Cultural Political Economy
Recent papers in Cultural Political Economy
Introduction If “culture is more and more the business of cities” (Zukin 1995, 2), to what extent do cultural activities become mechanisms for rural economic, social, and educational development? New thinking about the cultural economy... more
In New Views on Pornography: Sexuality, Politics, and Law, eds. Lynn Comella and Shira Tarrant (Praeger, 2015): 125-145
2000년대 이후 한국에서는 저소득층의 ‘금융배제’가 중요한 정책과제로 부상했다. 외환위기 이후 실업과 소득저하에 처한 저소득층이 사금융에 의존하며 과다채무로 고통받자, 정부는 제도권 금융기관에서 배제된 저소득·저신용층에게 ‘금융 접근권’을 보장하는 일련의 ‘금융포용’ 정책을 추진했다. 금융포용 담론은 빈곤과 불평등의 사회문제에 대해 시장을 통한 해결과 개인의 책임성을 강조하는 신자유주의 담론들의 합리성을 반영하고 있다.... more
El presente es el trabajo final del Máster en Gestión de Políticas y Proyectos Culturales de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Es un proyecto para crear un grupo de gestores y artistas del campo cinematográfico que propongan y den seguimiento a... more
I am sharing the introduction and the conclusion of my new book on Disney, Hollywood and cultural capitalism. This book sheds new light on the socio-economic impact of multinational corporations. Combining Cultural Studies and... more
This article discusses the cultural circuits present in the space of “low” Amazon - the more consolidated área, in the region, in terms of their West- ern occupation - with reference to three population groups, here understood as social... more
Considering the law as a social phenomenon intrinsic to political economy is key to engaging the work in this new volume of scholarly articles edited by Professor Poul Kjaer – The Law of Political Economy: Transformation in the Function... more
A number of people have claimed that the ongoing financial crisis has revealed the problems with neoliberal thought and neoliberal policies in the 'Atlantic Heartland'. However, if we look at the history of the 'Heartland' economies then... more
The Cultural Political Economy of the Construction Industry in Turkey analyses the growth of the popularity of the ‘Justice and Development Party’ (official acronym: AK Parti or AKP) of Turkey’s president Erdogan, through the lens of the... more
Seis Sexenios de investigación reconocidos: último : 2010/2016. Firma: El arriba firmante declara que son ciertos los datos que figuran en este currículum, asumiendo en caso contrario las responsabilidades que pudieran derivarse de las... more
The project named "Culture Vivarium" aims to create an "industrial cultural district", i.e. a vibrant aggregating hub of creative and cultural industries (CCIs) using and reusing the cultural heritage of the Campania region to start and... more
This study of Volkswagen’s national claim deals with the anomic dimension of globalization. Using Bourdieu’s and Durkheim’s framework of analysis, it examines the paradoxical promotion of national belonging by a transnational company. It... more
Focusing exclusively on external forces risks producing an over-generalized account of a ubiquitous neoliberalism, which insufficiently accounts for the profusion of local variegations that currently comprise the neoliberal project as a... more
Since the end of the 1980s the development of theories of cultural globaliza- tion, in the Anglo-Saxon academic !eld, has resulted in a deep transformation in the ways of thinking media internationalization. The critical political economy... more
Most funding provided by international, governmental and non-governmental agencies to the non-profit sector is conditional, which implies that the recipient organization should commit to specific objectives and measures as defined with... more
This paper examines the use of the blockchain to create limited editions of digital art with a particular focus on the business models of two companies: Monegraph and Ascribe. For some, blockchain technologies suggest an opportunity for... more
The process of redefining national and ethnic identities often relies on a close relationship between cultural and linguistic traditions, political movements and religious communities. This manuscript seeks to understand how the... more
In historical institutional analysis, critical junctures are rare moments in the development of an institution or a policy. Due to endogenous or exogenous disruptions, during critical junctures there is a substantial increase in the... more
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung spielt in Deutschland seit dem Präventionsgesetz 2015 eine besondere Rolle. Mit diesem wurde nicht nur die Leistungen der verschiedenen Trägerinstitutionen neu strukturiert, sondern auch eine... more
Essay dealing with the consequences and implications of the so-called rise of the creative industries for economy, policy and practice of innovation and society in general. The increasing emphasis on creativity as a prerequisite for both... more
The paper is a critical study of the post-conceptual paths in art and theory, including its post-secular and techno-occult routes. In avant-garde rhetoric, as appropriated by contemporary art, the ideas of social engagement and artistic... more
La música independiente ha tendido a ser indagada casi exclusivamente en su dimensión discográfica, pese a la creciente articulación de negocios editoriales y de espectáculos en vivo mediante los llamados contratos 360º y al crecimiento... more
Many parts of the world have been written off as resistant to development. We may think of most of Africa, parts of Latin America, the Middle East, and a few of the countries in Southeast Asia. Then there is the Pacific, which has shown... more
¿Afronta actualmente el capitalismo el “fin de la naturaleza barata”? Si así es, ¿qué podría significar esto y cuáles con las implicaciones para el futuro? Estamos, de hecho, siendo testigos del fin de la naturaleza barata en un sentido... more
In the last few years the so-called ‘360 deal’, in which record labels receive a portion of income from revenue streams such as merchandising and publishing, have become increasingly common in the recording industry. However, the most... more
Knjiga proučuje neplačano umetniško delo in kulturno politiko v času samoupravnega socializma in na prehodu v obdobje postsocializma. Avtorica razvija argument v treh poglavjih: »Kulturna politika in paradoks neplačanega dela«, »Od... more
Global Cultural Economy critically interrogates the role cultural and creative industries play in societies. By locating these industries in their broader cultural and economic contexts, Christiaan De Beukelaer and Kim-Marie Spence... more
This paper explores the process of building a new literary community of the young Russian-language writers in Kazakhstan starting from the 2000s. As a response to the shortcomings of previous literary infrastructure, writers created new... more
Situated in the south-eastern suburbs of Rome, between the Via Latina and Via Appia antica, the Caffarella valley forms part of the Appia Antica archaeological park. The constitution of a public park that would include the valley began... more
This article reviews an English translation of "First Principles of Islamic Economics" (Leicester: Islamic Foundation, 2011) by Maulana Sayyid Abu’l A‘la Maududi (1903–1979), a foundational document of the field, that was published in... more
Rodríguez Oliva, Lázaro Israel. Economía creativa en América Latina y el Caribe: mediciones y desafíos / Lázaro I. Rodríguez Oliva; coordinación, Alejandra Luzardo. p. cm. — (Nota técnica del BID ; 1488) Incluye referencias... more
The pervasiveness of neoliberalism within the field of human geography is remarkable, especially when we consider its virtual absence from the literature less than a decade ago. While the growing attention afforded to neoliberalism among... more
This work, pioneer in Bolivia in the investigation in the field of the economic theory of the art, analyzes the artists behavior before economic incentives. In this sense, it is proposed a model that explains the differential of laboral... more
O presente trabalho trata de uma proposição para a conceituação de territórios urbanos denominados Polos Criativos, a partir dos princípios da Economia Criativa. Tratamos da questão contemporânea que aplica a criatividade como eixo de... more
Pirates are often described as existing on the margins of the world economy, emerging from the outskirts to disrupt otherwise free capitalist markets. With this narrative in mind, it is not surprising that the pirate remains a marginal... more
This article takes the case of Uber, a global platform specialized in transport technologies, to reappraise the claims of the sharing economy. The case presents a chronology of the struggles over the regulation of these digital markets in... more