Bob Jessop
Recent papers in Bob Jessop
My contribution to the volume "New Subaltern Politics: Reconceptualizing Power and Resistance in Contemporary India"
The problem with the label “deregulation” is that it implies less regulation and that deregulation is commonly framed as something that frees markets from government intervention, suggestive of neoliberalization. In reality, state... more
Abstract This work analyzes the practices of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) governments with a special reference to Bob Jessop’s concept of two-nations hegemonic project. In this context, this work tries to explain the New... more
This book assesses the impact of post-9/11 domestic counterterrorism policy on US political life. It examines political discourse, law, institutional architecture, and state-population relations, and shows that ‘homeland security’ is a... more
David Harvey, one of the most preeminent Marxist theoreticians of the contemporary world revolutionized our thinking about the capitalist production of space while Bob Jessop, another leading Marxist theoretician, transformed Marxist... more
Die Diskussion über postkapitalistische Strategien heute kann von Nicos Poulantzas viel lernen. Ein Endpunkt ist seine Theorie des Staates im Kapitalismus jedoch nicht. Stattdessen ist sie auch durch historische Kontextualisierung in der... more
Reseña de "El Estado. Pasado, presente, futuro"
The word “propaganda” originates from biology, literally referring to the reproduction and duplication – the propagation – of plants and animals. In this time of catastrophe on earth and corporate and nationalist schemes to export that... more
Hay un consenso más o menos extendido acerca de aquel lugar antaño llamado izquierda, que si bien no ha desaparecido como sitio de referencia histórica, sí lo ha hecho en el presente como espacio de encuentro para los sectores de la... more
Vergleichende Textanalyse zum Thema: Theorien zu Staat, Regieren und Globalisierung im Vergleich: Im Vergleich werden die Texte von Ulrich Brand ("Verdichtung zweiter Ordnung") und Bop Jessop ("The state and state-building") zunächst... more
Artículo publicado en la revista Scientia Helmantica, Nº4-Vol.III, Mayo 2016. Monográfico "Políticas Contemporáneas", pp. 55-74. Resumen: El presente artículo pretende presentar las líneas fundamentales del pensamiento de Robert Kurz,... more
After two decades of very successful and effective family planning program, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran urged the government to impose family-oriented and pronatalist policies. Concurrently, a new comprehensive... more
Present thesis is a case study applying the theory of Antonio Gramsci to labour state relations in Turkey. More specifically it seeks to highlight the causes of political instability and the contradictory course of labour politics, mainly... more
Partiendo de una lectura de Poulantzas, Bob Jessop concibió la selectividad estratégica como un concepto operativo para comprender la lucha política entre clases y/o agentes sociales en el Estado; esta formulación entiende que la política... more
This article examines the relationship between the evolution of statehood and competition in the European context. To begin with, a particular take on the evolution of modern political power in the state form in Europe is developed.... more
Hemos transitado de la empresa transnacional a la empresa multinacional. Este ensayo retoma la "historia universal europea" caracterizada por el papel unilateral y desinhibido de los Estados nacionales. Y como en su ocaso, la inhibición y... more
This paper explores a dual absence -the absence of the state within contemporary geographical analyses of nature; and the absence of nature within contemporary explorations of state power. We argue that the modern state continues to play... more
Resumen La finalidad de este artículo será analizar el poder local desde los procesos de gentrificación. Para lo antes mencionado será preciso abordar algunas miradas del origen de este concepto para enfocarlo desde las resistencias... more
Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ve sol ideolojileri benimsemiş birçok siyasetçi, 1970'lerin başından beri dünyanın yönü, sınırları, kapsamı ve içeriği bakımından üzerinde... more
I'm very pleased to say that my new book, The Problem of the State, was published on the 17th of May by Routledge,, through the excellent Philosophy and Method in the Social... more
This thesis is motivated by what I see as a need for making up for the insufficient attention paid to the topic of precollege economic education within the neo-Gramscian literature dealing with the hegemonic struggle unfolding in the... more
The City of Vancouver has emerged as an examplar of urban sustainability and environmental planning, combining leadership on climate action, urban containment boundaries and commitment to walkable complete communities. However,... more
Having the emergence and strengthening of South-South Cooperation (SSC) as the main background, compared to Official Development Assistance (ODA), the general objective of this dissertation aimed to analyze the Brazilian Cooperation for... more
We discuss the work of Bob Jessop, focusing on the transition he proposes to the contemporary state form – the Schumpeterian workfare post-national regime (SWPR). After a brief presentation of the author’s account, we explore its main... more
The Fukushima Daichii nuclear disaster has radically reshaped domestic Japanese energy policy, political economy and citizen-state relations within a very short time period. This destabilised period of post-Fukushima nuclear policy is... more
This paper argues against two of the core assumptions of contemporary liberal economic and political thought from a Marxist perspective. It does so by dissecting the ambiguities contained within the standard liberal account of the... more
In The Thatcherite Offensive, Alexander Gallas provides a class-centred political analysis of Thatcherism. Drawing upon Greek state theorist Nicos Poulantzas, he challenges both mainstream and critical accounts of British politics in the... more
‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’: teoria elaborata da Massimo Morigi afferente al ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’, al ‘Repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Neo-repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Marxismo’ e al ‘Neo-marxismo’. Pur condividendo la critica di... more
Drawing on Nicos Poulantzas' distinction between "normal" and "exceptional" forms of capitalist state, Putinism is defined as a neoliberal variety of exceptional state regime which constituted (temporarily) a resolution of the profound... more
Devlet projesi kavramı, temsilden ziyade özgün bir yönetimsel rasyonaliteye işaret eden, devletin farklı alanlardaki ve farklı ölçeklerdeki çeşitli eylemlerini tek bir vektörel doğrultuda birleştirmeye çalışan bir tür siyaset etme... more
This work analyzes the practices of the Justice and Developement Party (AKP) government with a special reference to Bob Jessop’s concept of two-nations hegemonic project. Jessop assesses the relationship between the concepts of regime of... more
in hegemonyayı,gelişen stratejik ve süregelen yapısal yönleriyle,toplumun yapısı ile ilgili organizasyonda gerekli bir bileşen olarak gören görüşüne yanıt vermekten gerçek anlamda büyük bir mutluluk duymaktayım.Bu konu üzerine daha... more
The paper provides a theoretical contribution to the multi-level governance debate, discussing the role of the policy instruments in tailoring polities for local development strategies. To this purpose, it examines the Community-Led Local... more
This paper critically engages with State/Space theory by interrogating the soundness of its fundamental assumptions regarding the rescaling of capitalism and by questioning the validity of its proposition about ever-rising spatial... more
Intermediary institutions are a multi-facetted phenomenon which has taken many different forms in the course of social evolution. This is also being testified by the evolutionary trajectories from corporatism through neo-corporatism to... more
‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’: teoria elaborata da Massimo Morigi afferente al ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’, al ‘Repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Neo-repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Marxismo’ e al ‘Neo-marxismo’. Pur condividendo la critica di... more