Giovanni Bellini
Recent papers in Giovanni Bellini
This book presents a collection of fifteen essays on the Venetian painter Giovanni Bellini, one of the most innovative and influential artists of the Italian Renaissance. Long renowned for his embrace of oil technique, astute mastery of... more
London/New York: Prestel, 2018
Publisher's flyer of the book by Paul Hills, Veiled Presence: Body and Drapery from Giotto to Titian, Yale University Press, 2018.
Semiótica, Teoria da Informação, Teologia e aspectos de reação corporais aplicados na leitura da Madona Willys (1480-1490), de Giovanni Bellini, vista no Museu de Arte de São Paulo - MASP.
The altarpiece of Saints Catherine of Siena and Thomas Aquinas, formerly placed above the first altar on the right in the church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice, but destroyed by fire in 1867, is perhaps one of Giovanni Bellini’s most... more
Vittore Belliniano was an important member of Giovanni Bellini's studio in Renaissance Venice. It is likely that a double portrait of two men in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, attributed to Belliniano, contains an unrecognized portrait... more
Nato intorno al 1430 e formatosi a bottega presso il padre Jacopo. Andò oltre il descrittivismo gotico osservando Mantegna, Piero della Francesca, Antonello da Messina e i fiamminghi. Assimila tutti questi elementi, li unisce eli... more
Titian is acknowledged as the greatest of the sixteenth-century Venetian painters, best known for his portraits,mythological pictures and religious subjects. Yet his first great achievement as a painter, schooled in the workshop of... more
Per avventurarsi in alcuni dei più seducenti ‘misteri’ della civiltà e della storia umane basta recarsi nelle maggiori pinacoteche di mezza Europa dove si custodiscono i più celebri ed enigmatici capolavori dell’arte pittorica italiana.... more
Questo studio parte dal ritrovamento di una nota autografa di Giulio Cantalamessa sul retro della fotografia di un Cristo benedicente di Giovanni Bellini, dalla quale si evince che il dipinto fu venduto a metà Ottocento dall’allora... more
Contributi d'archivio per la decorazione pittorica della Scuola di San Giovanni Evangelista', Arte Veneta 32 (1978), pp.293-94. 4 'Le prime cose che diedero fama a Iacopo furono [. . .], et una storia della Croce, la quale si dice essere... more
Prefazione di Marco Tanzi
For nearly a decade Carl W. Hamilton was in possession of one of the most important private collections of Italian Renaissance painting in America. A self-made millionaire from humble beginnings, the young Hamilton captivated the art... more
Santa Maria Gloriosa de’ Frari is one of the best-loved and most celebrated churches in Venice, renowned for its imposing Gothic architecture and its rich display of works of art, but it is in no sense a museum. Founded as the principal... more
Giovanni Bellini (1435 ca.-1516) è unanimemente riconosciuto come il maggiore protagonista dell'arte veneziana fra Quattro e Cinquecento. La lezione si concentrerà monograficamente sulla produzione del maestro, da un lato, spiegando,... more
Con questo volume, il Centro Internazionale d’Arte e di Cultura di Palazzo Te prosegue un progetto editoriale iniziato con Indagando Mantegna del 2007, e che, come aveva a suo tempo chiaramente indicato il presidente Enrico Voceri, “si... more
Pier Dandini e Carlo Maria Maggi: una inedita commissione artistica del 1687 (Roberta Piccinelli) SERVIZIS EEDI TORIALI PARAGONE Rivista mensile di arte figurativa e letteratura fondata da Roberto Longhi ARTE Anno LXIV -Terza serie... more
A number of longstanding questions have surrounded the early life of the fifteenth-century Venetian artist Giovanni Bellini (d. 1516), generally believed to have been the son of Jacopo Bellini (ca. 1400–70/71) and the younger brother of... more
Here the text is based on the famous Fatih Sultan Mehmed portrait by Gentile Bellini. But also it includes other works of Gentile Bellini and his families. If you want to deliver whole work, please contact me via email:... more
The article presents the lecture notes from the first of three university courses on Venetian painting taught by Roberto Longhi at the University of Bologna (1945-1946). Preserved in typescript form in the library of the Department of... more
The Madonna and Child known as ‘The Dudley Madonna’ was painted around 1508 by Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430–1516), one of the most celebrated of Italian artists. This book charts the painting’s recent provenance and reception and... more
PLATES with section introductions and catalogue entries by Simone Facchinetti 34 PORTRAITS 70 LANDSCAPE 96 DEVOTIONAL WORKS 126
La complessità delle operazioni di restauro così come l'importanza dell'opera, hanno richiesto per la tavola del Battesimo di Cristo un'ampia campagna di indagini diagnostiche, comprendenti in buona parte analisi di tipo non invasivo... more
Main biographical essay in the catalog for the first monographic exhibition of Bellini’s work in the United States, at the Getty Museum from 10 October 2017 - 14 January 2018.
In 1985 Colin Eisler brought together a series of panels painted in the Bellini workshop, known to have once been a sin- gle ensemble, which he suggested formed part of the celebrated altarpiece produced in 1459-1460 by Jacopo, Gentile... more
Lazzaro Bastiani distinguishes himself as one of the most interesting yet less considered fifteenth-century Venetian painters. Noted in San Lio since 1456, where he seems to have settled with his workshop, Lazzaro enjoyed widespread... more
Per una nuova lettura dell'Apparitio di Domenico Tintoretto: il Miraculum de anulo beati Marci pag. 161 ESTER BRUNET "Ubi charitas, ibi Deus". Per una lettura teologica della decorazione della Scuola Grande di San Marco pag. 165 ROSELLA... more
The book is an investigation of the Venetian Renaissance organ, a compendium of the visual arts (architecture, sculpture, painting) at the service of music and worship. The historical period that I took into consideration (the two... more
In 1474–1475, the humanist Felice Feliciano of Verona wrote a letter to Giovanni Bellini in which he praised the artist’s ‘resplendent brushes’ (micanti pennelli). This overlooked passage from the early critical literature on Bellini,... more
The subject of Giovanni Bellini’s St. Francis, currently housed at the Frick Collection in New York, has perplexed viewers for more than five centuries.Scholars have suggested several possible texts, but none of these has been proven... more
XIX edizione di Programma di restauri di opere d'arte appartenenti al patrimonio nazionale curato e promosso da nell'ambito di Progetto Cultura Intesa Sanpaolo