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This paper investigates the effectiveness of an agent based trading system. The system developed employs a simple genetic algorithm to evolve an optimized trading approach for every agent, with their trading decisions based on a range of... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsAgent Based SimulationCapital Markets
Este livro é um projeto que vem sendo pensado, desenhado e estruturado há algum tempo pelos coordenadores do trabalho. A sua realização requereu o esforço e o apoio de várias frentes no Banco Mundial e no Tesouro Nacional. Os autores,... more
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      Emerging EconomiesCapital MarketsDeveloping CountriesFinancial Markets
Este estudo visa responder a três questões fundamentais relacionadas ao mercado de ativos virtuais brasileiro: (1) Por que e como regular ativos virtuais?; (2) Quais são as áreas de atenção e foco para regulação pelo Direito?; e (3) Quais... more
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      Capital MarketsAnti-money launderingRegulation of financial marketsVirtual Currencies
Este artigo discute dois temas relacionados ao tratamento equitativo dos investidores no mercado de capitais: high frequency trading (HFT) e insider trading. Apresentamos duas definições de HFT e as controvérsias associadas aos serviços... more
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      Capital MarketsHigh frequency tradingInsider TradingProgramação Algoritmos
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      Capital MarketsCivil ProcedureCompany LawBankruptcy Law
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingHistory
Debt-equity ratios do not tend to increase after financial Financing Choices liberaiization, but there is a shift from long-term to short-Evidence firom Emerging Econom.-nies term debt. Globalization has uneven effects fo-firms with
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      BusinessEmerging EconomiesEast AsiaEconomic Theory
This study examined some of the major issues pertaining to mutual funds in India. The excess returns provided by the mutual funds and their market timing ability were statistically evaluated. The influence of organisational factors on the... more
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    • Capital Markets
this paper analyses the relation between hosting mega events (in this paper defined as the Olympic games and the FIFA World cup) and the host nation economic performance
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      EconomicsCapital MarketsSportsInvestment
Montenegro, being a small country, is considered such a market which is characterized by rapid modifications and changes in respect of its business and financial environment. Focusing to create and develop a consolidated financial... more
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      Capital MarketsMontenegro
Debt financing involves borrowing money that would be refunded over a period normally with interest. Secured borrowings involves the borrower allowing the lender an interest in specific assets (fixed charge) or all assets (floating... more
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      FinanceCorporate LawCapital MarketsProject Finance
This Paper, written for the “Globalization of the United States Litigation Model” symposium at Brooklyn Law School (October 21, 2011), inquires on whether emerging capital markets are shifting toward enhanced regulatory intensity in the... more
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      Corporate LawSecurities LawCorporate GovernanceCapital Markets
Capitalism has a considerable capacity to create material wealth and spur technical innovations but this process often comes along with inequality, booms and recessions and recurrent financial crisis. This paper is organised in four... more
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      Capital MarketsCapitalismFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009
Purpose -The paper aims to examine the value relevance of alternative accounting performance measures in Australia. It also documents the relative and incremental value relevance of revenue vis-à -vis earnings and the longitudinal changes... more
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      AccountingCapital MarketsAsset Valuation
This paper used complementary panel data models that are fixed effect regression model and panel vector auto regression model. The study was motivated by the hypothesis that both macroeconomic and microeconomic variables have an effect on... more
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      EconomicsCapital MarketsPortfolio ManagementInvestment Portfolio Management
La desregulación del sistema financiero mundial ha sido culpada por la Gran Recesión que inició en 2008 y no acaba de terminar. Sin embargo hay eras sin regulación alguna o con mucho menor que la pre-crisis sin burbujas ni crisis... more
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      Economic GrowthCapital MarketsCapitalismEconomic depressions
The euro has been in crisis for weeks. Amid market rumors and political trade‐offs, it can be hard to find precise legal bearings. In such situations, the best way to understand the extent and limits of the legal rules is to go back to... more
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      Capital MarketsNeoliberalismFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Global Financial Crisis
In their study "The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of investment" (1958) laureates of Nobel Price Nobel Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller represent what could possibly be the most important theory for the structure... more
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      FinanceCapital MarketsCorporate FinanceLeverage
The present article emphasis on status & rights of LGBT community & its origin in india
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawCorporate LawCapital Markets
Th~s study hypothesizes that because shareholders have a liquidation option, losses are not expected to perpetuate. They are thus less informative than profits about the firm's future prospects. The re~ult~ are cnn.gistent with the... more
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      Capital MarketsApplied EconomicsProfitabilityInformation Content
The global financial crisis and shrinking aid flows have led to decreased availability of long-term debt finance for Least Developed Countries (LDCs), particularly for infrastructure. On the other hand, resource-related foreign direct... more
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      International DevelopmentCapital MarketsDeveloping CountriesResource-rich economies
