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      Art HistoryItalian Baroque art17th Century Italian Art17th-century European Art
Restituire una visibilità storiografica e critica alle donne che hanno “fatto arte” in Trentino tra la fine dell’Ottocento e la fine del Novecento: questo è lo scopo fondamentale di questo libro, frutto di una ricerca intrapresa... more
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      Art HistoryItalian Contemporary Art20th century Italian artFemale Artists
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      Art HistoryJesuit historyChina studiesJesuits in China
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      Italian artLate Gothic PaintingFirenzeLucca
Par Stéphane Loire, conservateur en chef au département des Peintures du musée du Louvre. Relié. 23,6 x 29,3 cm. 584 pages. 570 illustrations dont 160 en couleurs. ISBN 2-07-011828-2. Prix : 69,90 € Après un premier tome consacré à... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of CollectionsItalian Baroque art
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of CollectionsItalian Baroque art
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryHistory of ArtItalian Baroque art
Sick, Old, Blind. On the Representation of the Beggar in Italian Painting between the Fourteenth- and Eighteenth-Century. Sickness and physical disability by no means affect only the poor, but here they often coincide: Inability to work... more
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      Art HistoryGender HistoryBlindnessItalian Painting
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      Art HistoryHistory of Collections16th Century Italian Art17th Century Italian Art
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      Italian Renaissance ArtItalian PaintingDefendente Ferrari
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      Contemporary ArtPaintingItalian art20th century Italian art
Livret accompagnant l'exposition-dossier sur la restauration d'une copie d'après Bartolomeo Manfredi qui s'est avéré être une oeuvre originale de l'artiste.
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      ConservationPaintingItalyXVII century
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      Art HistoryItalian Baroque art17th Century Italian ArtLandscape painting
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      Art HistoryItalian Baroque art17th Century Italian ArtLandscape paintings
Edited by Luisa Capodieci and Maria Grazia Messina Introduction by Joseph Connors La Villa Guicciardini Corsi Salviati a Sesto Fiorentino costituisce un complesso di architettura, decorazione di interni, giardino con arredo scultoreo, di... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArt TheoryLandscape Architecture
Miziolek Jerzy Year: 2018 Edizione: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER ISBN: 978-88-913-1278-5 Binding: Hardcover with dustjacket Pages: 440, 298 ill. B/N, 1 ill. Col. Size: 24 x 28 cm Jerzy Miziolek, Renaissance Weddings and the Antique. Italian... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryArt TheoryItalian Studies
The iconography of Bronzino’s sexually explicit Portrait of Cosimo I de’ Medici as Orpheus has long challenged scholars, especially since scientific analysis revealed a fully-conceived underpainting below the portrait’s surface, depicting... more
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      Intellectual HistoryIconographyPortraitsSelf and Identity
Relazione approfondita su una delle opere più enigmatiche di Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo: "Panni al sole".
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      PointillismItalian PaintingDivisionismoDivisionismo Italiano
Si on connaît assez bien les sentiments des Français du xviii e siècle sur la production des peintres italiens de leur temps grâce aux écrits artistiques, aux guides de voyages et aux collections de tableaux, on ne s'est pas interrogé sur... more
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      CopiesEngravingCopies, Replicas, ReproductionsEngraving and Printing
in Italian Paintings of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (National Gallery of Art, Washington; distributed by New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), 248-253.
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      Italian PaintingBernardo Strozzi
Giallo di cadmio, bianco di zinco e/o litopone?, terre, bianco di piombo Giallo chiaro Zn, Cd, S, Pb, Ca, Ti, Cl, Si, (Fe) Giallo di cadmio, bianco di zinco, bianco di piombo Bruno scuro (alterazione?
