no actual... more
It took Prokofiev seven years to compose The Fiery Angel, an opera based on a novel by Brioussov. Between January 1920 and June 1927, the composer’s mind was completely focused on this new work. Despite many failed attempts, Prokofiev... more
A Brief Insight on Post-Impressionism Culture and Its Correspondence to Freud
Copyrighted Material w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w .... more
Abstract The city of Timişoara is located to the Southwest of Romania, in the Banat region. Secession architecture of Timişoara can be followed through the history of its urban development in the late 19th century until the 1930s. Its... more
This paper has the aim to explain some of the recurrent symbolism which can be found in Leonardo da Vinci's art by the analysis of the portrait 'Lady with an Ermine' and then of the 'Virgin of the Rocks'.
Depuis longtemps introuvables, les Esquisses vénitiennes font pendant à la Vie vénitienne, régulièrement réimprimée, du quotidien d'un Français à Venise au début du XX ème siècle. Petits tableau, tantôt réalistes, tantôt fantastiques,... more
Examina a relação entre a pomba e a serpente/dragão como leitmotiv de uma cosmologia cíclica que orienta as narrativas bíblicas entre a criação do mundo e o baptismo de Cristo. Aborda a relação entre textos canónicos cristãos e as suas... more
The main purpose of this article is to make a comparative interpretation of petroglyphs and rock paintings and to try to date them considering many criteria. Anatolian geography has always been the focal point with its historical culture... more
The Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Journal of Eastern Studies / ed. E. Kotlyar. – Kharkiv: The Center for Eastern Studies of KSADA, 2010. – # 8 (Vol. 3: Jewish Art and the Ukrainian Context: Horizons of... more
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
As usual since the first edition VICENTE, Mário Caeiro’s text establishes the bridge between the authors’ different perspectives, exploring the implicit insight in this year’s theme: ‘On the silence of the Crows, Animal Vicente’. Among... more
Nell'ambito delle attività didattica del corso di laurea magistrale in Storia dell'arte gli studenti dell'insegnamento di Storia della critica d'arte contemporanea propongono alcune riflessioni sulla critica militante in Francia nella... more
Une histoire globale des avant-gardes picturales se doit d’expliquer pourquoi celles-ci apparurent en certains endroits et pas en d’autres, comment elles circulaient entre les pays et les capitales, ce qui les portait et si elles... more
Compares Da VInci and Tintoretto’s Last Supper compositions.
The first section of this essay deals with an iconographical analysis of Lavinia Fontana's (1552-1614) Prudence or Personification of Wisdom of 1590, while the second part provides an iconological interpretation, demonstrating Fontana's... more
Ecourile simboliste în sculptura româneascã, desi efemere, au reusit sã zdruncine conceptia academicã încã dominantã la începutul secolului XX si sã promoveze o esteticã a intimitãtii si a sentimentului. Spre deosebire de tãrile vecine,... more
The labyrinth set into the floor of Chartres cathedral measures almost thirteen meters across. It is the single largest decorative item in the building, larger than the rose windows and larger than the sculptured doors. In many churches... more
Première monographie consacrée au peintre symboliste suisse.
« Symbolism, Its Meaning and Effect: The Universal Algebra of Culture », Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 12, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1-28. The paper questions the meaning and significance of Whitehead's... more
Une synthèse thématique de l'art symboliste à travers quelques chefs d'oeuvres de la collection Ferdinand Neess dont la donation et l'inauguration au Musée de Wiesbaden sont accompagnées par ce livre.
The essay demonstrates that in Italy, a famous statue of Juno Ludovisi appeared to Goethe to be a direct embodiment of his theory of symbol. The role of J.J. Bodmer's poetical studies for that theory's development is especially... more
Durant la période symboliste, l'image de le femme revêt de nombreux aspects chez les peintres et poètes. L'une des facettes de cette iconographie consiste en une diabolisation qui érige la femme charnelle en déesse du matérialisme, figure... more
Ich stehe im Bann verträumter Bäume Grafiker und Priester, Priester und Grafiker Ernst Hrabal Ernst Hrabal (1886-1969), gehört zur Generation der Künstler, die einen neuen Geist in die tschechische bildende Kunst brachten. Die Kunst... more