The economy of Japan is the third largest in the world by nominal GDP, the fourth largest by purchasing power parity and is the world's second largest developed economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, the country's per... more
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      FinanceEconomicsFinancial EconomicsCapital Markets
The Capital Market Service Report - Sept 2014
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      Services Marketing and ManagementCapital Markets
In Digitalized Finance, Edemilson Paraná investigates the relationship between the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the process of financialization of economies on a global scale, particularly in Brazil.... more
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      Economic SociologyInformation TechnologyPolitical EconomyMarxist Economics
Sommario: 1. Il servizio di consulenza finanziaria. - 2. I tratti caratteristici della consulenza in materia di investimenti. - 2.1. La distinzione tra raccomandazioni e semplici informazioni. - 2.2. L'oggetto della raccomandazione:... more
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      Capital MarketsDiritto Dei Mercati FinanziariFinancial lawFinancial Advice
Luca Tres and Adam Robinson discuss IFRS 17 and its earning recognition criteria from a capital markets and insurance practitioner's perspective, and consider the challenges and the opportunities this presents
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      Capital MarketsInsurance and reinsuranceLife InsuranceSolvency II
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      BusinessEconomicsGlobalizationCorporate Governance
In more and more competitive and changing world, comprehend the understanding of internal and external environments of an organisation becomes more important than ever before. To have a fruitful and realistic strategic plan, the... more
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      EntrepreneurshipIndigenous StudiesService QualityCapital Markets
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      Comparative LawCorporate GovernanceLaw and DevelopmentComparative Political Economy
The purposes of this research are to examine the probability of price reversal and intraday trading activity based on market microstructure theory at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This research used purposive-stratified random sampling... more
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      Financial EconomicsMarket MicrostructuresCapital MarketsFinance and banking
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      Capital MarketsFirm GrowthEmpirical evidenceDividends
The free movement of capital – as it is traditionally seen as the fourth freedom, after goods, workers and persons, services and establishment – is a long-standing objective of the European Union, a fundamental freedom at the heart of the... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawCapital MarketsEuropean Union
Basel I, II, III - Kapital - Kreditrisiko/Kreditvergabe

Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) von Heinz Duthel (buch)
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      FinanceBankingCapital MarketsEuropean Union Law
Foreign investment was introduced in 1991 under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). This step was taken to add some source of capital formation in India as other developing economies were already in this practice. As a result inflow... more
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    • Capital Markets
a short research on Mao-era's communist souvenirs(the so-called "Red Collection") consumption upsurge in modern day China.
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      Capital MarketsConsumer CultureCollective MemoryConsumer Research
Aktuell befinden sich, laut Coin Market Cap , Stand 12. Dezember 2018, 2069 Kryptowährungen weltweit im Umlauf; wichtigste und bedeutendste Kryptowährung ist dabei der Bitcoin. Sein Börsenwert (market cap) liegt bei etwa 53 Milliarden... more
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      Capital MarketsFinancial EngineeringCrypto CurrencyGeldtheorie
Rapid price increase in food/agricultural commodities has gained attention after the “Price Spike” in 2007-2008. Again the same trend was observed in 2010 due to which it increases concern about the volatility in commodity prices. This... more
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      EconomicsInternational EconomicsMonetary EconomicsCapital Markets
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      Capital MarketsVenture CapitalInvestment Decision
Notary Public was a public offcial who conducted half of Government’s public function, and had the authority to draw authentic acts and others authorities as regulated in Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Offcial, which was ammended... more
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      LawCorporate LawCapital MarketsNotary Public
Introduction to 'The Handbook of Neoliberalism'.
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      Critical TheoryBusinessMarketingFinance
serde, Türk sermaye piyasasının yeni düzenlemesi olan 6362 sayılı Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu’nun tüm bölümleri ve ilgili tebliğler incelenmiş olup bunlara ek olarak Türk sermaye piyasasının temel göstergeleri dünden bugüne veriler ile... more
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      Capital MarketsBanking and Finance lawTurkish Banking and Financial MarketsInternational Finance Law
It has been a long held hypothesis that Family owned companies are not keen to raise external finance through the capital markets. On the contrary various family owned companies dominate many stock markets in continental Europe and Asia.... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCapital Markets
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      Capital MarketsFinancial Markets And InstitutionInvestment Portfolio Management
Los sistemas de unidades son conjuntos de unidades convenientemente relacionadas entre sí que se utilizan para medir diversas magnitudes (longitud, peso, volumen, etc.). Universalmente se conocen tres sistemas de unidades: mks o sistema
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      Capital MarketsUniversity
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationTourism MarketingCapital Markets
“Multiple Spread Trading” (MST) is the multidimensional evolution of the traditional “Pair Trading”, also known as “Spread Trading”. MST is an investment strategy that does not depend on the market trend. It is based on quantitative... more
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      FinanceArtificial IntelligenceEconomicsCapital Markets
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      Development EconomicsEconomic GeographyCorporate GovernanceEconomic Growth
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      FinanceCapital Markets