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      Painting techniques19th-Century ArtItalian PaintingAntonio Mancini
This essay elaborates on Roberto Longhi’s reading of Giorgio Vasari’s Lives, spanning a period of about fourty years, from Longhi’s debut on ‘La Voce’ (1911) to his decisive Proposte per una critica d’arte (1950). Firstly, it discusses... more
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      History of Perspective in PaintingPaintingHistory of ArtArt Criticism
Postfazione al celebre libro di Luciano Bellosi, tesa a ricostruire l'orizzonte culturale e di metodo dell'autore al momento della genesi e della strutturazione dell'opera (fine anni sessanta-inizio anni settanta del Novecento), nonché la... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtMedieval Art HistoryBuonamico Buffalmacco
L'autrice presenta aggiornamenti sulla figura di Piermatteo D'Amelia, pittore umbro poco noto, e sulla Pala dei Francescani, da lui eseguita per la chiesa di S. Francesco a Terni, dedicata al Poverello di Assisi che ebbe modo di visitare... more
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      Painting15th Century Italian ArtUmbriaSTORIA DELL'ARTE
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      Media StudiesRenaissance StudiesPaintingVitruvius
EUROPEAN LINEAR PERSPECTIVE’S PERCEPTION IN CHINA AND PAINTING OF GIUSEPPE CASTIGLIONE (LANG SHINING; 1688–1766) Dinara V. Dubrovskaya The article deals with different types of perspective in traditional and Qing China in connection with... more
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      Chinese history (History)Chinese art historyGiuseppe CastiglioneItalian Painting
Na vasta coleção de Ema Klabin, destacam-se três importantes pinturas em óleo sobre tela, tendo como ponto em comum a representação do feminino. Assim, a partir desses três retratos, o artigo visa analisá-los e cotejá-los a três... more
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      Art HistoryWomen's HistoryHistory of ArtPatronage (History)
Capítulo do livro 'Igreja do Loreto – 500 anos (1518-2018)', coordenado por Nunziatella Alessandrini. Ed. da Confraternidade Italiana de Nossa Senhora do Loreto. Trata-se do revestimento pictórico desta igreja, vitimada por catástrofes... more
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      PaintingItalian PaintingHistoria Da Arte Em Portugal
The majority of the paintings surviving from the thirteenth century, on wood, on walls and as illuminations for manuscripts, were commissioned for churches, monasteries, other religious establishments and also for private dwellings.... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingSienaThirteenth Century
Giovanni Odazzi (1663 – 6 June 1731) painting to Portugal.
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      IconographyPortuguese ArtItalian Baroque artChristian Iconography
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      Art HistorySienaTrecento and Quattrocento Italian ArtMassa Marittima
Nicola fa la sua comparsa nelle carte anconetane diversi anni prima della pala per Girolamo Ferretti: nel 1465 infatti egli agisce come procuratore di suo padre in un rogito col quale Antonio di Domenico cede ad altri una somma di denaro... more
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      QuattrocentoHistory of The Marches (Italy)Archives researchAltarpieces of the Italian Renaissance and the pre-Renaissance
This special issue of Humanities Research offers a selection of papers presented at the international conference ‘The World and World-Making in Art: Connectivities and Differences’ held at The Australian National... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryChinese StudiesContemporary Art
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      IconographyArt HistoryAllegoryItalian Baroque art
Sommario La Madonna del latte: un capolavoro del Maestro di Nola emanuele zappasodi La pittura a Napoli e in Campania al tempo di Ladislao e Giovanna di Durazzo virginia caramico 9 47 _ 9 _ 8 LA MADONNA DEL LATTE EMANUELE ZAPPASODI 1.... more
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      Italian artLate Gothic PaintingTardogoticoCampania
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      Italian artTardogoticoCampaniaItalian Painting
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      Medieval ReliquariesItalian Painting
A series of converging data (emerging from an analysis of documentary sources and a physical examination of the painted surfaces made possible by the most recent restoration) shows that Vasari’s emblematic reconstruction of the succession... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesItalian artHistory of Art
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      Art HistoryItalian Painting
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      Ecclesiastical PatronageTrecento and Quattrocento PaintingArt of the Mendicant OrdersItalian Painting
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      Art HistoryPiero della FrancescaSTORIA DELL'ARTEHermitage Museum
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      Italian Gothic PaintingGubbioPittura del Duecento e TrecentoItalian Painting
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      Art HistoryDrawingGiottoMedieval Painting
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance RomePrints and Drawings
Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta dei proprietari dei diritti e dell'editore
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      Italian Renaissance Art16th Century Italian ArtReligious artPittura Rinascimento
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      Art HistoryPiero della FrancescaSTORIA DELL'ARTELate Gothic Painting
The article deals with the circumstances of ordering in 1632 a painting “The Battle of Lepanto” with Tomasso Dolabella. This work has so far received numerous references in literature, but the proposed manifold interpretations have... more
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      IconographyPaintingCult of SaintsHistory of Art
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      Medieval ArtHistory of The Marches (Italy)Italian Painting
This is the full text and map book (image document separate from and attached to the end of the text) of my undergraduate Bachelor's thesis completed and defended in May 2010. I received high honors and the Alumni Award in the History of... more
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      Critical TheoryEngineeringChristianityIntellectual History
Il ritrovamento e l'attribuzione ad Orazio Gentileschi di sue opere giovanili su alabastro fornisce nuovi elementi sulla sua fase giovanile e sui suoi metodi di lavoro.
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      Italian Baroque artRoman Baroque PaintingItalian Painting